things you deserve this 2018:
pure love
a kind heart
genuine happiness
honesty and transparency
good art
clear skin
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this is the mood for 2018
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This is so beautiful wow I absolutely love it
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they say we are asleep until we fall in love. we are children of dust and ashes.
can you believe the great comet won best musical of 2017 (in my heart)???
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someone: hey
me: read six of crows
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Something that's always bothered me is the lack of ANYTHING about robotics. And by robotics I'm talking about the robots that are built and programmed by kids of all ages, not the ones built by professionals. Robotics is a great chance for kids to develop teamwork and problem solving skills. I've been involved in FIRST Robotics for most of my life. They have different difficulty levels for all ages, ranging from K-3rd al the way to 9th-12th. A new challenge is presented for each level each year, and the kids on the teams have to come up with ways to 'solve the challenge' or collect points. The younger kids ones, like FLL and Jr. FLL, usually have a project they have to do along with it, and the older kids ones, FTC and FRC, have more of a community outreach portion. There are local, state, and national competitions. It's really a life changing experience, to work with people you didn't know a few months ago, and to now be at competitions wth them, basically reading each other's minds about what needs to be done. For months the kids work hours and hours, making sure all the pieces fit together and double checking the programs, volunteering around the community for service hours, holding fundraisers, getting sponsors. Often robotics is thought of as a "nerd sport" or a "guys sport", but it's really not. Everyday I see kids going against what's stereotyped for them. I see girls who take control in designing metal pieces for the robot. I see 'popular' kids programming. I was often told by the boys on my teams that they need to explain stuff to me or that their ideas were better without even looking at mine, but I stood up for myself, and they've come to learn to treat the girls the same as the other boys. Overall it's a really eye opening experience, to see how smart these kids are, how much potential they hold. So please, parents, get your kids into robotics. They might not like it, and that's okay. But they might love it, and there they develop all sorts of skills and friendships. Robotics prepares them for adulthood, ranging from giving presentations about the robot to judges, to getting close to mentors that could help them find jobs and be their recommendations on resumes. Robotics is an important activity to acknowledge, and I feel like I don't see enough about it in the media.
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captain Ghafa
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ok let’s talk about six of crows. of the main characters alone there is:
- a physically disabled boy who suffers from severe PTSD - a dark skinned middle eastern-coded girl who was a victim of sex trafficking but escaped and vowed revenge on all sex traffickers - a bisexual-coded girl who is explicitly described as being larger and not stick-thin but is still described as beautiful, sexual, and incredibly powerful - an explicitly bisexual dark skinned POC boy who ends up in a m/m relationship - an explicitly gay boy who is looked down on by his family for severe reading and learning disabilities but who instead becomes and incredible scientist and musician - and matthias
basically please read six of crows & crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo if you want your faith in the future of YA lit restored
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Imagine a group of humans and aliens talking about their home worlds while in the ship’s canteen. One world is covered entirely by water (the crew members from there have to wear special masks to help them absorb the oxygen they need from the air); one is full of rare minerals and littered with what, on any other planet, would be precious stones and one is carpeted with dense vegetation and has the more biodiversity than any other planet.
Once they’ve all finished talking about their own planets, everybody turns to the humans and asks them what Earth is like. They’re only doing it to be polite though. They haven’t heard much about humans (except the usual stories, and only fledglings believe in those) and they can’t really believe that these fleshy bald looking things come from anywhere even remotely as interesting as their own planets.
There’s a pause and then one of the humans speaks up, “well, I come from a part of Earth called ‘England’ and, to be honest, it’s nothing like as cool as your planets sound. It’s alright though. We got some snow last year, so I’m hoping that we’ll have some this year as well when I get back.”
“Snow?” one of the water breathers asks, hissing slightly through their mask, “what’s that?”
“Frozen water that falls from the sky.” The human explains, “it’s really fun to play with. It’s only called snow when it’s soft though— when it’s hard it’s called hail. Nobody likes hail, you can’t do anything with it and it hurts if it hits you. I looked up during a hail storm once,” she adds, “when I was a kid. Huge hailstones and one hit me right in the eye! Hurt like Hell.”
“Is your planet really cold then?” one of the aliens asks, sounding doubtful since nothing has looked less equipped to deal with cold weather than a human.
“No,” she says, “not everywhere. England’s pretty cold, but in the Summer sometimes we get heatwaves. Last year I went out in one and forgot to wear suncream and got sunburn all down my arms.”
“Your planet’s sun… burned you?” a horrified creature asks, “was it painful?”
“Not really, just stung a bit,” she shrugs, “it was fine once the skin started to peel.” (At the back of the crowd that has now amassed around their table a voice says “I didn’t know humans moulted.” and another, horrified sounding voice replies “that’s because they don’t!”) the human continues on regardless. “It was really annoying actually, because it meant I couldn’t go out for a bit without wearing a jacket. Then when my burns had finally healed, I wanted to go to the beach, but when I got there there was this huge thunderstorm and I had to go home again.”
“Thunderstorm?” the word is whispered, mainly because the person asking secretly hopes the human won’t hear them so they won’t have to know.
“It’s when the clouds get all dark and it starts raining,” the human explains and everybody sighs with relief. Most planets have rain. “The clouds make these really loud banging noises,” she continues, “that’s the thunder, and electricity shoots down from the clouds— that’s called lightning. Sometimes people get hit by it, a few people even survive. I once—”
But one of her human friends cuts her off. “God,” he says, “you Brits are so boring, always talking about the weather!”
While she argues with him, the creatures seated around the table stare at them in astonishment and start to give a little more credit to those old stories. Because, though they look pretty harmless, a species would have to be tough to be able to survive on a planet where a person could be pelted with ice, burned by the sun and nearly electrocuted by the sky and then have another person describe those experiences as boring!
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Attack on Titan by Shingeki no Kyojin    
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Armin Arlert Wallpapers ❀
requested by @arminthelittledork
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but what if the eyedrops don’t work, and Thorne gets cyborg eyes?
Thorne randomly zoning out of conversations to check his media hits on the retina display
Thorne installing solitaire and facing off on multiplayer mode against Iko
Thorne badgering Cinder to remove his lie detector because that stupid orange light keeps going off
Cinder grumbling loudly while the rest of the Rampion crew just snickers
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Frolicking lady deer eating the lettuce Or Yes I actually have knees
Reblog with an inside joke you have with your friends.
“Yes, Captain America has LEGS!”
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i think we all forget how awkward Cinder…she’s so freaking awkward and it’s halarious.
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Trust take years to built, seconds to break, and forever to repair.
The Burning Bridge of Hope and Promises by shards-of-darkness (via ourlegendliveson)
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Do you ever
miss someone so much you start fantasizing situations in your head of how you guys would see each other again and then think “that’ll never happen”
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