you really do have to be so deeply religious to think your mind is separated from your body. or that you have a soul and your body is just a vessel and it can be the wrong vessel for said soul.
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really tired of men making fun of women for saying “i’m fine” when they are clearly upset
cause i bet you most of the time they are upset it’s bc of something that is so obvious that it’s insane to her that you don’t recognize what is wrong
i also bet she’s saying she’s fine because trying to bring up any issue to u is like pulling fucking teeth cause yall make fun of women for tryna discuss issues in the first place and joke about it among ur male peers
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omg I’m doing research for one of projects for college, and apparently, girls learn better when they’re in an all girls class, but boys learn even worse when they’re in an all boys class, because all the negative things become even stronger of there are no girls to act as “buffer”
get rid of the boys and let girl learn in peace, i couldn’t care less about them
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cis sapphic: of course i’m trans inclusive
trans sapphic: do you wanna get dinner or a drink some time
cis sapphic: ew no i hate dick
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how liberal men think they can help women's rights:
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how men can actually help women's rights:
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libfems: Yes I am genderfluid on the days that I wear makeup and dresses and my hair is down I am a girl and when I wear jeans and baggy shirts and put my hair up in a beanie I am a boy 
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Men, the "logical" gender: *pressure women to have sex, refuse to use condoms, pressure women into relationships, lie about pulling out, take no responsibility for their sperm, rape women, lie about wanting commitment and to help raise children, jerk off to violent porn for hours, see women as incubators and walking vaginas, abandon their families*
also men: "women are ALLERGIC to accountability!!!1! if you don't want to have your life cease to be about yourself and waiver all bodily autonomy forever and possibly DIE, then just don't have sex, ever! sex is a pro-creative act fundamentally and you're so dumb to ever have sex without accepting those consequences!"
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look at it like this
when a girl gets rejected, she thinks it’s something that she did or did not do, she thinks there’s something wrong with herself that would make a guy not wanna be with her
but when a guy gets rejected, he thinks there’s something wrong with the girl who rejected him, ‘she just wants to date assholes’, ‘she’s a bitch’, so on and so forth
and that’s some bullshit
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when it’s really bad again and it’s still way better than it used to be but it’s still really bad. and you do all the right stuff and you try and try and it still really hurts but it’s working but it still hurts and you go see the beautiful majesty of nature and your soul is so close to being at peace but your mind is still in pain. and it’s better but it’s still bad. and the sun is setting.
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very well adjusted individuals this is not a mental illness
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Girls get made fun of for everything might as well do what you want lol
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everybody ganster until i say that my feminism includes only females because females are the only of the two sexes being historically oppressed. men in dresses are not and never will experience real sexism.
everybody gangster until i say that once we start letting transgender identified males into female spaces (ie: rape shelters, bathrooms, changing rooms, saunas) then soon all males will be welcome, whether they have good intentions or not.
everybody ganster until i have the most lukewarm feminist take on transgenderism that was widely accepted before men found out they could get away with hate crimes against women by pretending to be one of us.
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