justcancerthoughts · 1 year
Since, fundamentally, all physical things are quantized, they are all countable. We can dismiss the less vs fewer confusion by almost always using less.
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justcancerthoughts · 1 year
From a clade perspective (and ONLY a clade perspective) all protestants, are catholics, catholics and orthodox are Christians, and all Christians are Jews.
It is left as an exercise to the reader to sort out how Protestantism breaks down.
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justcancerthoughts · 1 year
It's 30 degrees, the powers out, and the cat really wants to cuddle.
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justcancerthoughts · 1 year
If we were doing an evening of mad science, creating chimera like abominations against nature, but were still very interested in taxonomy, how would we fit them in?
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justcancerthoughts · 1 year
If I could do it all again, I'd never accept a wireless connection for my computer. It cannot be trusted.
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justcancerthoughts · 1 year
The way Americans say asphalt makes me skin crawl, this must be what moist haters feel like.
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justcancerthoughts · 1 year
Planets don't change their orbital direction without an immense quantity of energy. If you're talking planets in retrograde, you're talking geocentrism.
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justcancerthoughts · 1 year
I wish I could teach my cat about mortality, I hate the thought that someday she's going to think I abandoned her forever.
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justcancerthoughts · 1 year
The only use the Oxford comma has is so that headline writers can make jokes that are only funny because they left it out.
The existence of the comma doesn't make anything clearer, it just gives us a chance to talk about the comma.
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