k-rodimus · 9 months
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k-rodimus · 2 years
99 Life Hacks to make your life easier!
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368K notes · View notes
k-rodimus · 2 years
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k-rodimus · 2 years
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k-rodimus · 3 years
not all crackheads have fucked up teeth not all meth heads pick at their face not all heroin addicts have track marks not all potheads are lazy not all pill users rob people not all alcoholics are violent
but we all feel, bleed, cry, smile, the same as you do.
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k-rodimus · 3 years
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k-rodimus · 3 years
Today is the only day ever for the rest of time that you can reblog this
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k-rodimus · 4 years
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These exercises help you to save time, but still benefit from muscle mass. By performing combination exercises you are safely building mass in half the time of a normal workout. Combination exercises are also beneficial for increasing intensity and burning body fat through post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).
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k-rodimus · 4 years
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If you’re going to teach the literal magic of “intelligent design” as if it was “science,” then at least be prepared to go all the way.
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k-rodimus · 4 years
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Yepraksia Gevorgyan, 110
Armenian genocide: survivors recall events 100 years on
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k-rodimus · 4 years
South Jersey
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REBLOG w/ Location 👀 - PHILLY
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k-rodimus · 4 years
Hundreds of Reasons not to be Religious. #39
If I was God, and I created beings with intelligence, I would not expect them to ignore this intelligence and believe in me when there is no direct evidence of my existence. I certainly would not punish people who did not believe the ancient stories by uneducated and superstitious people.
Religion says God created us in his image, which means with intelligence. There is no way this God could ask us to not use the brains that he gave us. So all religions are wrong because of this contradiction.
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k-rodimus · 4 years
What To Do About The Supreme Court?
We find ourselves in a situation where a President who lost the popular vote has now appointed 5 judges on the Supreme Court, one of which under hypocritical circumstances. Now the court overwhelmingly leans to the Right, and many Americans are upset about both the numbers on the court and how it turned out this way. Before I discuss any solutions for this issue, I would like to take a moment to review what the judicial branch was imagined to be. 
In the Federalist Papers, essay 78, Alexander Hamilton argued that the judicial branch would be “an intermediate body between the people and the legislature, in order, among other things, to keep the latter within the limits assigned to their authority.” This has been the role of judicial bodies, just as Hamilton saw it. Hamilton also say the judicial branch as being mostly incapable of harming the liberty of the people, as it has no method of direct attack against either the legislative or executive branches. However, Hamilton specifically said, “so long as the judiciary remains truly distinct from both the legislative and the executive.”
Something to keep in mind is that this essay was written before the adoption of the constitution and long before we would make many amendments. It occurred to me that there are a few things that Hamilton could not have anticipated. The first is that the constitution itself was so incomplete from the start and left out so many citizens that had every right to be counted and protected. Therefore, he could not imagine how would want to change it and how different our values could be in the future. More importantly, Hamilton could not have anticipated the Age of Information, and the technology and education that come with it. It’s not unfair to say that these things have accelerated the progression of knowledge, debate, and societal values. Thirdly, I don’t believe Hamilton could have predicted the extreme partisanship that we live with today. 
All that being said, I believe our levels of partisanship and under maintained democracy have caused serious problems for the judicial branch. The Senate is the body that confirms judges, but due to population growth we have a Senate that does not accurately represent our people. For example, California alone has the same population as several mid-western states combined, yet California gets 2 senators while all those states can produce about 30 for the same population. Due to similar population disparities, our Electoral College has elected a President twice in recent history that lost the popular vote, and it is the President who chooses judges. If the Senate and even the President can so poorly represent the desires of the nation then the judicial branch ceases to be completely separate from the two other branches, because these mathematical inconsistencies only favor the Republican party. If the people who confirm judges are not of an accurate representation of the people, then judges cease to be intermediaries between legislators and the people, but rather they become insurance of the executive and legislative branch. 
So what are we to do in our current situation? Liberals are the only ones unhappy with the current conditions, because they all favor Conservatives. Right now, Democrats are discussing changing the size of the Supreme Court to even it out again. Given that supreme court judges enjoy a lifetime appointment, that would be the only way to immediate address the imbalance. 
I have only a couple things to say about this idea. The size of the court has not been changed in many years, but it is completely arbitrary and up to Congress. Therefore, changing it is not an unthinkable act. Regardless of size, all Americans should think hard about whether such an imbalanced court is democratic, whether it’s in your favor or not. Clearly the way we fill vacancies in the supreme court has nothing to do with fair consideration for the two major parties in America. It is more like a game show where luck is the most important. If the court were completely filled with Liberals, I would feel it would be the best situation morally, but if that happened I would think something is wrong with our system if our politics is supposedly 50/50 and our court doesn’t represent one side at all.
Do I think we should expand the court and place a number of liberals on the bench? Yes, for two reasons. The first is that Republicans have proved they care nothing for fairness with their treatment of Obama’s nominee and their rushed confirmation of Trump’s. Furthermore, Republicans regularly engage in gerrymandering and voter suppression, so I see no integrity in them. Second, Our partisanship has become so radical and the Republicans moved so far Right, that I believe it is a moral imperative to the American people to rebalance the courts and prevent the massive reversal of rights given to the people. Conservatives won’t agree, but I honestly don’t care. 
What is perhaps more important than the immediate size of the courts is the debate about term limits on justices. 
Alexander Hamilton argued for life appointments for the Supreme Court. He believed that giving them that type of independence would give them the power to stand for the constitution, separate from the other branches. He also thought that judges being permanent fixtures for the constitution would bring structure and order. The problem though is that society has never changed as rapidly as it has since the formation of America, especially over the past 100 years. If you look back in history from Hamilton’s perspective, legal and moral improvement has never moved as quickly as in the past 100 years. All the judges we recently lost on the supreme court over the past four years were selected decades ago, while the public has been going through a cultural and moral churning. 
In short, adding term limits to judges, especially the Supreme Court would be advantageous to the American people, while putting a check on legislators. That’s just how Hamilton imagined the court, as a power to protect the people from the overreaches of legislation. A reasonable term limit might be from 16 to 20 years. This is still a long time, but having a known end to someone’s duty should inspire hope in the people that a change is always just over the horizon. This would ensure that outdated and regressive ideas do not loom over our society at the highest level. 
Term limits are not a radical or new idea. The idea has been kicked around for years. It would be very easy to implement and would not drastically affect the way the court functions. I think this is the best long term solution to improve conditions for America. 
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k-rodimus · 5 years
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k-rodimus · 5 years
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k-rodimus · 5 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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k-rodimus · 5 years
Cheating slut
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