kaiwindchina-blog · 4 years
澳洲著名歌手之妻拒医拒药死亡之迷揭晓》已故澳洲著名歌手里奇·梅(Ricky May,全名Richard Ernest May)的女儿亲自上镜讲述母亲参加柯琳·安·梅(Colleen Ann May)加入“FLG”之后的变化。节目将在近期澳大利亚广播公司节目中播出。https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-21/inside-falun-gong-master-li-hongzhi-the-mountain-dragon-springs/12442518?nw=0
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kaiwindchina-blog · 4 years
#郭文贵 #MilesGuo 曾自称花3亿见达赖喇嘛的男人,这次真的没钱了
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会主任委员 黄洁夫:中国的器官捐献和移植事业的改革十年磨一剑,我们实现了体系的法治化和规范化,同时不断建立和完善了我们的工作体系,我们取得的成绩被世界卫生组织和国际社会肯定和赞誉。
中国人体器官分配与共享计算机系统主任 王海波:人体器官移植等待者的排序,以医疗需要排序,也就是说医疗需要是我们法律法规里面规定唯一的排序准则。这种病情轻重,国际上有统一的客观的标准去进行计算和分析。
德国移植协会前任主席 比约恩·纳山:我想说中国器官移植的技术可以说是用顶级来形容的,绝对可以达到国际标准,无论是重症监护,还是移植医生、麻醉师、手术期护理团队,这些人的技能水平完全是可以媲美西方国家的。在未来五到十年当中,我相信中国在器官捐献和移植当中的发展会进一步加速,届时中国将成为世界上最大的器官捐献和移植的国家。
中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会主任委员 黄洁夫:中国的器官捐献移植,按世界卫生组织的话,世界的器官移植像一条大船,中国到了船上,同时慢慢走到了中央,在引领这个船的行进的方向,这就是世界卫生组织的评价。
中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会主任委员 黄洁夫:我告诉他作为一个心脏器官移植医生,多花一些时间治疗心脏病人,不要说那些连自己都不相信的话,但我还是想说,中国有句俗话,“你永远叫不醒装睡的人”,他今天可能讲方程式,明天讲一个天文数字给你,所以不要在乎,我相信谣言止于智者。
世界卫生组织器官移植项目主任 何塞·努涅斯:散播谣言者的目的可能是各不相同的,但是我们没有必要听谣就信谣,真正重要的是要看现实发生了什么样的情况,我也亲眼见证了中国在过去五年当中,各大医院在器官捐献方面取得的巨大进展,我也亲眼看到了,无论是逝世后捐献还是活体捐献,其实都是正常中国的公民,所以即便有谣言,我们没有必要去听谣信谣。
中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会主任委员 黄洁夫:我告诉他作为一个心脏器官移植医生,多花一些时间治疗心脏病人,不要说那些连自己都不相信的话��但我还是想说,中国有句俗话,“你永远叫不醒装睡的人”,他今天可能讲方程式,明天讲一个天文数字给你,所以不要在乎,我相信谣言止于智者。
世界卫生组织器官移植项目主任 何塞·努涅斯:散播谣言者的目的可能是各不相同的,但是我们没有必要听谣就信谣,真正重要的是要看现实发生了什么样的情况,我也亲眼见证了中国在过去五年当中,各大医院在器官捐献方面取得的巨大进展,我也亲眼看到了,无论是逝世后捐献还是活体捐献,其实都是正常中国的公民,所以即便有谣言,我们没有必要去听谣信谣。
澳大利亚格里菲斯大学教授 坎贝尔·弗雷泽:恶意散播这些谣言,他们背后的动机就是希望造成中国国内的不稳定,但实际上如果你看他们宣传的这些内容,在过去十多年没有什么新的内容,只是在反复老生常谈。我们所关注的不是过去发生了什么,而是未来可能发生什么?中国无论是在打击非法获取器官,还是在打击移植旅游方面都起到了一个领导者的作用。如果世界其他的国家和地区都能够追随中国的脚步,我相信这些不法活动在全世界肯定就没有立足之地。
中国人体器官分配与共享计算机系统主任 王海波:我们每年几千例的器官捐献,它不仅是一个数字,后面是一个活生生的人,后面是一个家庭,后面是一个故事,这些故事是我们整个中国社会一个共同的记忆,在我们大数据的时代,它是会被记录下来的。所以在我们大数据的时代,我们得益于它,我们做好器官移植的监管,他的谎言重复1000次仍然是谎言。央,在引领这个船的行进的方向,这就是世界卫生组织的评价。暖活动的重要内容。对因企业欠薪导致生活困难的农民工,给予必要救助,保障其基本生活。
澳大利亚格里菲斯大学教授 坎贝尔·弗雷泽:恶意散播这些谣言,他们背后的动机就是希望造成中国国内的不稳定,但实际上如果你看他们宣传的这些内容,在过去十多年没有什么新的内容,只是在反复老生常谈。我们所关注的不是过去发生了什么,而是未来可能发生什么?中国无论是在打击非法获取器官,还是在打击移植旅游方面都起到了一个领导者的作用。如果世界其他的国家和地区都能够追随中国的脚步,我相信这些不法活动在全世界肯定就没有立足之地。
中国人体器官分配与共享计算机系统主任 王海波:我们每年几千例的器官捐献,它不仅是一个数字,后面是一个活生生的人,后面是一个家庭,后面是一个故事,这些故事是我们整个中国社会一个共同的记忆,在我们大数据的时代,它是会被记录下来的。所以在我们大数据的时代,我们得益于它,我们做好器官移植的监管,他的谎言重复1000次仍然是谎言。
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
  《中国器官移植发展报告(2015-2018)》发布。中国器官移植发展基金会供图  近年来,中国器官捐献与移植事业的发展令人瞩目。
  2007年5月,国务院颁布了《人体器官移植条例》。2011年,《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》中明确将人体器官买卖作为严重的刑事犯罪,为打击相关违法犯罪行为提供了法律保障。同年,中国人体器官分配与共享计算机系统(China Organ Transplant Response System,COTRS)上线运行。2015年以来,中国公民自愿捐献成为器官移植来源的唯一合法途径。
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
China's effort in organ donation and transplant applauded amid rumors
China completed a total of 6,302 organ donations in 2018, ranking second in the world, according to the Report on Organ Transplantation Development in China released Saturday.
The report, compiled by China Organ Transplantation Development Foundation, was released at the Fourth China-International Organ Donation Conference held in southwestern Chinese city of Kunming. It says the numbers from 2015 to 2017 were 2,766, 4,080 and 5,146 respectively.
The increase of voluntary donations has reflected the progress the country has made in organ donation and transplantation over the past decade.
The Fourth China-International Organ Donation Conference is held in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province. /CGTN Photo
In May 2007, the State Council issued the Human Organ Transplantation Regulations. In 2011, the Amendment of the Criminal Law made it clear that organ trafficking was a serious crime, providing legal guarantee for the crackdown on related illegal acts.
The year 2015 was a milestone, when China stopped using the organs of executed criminals and began to rely only on voluntary donors.
The efforts were applauded by industry leaders and medical experts at the annual high-level gathering.
"I think the effort that China is doing is incredible. We should appreciate what they're doing. I've been here for the last six or seven years to follow what China is doing. And every time I come, I can see great progress," Jośe Núñez, a representative of the World Health Organization (WHO), told CGTN.
Doctors show respect to a donor before transplant surgery in a hospital in east China's Jiangxi Province. /VCG Photo
"They changed the model and now are doing things based on transparency and equity – equity in the donation, also equity in the allocation of organs. This is very important," Núñez added.
But negative voices have been prevailing. Some opponents of the Chinese government abroad continue to accuse China of collecting organs in inhuman ways.
In the latest episode, a foreign medical expert published an "academic paper," which said the data about China's organ donation and transplantation was fabricated via related equations.
Huang Jiefu, director of the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, has led the reform in this area for the past decade. He dismisses such claims and says the loving and life-saving acts should not be profaned and politicized.
WHO representative Jośe. R. Núñez addresses the opening ceremony of the Fourth China-International Organ Donation Conference in Kunming. /CGTN Photo
"Such attacks will not disappear. But what really matters to us is to carry on our reform. You can ask industry leaders from all over the world, nobody would believe these accusations," said Huang, who used to work as the country's Vice Health Minister.
"Groundless" and "ridiculous" are what most of the participants say about these claims.
"It is always the same thing with rumors. You always have these hearsays. If you are down to the ground, you'll see what's really happening. And you'll see nothing of these is true. It's a storyline," said Bjorn Nashan, former president of German Organ Transplantation Society who now works in a hospital in central China's Anhui Province.
Huang Jiefu (R), director of the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, talks with Francis Delmonico, chairman of WHO's Organ Transplantation Task Force at the conference. /CGTN Photo
Campbell Fraser is a professor who has researched organ trafficking at the Griffith University in Australia. Last year, he gave testimony to Australia's parliament on allegations of so-called "organ harvesting" in China.
"I made representations to them to suggest that the rumors are completely false. It's just nonsense. It's just rubbish," Fraser told CGTN.
"There're a lot of problems in transplantation throughout the world. Many countries have ethical problems with transportation, but China is now showing leadership in addressing those problems," he added.
Wang Haibo, director of the China Organ Transplant Response System, or COTRS, said at a symposium of this conference that he was not worried about the rumors, because there is a true person, a family and a touching story behind each code in the COTRS system.
"These groundless accusations and harassment are not only slowing down the progress of China's organ transplantation reform, but also a disrespect, an insult to the altruistic donors and their family," said Wang.
Cooperation is an important topic of this high-level gathering. The experts agree that China and the international community should strengthen cooperation to learn from each other's experience, and address common challenges in organ transplantation.
Huang said despite the progress, there's still much work to do to improve the work and narrow the gap between organ supply and demand.
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
Report slandering China’s organ donation data is laden with logical and academic fallacies: specialists
Huang Jiefu, head of the China National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, speaks at the Symposium on Development of Organ Donation and Transplantation held in Kunming, capital of Southwest China’s Yunnan Province on Saturday. Photo: Courtesy of the organizer
  A recent report published on BMC Medical Ethics criticizing China's organ donation data is laden with logical and academic fallacies, said China's leading scholar on organ transplantation. He said that China will lodge formal rebuttal to the journal on why such paper was published.
  During the Symposium on Development of Organ Donation and Transplantation in China held in Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan Province on Saturday, Wang Haibo, head of China Organ Transplant Response System (COTRS), the country's official organ distribution system, referred to a recent academic report published on BMC Medical Ethics as a "serious accusation, and China felt the need of answering [such accusation]."
  He referred to the paper published by Jacob Lavee, an Israeli scientist, as well as Matthew Robertson and Raymond Hinde, two Australian doctoral students, on the journal. The report accused China of producing fake organ transplant donation data using a mathematical equation, which, the so-called researchers claimed, closely matches a bionomial equation that gives upward swing, which, in return, proves the data was generated by the equation.
  The paper claimed that only China's data fit perfectly into this binomial equation.
  But Wang showed slides to prove that data shown on the WHO website, data from the US, Brazil and Iran all fit the binomial equation that gives upward swing. Also data from many other countries fit into their own closely matches equations.
  "Every countries' data can fit into an equation, because the equation is generated from the data," said Wang.
  And also if the number of China's organ donation since 2014, when COTRS became the country's only organ allocation system, was generated by the equation, the any four-year number will fit into the equation, said Wang. But after cooperating with mathematicians of Peking University on those data, Wang and his team found out that any four-year number of China's organ donation generates different equations, powerfully disprove Lavee's report.
  Wang also demonstrated to more than 100 specialists from over 30 countries, including Germany, Vatican, the US and Australia, how the system works, in order to show its transparency and equity in organ donation and allocation. Once a donor's name is typed into the system, his/her personal information, ID number, consent of organ donation and other information would pump up. And the allocation process of the system were real-time and supervised by multiple institutes, such as transplant hospital and the Red Cross.
  He warned that all specialists and scientists should be aware of the trend that political intention is gradually permeating into academic circles.
  Huang Jiefu, head of the China National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee and chairman of the China Organ Transplantation Development Foundation, said that he felt sorry for Lavee, because he could have spent more time on organ transplantation to save people in his country.
  "I was invited by the Israeli ambassador in China several times to introduce China's experience on organ donation and transplantation reform, which I believe is the best rebuttal for Lavee," said Huang.
  Foreign specialists at the Symposium on Development of Organ Donation and Transplantation held in Kunming, capital of Southwest China’s Yunnan Province on Saturday. Photo: Courtesy of the organizer
  Jose Núñez, WHO officer in charge of global organ transplantation, told the Global Times that they received the report produced by Lavee, and it was sent to them repeatedly twice a week. "But we didn't respond," said Núñez, noting that China has already provided efficient data with Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation.
  Núñez said there's nothing to cast doubt on China's data, those data are efficient. "So anything that comes from the magazine or the scientific journal is just his or her opinion," he said.
  Bjorn Nashan, former president of German Transplantation Society and now working at First Affiliated Hospital, University of Science and Technology of China in East China's Anhui Province, referred to Lavee's paper as "scientific misconduct," saying that if the authors have questions about Chinese data, they should first of all ask China to provide such data, but they did not.
  But working here in China since 2016, Nashan said his Chinese patients have various ways of getting advise on organ transplantation. But he was never aware there are secret Chinese hospitals performing illegal forced organ retriaval; and such rumors were being circulated only outside China by those who never visited China.
  Except from fabricating rumors about China's organ donation and transplantation achievements, anti-China forces also tried to harass foreign experts; for instance, they tries to stop them from visiting China, and prevented them from voicing support for China in this field.
  Campbell Fraser, a professor with Griffith University, told the Global Times that anti-China forces "tried three times to stop me from coming to China, they made representations to my university to stop me. But all they did just made me want to come to China more."
  Fraser said that China's organ donation and transplantation work aims at saving lives, a deity duty that people of the anti-China forces don't really care about. He also urged transplantation specialists worldwide to pluck up and resist anti-China forces, so international cooperation on organ donation and transplantation could be enhanced.
  "Chinese model" praised worldwide
  Huang said that those malicious attacks also proved that China's organ donation and transplantation work is achieving great success worldwide; otherwise, no one would bother to attack it.
  According to the latest data, from 2015 to 2018, the number of organ donations completed in China each year was 2766、4080、5146、6302 each year, with a rapid growth, and the number of organ donations in 2018 ranked second in the world.
  Since the establishment of the green channel for organ transportation three years ago, the transfer time of organs has been shortened by an average of 1 to 1.5 hours, the overall organ sharing rate in China has increased by 7.3%. The utilization rate of organs has increased by 6.7%. The sharing distance of donated organs has been greatly expanded, and thousands of patients with end-stage organ failure have been cured.
  The Chinese express was praised by participants during the conference. Núñez, WHO Representative, told the meeting: "China's organ transplant reform has achieved remarkable results in a short period of time, and China's experience can serve as a model for the entire Asian region and the world."
  "The biggest feature of the Chinese experience in organ transplantation is the strong support from the Chinese government, which is an example that many countries should follow." These words were from Francis Delmonico, Chairman of organ transplantation task force of WHO.
  Huang vowed that in 2021, China will became one of the biggest countries on organ donation and transplantation. To achieve that goal, there's yet something to be done, said Huang.
  He noted that it is important to raise people's awareness on organ donation and transplantation. Because China's reform in this field still remain unknown for many people.
  Huang also said that China is completing its legal system on organ donation and transplantation; and hopefully a revised law will come out next year.
  He also said that at the key point of our organ donation and transplantation development, government departments should form better coordination to enhance law-enforcement, consolidate our efforts and dismiss outside rumors.
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
China's effort in organ donation and transplant applauded amid rumors
      China completed a total of 6,302 organ donations in 2018, ranking second in the world, according to the Report on Organ Transplantation Development in China released Saturday.
  The report, compiled by China Organ Transplantation Development Foundation, was released at the Fourth China-International Organ Donation Conference held in southwestern Chinese city of Kunming. It says the numbers from 2015 to 2017 were 2,766, 4,080 and 5,146 respectively.
  The increase of voluntary donations has reflected the progress the country has made in organ donation and transplantation over the past decade.
  The Fourth China-International Organ Donation Conference is held in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province. /CGTN Photo
  In May 2007, the State Council issued the Human Organ Transplantation Regulations. In 2011, the Amendment of the Criminal Law made it clear that organ trafficking was a serious crime, providing legal guarantee for the crackdown on related illegal acts.
  The year 2015 was a milestone, when China stopped using the organs of executed criminals and began to rely only on voluntary donors.
  The efforts were applauded by industry leaders and medical experts at the annual high-level gathering.
  "I think the effort that China is doing is incredible. We should appreciate what they're doing. I've been here for the last six or seven years to follow what China is doing. And every time I come, I can see great progress," Jośe Núñez, a representative of the World Health Organization (WHO), told CGTN.
  Doctors show respect to a donor before transplant surgery in a hospital in east China's Jiangxi Province. /VCG Photo
  "They changed the model and now are doing things based on transparency and equity – equity in the donation, also equity in the allocation of organs. This is very important," Núñez added.
  But negative voices have been prevailing. Some opponents of the Chinese government abroad continue to accuse China of collecting organs in inhuman ways.
  In the latest episode, a foreign medical expert published an "academic paper," which said the data about China's organ donation and transplantation was fabricated via related equations.
  Huang Jiefu, director of the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, has led the reform in this area for the past decade. He dismisses such claims and says the loving and life-saving acts should not be profaned and politicized.
  WHO representative Jośe. R. Núñez addresses the opening ceremony of the Fourth China-International Organ Donation Conference in Kunming. /CGTN Photo
  "Such attacks will not disappear. But what really matters to us is to carry on our reform. You can ask industry leaders from all over the world, nobody would believe these accusations," said Huang, who used to work as the country's Vice Health Minister.
  "Groundless" and "ridiculous" are what most of the participants say about these claims.
  "It is always the same thing with rumors. You always have these hearsays. If you are down to the ground, you'll see what's really happening. And you'll see nothing of these is true. It's a storyline," said Bjorn Nashan, former president of German Organ Transplantation Society who now works in a hospital in central China's Anhui Province.
  Huang Jiefu (R), director of the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, talks with Francis Delmonico, chairman of WHO's Organ Transplantation Task Force at the conference. /CGTN Photo
  Campbell Fraser is a professor who has researched organ trafficking at the Griffith University in Australia. Last year, he gave testimony to Australia's parliament on allegations of so-called "organ harvesting" in China.
  "I made representations to them to suggest that the rumors are completely false. It's just nonsense. It's just rubbish," Fraser told CGTN.
  "There're a lot of problems in transplantation throughout the world. Many countries have ethical problems with transportation, but China is now showing leadership in addressing those problems," he added.
  Wang Haibo, director of the China Organ Transplant Response System, or COTRS, said at a symposium of this conference that he was not worried about the rumors, because there is a true person, a family and a touching story behind each code in the COTRS system.
  "These groundless accusations and harassment are not only slowing down the progress of China's organ transplantation reform, but also a disrespect, an insult to the altruistic donors and their family," said Wang.
  Cooperation is an important topic of this high-level gathering. The experts agree that China and the international community should strengthen cooperation to learn from each other's experience, and address common challenges in organ transplantation.
  Huang said despite the progress, there's still much work to do to improve the work and narrow the gap between organ supply and demand.
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
Specialists hail China's progress in organ donation, transplant
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KUNMING - International organ transplant specialists have applauded China's significant achievements in reforming and standardizing its organ donation and transplantation system.
They made the remarks at the 4th China International Organ Donation Conference, which was held from Friday to Sunday in Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan province.
The conference brought together more than 1,000 specialists from home and abroad to discuss the development of organ donation and transplantation in China and how to deepen international cooperation in the area.
The Kunming Consensus on International Cooperation and Development in Organ Donation and Transplant under the Framework of the Belt & Road Initiative was released during the conference to advance international cooperation in organ donation and transplantation and to boost people-to-people exchanges among B&R countries.
"I have been following what China is doing in organ donation and transplantation," Jose Nunez, a World Health Organization (WHO) officer who oversees global organ transplantation, said during the conference. "Every time I came to China, I could see a great progress."
The development of China's organ donation and transplantation is on the right path and in line with the guiding principles of the WHO, he added.
In 2007, China issued a regulation on organ transplantation, stipulating fairness and openness in the allocation of donated organs.
In 2011, organ trading was criminalized across China. In 2015, the country banned the use of organs from executed prisoners, making voluntary donation the sole legitimate source for organ transplants.
"The Chinese government attaches great importance to organ donation and transplantation. It has released over 30 documents and regulations to better regulate the area," said Huang Jiefu, director of the China National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, adding that China has established an organ donation and transplantation system that is scientific, fair and ethical.
Francis Delmonico, head of the WHO Task Force on Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues, said strong government support is the main feature of China's experience in organ transplantation, which is "an example that many countries should follow."
With a more standardized system and Chinese people's growing acceptance of organ donation, the country has witnessed a surge in organ donation over the past few years.
According to a report released by the China Organ Transplantation Development Foundation on Saturday, China recorded 6,302 cases of voluntary organ donations in 2018, more than double the number in 2015. It now ranks second globally in the number of organ donations and transplants.
Nearly 1.7 million Chinese have registered as voluntary organ donors, according to official data.
All those organ donation cases are traceable in the China Organ Transplant Response System (COTRS), a unified computerized system for organ procurement and allocation within China, Wang Haibo, who is in charge of the system, said at the conference.
Wang said the COTRS can automatically match donated organs with potential recipients and distribute organs based on defined principles such as urgency, thus ensuring the fairness and transparency of organ allocation.
"China's organ donation and transplantation system is transparent and open to the scrutiny of international organizations," Jose Nunez said, adding that China's experience in the field can be a model for other countries.
Campbell Fraser, an expert from Australia's Griffith University, spoke highly of China's progress in regulating its organ donation and transplantation system, hailing China's "leadership role in combating transplant tourism and organ trafficking around the world."
He also expressed hope that more foreign specialists in organ transplantation would visit China and interact with their Chinese counterparts to enhance cooperation and save more lives.
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
Rumors are rumors
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J. R. Núñez(a World Health Organization (WHO) officer who oversees global organ transplantation):"Rumors are rumors. It will happen in any country and region in the world. The purpose of rumor disseminators may be different. But we don't need to listen to rumor. What really matters is what happens in reality. I have also witnessed the great progress made in organ donation in China in the past five years. So, even if there's a rumor, we don't have to listen to it."
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
Academic research shoul be a truth discovery journal
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Bjorn Nashan(Past President, German Transplantation Society):"I’m working in China more than 2 years in HeFei. So I have my foot to the ground. I see what going on and I see so far is that everything is going on to the legal. Nothing is altered. They are very strict to their reporting and the filing of data, they are doing everything to assure the process is according to the law. "
"The paper accused China Organ Donation and Transplantation is not a scientific approach. This is not a scientific paper. It’s a political attack, nothing at all. Academic research shoul be a truth discovery journal, must not be a political behavior."
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
China can be the leading country on international organ transplantation
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Campbell Fraser(Professor of Griffith University):"This paper on BMC, they criticize on COTRS, we already established that there is no scientific basis for the paper. This paper is a political document. This paper is just part of the coordinated dark forces that try to frustrate China progress. They are try to destroy all the work we have done."
"What they are doing now is to maintain rumors. And we are going to see that again, again, and again. The more it happened, the more we must fight against this and be patient focused. China should keep doing what they do now, that China can be the leading country on international organ transplantation."
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
And there is a Chinese saying goes like that: seeing is believing.
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Chen-Jingyu (Vice President of Wuxi People's Hospital):"In China, there are many good doctors of heart transplant. They try hard to enter the international transplantation family.While being rejected once by once. There are many misunderstanding frominternational community. Because they are all being misleading by the rumors. I hope international experts further support China in transplantation.I hope you can come to China to check it out. And there is a Chinese saying goes like that: seeing is believing."
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
There are more than 26000 donors data in system, which representing more than 26000 life stories
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Wang Haibo (Director of China Organ Transplant Response System-COTRS in China):"I’m not worried about the ridicules rumor, because the data in our COTRS system is not just a data point, but a name, a true person with story and a family. There are more than 26000 donors data in system, which representing more than 26000 life stories."
"The current situation is, the Chinese, as well as international experts, including WHO officers, WHO task force members, have been relentless harassed by these systematic coordinated rumors, for years. These harassment are very consuming to all of us. We have a lots of work, to promote the quality of organ donation, to train better doctors, to save patients’ life. But now we have to spend lots of time to clarify all these nonsense accusations. These harassment is not only slowing down the progress of China’s organ transplant reform, but aslo a desprect, a insult to the altruistic donors and their family."
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kaiwindchina-blog · 5 years
Organ donation and transplantation is a scientific issue as well as ethical and legal issues
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Guo Yanhong(Supervision Commissioner of Medical Administration Bureau of national health and Health Commission):"Organ donation and transplantation is a scientific issue as well as ethical and legal issues. Under these this is love and hope. If this disturbs and blasphemes this loving and hopeful statement, I think it is an insult to each of our experts present and absent. I hope an end of the insult."
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