kaleiphant · 7 months
I'm trying to see something
Below the cut, I have included two passages depicting the same scene (Vidcund Curious, having an apocalyptic premonition). One was written by me (the quality may be questionable) and the other was written by Chat GPT. I want to know if people can tell which is which.
Basically, I want to know if I write too much like an AI.
I'll even put a cute little poll on the post.
Passage One
In the dead of night, as the moon cast its ghostly glow upon the sleeping town of Strangetown, Vidcund Curious found himself ensnared in the clutches of a haunting vision—a premonition of darkness that seized him in the depths of his troubled sleep.
In his dream, Vidcund stood upon a precipice, teetering on the edge of the abyss as shadows danced around him. Before him lay Circe Beaker's laboratory, a place of horrors where unspeakable experiments unfolded in the dead of night. With a heavy heart and a sense of foreboding, Vidcund stepped into the darkness, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the night.
As he ventured deeper into the heart of the laboratory, Vidcund's worst fears were realized—a nightmare that unfolded before him with a clarity that sent shivers down his spine. Circe stood at the center of the room, her eyes gleaming with malice as she subjected Nervous Subject and Loki Beaker to unspeakable torture.
Nervous's cries pierced the silence, his features contorted in pain as Circe's cruel experiments wracked his body with agony. Beside him, Loki endured the torment with a quiet dignity, his eyes betraying the fear and despair that gnawed at his soul.
With growing horror, Vidcund watched as Circe's twisted machinations threatened to tear their world apart—a dark prophecy of doom that loomed over them like a shadow. In that moment, the weight of the darkness pressed down upon him, suffocating him with despair and dread.
With a sudden jolt, Vidcund awoke from his nightmare, his heart pounding in his chest as he gasped for air. Sweat beaded upon his brow as he struggled to shake off the remnants of the dream that lingered like a ghost in the recesses of his mind.
Beside him, Pascal and Lazlo stirred from their slumber, their eyes filled with concern as they rushed to his side. "Vidcund, what's wrong?" Pascal's voice was laced with worry, his hand reaching out to grasp his brother's trembling shoulder.
"It was…a vision," Vidcund whispered hoarsely, his voice trembling with emotion. "Circe…she's torturing Nervous and Loki. We have to stop her before it's too late."
As Pascal and Lazlo enveloped him in a comforting embrace, Vidcund felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume them. With his brothers by his side, he knew they would face the shadows together, united in their quest to save Nervous and Loki.
Passage Two
Vidcund’s visions had become a little less mundane and a lot more frightening.
It started off peacefully enough. He was looking down on the dusty roads of Strangetown as if he were floating among the clouds. Only, he was a lot closer to the ground than the clouds. The blue sky was lightly blanketed by a few cottony clouds, which softened the sun’s usually harsh rays.
All of a sudden, the skies darkened and reddened. The clouds grew thicker and darker. The sun took its leave.
Vidcund found himself now on the ground, staring at the red streets. “That’s funny. I don’t think the soil in Strangetown contains red clay,” he thought.
Upon closer inspection, he slowly came to the realization that the roads’ reddish hue had nothing to do with the soil content.
Vidcund backed away in horror but froze when he heard an explosion behind him. He spun around to see.
He was standing in front of 1 Tesla Court, the residence of the Beaker family. The castle of a home looked even darker and less inviting than usual. Not a single light in the house was on, but the inhabitants were neither absent nor asleep. Vidcund could see a willowy, dark-haired male figure haunting the upper levels. The apparition was silent yet piercing shrieks of agony rang from every orifice of the house, courtesy of the other male inhabitant.
Vidcund’s eyes traveled up the castle and Circe was standing at the very top, a malicious grin on her face.
Vidcund tried to scream, but no sound came out.
Then she started laughing. Cackling, really. Her red hair was blown upwards by a scorching gust of wind, the strands likening themselves to flames. The fire seemed to radiate from every pore, rendering her usually tanned skin and light brown eyes a fiery red-orange. The flames spread from her body, swallowing the rest of the house.
A huge ringed planet about the size of the Beaker castle hurled itself in Vidcund’s direction. Vidcund ran for dear life as the planet met the Earth.
“Vidcund, wake up!”
Vidcund bolted upright in bed. Beads of sweat plastered his pale blond bangs to his forehead. He snapped his head around, trying to get his bearings.
He was in his darkened bedroom, in the real world. The sky was a lovely shade of midnight blue, with stars sprinkling the heavens. Pascal and Lazlo stood on either side of his bed, giving him very concerned looks.
“Are you okay?” I got up to get a snack and you were screaming in your sleep,” Lazlo said.
Vidcund only clutched the blanket, his violet eyes glazing over, his usually brown face turning pale. He didn’t appear to have heard Lazlo.
Pascal put a hand on Vidcund’s shoulder. “It’s only a dream, Vid. You’re safe now.”
Vidcund shook his head, his eyes glazing over. “No. None of us are safe,” he whispered. Pascal sat down and pulled him closer.
“Did you have one of your visions again?” Lazlo asked, his gold-brown eyes sparking with excitement.
Pascal shot Lazlo a hard look. “Lazlo, Vidcund’s nightmares are no laughing matter. He could’ve Seen something really disturbing.”
“I didn’t say I was glad he woke up screaming. I’m just curious to hear what he saw.”
Pascal dropped his glare as he felt his shoulder become wet. Vidcund had begun to sob quietly.
“Hey, don’t cry. What’s wrong?” pascal said gently, putting his arms around Vidcund. Pascal was starting to get worried. Vidcund hardly ever cried, not even when he found their mother’s dead body after breaking up with Circe when he was a teen. But now here he was, his small body racked by the uncontrollable sobs. “It’s okay, it was only a nightmare.”
Vidcund shook his head through the tears. “No. It was a vision and it was horrible.”
Pascal moved his hands to Vidcund’s shoulders. “What did you See?”
Vidcund sniffled. “I Saw Strangetown. Everything was perfectly fine at first, but…” he trailed off, trying in vain to calm his nerves. “The streets filled with blood, and everyone was dying. Then I went to the Beakers’ house…” He shuddered. “Nervous was like a zombie and Loki was being tortured and…” He couldn’t bring himself to say her name. “She was causing it all.” He continued to cry softly.
“She? You mean Circe?” Lazlo asked.
Vidcund nodded. “And the worst part was I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I know this sounds like just a nightmare, but I can tell the difference between a dream and a vision and this was definitely the latter.”
Pascal stared into Vidcund’s eyes. He wanted so badly to believe this was all an awful dream, to take the scientific route and chalk it up to a manifestation of Vidcund’s bad memories with Circe. But deep down, he knew Vidcund was correct.
Whatever terrible fate would befall Strangetown would most likely come soon. They could never tell exactly how far in advance Vidcund’s visions were. Tomorrow, they’d have to pay a visit to Olive Specter, the local sorceress.
They had no time to lose.
Should I be concerned?
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kaleiphant · 7 months
they don't even have to be glam rock bishie bois
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KSK Pretty Boy Outfit Collection
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kaleiphant · 7 months
I can't let this hide in the tags:
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image description: Pregnant Loki Beaker poses, wearing naught but a fig leaf to preserve his modesty, in front of a grey stone wall and a gold candle sconce. Text in a font that would not be out of place at a Renaissance Faire spells out a limerick that reads:
A Sim from Aurora Skies Had a manhole betwixt his thighs. He docked his cock Beneath his bollocks And his egg sacs were fertilized.
Smaller text at Loki's shoulder height reads, "Grab them man titties."
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kaleiphant · 7 months
explain yourself
Sometimes after a long day of work, you just need to stay up to ungodly hours of the night/morning and shitpost.
You understand, right?
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kaleiphant · 7 months
Hi! Huge fan of your sims stories, I often reread your entire livejournal. Do you think you'll ever get back to writing sims fanfics?
Again, apologies for answering so late.
I'm trying to get back to writing Simfic (and other fic). Real life stuff got in the way. I can't make any promises, though.
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kaleiphant · 7 months
Vicund cleaning while wearing fishnets and heels is the best thing ever. ok.
oh gods it's from 2015 I'm so bad at this
Thank you anon and I'm so sorry I'm bad at answering asks.
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kaleiphant · 7 months
I forgot I even made this.
I found this video, It's from 2011. It's someone singing to the tune of "Let's Bake a Cake" by lazytown and it's about the Beaker household.
It's fucking wonderful. I love it. It's just
I love it.
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kaleiphant · 7 months
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If you can't handle him at his Reaper....
Can you handle the Subject‽
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ḁ̶̧͖̞͚͈̾̌̋̌̚͝͠r̶̦͖͕̯͚̲̺͈̭̫͍̞̓͋̊̔̐͑͒͆̅͝ẽ̸̢̮̦̹̬̗̒̌̈́̀̽̑͝ͅͅ ̴̛̛̯͓̻̰̍͗̿̂̽̈͘y̴̧̡̢͇͙͇̥̹̰̬̖͇̘̫̝͓͌̍̌ͅő̸̡̡̨̫̖̺̠̘̭͆̇͋̀̏̉͜͠ủ̸̧͎̻͎̟̭̙̯̺̪͍̟̀̌ ̶̨̜̯̣̆̏ṇ̴̰̲̳̽́̈́̆̕ê̷̜̼͇̖̮̘̭͚̬̯̎̈́̐̐̌͝ŗ̶̳͎̫͓̮͉̗́͂̆̇̀̍͆ͅv̴̗̣̬̘̮̭̹̦̖̳̻̉ͅo̶̩͇̖̥̬̦͎̻͔̭̲͖̊̊͆̀̆͑̿̒̂̚u̷̧̼͕͒͊̌s̷̩̬̖̞̙͎͇͇̝̽̓̓̍̍̾̔̅̈́̎͝ ̶̡̺͈̰͚̟͇̔̑y̶̧̖̩̹̝͇̹̖̼̓̾̇͆̉̂́̇͂ͅë̸̯́̈́̿͐͋͊̑͑ţ̶̲̩̮̹͔̜͖̗͈̬̥̮̞̖͖̣͊
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kaleiphant · 7 months
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Butterfly meme: Is this cundposting?
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kaleiphant · 7 months
Strangetown the Musical: Emo 80s Edition
What time is it? Filk o'clock (or oh-filk-hundred hours if you live in the Grunt household).
This one gets really dark with Nervous reflecting on his living situation and Loki reflecting on his and Circe's failing marriage.
Content warning: This includes: musings on human experimentation (and thoughts of death) from Nervous; rumination on domestic violence from Loki (and mention of Circe beating Loki); contemplation of revenge from both Nervous and Loki.
Go to Hell (to the tune of "Live to Tell" by Madonna)
Nervous: Trapped in a stony hole, I question if I’ve even got a soul. I guess it’s just my lot in life My only friends are mildew, pain, and strife.
A Sim can only take so much Before his heartache swells. Must I go to hell And back all through this plot? Why not Count the days until I’m free?
(Musical interlude while Circe and Loki perform a short choreographed dance in which Circe pushes Loki around and hits him a few times. He breaks away from her and takes refuge in the dark lab.)
Loki: I’m nothing to her now. I might as well break every single vow. The Sim that I once idolized Became a demon right before my eyes.
A Sim can only take so much Before his anger swells… She can go to hell Before I join her plot. Why not Tell her where to shove her schemes?
Nervous (melody) and Loki (harmony): Revenge would not be hard to try… And if I plan it well, She’ll go to hell; The blood would stain my hands. But still…. Would they really understand?
Nervous (smirking madly): If I were found out, No jury would convict somebody like me. Loki: I’d be condemned; And doomed to Cell Block Three.
Nervous: But I wouldn’t dream Of taking a Sim’s life.
Loki: I can’t kill my wife!
Nervous: How could I plot…
Loki: Murder is not…
Both (Nervous singing melody, Loki singing harmony): The way I should go.
(musical interlude while Nervous and Loki perform a short interpretive dance together in the darkened lab.)
Both (Loki singing melody, Nervous singing harmony): The two of us can take so much. We hide our suffering well. We can go to hell and back; You’d never know. And so… We’re living a great lie.
Revenge has often crossed our minds. Each day we are compelled To endure the hell of living in this house…
(They part.)
Loki: Although…
Nervous: It all makes me want to die…
This musical would give everyone mood whiplash if it played anywhere.
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kaleiphant · 8 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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kaleiphant · 8 months
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I decided to remake Loki Beaker in the Sims 4 and play around with him a little.
I think he's just as pretty as he is in Sims 2 (the PC version; that guy from the PSP game doesn't even have those glorious eyebrows #notmyloki).
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kaleiphant · 9 months
More Sims 2 filk: Grunt Edition
Another filk song, this time focusing on the situation at the Grunt house.
This is setting General Buzz Grunt up as one of the villains, as he's very xenophobic in this song (to a disturbing degree; it gets dark in the second verse), not to mention his terrible treatment of Ripp and, although he doesn't quite realize it, Tank.
I think I was going to make him and Circe either team up as the villains or fight each other at the end and make a complete mess of Strangetown.
I’ll Make You A Real Man (to the tune of “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga)
Ripp’s not a real man!
I am so a real man!
Make your muscles raw.
My word is the law.
Grunt boys, run, run, run
Give me fourteen laps. (2x)
The weekend training—it isn’t a breeze;
General Grunt can never ever be pleased.
Get in the mud!
Mud! Mud! Mud!
Crawl in the mud!
Don’t cry to mama, don’t throw up your hands.
You’ll need your strength for everything I’ve got planned.
You’re such a dud!
Crud, crud, crud!
Think I see blood!
Buzz (spoken):
You have to have it.
Every good man needs it.
Some tough loving makes a strong man.
I’ll give you lovin’ with the back of my hand
Discipline makes you a real man. 
(Oh oh oh oh oh…)
Now tuck your t-shirt into your underpants
Discipline makes you a real man.
I’ll make you a man.
Ripp’s not a real man!
Make your muscles raw.
My word is the law.
Grunt boys, run, run, run
Give me fourteen laps.
(this bit is to the tune of a verse from “Poker Face”)
Buzz (through a megaphone):
We’re gonna rumble like they do in Spartan Greece.
Parry, marry weapons, defiance is mutiny. (You maggot!)
It’s all a chess game when we charge onto the scene.
And privates, if they’re green, they got bad genes; they are unclean.
We’re gonna plot, bring down the whole lot.
Just take a shot, is that all you got?
(Back to the tune of “Bad Romance”)
Why can’t adrenaline pour out of my glands?
Why can’t I prove I’m a real man?
(Oh oh oh oh oh)
Why doesn’t anybody understand
I’m a very mortal, real man?
Can’t you be more like Tank?
Cannot have a son who’s lazy! (this line is to the tune of the last line of the chorus of “Judas”)
Make your muscles raw.
My word is the law.
Grunt boys, run, run, run
Give me fourteen laps. (2x)
March, march, don’t be lazy.
Don’t back down or tell me maybe. (3x)
March, march, don’t be lazy.
About face!
Driving me crazy.
We’re out for blood, we’re not here to make friends.
The greens will pay, we shall have our revenge!
Carpe diem, carpe noctum, Veni
Vidi, vici; we’re not here to make friends.
Listen to my commands.
Get your ass to the sands!
Give me fourteen laps!
Give me fourteen laps!
I’d prove myself if he’d just give me a chance;
Can’t he see that I’m a real man?
You keep retreating when you ought to advance!
Grow a pair and be a real man!
Oh-woah-woah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, (Buzz: Give me another lap!)
Ripp’s not a real man. (Buzz: Give me another lap!)
Oh-woah-woah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, (Buzz: Give me another lap!)
Can’t you be more like Tank?
Make your muscles raw.
My word is the law.
Grunt boys, run, run, run
Give me fourteen laps.
Yeah, I don't know how I was going to resolve Buzz's story. I basically wrote him as a genocidal wanna-be war criminal. I was way out of my depth.
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kaleiphant · 9 months
And then a planet-sized cosmic horror of a space shark labeled "the lore my unconscious mind throws at me after I fall asleep" devours all.
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kaleiphant · 9 months
Random Strangetown Headcanons
Olive Specter used to do blood magic, sort of like the Valyrians, only without the dragons and definitely without the inbreeding. Her husbands were members of a cult and asked her to sacrifice them to their favored deity (I haven't yet decided which one this is; it might be another incarnation of the Watcher). She had fun with this for a while, but she began to have second thoughts a while after Nervous got taken away by the Social Worker. Then she had a redemption arc during which the Grim Reaper helped her with any negative feelings she might have had over her past actions.
I've also changed my mind about some of the heights of some of Sims I tend to play a lot:
Jenny Smith: 5' 8"
Pascal Curious: 6' 0
Vidcund Curious: 5' 7"
Lazlo Curious: 5' 10"
Loki Beaker: 5' 10"
Erin Beaker: 6' 1"
Circe Beaker: 5'10"
Nervous Subject: 5' 11"
Olive Specter: 5' 8"
Buzz Grunt: 6' 0
The heights aren't really all that important, I guess, since Sims are all the same height if they're in the same life stage.
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kaleiphant · 10 months
In which Pascal and Vidcund try to sell Lazlo on the joys of alien abduction
Posting filk once more.
Wanna be Abducted (to the tune of "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls)
Vidcund (shocked):
Don’t tell me you don’t want what the knowledge Sims want!
Pascal (equally shocked):
I don’t think he wants to be an alien savant!
I’ll tell you what we need, of the knowledge Sims’ creed.
So tell him what we need, what we really, really need!
I need a, I need a, I need a, I need a
I need a really, really, really need to get a-probed, ohhh! (crotch thrust)
You can keep your spaceships, your astronomy class.
‘Cause I don’t need LGM up in my ass.
Call me crazy, call me a fool.
Just don’t tell me all this is in our gene pool.
I’ll tell you what we need, of the knowledge Sims’ creed.
So tell him what we need, what we really, really need!
I need a, I need a, I need a, I need a
I need to really, really, really need to get a-probed, ohhh!
I don’t gotta be abducted to be a knowledge Sim.
It’s enough that I like Star Trek and watch Invader Zim!
I don’t gotta be abducted to be a Curious.
I descend from weirdos; isn’t that enough?
Well, I don’t now about that; they seemed normal to me.
They were possessing of all their faculties.
Of course you’d say that; you’re batshit, too.
It skipped a generation and turned up in you!
I’ll tell you what you need to make your life complete!
Riding in a spaceship can’t be beat!
You need a, you need a, you need a, you need a,
You need to really, really, really take a look at the stars.
I don’t gotta be abducted to be a knowledge Sim.
Dad was just obsessive and I can’t be like him!
Do I need to be abducted? I bet I know what’s in store.
I’ve seen all the movies; I bet I’ll just be bored.
Vidcund (rapping):
Well, we’re around to break it down:
The flyest knowledge Sims in all Strangetown!
Pascal (half singing, half rapping):
Green lights in your face as they strap you into place;
You can hear that they’re near and it’s like you’re
Floating off the bed, wondering if your dead, 
Fuzzy feeling in your head.
Sounds great! I can’t wait!
(Lazlo looks horribly disturbed.)
Pascal and Vidcund (singing):
Aim it at Mars and surely you’ll go far.
Aim it at Mars and surely you’ll go far.
Pascal and Vidcund:
If you wanna be abducted, you gotta look at the stars.
If you’re really desperate, just point it straight at Mars!
If you’re gonna be abducted by a UFO,
Looking through a telescope is the way to go!
If you’re gonna be abducted….
Pascal (spoken):
You gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta…
Lazlo (hitting head on telescope): 
Damn, damn, damn, damn….
Pascal (singing): 
Aim it at Mars and surely you’ll go far.
Pascal and Vidcund:
Aim it at Mars and surely you’ll go far.
Pascal and Vidcund:
Aim it at Mars and surely you’ll go far.
You can keep your stars and your telescope off.
(Short musical break.)
Pascal and Vidcund:
Don’t you wanna be abducted?
The cringe is intentional. Really, it was.
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kaleiphant · 10 months
Another entry in the Strangetown filk diaries
I wrote a few (filk?) songs about Strangetown. Here is another one.
The Day (to the tune of "Mbube"/"The Lion Sleeps Tonight"/"Wimoweh," particularly the Ladysmith Black Mambazo version with The Mint Juleps)
Ghosts of the Specter Graveyard:
In the day, in the day, we decay if we lay
In the day, in the day, we’ll fade, fade away.
In the day, in the day, we decay if we lay
In the day, in the day, we’ll fade, fade away.
We dislike the day.
We dislike the day.
(The ghosts continue to sing this in the background.)
In the graveyard, the musky graveyard,
The coffins are shut tight.
In the graveyard, the dusky graveyard,
The spirits roam the night.
Weeee-ee-ee-ee, we don’t like the day.
Weeee-ee-ee-ee, we don’t like the day.
Grim Reaper:
In the basement, beneath the casement,
The Dark Prince sleeps in fright.
If the spirits would hear our lyrics,
They’d rise and roam the night.
Weeee-ee-ee-ee, we don’t like the day.
Weeee-ee-ee-ee, we don’t like the day.
Hush, dear Nervous, and hear these verses.
I think of you each night.
You’re not worthless, you have a purpose.
It’s going to be all right.
Weeee-ee-ee-ee, we don’t like the day.
Weeee-ee-ee-ee, we don’t like the day.
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