kalorienarme · 1 year
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Thank you for listening to sunkissed!! Soft summer vibes forever ✨✨
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kalorienarme · 1 year
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Today is the last day to get a Bloom Book! Thank you so much for all the love and support so far :)
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kalorienarme · 1 year
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Tropical Carrot Turmeric Smoothie (Raw Vegan)
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kalorienarme · 1 year
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Fudgy Raw Vegan Brownies with Chocolate Avocado Frosting
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kalorienarme · 1 year
How to Nourish Yourself on Your Holistic Leveling Up Journey (pt. 4) ✨🤤🥭
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The topic this time is goop-/mucus-forming foods: What are they and what do they do exactly?
Physical nourishment of the body is one of the best paths for holistic development, spiritual growth, and self-love. And I love it as well for helping anyone develop deeper awareness of their body's self-healing abilities and the beauty of the natural world. This is precisely why I recommend it for everyone's holistic leveling up journey.* Very few people in the world have a connection with their food that brings harmony to Life. Many do not realize the avoidable sadness & misfortunes of our existences as a result. This is due in part because:
Typically, people are not taught how to assess their internal health in any meaningful way. Many only know to rely on overly superficial means like weight or muscle, which can destroy self-confidence and a healthy relationship with (even nourishing) food. And so, it's not normally until a problem develops in full-force that we can get medical technologies/intervention to provide insight or diagnosis. It is absolutely no coincidence that digestive disorders & dysfunctions are growing more typical, since the awareness of this body system is one of the best barometers of health. People correctly like to state that the gut is the second brain. Gut health must be considered in the picture of health. It's unbelievable that some health practitioners will still say that what people eat does not matter much.
Nutrient absorption & elimination are the aspects of digestion that we neglect to consider. Only what is eaten is considered by many, but this is too incomplete. This is because we lack a basic mental picture of how the digestive system works (we have an out of sight, out of mind approach). The most simplified, yet effective way to picture the digestive system is as a long "tube" (mouth to anus) which is subjected to warm, wet conditions. Bonus: It helps us to understand why and how microbial life (eg. the gut microbiome) reside in union with us. A comparative environment can be thought of as a pot of body temperature warm water (or hotter)...since this is a familiar context in which we observe food.
Notice that, after cooking, some foods are difficult to wash and scrub away from the pot. Such things have difficulty eliminating cleanly from your digestive organs as well. Residues are left behind, which congest us intracellularly, prevent effective nutrient absorption, and even constipate us. Last time, I called foods that do this "goop-forming" (Arnold Ehret called them "mucus-forming," but many people misunderstand that he means goopy residue from foods, and not necessarily the lymphatic discharge generated by the body). Foods don't contribute to optimal health if they form this goop inside us.
Last time, I also shared Ehret's idea that obstruction/constipation is the basis of all illness & imbalance. And we're learning now that the obstruction is created primarily by goop-/mucus-forming foods.
So, which food items are the goop-/mucus-forming? (As you read through the list, remember to picture, or even observe in real life, what the residues of each of these foods, once cooked, are like on cookware & dishware. Keep in mind too what microbes they would attract, i.e. what kinds of microbes your GI tract would support)
Animal-derived ingredients such as meat, dairy, eggs: They have no fiber and they are pus-forming. It's not a good combination (I explain more later).
Starches, gluten, beans, pseudo grains, and grains: Think of the residue that porridges leave behind. And consider that a rice was a key ingredient for the adhesives of China's sturdy building projects like the Great Wall of China**. It doesn't leave the body speedily.
Nuts, seeds, oils, and oily fruits (like avocado & olives): Grease is notoriously annoying to clean...and who feels nourished by a greasy meal? It clearly lingers inside and taxes the body.
Starchy fruits & vegetables like unripe, uncooked bananas & plantains, as well as raw, uncooked squashes & tubers: Fortunately, they are toxic or pretty undesirable to eat in this way anyways. Their slimy quality can be obvious upon boiling them in these states.
Wait, maybe we should ask what is not goop-/mucus-forming?
Fruits (which have a low fat & starch content. That mostly excludes only avocado, durian, olives, and unripe bananas & plantains): If you ever made a jam, syrup, or stew from fruit, you may recall that the pot was basically cleaned just by rinsing. It's clear also as they don't cause a heavy feeling or sluggish digestion.
Non-starchy vegetables (fresh, sautéed, or baked) - eg. leafy greens, celery, tomatoes, zucchini, etc: They eliminate well, especially because of their fibrous quality which allows easy movement through the GI tract.
Steamed or baked starchy fruits & vegetables (eg. underripe banana, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin): The starch converts into simpler sugars (like most fruits & vegetables) after light cooking, causing them to eliminate pretty cleanly.
What did you mean by "pus-forming"?
Pus is a term for a particular goop/mucus formed from animal tissue (so that includes dairy too). It's gross but we know that animals start rotting immediately after death. The decomposition and cooking processes both cause release of certain secretions from their damaged & decaying cells (= pus) that are a major contributor to factors such as "juiciness" (meat), gelatinous texture (jello, pudding, cheese, bone broth), creamy milkiness (dairy chocolates, whipped cream, icecream), etc. In the human GI tract, they form an especially dense and putrid form of goop***. Since animal-derived ingredients have zero fiber, their decaying goop struggles to exit the digestive system cleanly. The connection can be made as in 2015 when the World Health Organization (due to multiple scientific findings) linked consumption of red & processed meats with increased risk of various diseases, such as colon cancer; eating lots of red & processed meats is considered "masculine" by society, and likewise men have a significantly greater rate of colon cancer. Also, eliminating dairy (+ increasing fibrous plants) is often enough for people to observe sinus issues & acne stop, reduce, and even clear up. Health, spiritual/religious, artistic, and eco-conscious perspectives through the ages have recommended that animal-derived ingredients are reduced, if not eliminated, to some degree from one's diet. All these perspectives recognize the law of cause-and-effect (karma); the body can not entirely bypass the effects of what it consumes. Arnold Ehret, too, analysed that the pus-forming foods were the most dangerous of all mucus-forming foods.
How can you know what exactly is mucus-forming?
Those foods will not be eliminated from the GI tract without issue. They create acidic (highly corrosive/reactive) conditions. It is seen as you digest/eliminate them, by: the need to wipe a lot after a bowel movement, heartburn, acid reflux, mucus-y cough, nausea, acne, rashes, significant gas/burping, fatigue after a meal, offensive body odors, headaches, vomiting, constipation, difficult and unsatisfactory sleep, moodiness, painful cramps, arthritic flare ups...you get the picture: the food material poses issues as it evacuates the body****. These are only a fraction of the initial symptoms that unsuitable foods create for us. On the other hand, goop-less/mucus-free foods will cause a good level of energy, easy & regular toilet visits, radiant skin, effortless weight management, etc. Now that starvation crises are virtually impossible for humanity, with worldwide crops & global trade, we need to stop eating as if survival is at stake. We each deserve to thrive and heal from the trauma of those days.
Does that mean we need to stop eating goop-/mucus-forming foods altogether?
No one should stop eating them overnight, once and for all. Only the very ill may need to rush the process for rejuvenation purposes. Such a sudden switch in eating plan will create an entirely different internal environment from a chemical standpoint. So, many reactions take place, which can eventually manifest as life-threatening dangers or be too heavy an undertaking emotionally. A mind, body, and spirit alignment is needed (Most people don't realize that this is the key to affect lifestyle changes long-term). For generations, our food items have accustomed our bodies to fairly encumbered conditions. Still, the unsuitable, goop-forming foods continue to hurt us.
Same logic as the following: If you feed a lamb mostly from your dinner table, their health will be compromised. They can eat it and maybe even get some nourishment, but should they? If after generations, the sheep species found a way to sustain themselves from our contemporary meals, don't you think they would be worse off than if they ate their natural food?
The human lifespan has been able to improve due to medical knowledge on how to sustain an already ill person. But "health span" struggles, and so the prospect of getting old on a typical person's lifestyle (epigenetic influences) looks more debilitating and depressing with time. Senility and extreme deterioration is not our natural fate. Slow expiration like that is not exhibited in nature. It's sick that we now believe that life is naturally a progression towards becoming fragile, zombie raisins as the years pass.
If/when your mind, body, and spirit are ready to return to our ideal foods completely (it can take decades; we must be patient), that is when you should do so.
This is not a diet!!! Cheating, restricting, failing, and deprivation are not a thing in this. Those are unhealthy mindsets and perpetuate an unnatural approach to nourishment. This is about the development & restoration of physical, mental, and spiritual vibrancy as a lifestyle.
Until then, we move in that direction without a punishment mindset. One by one, we reach a point where interest in eating a goop-forming food item is thoroughly lost. The reason for this is we reduce obstructions to the body & restore our natural sensitivities (eg. Some people these days strangely need coffee to go to bed. There are many clear dysfunctions & early signs of disease like this that we don't tend to bat an eye at. However, on this lifestyle, many eventually grow disinterested in goop-forming food items and even addictive substances like coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, recreational drugs, etc. They feel entirely too tough on the body to delight in anymore). Even if we never come to eliminate all goop-forming foods entirely, increased energy, a vibrant glow, loss of brain fog, peaceful demeanor, restoration from health issues, spiritual awakening, etc. can still be experienced if the methods are properly followed. (Remember, this system came from Arnold Ehret's experience in restoring himself & thousands from diseases thought to be incurable, even to this day). The constipation and obstruction of goop-forming foods create internal turmoil on a physical and micro-level, which contributes incredibly to the turmoil that takes place on the mental, emotional, spiritual, and macro-levels. We are mistaken that everyday reality has to be so tragic.
Creating a new reality for yourself and an enhanced impact on your environment is possible if you adopt this system for lifestyle transformation.
*Many of my explanations for nourishing via food are greatly informed by Arnold Ehret's book The Mucusless Diet Healing System (I prefer the edition annotated by Prof. Spira). He was a man who understood the power of food as medicine. I use his ideas in particular because he devised a gradual, intuitive way to transition anyone towards a way of eating that enables to their physical, mental, and spiritual circumstances to flourish. It aligned so well with the methods I had already devised. And it has been so well tested, and was originally made on & for the "incurably ill." It is a must read for others on the holistic leveling up journey, especially if you are reading this series. It's a system, not a diet, so it can't be comprehended in totality until the book is read.
**"Using sticky rice as a construction ingredient was one of the greatest innovations of the Ming dynasty, helping their structures (including tombs and pagodas as well) survive earthquakes and the elements, researchers said." (source)
***Proof of the obstructions I described are graphic and nauseating. But I can provide them for any inquisitive individuals who ask.
****This is evidence of your self-healing mechanisms in action. Side effects like nausea intend to deter you from eating any more, so the body can focus energy on eliminating whatever foreign/harmful substances were consumed. Substances are introduced internally to the body via eating, drinking, application to skin, inhaling, etc. So, do note that it's not only unsuitable foods which can cause effects like this.
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stay tuned for part 5: an explanation on the basic methodology for transitioning away from goop-/mucus-forming foods (major blockages to vibrant, holistic health).
May all beings be blissful 💚
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kalorienarme · 1 year
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Haylee Morice on Instagram
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resilience is not sustainable we are not supposed to endure life we are supposed to live it
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Who else adds Apple Cider Vinegar to nearly everything they cook?
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sakura dishes
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kalorienarme · 1 year
How to Nourish Yourself on Your Holistic Leveling Up Journey (Food Edition pt. 3) ✨🤤🥭
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This segment seeks to address how important - or unimportant - it is to eat from all food groups (fruits, veggies, grains, dairy, meat, etc).
In order to answer this, I need to underline how something being 'nutritious' does not mean that it is good for the body 😲 Theoretically, I could point out many things as 'nutrient sources.' A wooden chair (high fiber). A nail (iron). A human tooth (calcium & phosphorus). A shark liver (protein, iron, vitamin B12, copper + all the toxins that the shark was in the process of metabolizing out).
So, just because something gets ingested, it is not necessarily assimilated and bio-available. This is a flaw in our current understanding of nourishing ourselves. Remember what I said about crisis events and how animals can come to eat things as long as they are not deadly toxic (or otherwise, go extinct)? One example of this can be found with fish. We know, for example, that shellfish can be dangerous to a developing fetus due to mercury poisoning, the law of bioaccumulation, and the polluted state of our waters. So, pregnant women are advised against eating certain types. It's clear that fish can pose some heavy metal poisoning, but not enough to kill, and still it is recommended to eat regularly. Will we soon look back at this as on par with the ignorance of medical prescriptions for cigarettes* and the original Coca Cola*? Was fish just something we needed to survive during a time of crisis? How much are things like this getting in the way of us thriving today?
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti
We already established that eating is a spiritual experience, nourishing more than just the physical manifestations of our bodies. Remember what I said about assessing a nourishing food vs. deadening food? That is an example of the law of cause-and-effect (karma) in action. Often, revitalizing foods seem expensive and unalluring to the palate of most people today (I will give tips on how to re-adjust your palate in the future). But once the devitalizing foods lead you to several hospital visits, a mind too foggy to enjoy life, a slew of prescriptions, insecurities that only luxury makeup & high-end clothing can nearly mask, problematic circumstances & people (attracted due to lower-vibrational lifestyle), and lonely & senile in your final years, the revitalizing foods are obviously a beautiful deal and gift from nature. We have just learned to harm ourselves and dissociate the negative which comes from accepting low-quality nourishment. However, those with disordered eating habits clearly exhibit the troublesome relationship with food in the human psyche.
Why exactly do many foods devitalize the body?
We are not very thoughtful about how each food digests. So, we think that all these food groups are necessary. I actually find some food groups entirely unnecessary (for example, dairy).
Instead of preaching at you, I will encourage you to experiment yourself - keep reading this series, read/look at the material I recommend, and attentively observe the effects of each food you eat. I only encourage you to ever follow what holds true for your body.
Some food items cause goop, and leave sticky residues in our digestive tract. On the other hand, revitalizing foods digest smoothly. Sticky residues in the digestive tract lead to issues with nutrient absorption (material can not diffuse efficiency through the intestinal membranes), general digestion issues, lymphatic congestion, skin issues, inflammation, compromised organ function, etc. In essence, devitalizing food items can be seen as the main cause for all imbalances (you can connect the dots and see how they relate to other issues like brain fog, unrealized spiritual talents, suppressed emotions, addiction/constant need for stimulation, lack of spiritual dimension to life, mental burnout, etc). The internal environment of the body begins to resemble clogged pipes and becomes the perfect space for weak versions of cells to proliferate (see: epigenetics) & support a strange mix of microbes. This generally lies out of our sight, so our minds do not even begin to comprehend how to deeply honor our bodies with physical nourishment and the depth of link between the gut, solar plexus, and brain.
How can we be more intentional with our foods, clean up our inner terrains, still find enjoyment with our foods, and enable the self-healing mechanisms of our bodies to keep our bodies in amazing shape?
Luckily, Professor Arnold Ehret noticed this phenomenon of devitalizing, "goop producing" foods around the turn of the 20th century, but a lot of his information was suppressed in the US as the pharmaceutical industry began to grow (his ideas were shared well in Germany, his native country however). It began with him finding a way to reverse his incurable and deadly case of nephritis/kidney inflammation (then, known as Bright's Disease). He then helped thousands more with other "incurable" illnesses and opened a sanatorium to do so. His system for physical, mental, and spiritual rejuvenation, as he says, are fortunately preserved in The Mucusless Diet Healing System (I talked a bit about the book here). Even if you feel you are decently healthy, you will have a new idea of what healthy is if you practice his system — I can vouch for that myself. I intuitively was creating a system like this for my own life and patients, but I am so fortunate to find a system which is so effective, non-dogmatic, simple, free of diet culture mindsets, affordable, and can work with even the most unhealthy of eaters (I will share more about the system as this series continues, but the system is a complete lifestyle and the book was a course textbook. The book must be read to understand the system in full. You may risk your health if you don't. I recommend the annotated edition by Professor Spira, since he clarified the original text for 21st century readers to practice the MDHS at home. He also added insights from personally practicing the system, talking with others who practiced for decades, and researching extensively about Arnold Ehret, nutritional theories, marketing propaganda, etc. And btw, this video of his is great if you want a bit more of an overview to the system until my next post and you're done reading the book).
*It was normalized and even recommended for pregnant women to use cigarettes to assuage their pregnancy jitters. Cigarettes were all-around marketed as an everyday pleasure to "help your disposition." (source)
*"Pemberton originally touted his drink as a tonic for most common ailments, basing it on cocaine from the coca leaf and caffeine-rich extracts of the kola nut." (source)
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stay tuned for part 4: what are the unsatisfactory goop-forming foods (Arnold Ehret calls them "mucus-forming foods")? how can we prove that they form obstructions to our health?
May all beings be blissful 💚
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