kate-kaleido-blog · 4 years
Villaneve Fanfic Master List
With season three done, and the long wait for season 4, here are some fics to help pass the time.
Imagine Me and You (and Our Parents) in which Eve and Villanelle’s parents are getting married, forcing them to be entirely awkward with the unresolved chemistry between themselves. It’s basically the set up for a romcom. 
Love Language (fluent in your) a medical drama! Long but worth the read. 
Confessions, a one shot that takes place after the season finale. Definitely something I wished had happened in the show but oh well. Maybe in season four it’ll happen? 
Different for us is a slight au that features Eve as a forensic psychologist whose tasked with dealing with Villanelle and her shenanigans. Excellent world building and pacing in the story. Feels like reading an actual book. 
Professional boundaries is what I consider a classic Villaneve fic. It picks up from the season one ending and is a must read just because it’s fun.
Down, Down under the earth goes another lover, featuring a cat and mouse game where it’s more cat and cat. A lot of good plot twists so I won’t mention them, but it’s a good read and the way the author gets inside their minds and characterizes them is an art of it’s own. 
Step in front of a runaway train, another story where Eve is sent to kinda rehabilitate an in prison Villanelle. Except this story is about ten times darker and features Eve yelling at a boar, sweating in Florida heat, and dreaming about Villanelle (except maybe it wasn’t a dream?) This whole story feels like a prelude to a fever dream in the best way possible. 
In darkness she beckons, in which Eve has premonitions about murders, which leads her directly into the path of Villanelle. Only a few chapters out, but it’s very interesting and shows lots of promise. 
The Unconventional Bodyguard, only a couple chapters are out so far, but it looks to have great promise for comedy and for awkward situations to happen that will lead to them falling in love. 
Cuba, a funny fic about Eve, Villanelle, Konstantin, and Irina going to Cuba. This will brighten your day. 
Beep Beep, a one chapter fic about Villanelle being a dick to Eve when she loses her car, in the most funny fashion ever. It all leads to love, though. 
Quid Pro Quo, a lawyer!Villanelle fic, in which she helps Eve divorce from her husband and in the process they fall in love. It’s a cute fic, with plenty of action. Makes me think of the movie Legally Blonde, if it was ten times gayer. 
Love at First Swipe, a Tinder AU. Eve thinks she’s being catfished but she’s not, and it leads to an interesting turn of events. 
Straightforward, Eve wants to cut her hair; Villanelle totally does not freak out about it. Honestly, a cute and in character one shot. 
The Wrong Kind of Almost, Eve sees Villanelle working at MI6, but that can’t be true, right? No one else notices it, so it simply can’t be true. Right? Right????
Issues (We’ve got the Kind of Love to Solve Them) is a ten part series. It is an adventure and definitely worth the read. It will make you feel so many things. 
Not a Chance in Hell, is an assassin vs. assassin story. Eve calls Villanelle puppy. If that’s not reason enough to read, then I don’t know what is. 
The heat of the moment, a story where Eve is a trainer and Villanelle is her trainee. It’s a really good, fast paced story. The fights are detailed and will have you rooting for Villanelle to win so she can advance in her career. 
Love to the Point of Invention, a kinda sci-fi story where Villanelle is an android that Eve falls for. Haven’t seen this AU type yet in this fandom, so it’s a refreshing read from all the other ones. 
Only by dark is a great idea of what season two could have been like and it’s pretty good.The original characters are amazing and I wish the author of this could have written the actual season two. Another Villaneve classic. 
#Bringdownthe12 is a one shot in a very interesting and fun format. it details all of the seasons together and is a good refresher for plot details. 
Season 3: The Scripts basically an imagining of what season three could have been like in script format. It’s really good and honestly fills in more blanks than the actually season three did, while also maintaining a story about Villanelle’s past. The writers of the show should have taken some cues from this. 
Infancy the baby fic you didn’t know you needed. Seriously, it’s really cute and will have you in your feels. 
Manie Sans Delire another amazing fic. This one, post season 2. And still, filling in the gaps way better than the actual season three did. 
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kate-kaleido-blog · 4 years
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drawing fan art for my own tweet? it’s more likely than you’d think
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kate-kaleido-blog · 4 years
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Sandra Oh doing her first live on Instagram.
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kate-kaleido-blog · 4 years
Killing Eve S3, E8: “Are You Leading or Am I?”  Follow the Misleader.
To be a fan of Killing Eve, you don’t have to suspend disbelief entirely, but you must do so frequently.   Otherwise, you’ll be constantly face-palming yourself over the some of the inane and banal bullshit the writers crap out.
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1.  All season long, the big mystery was Who Killed Kenny? and the answer was Kenny did.  Apparently, for reasons unexplored, a spy-cam set up by Bear to catch a candy thief also caught Kenny walking out of the office with his possible papa, Konstantin.   When Eve arrives at The Bitter Pill to meet up with her last living friend in the world, she barely misses the sight of Kenny falling silently from the roof to his death. Bullshit.  MI6 didn’t find the hidden camera and Bear “forgot” it was there?   There’s no way of knowing how much time has passed since he bit it, but Kenny’s has to have been gone for at least a month?   Nobody at The Bitter Pill even checked the spy-cam?  MI6 didn’t find it when they raided the office? Ugh.  This was some half-assed, sloppy writing with no respect logic or the viewer’s intelligence. Double bullshit. Executive Producer Sally Woodward Gentle says Kenny didn’t commit suicide and Konstantin’s ass-covering excuse that he didn’t push him off the roof didn’t even sell Carolyn though she let him run off with his life.  Which means this wearisome plot will drag on into Season 4.  Not knowing when a story line is played out is a big weakness of the KE writer’s room.
Speaking of glaring weakness, enter Geraldine.  Hands down, the most useless and tedious character in the history of Killing Eve.  Even Frank “Dick swab” Haleton and poor, doomed Felix were less of an empty shell than the charmless Geraldine.   Every time she showed up on screen with her sad eyes and sadder expressions, I yawned and found myself yearning for a nice five-minute bloc of commercials.  Geraldine was that bad.
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Hopefully, Gemma Whalen bought something nice for herself or paid off her credit card with the paycheck from playing a total blank like Carolyn’s desperate daughter.   Carolyn finally dismissed Geraldine and told her to fuck off back home. If only it had come a few episodes earlier it would have spared us all Geraldine’s blind alley of a plot device.
Rhian had the double audacity to show up where she wasn’t  wanted forcing Villanelle to send Eve away, then to add insult to injury, backed her against a subway wall and told Villanelle to mind her manners and do as instructed like the “sheep” she was.   A regretful Villanelle whispered, “I’m sorry” before she beat the stupid out of Rhian and kicked her onto the rails where the tram ended her bangs and boots forever.  The last thing to go through Rhian’s mind before the train did was, “Do not EVER interrupt Villanelle when she’s slow dancing with her baby.”
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Despite her reluctance to kill for The Twelve or MI6, Villanelle is more than capable of doing so when sufficiently motivated.   But even Villanelle no longer finds purpose and pleasure out of murder, Eve is beginning to and that may loom large on their relationship going into next season.   If Carolyn says forget about The Twelve, what’s Eve’s mission?   Go rogue and try to take them down with a shook, semi-retired assassin to back her play ? Or settle down for a life of sapphic bliss waking up next to Villanelle every morning? Dasha is dead and Paul is dead and Mo is dead and Rhian is dead  Geraldine and everybody at The Bitter Pill should be dead, but aren’t.   Of all the survivors of S3, Geraldine seems most likely to return in 2021 with Helene.  Maybe that’s when she flips on Carolyn and joins The Twelve to take her down.  That, or she’s the one who killed Kenny while Konstantin watched. 
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Oh, fuck the plot.   It’s not as though it matters.   What matters is   Eve and Villanelle’s shared time together in S3 was so limited the moments they actually interacted can be summed up as The Bus Kiss, the Wave, the Dance and The Bridge. 
The Dance was sweet and tender, something that doesn’t happen often or last long on Killing Eve.  Sure enough, the all-too brief scene moved Eve along to fulfill a plot point and give Villanelle an opportunity to prove when it comes to taking someone out like a bag of dirty diapers, she definitely has “still got it.” Who didn’t like it like when Eve and Villanelle actually talked about how they got to this point as they stood on a green-screen bridge.   A confession of love or at least fond feelings would have been good and a long, lingering, eyes closed shut kiss would have made it perfect.   After two consecutive season ending episodes where one woman had gravely injured the other, another violent conclusion would have been too much to take.   Fortunately Suzanne Heathcote and her S4 successor, Laura Neal, wrote a final shot where Villanelle and Eve walk away and then turn to stare wistfully at each other.
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It’s perfect.  I’m mystified how we got to this point though.  Eve’s turn from attempting to patch things up with Niko to falling back into obsession with Oksana is never explained.   Nor is there an event or a line that clears up why she was willing to leave Eve behind as part of Konstantin’s Cuba escape plan.  
We are left to make presumptions as to how Eve goes from “I’m totally done with her. done with that. end of story” to “when i try and think of my future, i just… see your face over and over again."   Here is where Heathcote’s choice not to explore Eve’s evolution comes back to bite S4. Despite the way our heartstrings are tugged when the two women realize they can’t deny the magnetism that keeps drawing them together, the impact of the event is blunted by all the rabbit holes the viewer had to go down to get here, and then it doesn’t feel entirely earned.  
The open-ended ambiguity of the finale will send fanfic writers scurrying to their computers to craft a more satisfactory alternative until Killing Eve returns in one or two years.
It’s going to be a long wait, but at least there’s some comfort to take from the fact instead of the dread of more pain and suffering that Villanelle and Eve have inflicted on each other, this time there’s real hope of a possible better days for them.
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kate-kaleido-blog · 4 years
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Killing Eve: season 3
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kate-kaleido-blog · 5 years
Why do people write Draco as a Bad Boy when he’s really not.
Draco Malfoy was a star student.
Draco Malfoy was a prefect.
Draco Malfoy joined a group that was basically the snitches in 5th year.
Draco Malfoy did whatever his parents told him too.
The only times Draco Malfoy got in trouble was when Harry “the rules don’t fucking apply to me because I defeated Voldemort and I have low impulse control” Potter ever popped up.
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kate-kaleido-blog · 6 years
Okay so obviously Draco and Harry never really did come out. Like they made no attempt to hide but everyone thought they were just buddy-buddy with each other because the war’s over and it’s 8th year so who really cares? Ron and Hermione obviously have the bad blood and all of that so Harry just never told them. What if Harry just rocks up to breakfast one morning with an engagement ring on (that obviously has the Malfoy crest on, Draco has standards).
-Hermione notices immediately. She screams when Harry lifts his fork to his mouth because the light just hit off this ring and what the fuck Harry you were seeing someone???
-Ron only notices because Hermione did. He’s more shocked Harry’s engaged before him - the bloke’s always been a bit secretive after Ginny.
-Hermione’s demanding to see it properly because this is a life commitment Harry and if this ring is anything below par I’ll kill whoever your fiancé is
-So Harry just awkwardly lets her stare at his hand. Draco’s looking at this point and just smiles over his fork and winks at him.
-Ron knows the crest straight away and just blinks at Harry before he faints. He was always known for being a bit melodramatic.
-Draco knowing this is his moment just comes straight the fuck over, mutters something about incompetent Weasley child not being able to handle a small engagement before sitting in Harry’s lap.
-Blaise and Pansy are just sat at the Slytherin table. Pansy’s in shock because she thought she was meant to marry Draco not fucking Potter. Blaise just gives a knowing look - he’d caught Harry and Draco in compromising positions one too many times in the dorms.
-The hall is just fucking SHOOK. Like, the Gryffindors all knew that Harry and Draco were friends but fucking hell, friends don’t get married??
-Draco just kisses Harry’s cheek before Ron gets back up. He takes one look over at Harry and Draco being all couple-y and eventually just shrugs because honestly Harry you were always a bit obsessive of the git
-Hermione just wonders how she didn’t figure it out sooner - Harry was taking too many trips to the kitchen’s late at night to still have the body he does.
-Then our girl Minerva just stands up and congratulates them, then announces she’s retiring in roughly 13 years.
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kate-kaleido-blog · 6 years
Draco: Honey bun?
Harry: Yes?
Draco, blushing: I meant, would you like one?
Harry: Oh. Yeah, sure. Sugar?
Draco: Yes?
Harry, also blushing: I was just asking if you wanted some sugar in your coffee.
Draco, flustered: Oh! Yeah. Sure.
Both: *completely flustered*
Sirius, from a distance: Even I'm getting embarrassed from watching them.
Remus: I think I know what you mean.
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kate-kaleido-blog · 6 years
How come Drarry only works on Tumblr??? 😂😂😂
Why do people write Draco as a Bad Boy when he’s really not.
Draco Malfoy was a star student.
Draco Malfoy was a prefect.
Draco Malfoy joined a group that was basically the snitches in 5th year.
Draco Malfoy did whatever his parents told him too.
The only times Draco Malfoy got in trouble was when Harry “the rules don’t fucking apply to me because I defeated Voldemort and I have low impulse control” Potter ever popped up.
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kate-kaleido-blog · 6 years
Harry: I hate that I’m a parseltongue, it connects me to darkness and evil and I don’t want to be that perso-
Draco: I think Parseltongue is really hot.
Harry: hiss, hiss bitch.
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kate-kaleido-blog · 6 years
Canon Draco: Who-who are you?
Draco: I'm you but successfully gay with Potter
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kate-kaleido-blog · 6 years
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