I like when people think as much as me about this book
“I’m told you’re from California.”
“Yes, I am,” I said, rather startled. Who had told him that?
Who did tell Julian that Richard was from California? Most likely Bunny, who probably got the intel from Cloke Rayburn by way of Judy Poovey. It’s just one of these shivery little moments in TSH where we sense things going on beyond what Richard knows. I think it’s why reading TSH is such an immersive experience. The Hampden campus is a real, vivid place, there are all kinds of things happening outside of Richard’s perspective—like people trying to figure out where he’s from and what he’s about.
I always, always wonder in this scene if Julian knows that Richard is lying about his privileged West Coast upbringing—and lets him carry on because he’s thrilled. Not by Richard’s tales of Hollywood glamour, but by his eagerness to fictionalize himself. I sometimes think Julian might have made his own way in the world by doing the same thing. There’s a feeling that, although Julian had been a seemingly constant presence among a cohort of well-heeled mid-century intelligentsia, he wasn’t always welcomed among them. He wasn’t exactly one of them. Perhaps he also made himself up, as Richard is doing in this scene, to erase a humble past and present himself as the person he wanted to be. Does he sense in Richard a fellow traveler in the art of illusion?
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The Greek class <3
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The Secret History
Richard: Introspection all the time. Introspecting. Also greek. A little gay.
Francis: Cubitum eamus? homoeroticism as a person. 
Charles: drunk. also gay. also trying to make incest acceptable but he needs to stop lol
Camilla: SuNdReSsEs and sAiLoRs and aTtRaCtIvE and popsicles.
Henry: highkey killed someone cause he didn’t like him.
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