katmereunihqs · 2 years
Hello friends, and Happy Pride month! I know that we’ve been a bit silent on the main recently, and the dash has slowed down a bit. Both admins have had a lot going on in their lives. But I know that for me I’ve finally managed to get a grasp on things and I’m ready to dive back into spending more time with you all.
If anyone has any questions feel free to send them in, I’ll be around until my show premiers tonight!
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
is this rp still active?
We are still active. The dash is a bit slow right now. I can only speak for myself, but I'm going through some stuff and haven't really been able to get online. We aren't giving up though.
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
I hope that everyone had a good weekend and that their week is off to a good start as well! I spent the weekend with friends and spent a significant portion of the weekend watching Heartstopper, myself. (I’m on my 3rd watch!)
Things have been quiet on the main, but rest assured that Bee and I have been doing a lot behind the scenes! Hopefully we can share some exciting things with you all soon!
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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Due to player request, please unfollow the following roles. We’re sad to see you go and you’re welcome back to any time. Haliee Steinfeld and Lukas Gage are now available!
Briana Roth
Greer McBride
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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Name: Vasil Valek Age/Year in School: 21, Junior Gender & Pronouns: cis male, he/him Major: music Species: dragon Faceclaim: Luke Eisner
His appearance would often have others believe that Vasil’s dragon would be one of ice or lightning, and this used to irritate him. But the older he got, the more he ignored those assumptions–After all, he shouldn’t get so upset from other people’s ignorance. 
Vasil always wears a silver ring on his left thumb with a bloodstone quartz that once belonged to his grandfather, and a necklace that has been passed down in his family ( to the eldest son ) with a mysterious gem known as ‘Dragon’s Breath’. The origin of the gem is uncertain but it is rumored to have unknown magical properties ( which might be true or not ), coveted by some other fellow dragons or different species. The dragon shifter wears it proudly, despite knowing the risks and dangers that might befall him if any of those who want it try to obtain it. He’s not afraid of a challenge. Aside from these two pieces of jewelry, he tends to wear rings, bracelets and layered necklaces of silver with varying gems; though his preference is garnet, obsidian, ruby, amethyst, ammolite and variations of sapphires.
The male is known for his flirtatious tendencies, more often than not making others think he’s interested in them when in reality, he merely flirts as a form of entertainment or even social interaction. This effect is only exacerbated by his appearance, which many would think to be ‘beautiful’ or handsome. Vasil is not at all hesitant to use his physical appearance to his advantage, if it means it’ll help him achieve something he wants. 
Even though his seemingly confident demeanor might have others think he has many friends, Vasil only truly considers Zoë Azure as his real bond of friendship. He trusts her fully, maybe even more than most of his family, having learned from a young age how their greed can sometimes sever the ties of blood.
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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Vasil Valek
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for admission into Katmere University. For the next steps in beginning your journey here, please visit the CHECKLIST. You have 24 hours to claim your spot and move in
- Derek Grant, Dean of Admissions
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
Hello and Happy Friday! Just wanted to pop in with a quick announcement and say that Bee and I have decided to extend the April Fools event for another week, so it’s now going to end on Friday, April 15th!
So if you’ve been thinking about joining, now is the perfect time! We have plenty of wanted connections that we would love to see filled, you can view those here and our open skeletons, which we would also love to see filled, here!
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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Name: Viraj Caldwell Age/Year in School: 26, graduate (PhD program) Gender & Pronouns: gender non-conforming, he/they Major: history Species: vampire Faceclaim: Avan Jogia
HEADCANONS:  TW: child abuse (for first bullet point)
Growing up, Viraj had adored the vampire Isabelle. Not knowing better, he assumed that the way he was raised was par for the course for half-vampires like him and being one of Isabelle’s favorites to show off to interested vampires, Viraj had been quite comfortable in their position. Two things shook that to the core: Ciara running away and realizing that the meal they’d been eating was his own father. That suitably shattered his idolization of Isabelle and led to him running away. Once they were out, Viraj realized just how much of life had been denied and hidden from him. He threw himself into it with all the enthusiasm of the long-deprived, and would now be considered quite the hedonist. They’re determined to soak up everything life can offer them, for better or worse.
When Viraj first left Isabelle, he nearly burned himself quite a few times thanks to the human blood still in their system. Once that was purged, however, they swore to themselves to never again drink human blood and has since subsided on a decent variety of animals, including, much to his dismay, the occasional rat. If pressed on this point, he’ll say it’s because he simply refuses to miss out on what happens during the day. But there’s another part of him that aches for what might have been, if they had left earlier, if Isabelle had never found his father. They love their family and he hopes beyond all hope that Ciara is still out there, somehow, but that was family by blood. If there is anything he has learned over his many years, it’s the importance of blood. He’s never forgiven Isabelle for taking that from them, and they refuse to take that connection from someone else.
Viraj didn’t receive their bachelors from Katmere. He instead had attended one of the “lesser” schools and it was a choice he hasn’t regretted since. Part of that motivation had been fear: they simply didn’t want to be around vampires, of any kind, for longer than they had to be. They just… Weren’t ready for it. Not then. Most of their friends ended up being gargoyles and giants, much to Varaj’s delight. His phenomenal grades turned the eye of Katmere onto him and he accepted their offer to accept him into their PhD program. They miss their friends, though. Some of the people at Katmere seem… Well, they seem like Varaj did when they first left Isabelle. They seem ignorant of the world outside of their own experiences and worse, they seem unwilling to fix it. Varaj is thrilled with the resources Katmere has access to; it makes his research much easier? But the people? Oh, don’t even get him started. The underground clubs of the magical “undesirables” suited him much better than some of these people in their ivory towers.
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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Viraj Caldwell
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for admission into Katmere University. For the next steps in beginning your journey here, please visit the CHECKLIST. You have 24 hours to claim your spot and move in
- Derek Grant, Dean of Admissions
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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The App Count has been updated!
+1 App
Acceptances will take place on Thursday!
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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Name: Greer McBride Age/Year in School: 26 Gender & Pronouns: cis male, he/him Major: paranormal statistics + political science Species: Gargoyle Faceclaim: Lukas Gage
HEADCANONS TW: violence (for second bullet point)
Greer was awkward as a kid, really, he was people would be surprised with the way he acts so cocky now. but he has learned to have to fend for himself over the past several years. no one would have ever thought that Greer suffered from family trauma that of course he doesn’t like to share. people of course know that Greer’s parents are well known gargoyle’s. the McBride family has been caring for the supernatural world for centuries now at this point. they were the Switzerland of the supernatural world one may say. yet is the family name doomed die at the hands of Greer? Greer’s mother was supposed to have another child but it was a stillbirth, since then his mother and father grew apart from each other. his mother threw herself into her work which was a political activist and his father was a scientist that still fought for the rights of supernaturals at all costs. his parents still live under the same roof though, it’s a cold and brittle marriage where they shove themselves away in their separate offices, but they do care about Greer, they have just had a hard time showing it over the past recent years since Greer has started school at Katmere university. every time Greer comes home from university for a break or something along those lines he dreads it. perhaps people at university started to notice it over his course at being there.
The almost lynching of Andrew McBride: it was a rainy night and they were all back at home in Florida. for once Florida was getting some rain at least. he fucking hated living in Florida for the most part it was full of old humans and they were always cranky especially when the rain came during tornado season. Greer and his father thought that they were alone in their own backyard. to anyone—not just humans it’s trespassing if someone snoops around in their backyard without knowing. Greer loved his father, Andrew so much that he would do anything for him. his father started to train him to get better at his gargoyle abilities and he appreciated that so much from the very beginning. but unfortunately, the only place that the could practice was in their fenced off backyard. they thought that doing it during a tornado storm was the perfect time because no humans would be around to notice and it was also the perfect time for Greer to learn how to master his water ability. there were a group of neighborhood boys that were out playing and noticed that the storm was getting particularly strong in the backyard of the McBride backyard. the boys saw Greer not only turn to stone but also manipulate the water into making the tornado more catastrophic than it needed to be. Greer wasn’t good at the time of when to turn to stone and when to not causing one of the human children to turn to stone in return. the boys had thought that it was Andrew because it was hard to tell in the midst of the tornado and the darkness and thus proceeded to tell their parents whom one was the mayor of the town. Andrew preceding to tell the townspeople that it was only just the boys imagination they didn’t believe him until it lead to a public lynching where it had since stopped when Greer broke through the crowd and started sobbing grabbing his father at the ribs to keep him from slipping. the humans realizing that they were only just humans with a rough background but it still doesn’t explain how the one boy turned to stone, they said the statue has always been there and that the boy wasn’t real. happening before his admissions into Katmere he was certain that this story was how he had gotten in considering he wasn’t that great at academics.
Perhaps the fact that he went to political science was driven by the fact that his mother was a political activist. he never really understood it really. he didn’t get the point in fighting for something where it didn’t directly affect him, but he got it once he was really in tune with his powers and his ability to want to protect those the best he could. why would you fight for something that you had no experience in? in high school he was always the popular boy that people always wanted to be around, but no one would be caught dead making fun of the lanky boy at the end of the table around him, Greer would actually try to befriend them, others were shocked really by his chemistry and how outspoken he was. he was the valedictorian of his high school giving the speech that others needed to hear most of their lives despite what happened to him and his family in the town. the boy frozen to stone in his back yard remained a reminder to those who crossed his path without making themselves known. that’s part of the reason why Greer tries to make sure that he always knows what’s going on with those around him and in the world that he lives in. it’s almost surprising how much knowledge Greer knows. someone may think that he’s being nosy for the most part but in reality, he just wants to know and help make a change for someone if they may not be able to advocate for themselves. he gets it now really, he never thought that he would because he noticed his mom being reckless half the time, but he doesn’t want that to be him. he knows that there is some way he can help in the world but sometimes his mentality and his need to protect others clash.
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
I hope that everyone has had a fantastic weekend! There’s a bug going round my house currently, so I’ve been spending most of my time holed up in my room with my cat, watching Our Flag Means Death.
Our second event is running until Friday, and we’d love to have you join us in all of the chaos it’s wrecking on the school. There’s no better way to throw your character into play and have them meet some new faces than when everything has gone wrong! We have plenty of wanted connections that our members would love to see filled.
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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Greer McBride
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for admission into Katmere University. For the next steps in beginning your journey here, please visit the CHECKLIST. You have 24 hours to claim your spot and move in
- Derek Grant, Dean of Admissions
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katmereunihqs · 2 years
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The App Count has been updated!
+1 App
Acceptances will take place soon.
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