kaydollx3o · 8 years
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These Avatar babies recently appeared on an Instagram page called Artshub, and it’s since been viewed over 2.4 million times. They’re not real but they certainly look it. The dolls are made by Babyclon, a Spanish company that specializes in creating super-realistic babies, and the good news is that they’re available to buy. (Source)
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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Compilation of Intense SFX Halloween Make Up
For those of you seeking a challenge. Here’s the source for the above videos:
Evil Tooth Fairy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjFG2RL28Ao
Monster Girl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MMJjR0dY1M
Killer Snail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqB6D6YzxfE
Voodoo Doll: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpqde77Fol4
Monster Make Up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btd18c8RINo
Exposed Brain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uCQxgE5iRk
Car Crash/Zombie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S-Byl5HLlI
Here are some other Halloween themed posts on @sixpenceee, you may like:
Baby Halloween Costumes
Compilation of Creepy Foods
Adorable Kids Halloween Costumes
Vintage Halloween Costume Compilation
Best Halloween Decorations 2014
Best Halloween Decorations 2015
Creepy Halloween Masks
Halloween Masterpost
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
7 times I hurt myself trying to help you
When I was in 7th grade I began cutting myself. I began because my mother is schizophrenic and living with someone in such a different reality sent me into a deep depression. At first it was small and looked identical to the ones my cat gave me. Soon they became larger and deeper. I started putting them where she could see them. When she didn’t notice I wasn’t surprised as much as I was hurt. Then I started hurting myself in ways she couldn’t ignore.
At the beginning of the summer before 8th grade, for three days and nights I laid in bed hitting my right foot and ankle with a hairspray can as hard as I could. I did this until my foot was blue and swollen. My mother (having gone to medical school three times and never finishing) diagnosed me with a sprain and said there was no need for a hospital visit.
About two weeks later I was home alone (she worked all day and night during that summer) and I set out a pillow in the hall and bent my left hand down and fell onto it so the weight of my body would break my wrist. It didn’t work so i tried again with the right one. They both hurt terribly and when my mother came home that night I told her I tripped over the cat and fell on them. She said I tore a ligament, but nothing to worry about. No hospital visit needed.
I had a large mirror set upon a long dresser in my room. One night near the end of summer I decided if it were to fall on my head she would have to take me to the hospital. I took two Advil in advance, as the mirror was huge and heavy and sure to do damage. I took a deep breath leaning it off the wall and just toward myself enough for gravity to do the rest and I jumped back. It hit me with more force than I expected and knocked me to the ground. There was a loud boom, and in the next room my mother did not hear my fall, or me yelling for her for 10 minutes before the dizziness went away enough to crawl to her room. I assume you know how this ends. Just like all the others.
After this I began throwing my body down our staircase, taking Advil 10 pills at a time, I even stopped eating. I would only eat once a week and only in small portions; anything to get her to pay attention. At the time I believed I was just an attention whore but looking back I know the reason I was trying to get to the hospital is because maybe, just maybe if we were around trained doctors they would notice. They would notice her talking to herself, or saying something that didn’t make sense, some slip up on her part. Maybe they would notice and she would get help.
But that never happened, and my wrists still crack about 12 times in one motion when I roll them, and I get headaches on rainy days, and my ankles get tired after walking for too long, and I don’t eat on a normal schedule like most people and I still hurt myself to help others.
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
My friend's Mother - (nosleep)
This happened to me about six years ago. I was either thirteen or fourteen years old when it happened. My palms are becoming sweaty just from thinking about the story I’m about to tell you, it took quite some courage to start writing this. I guess I’ll try and keep it short.
Back in school I had a good friend named Ryan, and well, he was my only friend. After school we always went to his house to hang out. His house sat almost in the middle of a big grazing field, which mostly worked in our advantage as it gave us a lot of room for playing outside. Since the house was in the middle of the field, you would have to follow a long driveway to get there. But that’s enough description so let’s cut down to the flesh of the story.
It was 20.00 in the evening and a huge fight broke out between my parents and me. I was frustrated and couldn’t stand it any longer so I called Ryan’s house, as I needed to break away from this mess. He picked up the phone and was surprised hearing from me at such a late hour (we were kids back then), but after hearing my story he said I could come over, although he said he was going to be away at football practice until 21.00, so I would have to wait for him.
I agreed.
A mistake.
It was night and it was dark. It didn’t mind the dark, but I never liked the road that led to his house. Its wavy pattern would sometimes make me sick, especially if I was travelling in a car. But now that was not the case, I was on my bike. The disturbing part of this story will not happen on this road, though. It will happen once I reached the house.
Parking my bike by the side of their empty garage, I walked up their front porch and reaching the door, rang the bell. The door opened almost as soon as my finger let go of the button, giving me a jump. There was no wait; it literally opened up almost instantaneously. Then I saw.
It was his mother. I always liked his mother; she was kind, sweet, and always offered her support whenever I felt down.
But I could tell something was wrong with her.
Her usually bright eyes seemed darker. Her hair was not neatly tied in a bun behind her head; it fell upon her shoulders. Before I had the chance to examine her further, something much more unsettling caught my eye. She was smiling.
She did not greet me, or start talking. Just kept smiling and stared right at me.
Feeling very uncomfortable, I asked if everything was all right. “Come inside and have some tea with me,” was her answer. Before I had the chance to answer she went back into the house. It was then that I noticed that she was wearing her bathroom robe. Having neither the disrespect to decline her offer, nor the guts to stay outside in the night, I entered the home and closed the door behind me.
Heading towards the kitchen I could hear her humming a strange tune. The moment I entered, she stopped humming and an overwhelming silence took over. Without waiting for a conversation to start, I took a seat at the kitchen table. She was standing in front of me, with her back turned in my direction. I tried not to look at her and started awkwardly looking around the room, until the tea was ready. I was thinking. Ryan’s mom would always seem warm and loving and eager to talk about anything concerning my school, family life, and anything else. Now she was just silent. Saying nothing. I spent the next five minutes in this deep thought.
And then it occurred to me.
She hadn’t moved at all during the whole time I was in the kitchen. With her back towards me, I could see that her hands were hanging down her shoulders. Her head was tilted to the left. Thinking something was wrong, I stood from the chair and approached her from behind. Making an awful lot of noise while doing so, she did not move a single bit. Carefully I approached her from the right side to look at her face to see if she was all right. The following sight still haunts me to this very day.
Her eyes were wide open and she was smiling.
Being as unsettled as I was, I decided it’d be best to go back home. “I think I better be off now, I have a lot of schoolwork for tomorrow,” I lied, and receiving no answer in return, I headed towards the front door and stepped outside onto the porch. I wasn’t scared, well maybe just a little bit, but mostly I was just weirded the fuck out.
As I was moved down the porch towards my bike, I caught a glimpse of two lights at the far end of the wavy road. It was a car. “Finally,” I thought. Ryan was around ten minutes late. However, as the car was nearing the house, I began wondering who was driving Ryan back from football practice. His dad was at a business trip, and wouldn’t be back for another two weeks. Ryan himself was too young to drive a car so who else? I was getting more and more anxious as the car was nearing the house. Who was driving Ryan back? The car pulled into the garage and stopped. Ryan was the first one to get out, giving me a “What’s up, man?”. But the person who came out of the car next was his mother. She noticed me and asked how everything was.
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
Ted The Caver
A little info before you read: Ted the caver is an amazing creepypasta. It started as a blog on angelfire in 2001. It is probably one of the very first creepypastas on the internet. It’s a pretty long read, but soooo worth it. Never has a story made me so uncomfortable and creeped out at the same time. I will warn you that this is definitely a story that can trigger someone with claustrophobia, so reader beware. If you have the time please read Ted The Caver, and if you don’t have the time? Well.. favorite it or reblog it and read it later. There are pictures accompanying the story that are straight from the original angelfire site. So, enjoy the creepypasta ;)
Due to the overwhelming number of requests I have received to tell about my discoveries and bizarre experiences in a cave not far from my home, I have created this web page. I will outline the events that happened to me during the past few months. Beginning with my journey into a familiar cave in December 2000 and ending… well, it hasn’t actually ended yet. I will use my caving journal as the text to tell about my recent experience. I will give them to you as I experienced them, in chronological order.
I have included photographs that were taken during my many trips into the cave. I have also created a few illustrations to help the reader get a better idea of what things looked like in the cave. All of the photos were taken by me, or one of the few people I went into the cave with.
I want to point out a few things before I tell about the events:
1- Most of the pictures were taken with a Kodak disposable-type camera. I took a better camera into the cave on one or two of the trips. Pictures on this site are all original photos and have not been messed with or enhanced, other than where noted. As a rule, I get my pictures put onto disc at the time of developing so I don’t have to scan them later. This ensures the best digital quality.
2- I will not reveal the names of the other people involved in this experience. If you know me well enough, you probably know them already.
3- I will NOT reveal the location of the cave to ANYONE for ANY REASON! So please don’t ask! I refuse to be held accountable for anyone’s life but my own. I will refer to the cave as Mystery Cave. That is NOT its real name.
If you think these events sound far-fetched, I agree. I would come to the same conclusion had I not experienced them.
I will try to finish the site as soon as possible. Check the date on the main page to see when I’ve made updates.
To protect myself from people who might want to copy this site, I include the following: All text on this and following pages are my own words and copyright 2001.
I will divide the text into two colors for the sake of clarity. The plain text is taken directly from my caving journal. The italicized text is my comment as I reflect on the experience. I will do my best to convey the thoughts and feelings I had during the entire event. I will not use the actual names of the other individuals involved. I will include the entire relevant text of my journal. Only small parts of the journal will I skip. This will only occur when the entry has nothing to do with the experience in the cave, such as eating dinner after a trip, getting fuel or snacks, irrelevant details, etc. (My journal is fairly thorough) I will merely summarize what I am cutting out of the actual entry. In an effort to present this experience in as accurate light as possible I will type my journal as I wrote it: sans grammar check. Please overlook my errors. My additional comments will help to clarify the things I wrote in my journal.
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
@sixpenceee here’s the entire video with audio of those gifs!
She is sensor activated, so anytime somebody walks by she goes off.
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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Some of the villains/victims from Courage the Cowardly Dog. Here is the source of these painting.
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
He broke my heart over & over again but yet I can’t seem to shake him. He always came back to me but this time I can’t deal with the pain anymore. So the only way I can protect myself is by pushing him away. But as he walks away from me I can’t stop but stare at him. I thought to myself “ he will always be the man that I will never stop loving.” But he would never know that because I don’t have the guts to tell him.
(via kaydollx3o)
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kaydollx3o · 8 years
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