kaylahmariehall · 4 years
Had I stuck with my plan, I would be a teacher. That much I can be certain of.  However, I often wonder when I dream of what could’ve become of my life how much would change.  Surely wasting time and energy on could haves is futile.  No regret is ever truly ever satisfied.
               Perhaps, instead, I should focus on what is happening in my life now.  In the past few years, I have come face to face with a horrible reflection of what the world really is and who I really am- both of the images unsettling.  Each new revelation is nauseating and I have yet to find my sea legs.
               I’m an unstable type 2 bipolar who sees a general practitioner for medication I do not like to take.  I’ve had three therapists-all of which I have walked out on as soon as I started to make progress without any notice.  I like being in pain- partially because I deserve it, but mostly because it gives me a justifiable reason to feel as bad as I always do.  I like to hide behind intricately thought out day dreams when I feel worn down.  To put it plainly, they make existing easier. I liked spinning white lies just delicate enough to placate my dreams- that is one flaw that I have corrected.
               The world sucks.  Have I processed each horrifying truth enough to make a coherent explanation or argument as to why? No, I have not. This is the best I can do: Racism, narcissism, racism, extremism, racism, materialism, racism, capitalism, racism.  Does that cover it?  The main thing I cannot shake as of late is how little we have come in such a long time. In the new millennium, people thought there would be flying cars and cures to all sorts of devastating illnesses. Instead, the warriors of our world are still having to fight for undeniable facts to be understood: Racism is bad. White privilege is real.  Black people deserve better. 
               No, I didn’t become a teacher.  I had my first psychotic break in the middle of my senior year of high school.  I was desperate for help and didn’t quite know how to describe what was happening in my head truthfully, so I said the first thing I could think of that would get me in a facility without question: I hear voices.  What that lie was covering was that I was suicidal.  The only voice I heard was my own begging me to put an end to what had been and would undoubtedly be a miserable existence. I lasted all of three days before I decided I was cured and coerced my parents to sign me out. Retrospectively, that was the worst mistake of my life.
               Maybe if I had stayed, I would’ve given my body enough time to adjust to mood stabilizing medication that would curb my mania and hold back the depressive episodes that always followed.  However, the deeper the doctors tried to dig, the more creative I had to become to keep them out.  I am not a threat to anyone but myself, of that I am certain. Still, I cannot stomach the idea of someone actually figuring me out.  My mind might be broken; I might be sick; but keeping it to myself keeps food on the table and the people that I love happy, so I cannot stop.  That is what my defense mechanisms are for.
               Doing what has to be done is second nature to me, and is what led me to my current job.  When I interviewed, I was manic; but as a type 2 my mania came across as charismatic and enthusiastic.  Those qualities made me a perfect candidate.  Two years later, and I’m finally admitting that I have been the target of toxic coworker interactions and with the help of my supervisor, I made the decision to contact HR.  Nothing has been done, and I’m sick with stress so I’m starting to wish I hadn’t.
               I’m starting to understand why I was targeted- I take it, because I deserve it.  I’m easily manipulated and act on my emotions.  My coworker can scream at me and make passive aggressive comments so low that only I can hear and then turn the situation around so that I am the aggressor, and just that easily I will agree.  Accepting the blame seems justifiable, and as someone who hates herself it just makes sense.  I’m easy to trap.
               This feeling I have in this moment is odd to me- I can’t explain how disoriented I have become. I am accustomed to self-loathing.  Depressive episodes are a guarantee with my diagnosis, but this time I don’t see myself coming out of it. 
             I have run out of allies.  After getting engaged, losing my mother in law, dealing with her disabled widower, moving to a new city, and having my wedding postponed by a pandemic; I have retreated into myself as much as possible pushing away important people in my life in the process. I have run out of grace.  Dealing with these thoughts since adolescence I fear  I’ve used my mental health punch card all up, so I don’t see the point in reaching out.  I have run out of fear.  The uncertainty of what comes next always saved me.  Now, I can’t bring that fear to the front of my mind; I can’t make myself care anymore.
               Make no mistake, my intention of writing this to the void is as simple as a rock formed S.O.S. message, and as insignificant as a raindrop in the Pacific Ocean. I’ve grown tired of this merry go round.  I can’t make myself say this out loud.
                I’m in trouble. Somebody, somehow- hear me.
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
Front Porch
This is me, finally finding words again and dipping my toe back into the water slowly.  Forgive me for my absence. Don’t give up on me. I will continue to try.
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Nestled deep in its wood is our story
This, our haven, we built with our hands
Each mistake- we parade it with glory
In our haven we make our amends.
In the blue chair, I hide from the laundry
On the steps I sneak midnight smokes
From the swing I cheat sleep with coffee
In your arms I buy kisses with jokes
When the sun starts to fade, you’re beside me
Lazy smile and a welcoming hand
We leave sorrows and worries behind us
This, our haven, our safe place to land
In the blue chair you hide any grievance
On the steps you shed tears in the dark
From the swing you fight my fears with reason
In my arms you, at last, fall apart
When the rain starts to fall, you indulge me
Breathing deep with the swell of the storm
Like a child, the chaos transforms me
I am free, we are young, you are warm
 Nestled deep in the wood is our story
This, our haven, our home, our True North
While we might not have grand tales of glory
We have all that we need on this porch
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
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I haven’t been on here much, it’s true.
For the past few months, my future mother in law has been dying.
Two years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer for the sixth time in her life.
Tumors have attacked her jaw, her spleen, her kidneys, her liver, both of her breasts, and now her lung. As her oncologist said- cancer just won’t leave her alone.
It was a setback but it did not defeat her, and with treatment, there was hope.
Super Bowl Sunday, my fiancè noticed she was having a hard time finishing her thoughts and seemed shaky when she stood. As her Medical Power of Attorney, he got her oncology appointment moved up.
Before Monday rolled around, she fell and Jay’s father, still cognitively impaired from a mysterious auto immune disorder that left him paralyzed for six months, could not get her up.
My fiancé met the ambulance at our local hospital, and within the hour they found a tumor the size of a lemon on the right frontal lobe of her brain where it had been growing, undetected, for the past year.
I knew- before I got to the hospital to see her that this was the big one. For Jay’s entire life, she has fought and everytime they tell her she has the upper hand, something always knocks her back down.
My mother in law is strong in faith and spirit. She is the kind of woman you run to when you’re feeling broken and fall at her feet- desperate for some of her strength and her grace to steer you.
I watched her carefully over the last two years- noticing every comment and expression she made when she thought no one was paying attention. These last few battles had taken their toll, and she was running out of hope. We were running out of time with her.
As I walked as quickly as I could from the parking garage to the sixth floor, I saw her face in my mind and knew that the only light left in her eyes would be dim.
The doctors laid it out for us clearly. Surgery or comfort care. Surgery could buy her at least a year, but without it they only gave her two months. My stomach dropped when my Jay, her husband, and her daughter pushed for the surgery because I saw her face and I knew her answer.
I brought her tulips, her favorite flower, feeling too scattered and helpless to do anything else. I have no green thumb, and I had no idea that they would droop pitifully in the vase I put them in.
I walked in defeated, but still sat them on the window sill.
My nagging feeling was right. She wanted to go home. She wanted to be done. She wanted peace.
We, her son and I, were to be married next year, but as soon as I heard her pleas for us to take her home I threw myself into planning a wedding where she could dance with her son like she always hoped to.
Somewhere in the chaos, the desperate coercion from her family broke her resolve and she agreed to the very surgery she resented. As they celebrated her decision, she mourned it, and I watched.
Today was surgery day. Without sleep and a clue of the best way to help, I hurried to the hospital room. When I arrived they had already taken her back and I rushed into an empty room with their stuff still scattered around. I started to pack, finally making my way to the window when I saw it. The tulips that I thought I killed were all standing straight as if they had never drooped at all.
There, alone, in a cold hospital room i broke down. Although she was giving up on herself, she was still fighting our battles behind the scenes. From her deathbed, she nursed the pitiful tulips I brought her back to life. I wished more than anything I could do that for her.
The surgery was successful. The tumor was removed and the next few days will tell us more definitively what lies ahead.
This week (yes all this has taken place in one long week) has changed me- Finally remembering to eat and not realizing how hungry you are until you’ve scarfed down a foot long from Subway and are shaking like a leaf. Calling family, calling friends until your throat is raw. Chasing down doctors and nurses because you missed them when they were doing rounds and no one remembers what was said. Sleeping only in fifteen minute intervals, jumping at every sound. Becoming too familiar with the hospital you felt trapped in. Praying you could find the right words to say to prepare the man you love to lose his mother. It’s hard. It’s all hard.
But what’s even harder that we don’t have to go through? Chemo. Radiation. The confusion that accompanied that pesky tumor. A craniotomy. Double mastectomy. Rehabilitation.
We hope this victory today lifts her spirits and brings back her fight. We hope this is the worst of it- that this was the final tribulation. We hope for healing.
That is all great, and I do hope those things, but if something goes wrong again- I hope we listen to her next time. I hope we let her decide when she’s had enough. And as hard as it will be, I hope we sacrifice what we want for what she has been praying for endlessly for the last thirty years- relief.
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
Hey Tumblies! This New Year’s Eve ya girl got engaged ‼️‼️‼️
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And I need your help!! I need a wedding hashtag to keep up with the planning and the memories, but I’m stumped!
Could any of y’all help?
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
This is so wonderful! Perfect Christmas present! Thank you so much 💕😍
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The Christmas you accidentally fall for your best friends turns out to be the greatest Christmas of them all. 
My one-shot for the Southside Archive Secret Santa Fic Exchange. This is for @riverdalepoet​. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year, Kaylah! I hope you enjoy reading this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! 
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
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Cinderella II: Dreams Come True (2002)
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
Forged in the Fire, Lost to the Flame
(A Chronicles of Narnia fic)
This is my first non Riverdale fic, so I’m not posting on my RiverdalePoet blog, but this one instead.
I recently reread and rewatched The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and I had some questions and concerns.  What of the life the Pevensies left behind?  Why, if they spent the majority of their life in Narnia, was it discarded and brushed off so easily? The people and the things that were left dangling in their absence really gnawed at me, so I did the only thing I knew to do…I wrote about it.
This is a fic about what Edmund left behind.  I hope you enjoy!!
(Aside from the OCs, I own nothing)
              He knew.  When he fell to the oak floors from a life long forgotten, he knew.  Spare Oom, The Wardrobe.  It wasn’t a dream; they were back.  Narnia, their people, Cair Paravel, and she were all a world away. Edmund heard the Professor approaching and addressing them, but his hands went immediately to this pockets.  Lucy placed a hand on his shoulder and he jumped.  One look at her cherub face was almost as if he was seeing a ghost. “It’s gone, isn’t it?”
               Peter and Susan turned their attention to their brother.  “Oh, Ed…” Susan whispered.
               “What were you all doing in the Wardrobe?” Professor Kirke asked.  Edmund could barely hear Peter’s reply through the ringing in his ears.  If he hadn’t been so nervous, he would’ve never insisted on hunting down that White Stag.
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
Forged in the Fire, Lost to the Flame
(A Chronicles of Narnia fic)
This is my first non Riverdale fic, so I’m not posting on my RiverdalePoet blog, but this one instead.
I recently reread and rewatched The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and I had some questions and concerns.  What of the life the Pevensies left behind?  Why, if they spent the majority of their life in Narnia, was it discarded and brushed off so easily? The people and the things that were left dangling in their absence really gnawed at me, so I did the only thing I knew to do...I wrote about it.
This is a fic about what Edmund left behind.  I hope you enjoy!!
(Aside from the OCs, I own nothing)
              He knew.  When he fell to the oak floors from a life long forgotten, he knew.  Spare Oom, The Wardrobe.  It wasn’t a dream; they were back.  Narnia, their people, Cair Paravel, and she were all a world away. Edmund heard the Professor approaching and addressing them, but his hands went immediately to this pockets.  Lucy placed a hand on his shoulder and he jumped.  One look at her cherub face was almost as if he was seeing a ghost. “It’s gone, isn’t it?”
               Peter and Susan turned their attention to their brother.  “Oh, Ed…” Susan whispered.
               “What were you all doing in the Wardrobe?” Professor Kirke asked.  Edmund could barely hear Peter’s reply through the ringing in his ears.  If he hadn’t been so nervous, he would’ve never insisted on hunting down that White Stag.
               “Edmund,” Peter nudged him.  “He’s gone.  We can figure out how to get back.” The eldest, a good foot shorter than he was just a few moments ago, scrambled to his feet. “There has to be a way.  They need us.  She needs you, Ed.”
               Edmund’s stomach dropped and his mind went straight to her face.  “Peter, stop,” he muttered rushing to stop his brother from busting the back of the wardrobe.  “You heard him.  It’s no use. It’s over, it’s all over.”
               From the other side of the room, Lucy clutched her hand to her mouth and Edmund made sure to avoid her sad gaze as he hastened from the room.  “This is all my fault.” The youngest Pevensie’s mind was whirling.  She knew that Edmund wanted this day to be perfect. She never should’ve let the familiarity of the Lamp Post distract her.
               Susan had followed Edmund, but Peter remained. His steady arm slung across her shoulders and drew her into his side as she began to cry.  “No, Lu, it isn’t.”
               “Ed… Edmund! Talk to me!” Susan chased her brother down the hall.  Each fuzzy memory of this place she thought she dreamt was coming back to her making her sway on her feet, but she pushed through anxious to get to Edmund.  
               Each glance at his hands, that were two times bigger a mere five minutes before, was surreal.  His gait was clumsy, having long outgrown the gangly limbs he found himself with once again, but he couldn’t stay in that room.  The child faces of his brother and sisters, the ghosts of who they no longer were yet became again, made him ill.  There was no denying the obvious truth.  There was no use.  Iris- the girl who stumbled into Narnia from their birth land in his fifth year as the Just King, the girl he protected and grew to love, the girl he planned to propose to that very night was an entire world and lifetime away. Edmund was devastated.
               He collapsed onto the bed clutching a pillow tightly over his head.  The slight dip of the mattress and the subtle pressure of his sister’s hand on his shoulder meant that she had found him.  “I’m so sorry, Edmund.”
               Although he did crave a moment alone, he was glad Susan had followed him.  If Lucy or Peter were at his bedside, they would fill his head with false hope of finding some way back home. He didn’t need valiant bravery and unwavering blind faith in happy endings.  What he needed was Susan and her gentle truth.  She would let him grieve with dignity- acknowledging the immensity of what he had lost.
               “What will become of her?” he muttered, not able to even speak her name.
               “Narnia will care for her.  Mr. Tumnus, the Beavers….Aslan.  She’ll be named Queen no doubt.  Our people love Iris, because you did.”
               “Aslan… He brought her to us.  How could He let this happen, Su?” Susan sighed, tugging at a loose thread in the duvet and choking back the sudden onset of her own homesickness.
               “He must know what He’s doing.” Edmund rolled to his side to look out the window at the vast dreariness that was this world. He longed for his kingdom and the beauty that lay beyond Cair Paravel’s walls, just outside his office window. But in truth, he would give anything for Iris to be here with him now.  He never should’ve left her sleeping in her chambers. Now, a world and a lifetime separating them, he worried about her just as much as he missed her.
               Iris Bradford, formerly of Brighton, England and currently ruling over a land she stumbled into at the mere age of twelve in the absence of her Kings and Queens.  King Peter, Queen Susan, and Queen Lucy became her family. They welcomed her into their kingdom, keeping her safe and showing her the beauty Narnia had to share. King Edmund always kept a careful eye out for any sign that she was homesick as she adjusted to life away from England was the man she grew to love.  Losing them made breathing even breathing painful and leading an entire world despite her grief nearly impossible.
               General Orieus, King Peter’s right hand man, took on as much of the load as he could after the disappearance to keep Iris from falling apart, but the Narnians looked to her, a daughter of Eve and the beloved of their Just King, to become their ruler.  Months after the search parties halted their efforts, Iris still roamed the woods where the four siblings were last spotted, desperate for any sign of them.
               Mrs. Beaver begged her not to wander beyond the grounds alone, but Iris couldn’t justify giving up on the very Kings and Queens that would never give up the search for her if she were the one to be missing.  She also couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing them again, and the woods made her feel somehow closer to them.  She had to keep hoping they would return, so she did.  
               Ninety four days without Edmund holding her had her feeling heavy and she found herself bound to her bed.  The beautiful crooked smile she loved so much haunted her and she shut her eyes tightly to fight off the ache of longing that followed. When she couldn’t take it any longer, Iris snuck through the palace halls to the stables.  Saffron, the keeper of the horses, gave her a knowing look as she reached for her saddle.
“Your Majesty,” he greeted, bowing slightly.  Iris cringed, her mind going instantly to the coronation only two weeks away that would officially make her Queen, a title that she couldn’t bear accepting without Edmund at her side.
She cleared her throat before forcing a small smile on her face.  “I’ll only be a few hours today, Saff, I swear.”
Saffron took the saddle from her trembling hands and settled it on Edmund’s horse.  “Take as long as you need.  Right, Phillip?”
The horse nudged her in response and she lifted her hand to his mane. “Just as long as I get to go as slow as I need.  To the woods, again?”
Iris averted her eyes knowing how close Phillip and Edmund were and how devastated he was to return to Cair Paravel that dreadful day without him. “If that’s okay? I don’t mind walking some of the way.”
“Absolutely not! If I let you do that, I’d never hear the end of it.  King Edmund would…” he trailed off, noticing the gasp that Iris gave at the mention of that name. “Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
Iris took a moment to regain her composure, smoothing her hands against the silk of her dress before hoisting herself onto the saddle.  “Don’t fret, dear Phillip.  Just get me out of here.”  Iris loved to ride through her kingdom. Horseback riding was the first thing Edmund taught her to do, and once she got the hang of it, there was no stopping her.
Phillip led her through the woods, and with his permission, she ventured further than she had dared in previous excursions.  Her dark hair had tangled from their ride and she pulled her cloak up to cover her head.  They came upon a patch of trees with one that was shorter and appeared to be made of metal. She dismounted and went up to put her hand to the trunk. Her eyes trailed up to the peculiar fire at the top.
“This isn’t a tree…” she whispered.  Her mind was racing with the stories that Lucy had told her of how they came to Narnia all those years ago.
She rushed around to face Phillip, her eyes blazing with the new discovery. “This is a lamppost.  This is THE lamppost from Spare Oom, don’t you remember?” She circled the lamppost and ran through the woods that surrounded it. “We have to be close! This is it!”
She ran until she was breathless, finding no further sign of the Kings and Queens she so desperately wanted to find.  Phillip finally caught up to her and she fell to her knees.  “Queen Iris, please!” he wheezed out.
Her breath hitched and her hands clutched at the ground beneath her, but her fingers circled around something firmer than the soil.  She lifted it up to find that it was a gold band, polished perfectly.  Engraved in careful script on the inside of the ring was, “With all my heart- Edmund”.
There, in the woods, with Phillip beside her and all the hope she was holding onto vanishing, she broke down. Her friends, her family, the love of her life were truly gone, and she would do anything to get them back.
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
Yas!!! Just rewatched recently and am amazed.
can’t believe Chronicles of Narnia (2005) invented fantasy battle sequences with that stunning score composed by Henry Gregson-Williams and that beautiful V formation slow-mo run then everything cuts to silence just before the opposing armies clash and then as soon as the cheetahs and the tigers collide we get sound again like that is just *chef’s kiss*
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
The person that pushes me when I need pushing and believes in me when I don’t deserve it; the talented, the caring, the compassionate, the reason that the Southside discord feels so fun to me!
That incredible person turns 23 today and man...I’M PUMPED! I’m so glad that people like you exist Ella and I can’t wait to see what you come up with for your prompts!
Happy happy happy birthday, soul sister!!!! 💕🎉💞🎉
Happy 23rd Birthday to me!
In celebration of my birthday I want to try and write some drabbles. It's been a while so you may send in a request for the following:
Sweet Pea x Reader
Fangs Fogarty x Reader
Reggie Mantle x Reader
Archie Andrews x Reader
Sweet Pea x OC Eliza Castillo
You can send me a prompt from this No Nut November Challenge
If you have any questions feel free to send an ask or message. Thank you!
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
Also fact- as beautiful as the art and music and writing that has come from this state (mostly from the oppressed and the wronged) I am ashamed of the state in which I live.
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I had to read that last sentence three times
“the school District was ONLY desegregated in 2017.” Just 2 years ago?!
I’m so sick of this. She better win her lawsuit.
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
I’ve Got You (part 5)
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Word Count: 1443
WARNING: This chapter deals heavily with topics that could be triggering for readers.  My main character was attacked and there are vivid depictions of violence and assault.  PLEASE be cautious and protect yourself.  If this is something that is hard for you, I don’t want to make that any harder for you- scroll on.
A/N:  This chapter, I will let speak (mostly) for itself. However, I would not have been able to write this without @hugharekillianmelou​ .  Lou encouraged me and was gracious enough to beta this chapter and provide really amazing feedback.  They inspire me to be a better writer and so I’m thankful for their support.
Tag List: @romanticgumchewer​  @serpentlullaby​  @chipster-21​   @lilhemmo​  @reblogserpent​
Chapter 1    Chapter 2    Chapter 3    Chapter 4
             “Are you sure?” Although Sweet Pea wanted to know, he didn’t want Callie to feel pressured to reveal the truth behind the night she was attacked.  The corner of her mouth tugged upward a bit.
               “I trust you,” she told him before he had the chance to repeat what he had been asking of her.  Sweet Pea squeezed her hand.  The sun had begun to set and the air had become brisk. Callie shivered pulling the blanket securely around herself.
               Sweet Pea sat patiently for her to continue, admittedly nervous knowing that her story would break his heart. He leaned against headboard and pulled her hand to hold in his as he rubbed circles into her palm.
              “I’m right here, Callie,” he murmured.
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
I’ve Got You (part 5)
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Word Count: 1443
WARNING: This chapter deals heavily with topics that could be triggering for readers.  My main character was attacked and there are vivid depictions of violence and assault.  PLEASE be cautious and protect yourself.  If this is something that is hard for you, I don’t want to make that any harder for you- scroll on.
A/N:  This chapter, I will let speak (mostly) for itself. However, I would not have been able to write this without @hugharekillianmelou​ .  Lou encouraged me and was gracious enough to beta this chapter and provide really amazing feedback.  They inspire me to be a better writer and so I’m thankful for their support.
Tag List: @romanticgumchewer​  @serpentlullaby​  @chipster-21​   @lilhemmo​  @reblogserpent​
Chapter 1    Chapter 2    Chapter 3    Chapter 4
             “Are you sure?” Although Sweet Pea wanted to know, he didn’t want Callie to feel pressured to reveal the truth behind the night she was attacked.  The corner of her mouth tugged upward a bit.
               “I trust you,” she told him before he had the chance to repeat what he had been asking of her.  Sweet Pea squeezed her hand.  The sun had begun to set and the air had become brisk. Callie shivered pulling the blanket securely around herself.
               Sweet Pea sat patiently for her to continue, admittedly nervous knowing that her story would break his heart. He leaned against headboard and pulled her hand to hold in his as he rubbed circles into her palm.
              “I’m right here, Callie,” he murmured.
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
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This photoset is entitled “Things That Just Mess Me Up.”
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
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new narnia content coming soon
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
Look at that. I updated 😅
I’ve Got You (part 5)
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Word Count: 1443
WARNING: This chapter deals heavily with topics that could be triggering for readers.  My main character was attacked and there are vivid depictions of violence and assault.  PLEASE be cautious and protect yourself.  If this is something that is hard for you, I don’t want to make that any harder for you- scroll on.
A/N:  This chapter, I will let speak (mostly) for itself. However, I would not have been able to write this without @hugharekillianmelou​ .  Lou encouraged me and was gracious enough to beta this chapter and provide really amazing feedback.  They inspire me to be a better writer and so I’m thankful for their support.
Tag List: @romanticgumchewer​  @serpentlullaby​  @chipster-21​   @lilhemmo​  @reblogserpent​
Chapter 1    Chapter 2    Chapter 3    Chapter 4
             “Are you sure?” Although Sweet Pea wanted to know, he didn’t want Callie to feel pressured to reveal the truth behind the night she was attacked.  The corner of her mouth tugged upward a bit.
               “I trust you,” she told him before he had the chance to repeat what he had been asking of her.  Sweet Pea squeezed her hand.  The sun had begun to set and the air had become brisk. Callie shivered pulling the securely around herself.
               Sweet Pea sat patiently for her to continue, admittedly nervous knowing that her story would break his heart. He leaned against headboard and pulled her hand to hold in his as he rubbed circles into her palm.
              “I’m right here, Callie,” he murmured.
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
Hey y’all! I’m starting OC Extravaganza Saturdays up again! Things in life have settled down now and I wanna be able to keep showcasing everyone’s brilliant characters! OC extravaganza will be spanning across Riverdale, CAOS, and Harry Potter Fandoms! So if you’ve got an oc or you want to nominate someone else’s oc that you think needs more love, go right ahead!
My msgs, submit, and ask box are always open, so feel free to submit your own or someone else’s oc!
If the oc is in the extravaganza there is an option to submit a blurb! (And if you have links to things they’ve been featured in that would be great but it’s not a requirement!)
Hope y’all have a great day!
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