kcaccamise · 5 months
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This week I had trouble finding much time to do this assignment unfortunately between classes and baseball games/travel. In lieu of these circumstances I had to do my assignment at night. Tomorrow I will return to take better photographs of the work in order to do it justice in my opinion.
My chalk design is inspired by the peace and love that Haring preaches. The style of the work is Haring's style of course. The piece is that of a person, arms spread wide as to go for a hug, with the earth. The words say "Come Together", preaching a message that one day we can love all other cultures and people, and that love is spread throughout the world.
The song this week is "No Sleep Till Brooklyn" by the Beastie Boys, and is one of very few Beastie Boys songs that I know word for word.
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kcaccamise · 5 months
That is super interesting how you used flowers to create the background for this piece. I would've never thought of trying that and think that's an amazing way of using resources.
Earth Art
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For my assignment this week I took my dog Millie on a walk and gathered materials along the way. For my background I smeared flowers to give the blue and yellow color, and I glued flowers down to give a scrapbook vibe. I used a photo of her right after our walk as the centerpiece :)
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kcaccamise · 5 months
I really like how the water color shows different shades of the blue due to the brush strokes. I feel as if the difference in contrast of blue gives a better contrasting feature to the piece relative to the green leafs
Earth Art
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For this assignment, I used flowers I received as my natural element. When creating my background, I used the usual acrylic watercolor and added hydrangea petals to create imprints, almost like stickers. Then, I used the leaves from that flower and Mod Podge to paste them onto my background. After that, I incorporated some other flower petals for some color. This was a fun way to preserve one of my bouquets!
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kcaccamise · 5 months
I really enjoy how you've used the contrasting colors to bring out the colors of the flowers, as well as the real vibrance that this piece offers.
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for my background i made contrasting colors, and tried to use opposing dead flower colors! i used a white one in the middle to show where the colors change as well.
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kcaccamise · 5 months
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My art piece this week includes a rock I found outside. Growing up my friends and I used to always throw rocks to see how far they'd go, so I decided to use the rock I found to draw a rock, and have it being flung throughout the air. I put some clouds and mountains to better represent a nice day outside, because who doesn't love a nice blue sky with mountains in the background :). The song I choose the song "Rocky Mountain High" as I think the mountains I drew kind of look like they could be the Rocky Mountains, also who doesn't love John Denver.
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kcaccamise · 6 months
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So the advertisement I decided on was one for beauty products. These products are over priced and claim to make you look younger and have better skin. This implies that as you age, you might be less beautiful and see's aging as a bad thing. I decided to change the ad from "Products you seriously need - now" to "Products you seriously need - never" as a way to say that you don't need these products to increase beauty. I also went for a sloppy look to this piece, as we were allowed to design it however we liked. I thought a sloppy piece would bring out the fact that perfection isn't needed to make an impact, and that people you might be defined as "rough around the edges" have the same beauty and elegance as someone who might be "perfect".
The song I decided on this week is "Just a Girl" by the band No Doubt. My most listened to genre of music is 90's alternative and grunge so this was the first song to pop to mind when thinking rebellious and feminism.
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kcaccamise · 6 months
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One of the most well known bands and their most well known songs. Smells like teen spirit was the rebellious teen anthem when it came out and still is.
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kcaccamise · 7 months
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Looking back on my midterm, you put some examples of art pieces that used crayons as the main coloring method. Looking at those methods I saw that outlines where used before coloring in the shape, as well as different stroke directions within the coloring methods. So I incorporated both the outline and the different stoke directions into my art piece this week. For this project I used 4 different repeating things that I saw in my magazine. The first being an eye that was seen in a ad for mascara, the second being the words best and "I. I then chose an ad for hand soap that had the company logo but in different colors for my final repeating thing seen in the magazine.
The song I chose gives references to the brand Vaseline and to Magazines (which we still use, especially for this class). I can remember listening to this song as a kid in the car with my father and always wondering what the heck were these guys talking about.
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kcaccamise · 7 months
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For my attendance prompt this week, I had to really think about what my favorite jazz song was. I don't listen to a ton of jazz, but if I had to choose a favorite song, that does have some jazz in it, I would easily have to choose Hit the Road Jack, by Ray Charles
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kcaccamise · 8 months
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The song I chose is Linger by The Cranberries. The lead vocalist for the band is Dolores O'Riordan, who was a major staple of my parents playlist growing up. I've grown to be a fan of her work with The Cranberries with my favorite song being Linger, but their other work such as Zombie is just as good.
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kcaccamise · 8 months
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One of the best songs, by THE best vocalist of all time, and a fashion icon for his time.
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kcaccamise · 8 months
My father an I used to listen to Rocket man by Elton John on what seemed to be every car ride. This song really reminds me of the long drives we had together going to my baseball tournaments
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kcaccamise · 8 months
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Worked on shading this week, used a pyramid and a block to practice while also drawing a water droplet, I have to keep practicing but am sure Ill get better with more practice. I also blended some of my shading with q-tips in order to get a more natural flowing feel to each shade.
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kcaccamise · 8 months
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Hey everyone! My name is Kyle Caccamise and I am a graduating senior here at St. Bonaventure. Im originally from Hopewell Junction, NY, but have spent most of my summers up in Buffalo visiting my grandfather. Some interesting things about myself are that I love listening to music, all genres, with my favorite either being 90's or 70's rock. I don't have much knowledge on physical art pieces, but tend to think I have a really solid grasp of the art form that is music. I also play baseball at the school, which led me to taking this class as one of my teammates had great things to say about the course. I look forward to spending the semester learning about each other through artistic means, and learning more about art in general.
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