kces15-blog · 6 years
soon to be fit and skinny
about to move out on my own. i will be able to skip as many meals as i want and work out ALL THE TIME. i’m finally going to be skinny and i can’t wait.
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kces15-blog · 9 years
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kces15-blog · 9 years
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kces15-blog · 9 years
Don't sweat it dude.
Dear poor high school students, Learn to not give a crap. Okay? All of these people you are trying to impress, all of the activities and situations you stress over well soon be nothing. There is so much pressure in school, which sucks but it is what it is. Pressure that, if you let it, can change your whole personality, who you are as a person. Don't let someone else be the reason you change the beautiful individual that God has made you. If you stick to your personal goals (set them high), believe me when I say that once you graduate, it feels so good to say that you stayed true to who you truly are. A weight will be lifted off your shoulders and it will be a type of freedom that I wish everyone could experience. Not a lot of people will read this and/or understand, but here's to the people that do. Btw I'm sorry this is all kinda smushed together, just random thoughts.
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