kclpriv · 2 years
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kclpriv · 2 years
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Emma Elwin
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kclpriv · 2 years
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kclpriv · 2 years
I might just sound delusional, but I couldn't imagine it to be anyone else than you right now.
And we might have a lot of flaws each. We might end up having a lot of misunderstandings. The journey might even end up being short.
But I'm glad it's you...I'm glad you're you. And I'll focus on that.
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kclpriv · 2 years
The color of love…
Can be many different things.
It can be like red. Ferocious and demanding, like the scalding when you enter the shower and get hot sprays of water down your spine…
It can be like yellow, like the rays of sunshine from above that will mellow you and leave you feeling tender inside,
It can be like green, like the freshness of spring with soft grass that will tickle your cheek and make breathing easier,
It can be like white, like the first snow of December— something you’re surprised and pleased to see, but can get tired of and chilled by the longer it stays,
It can be brown… the color of passion, of caramel and mocha drinks that can taste bitter, sweet or rich, too,
But it can also be all this— all that we have, and heaven too…
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kclpriv · 2 years
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kclpriv · 2 years
tonight feels extra heavy
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kclpriv · 2 years
they say it’s magic when two people like each other at the same time
maybe it’s just another way to say that it’s tragic for the rest who pine
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kclpriv · 2 years
I think part of the reason why we feel so sad is that we’re too far away from raw, numinous experiences. Like you know that post with a picture of the unpolluted night sky where people are reacting in terrified awe not realizing that’s what the stars really look like?
I think it’s like. You need vivid experiences that can’t be easily repeated. You need elemental things. I don’t mean this in a crunchy hippie just-try-yoga way I mean this in a way that’s like…we’re inside all the time and most things we experience are scheduled ahead of time. When there are sidewalks, we follow them, and there’s always some boring place to go. You need things that no one has any control over and that no one can sell for money.
You need to be outside in a storm and see lightning strike very close to you. You need to meet a wild creature and have to stand very still and almost not even breathe and watch before it vanishes. You need to be alone somewhere very big. You need to go to a place because it looks interesting and be at the wrong place at the wrong time. You need to climb over a fence instead of going in by the gate. You need to hear the exploding sound of a huge flock of birds flying. You need to watch live theater performed by kids on a low budget. You need to be lost somewhere. You need to be barefoot somewhere. You need to sing with other people who are singing. You need to get soaking wet with all of your clothes on and come inside shivering.
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kclpriv · 2 years
learn pottery someday
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kclpriv · 2 years
Beautiful hanging roses ~ la.karta
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kclpriv · 2 years
im not a mystery, im not some puzzle you need to solve to figure out. i wear my heart on my sleeves, so i tend to tell people how i feel every time
i can’t keep them all in, i personally believe people around me deserve to know— when they’ve hurt me or whenever i felt like i hurt them, apologizing is not a task for me, and people need it to move forward
next time you did someone wrong, tell them you’re sorry, and i hope that they will do the same for you
and to the beautiful part, yes, confessions will always be my favorite, people deserve to know you like them, this one life is too short to not let people know you admire them— could be physical, emotional or intellectual admiration, could be all
my intentions are pure, and they’re clear as day, i always try to respect boundaries whilst being honest. i like people a lot— kind respectful people, sometimes a little too much for my own good
i like hearing their stories, and i love learning from them, they are living books— beautifully scarred with imperfect crooked pages stained by time
i’m a deep person, but i will help you dive in, you don’t have to lose your way through me, i’m right by your side as long as you’re here. you won’t be trapped, you’ll be accompanied— it’ll be okay to leave
there are no cages nor walls built around my heart and maybe that’s why i am prone to wounds and scratches, i hurt a lot, i get sad a lot, i’m prone to overthink a lot, but that’s not gonna keep me from allowing myself to feel and give love in the most unguarded ways
i dont ask for much, but if there’s one, it’s that you respect me too
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kclpriv · 2 years
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kclpriv · 2 years
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Yesterday’s fleamarket adventure
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kclpriv · 2 years
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kclpriv · 2 years
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kclpriv · 2 years
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