kdxnvers · 5 years
( ✉ ➜ SUPERGIRL!!! ): aren’t you sweet? I was /joking/. Unless you’re also joking. Then I take back my calling you sweet. you’re salty now. ( ✉ ➜ SUPERGIRL!!! ): you can’t be worse than some of the things ive read on the internet. don’t read any of the fanfiction they write about you. just don’t do it. ( ✉ ➜ SUPERGIRL!!! ): oh? seven languages? /that/ better not be a joke because I’m intrigued ( ✉ ➜ SUPERGIRL!!! ): am I invited to this “non-verbal” conversation? ( ✉ ➜ SUPERGIRL!!! ): WHO ARE YOU CALLING NON-EXISTENT? HE’S VERY REAL AND VERY HOT !!! ( ✉ ➜ SUPERGIRL!!! ): just for that im not letting you punch him :( [ photo attachment: a picture of Lockheed, a cat-sized purple dragon, eating a sock ] ( ✉ ➜ SUPERGIRL!!! ): There are dragons on Krypton? Hey! Maybe Lockheed will love you! I mean, I’m /sure/ he will.  ( ✉ ➜ SUPERGIRL!!! ): you can come over and look at him? wait that sounds weird [unsent] ( ✉ ➜ SUPERGIRL!!! ): please my inheritance was in there, hidden between the ewok scene and the secret han solo sexy deleted scene
[đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] i would never joke about cat photos, katey pringles [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] ...there’s fanfic about me? [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] and you’ve [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] you’ve read fanfic about yourself?? [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] somewhere in that neighborhood, kryptonese, a small handful of non-Earth languages, english, french, spanish, russian [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] it feels like there should be a smirk after that question, and i’m not sure i like it [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] I’M SORRY MY FINGERS SLIPPED [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] for a whole word, it happens [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] he’s very real, i’m sorry for ever implying otherwise [An ellipsis appears, disappears, and reappears multiple times as Kara types, deletes, and retypes a text.] [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] lockheed is the cutest dragon i’ve ever seen. does he know he’s a good boy? pls tell him for me [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] are socks part of his natural diet? [đŸ“±to Katey Pringles, A Woman đŸ§č ] /oh/ wait, is this the famed cinemax star wars knock off? i’m learning so much about you
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kdxnvers · 5 years
          Of course he was found. Mostly found. Supers can catch anyone, anything. That’s why they wore the big old ‘S’ on their chests, symbol of hope, or peace, or whatnot. Made him determined to make sure the Bat was the opposite, as if it wasn’t already. Hands gripping his holster belt, he let himself relax into the shadows, the soft glow of his white lenses staring out at the hero. Look at her, being so smarmy and proud about their little game of hide and seek. 
          “Guess I should say thanks,” Jason chuckled. “Though, hard to say when I’ve been doin’ stunts like that since I could read.” An over-exaggeration, but the drilling and field experience he’d had working with cycles was enough to last both of his lifetimes. “I’m used to giving the good guys the runaround, I like to
 disappear.” It would be useless to fire, but he still pulled out the twin weapons, raising an eyebrow she wouldn’t see. “’Suppose you won’t let me do that, huh?”
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Kara understood grey areas. Her moral compass was firm, but she’d once taken one of those Dungeons and Dragons alignment tests that put her squarely in the category of Neutral Good. She knew that rules existed, and people should follow them, but not every rule was right, or applicable to every situation. Sometimes, the greater good could be better served by breaking a few rules. Sometimes, they had to be broken at her own expense.
Kara sometimes dabbled in grey areas, but usually fell into light. There were people who lived in them; they pushed the edges and skulked around corners and answered questions with methods that were hard to pin down. They played with shadow until it was hard to tell if they were right, wrong, or neither. If they helped, hindered, or were they simply there.
Kara didn’t know what to make of Jason Todd. Pulling out a pair of weapons and issuing something of a challenge was pretty straightforward, however. She shifted her stance, feet staggered, ready. “Depends, what do you think you’re going to do with those?”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
“RED CAPE!” she smiled, excidedly cheering as she threw open the door for her friend. “i’m ready i’m ready!” she assured the woman, grabbing her hand and slipping her phone into a jacket pocket. 
“so where are we going? and you didn’t answer my question earlier. what’s naltorian? i’ve never heard of naltor.”
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“Oh! We’re very excited, okay.” Kara could barely keep up, which was saying something, all things considered. Her grin matched Scarlet’s easily, and she was really bad at fashion, but there was really no point in fighting the enthusiasm. She could only hope the minor outing lived up to the apparent hype. Kara could fail, Supergirl didn’t have nearly as much leeway.
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“Okay, hold on.” She made a point to step back, expression set into something serious but obviously not. “We’re going to a little hole-in-the-wall called Modern Threads, not so many people. And I didn’t answer your question! I was already here. Naltor is a planet far away from Earth, where some women have the ability to dream the future.”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
“Don’t worry. I have a boyfriend,” Dinah shot back with a light laugh. The younger woman was clearly a bit uncomfortable with the attention. “But honestly, damn. If you’re trying to impress someone with that dress, you’re doing it right.”
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“Yeah, and Sara’s married. Didn’t stop her, either.” Kara huffed a laugh, brushing away the awkwardness. It didn’t take away the blush, or erase the awkwardness that came along with completely missing the point, like always. But she was nothing, if not resilient, and she fought it back with a grin. “Thank you, Dinah. Picked it myself and everything. And, you know, you’re not looking so bad yourself.”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
“I promise you, I have no idea what you’re talking about” Sara said, keeping a hint of fake confusion to her tone to try and convince the Girl of Steel she was the Sara from this earth. “This universe, did you hit your head on some kryptonite or something?” The blonde asked, trying to look concerned, it was hard to keep up the act though, pretending to be someone so weak was tiresome.
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Even despite how sure she was, Kara still found herself hesitating. Maybe it was the familiar face. It was the same gut-punch feeling she had when first confronted with not-Alex; she didn’t know her, but they shared a face, a heart. Science said nurture played a part, but so did nature. It’s why she could never shake the deep-seated fear and disgust that came with knowing Overgirl. Where was that, in her nature?
Somehow this was still Sara. And she played at innocent almost convincingly, if the ground at her feet hadn’t been soaked in blood. “The Sara I know wouldn’t be confused about why I’m upset. Nice try, though.”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
“She was steel forged in fire tested in battle. So you can’t blame her for rusting, for wearing, for breaking, because sometimes it’s too much. It’s just too much.”
— J. Kris (inspired by the characters of Pretty Little Liars)
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kdxnvers · 5 years
Her yell was answered with another yell and ice of all things. Suffice it to say she jumped considerably harder than she ever meant to, and she found her coffee cup crushed in her hand with pumpkin spice dripping in sad rivulets down her fingers and wrist. The barista was looking between them like she just wanted both to leave preferably ten minutes ago, and Kara really couldn’t blame her. She had many regrets. Yelling about them in the middle of a coffee shop was at the top of the list.
“Ooh shoot, uh–” She grabbed a napkin, dabbing quickly at her hands and glancing between them and the man who’d just basically turned to ice only moments before, working around words she couldn’t find. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Cool trick, by the way.” Saying those words felt like deja vu, and she caught on them a moment before moving on. “We don’t...we don’t have to talk about me, or my regrets. Please, pretend it’s about picking the wrong coffee or something. Let’s talk about you, and your bad soup. No! I mean, we don’t have to talk about you, or soup.”
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She stopped the word vomit before it could get out of control, catching up to the situation with a smile tugging at her lips. “Hold on. You were so ready to support me. Thank you.”
“I HAVE SO MANY REGRETS.” || @kdxnvers​
“AH!” Bobby falls out of his seat, coating himself in ice as a protective measure. It isn’t until he looks around the small coffee shop that he understand where the yelling has come from. “Girl, same. I said I wanted soup for lunch but one of my friends can’t make a good soup to save her life and then she popped a tomato in my face and had to cancel a date, which is totally cool. Totally chill about that. Wasn’t looking forward to it or anything.” He pauses, “oh sorry, we were talking about you. What’s up? You have to cancel a date too?”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
“Why does that sound like you’re going to rain soup down on me?” Kitty offered a lopsided smile. She felt like holding Supergirl to that, making it into a promise of another day—but even to her, there were some heartbreaks she couldn’t stomach. She didn’t think Supergirl was one for repeat appearances; heroes rarely stopped by for tea, after all. Kitty gulped down a gnawing sense of sadness over that, she’d mourn what couldn’t be later. “Hm, oh, I’ll pay it back, capes. I’m going to get my soup whether you like it or not. Next time you’re stopping a bank robbery, I’ll be there, waiting with my soup.” She could not put the onus on Supergirl for another day but she could hold that burden over her own shoulders. 
What is Krypton like, she’d wanted to ask. But it hardly seemed like the time or place for getting to know Supergirl; she’d have to ask another day—that same magical other day they’d have the soup and pretend there weren’t people the two of them should have been saving instead. 
Kitty had never died before ( though as an X-Man, she thought bitterly, it was all a matter of time, and hers was sure to be approaching )—the few times she came close to that edge, and even this time, it’d been cold and dark and lonely. Nothing like Rao and light and warmth. Except she wasn’t alone now. “Rao sounds nice
” she trailed off. She promised herself she’d find Supergirl again another day and ask. She’d get the alien to point out Krypton in the night sky as though she’d be able to see it. Maybe she’d ask about the odd use of past tense, maybe she wouldn’t—choices for another day.
( A day Kitty could not hold herself accountable for—promises she made only to break. Heroes did not waste their time showing girls stars and planets. There would be no other day; Kitty did not plan on being whole again. )
“I’m not a fan of romances in general,” Kitty said, scrunching up her face at the idea. “I mean it’s all smooch, smooch, oh he’s so hot but I can’t have him for some stupid reason—wait, does this mean you’ve seen it? And other romances? You? Romances?” Kitty quirked a brow up, incredulous not because she couldn’t imagine Supergirl curled up on a couch with popcorn and a pillow clutched to her chest as she cried over Ryan Gosling dying—or whatever happened in that dumb movie—no, she could imagine that very well. But because she’d thought Supergirl knew how wrong those movies were—how much baseless hope they tended to spew. “I only take movie recommendations if there’s the promise to watch them together, or else there’s no point.”
Kitty laughed, turning her head to shield a blush and pulling her bottom lip under her teeth to quell a spreading smile. “Oh, please, I bet you say that to all the stabbing victims you pick up.” And Kitty could picture it too, with perfect, bizarrely jealous, clarity. Then she’d made the mistake of turning her attention back on the blonde; where there were hands, and silent questions and looks with meanings that Kitty didn’t dare decipher. 
But the hands—the hands Kitty wanted to hold. She wanted to reach out and feel and know that this was real and that she wasn’t just some ghost, that people still felt her. And Supergirl was asking, wasn’t she? And Kitty wanted to answer, show with her own fingers that she wanted another day—a chance to ask the things that burned in her mind. She moved her hand out, slowly—there would not be another day, heroes didn’t need people begging to know them under personas and titles.
Affection, as Kitty knew it, was fleeting. Even between friends—not friends—almost friends—almost somethings. She showered the X-Men with it freely, but that was different. They were family and this was Supergirl. She gave it without thought to strangers, but that was different. They were people she didn’t care for and this was Supergirl. There was something to be said about undefinable differences and how this woman had seen Kitty behind the persona of a ghost, curtains she didn’t even get a chance to drop and scrambled in the wake to push up now. If she reached out, then Supergirl would feel her and then she would know that Kitty did bleed and cry—that she was here and now and not there and eventually. That Shadowcat was every bit Katherine Anne Pryde; the girl, the once-child, the person who could not sit still in her own emotions.
Just shy of Supergirl’s hand, Kitty curled her fingers back and stood up with an awkward cough that quickly dissolved into a wince as pain shot through her side—a wince she swallowed the same way she did every feeling that didn’t fit. 
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“They don’t ask ‘cause they’ve probably got more sense than me,” Kitty sighed, pretending to stretch her body. “Y’know, I’m not so sure if it means anything at all
” She wasn’t sure if she should be praised for her bout of selfishness, or the very natural want to thank someone who saved her life. She imagined a lot of people wanted Supergirl to stay, and how could they not? A hero; pretty blonde hair, melodic laugh, super strength, nice enough to ease the heart but not overbearing in the way that smothered. Someone who either was deliberately perfect, or naturally so—a distinction humans rarely cared to think about. Kitty, however, was not human. And gosh was it tiring trying to be Supergirl, the perfect hero, all the time? Kitty nearly groaned at herself. All this thinking was killing her. She needed to go before she ran herself into a mental ditch. And running; Kitty knew running well. “Will I—Will we—can we see—Will I see y—” she swallowed back her words. “I promise I won’t be offended if you wanna fly out that window and go rescue another damsel in distress—promise I won’t even get jealous.” She was not telling her to leave so much as she was asking her if she would—at some point, things had to end. There was less pain if she could control when.
( They would not get another day, because Kitty could not summon the courage to want. )
Kara knew what it felt like to have time slow to a standstill, to be suspended in it for an eternity, wondering if it would ever start again. It felt endless, hopeless; learning eternities and for no reason at all, because all you’d ever have to show for it is more time. It was a hard feeling to shake, and once time started once more, everything that followed felt like moments. Moments went by far too fast, and were barely long enough to learn anything, to connect, to memorize and internalize. Kara made the most of every moment she was given, every second that passed; she never knew if it would all stop.
If it had been stopped all along, and she was just imagining the moments.
Her time with Kitty felt like a moment, a flash that somehow felt like so much and not enough all at the same time. They’d catapulted from mops to surviving to romance to maybe futures that Kara found she wanted, even as Kitty retreated and offered the window like Kara needed an escape, like she should want an escape. It made her wonder if she should want it at all: more moments with Kitty. Like maybe Kara should maintain a distance with everyone she rescued. The suit was supposed to be a symbol; hands on hips, perfect, super in every way possible. Because the moment she lets anyone know she feels something, they might learn she makes mistakes, and girls would try to make gods out of rocks.
They were getting too close to familiar, to making plans, and Kitty was stepping back. Kara should, too. She should, drop out, hold her chin up, nod and fly up up and away. But she wanted more moments.
“I should– I should go, yeah. Not because of you! But–” She tuned in, filtering the hospital until the city seeped in around her. There was always someone to help, wasn’t there? She stood up, taking a couple steps back while tugging at the ends of her skirt. It felt less posed than it should be, suddenly. But she hesitated, even with the city faltering around her. Her fingers twitched until she grabbed at a small notepad courtesy of the hospital, and scribbled a number on it.
Her number, Kara’s number. She could hear her family screaming at her in the back of her mind. “Here. It’s...if you need saving from soup, or if you have a thought. Any thought.” I get lonely, she thought. I liked this moment with you. But she couldn’t say that. Rao, Kara, the girl could’ve died. “I’d like to hear from you again.”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
[đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] okay! i’ll get a slice of that. thank you! [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] really???? ❀❀❀ [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] it’s okay, i’ll see you later anyways. but will you have fun today? [
] [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] YUM! i like the potatoes too. what else??? [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] i like national eat lots of food day!
[đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] i will, i promise [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] you have fun as well (: [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] stuffing is good! but not everyone likes that one [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green beans, all the appetizers [...] [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] pace yourself! [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] almost forgot, you should pace yourself
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kdxnvers · 5 years
          Yes, she was right. Made Wally frown a bit as he pondered over his naturally flaming locks. He hoped after this Crisis was fixed, everyone would just forget about it like they usually did. Well, everyone but him and most other multiverse-travel-prone people. From what he knew, Supers weren’t that way. Space sure, but time?? Whole different ballpark that speedsters regularly fucked with. 
          “Not at a regular rate,” Wally slightly corrected, keeping his tone hushed. He had to let out a groan, dropping his freckled face in his hands. “It sucks, I feel like I’m back in middle school again!!” The old normal speed life. Didn’t miss it. Picking his eyes back up, he let himself smile a slight bit as they both recounted and regrouped. He nodded along, wondering what exactly could put the universe off balance. He swore it wasn’t him this time. “That’s what I figured,” He breathed. “Most people I’ve tried to contact have either been replaced or they’ve
 just disappeared.” Not to beat a dead horse, but the world could use some Titans right about now. “Through my research, and my Uncle’s, we know that the worlds of the Multiverse vibrate at significant frequencies, stacked on top of one another
 Something had to upset that tonal balance.”
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“So there’s a chance you could still access it?” She thought about the benefits for a moment, if it was even worth it to bounce universes if it was so inconsistent. If it would mean anything to know where everyone was coming from, if only to return them to their proper worlds when the time came. She wondered in all of the infinite possibilities, if it was even mathematically possible to locate the exact Earth to which her sister had disappeared.
“I don’t think you should try.” She finally said definitively, with a succinct nod of her head, jaw set. This Flash was a new friend, a two a.m. encounter that had somehow made a very large impact. He shared the same bright smile, a lightness about him that Kara didn’t get to see all too often. Sometimes it was even hard to find in herself, and it was important to keep people like him close. If he darted off to another universe and couldn’t make it back, if he was gone like Alex...but how to tell someone she barely knew she didn’t want to lose him. “You could get stuck somewhere not here, like everyone else. You’re familiar with the multi-verse, maybe you’re more helpful...here.”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
[đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] chocolate pecan pie. which one is that? [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] [sent an image of a table of pies] [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] oh wait they’re labeled. [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] i didn’t know potatoes could be sweet. will keep you posted. [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] hey there’s lots of people here at this party. are you coming?
[đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] second one to the left on the top, though it’s hard to tell if it’s chocolate pecan or just pecan [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] i know someone who makes the /best/ chocolate pecan pie, maybe i’ll save you a piece [...] [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] no, i’m not, i’m sorry! [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] my family –[DELETED] [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] i have other things i have to do today, but i hope you enjoy the party, and eat everything you want to eat (:
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kdxnvers · 5 years
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WHEN LENA SENT HER A MESSAGE BY saying the location they could see each other, she went to a short meeting with her employees. Now she left the L-Corp, to meet Kara.  —-  It didn’t take so long to find the blonde among the other people in the cafĂ©, she quickly sat in front of her, showing her a warm smile. ❛ Hey Kara! Long-time and no see! ❜
Surprised to see that the blonde already ordered their drinks. ❛ So, how are you anyway? ❜
“Hey, you!” Kara grinned and slid Lena’s coffee across the small table towards her. It was a long day, and she hadn’t realized how much she missed the small opportunities to step away and regroup lunches with Lena provided. “I’m good, just busy. I’m working on a pretty big story, hoping Snapper cares enough to publish it, the usual. What about you? You’ve been holed up. But you’ve been eating, right?”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
The woman may have feigned indifference, but Donna saw something behind the other’s eyes. A care that was lacking in a place like this one. It seemed that Donna was not the only one here more out of concern than interest. Perhaps there was a kindred spirit here after all. Donna’s time as a hero could have numbed her to this kind of violence, but she recognized that the fighters were people. People with souls and with their own lives and hurts. “I find it all quite distasteful,” she admitted, eyes on the fight, but also remaining aware of her companion, weighing the reaction to her words.
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A breath had stalled in her chest while she awaited the other woman’s answer, a tension set in her shoulders she hadn’t realized was there until it eased away. Her breath puffed out in a rush, and the iron grip she had on her upper arms relaxed for the first time all evening. Everyone was smiling over whiskey, gritty fists pounding against the outside edges of the ring. Enjoyment, she was surrounded by enjoyment as two people fought for reasons she couldn’t grasp. Distasteful was a far cry from horrific, but it was worlds better than ‘I love this.’ She wasn’t the only one who felt sick, and it felt like finding a life vest lost at sea. Kara looked away from the fight with no small amount of effort, and took in the woman beside her. “Yeah...” She started, soft in the otherwise obnoxiously boisterous crowd, “Distasteful might be putting it lightly. If you don’t like it, can I ask why you're here?”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
[đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] happy thanksgiving, gummy bear! [...] [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] you think of me as an aunt? –[DELETED] [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] you don’t actually mean that do y –[DELETED] [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] i don’t think you know much that means to m –[DELETED] [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] aunt? i would like that very much (: [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] so first of all, the number one thing you should eat above all other thanksgiving fare is chocolate pecan pie [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] it’s the best dessert in 28 known galaxies, i would know [đŸ“±to Gummy Bear 🧾 ] then it’s sweet potatoes
[đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ]  🍗 🩃 🍁  happy thanksgiving auntie red cape!  🍗 🩃 🍁 [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] i read 📚 that aunties are like. not your mom but kinda. i think that’s you. is that a good use of the word? [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] i’ve never done this before. and i’m at somebody’s house. there’s lotsa food. what do i eat?  🩃 🍂 đŸ”„ đŸœ đŸ„§ đŸ‘Ș 🍗 [đŸ“± zu Rot Kap ] i thought you would know. everything you give me is good.
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kdxnvers · 5 years
Kara at least remembered to give. Another body collided with hers and she remembered to stumble back, not a wall this time, her feet light as they skated back against the sidewalk. He seemed just as light on his feet, however, as he somehow managed to salvage his...was it coffee or sprinkles? As someone who proudly filled her own coffee with more sugar than should be consumed in at least a week, she could relate.
“Sorry! I should’ve been paying more attention.” She was quick to reassure, words dying as he continued. He looked almost familiar, something on the edge of a memory already devoted to remembering too many things. It felt important, but she couldn’t quite grasp it beyond the sunglasses. Then, it wasn’t so much the appearance, as the laugh. She should really know this. Fluttering hands shoved her glasses further up her nose, and she smiled brightly. “No, no I don’t think so. Just another ordinary stranger on the street, sorry.”
Too much? Probably too much. “I mean, unless you read CatCo, but...you’d have to be pretty deep on the site for reporter profiles, and– you know, probably just have one of those faces.”
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Striding down the streets of New York when the sun was still high up in the sky wasn’t a common occurrence for the clown who was much more fond of the darkness. But heading out in the daylight was a sacrifice he was willing to make to satisfy a rather plain craving. For once not a crime-related one — coffee. A cup of sickeningly sweet coffee. With sugary syrups, whipped cream and colourful sprinkles topping it off. At that point the smallest hint of bitterness was undetectable. Exactly what he needed.
Sipping on the lukewarm beverage, which was more like liquefied saccharine, the Joker’s idle strut grew into a buoyant bounce. The jumpy song stuck in his head effectively blocked out the cacophonous surroundings. So effectively he bumped into another pedestrian. Thankfully without spilling a single drop.
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“Forgive me for my clumsiness,” his brief apology was closely followed by a short, chirpy laugh. Lowering his sunglasses, he enquiringly glanced over the frame at the face he felt like he should recognize right away. “I hope it’s not rude to ask
 Do I know you?”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
Ever since returning without the elixir needed to help Sara, Oliver had been on edge. Had he done enough to curb the poison running through Nyssa while he got her back to New York? Had he put her under the right person’s care? Would they stay discreet? Was she safe? How would the Lance sister’s react? He was pretty sure you could chalk that one up to an epic failure. Not only did they come home empty handed, Nyssa could have died. Oliver Queen did not like to fail. And now, he had to twiddle his thumbs while Dinah was out trying to save the day. Like always. Because he was too human to ever get the damn job done on his own.
“Pumped. Maybe that’s not the right word. Amped?” Anxious was more like it. There was this nervous energy coursing through him almost like he needed to prove himself again even after all these years. “This is going to be hard, right? Difficult? Totally not a walk in the park? And it’s going to be significant? I need that. A win. A good win.” What would Ra’s call this? Satisfying? 
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He looked something. Kara was usually fairly good at reading people, but Oliver was always tricky. This Oliver. Maybe it was because she didn’t know him that well, not like Earth-1 Oliver, but only just enough. Just enough to know something was off, and if she could help give him a win, she would. The plan wouldn’t be too difficult to execute, not with the both of them working together. But there was never any group mission Kara would call easy. Not with anyone other than her cousin, not with anyone who bullets could touch.
“Okay.” She drew the word out skeptically, narrowed eyes focused on him for a moment before turning to the building across the way. “It won’t be easy, and if we can shut this down, we might actually make a dent in arms movement through the city. There’s...thirteen of them, four on the first floor, and nine on the second? They’re heavily armed, obviously, it’s...I mean they deal weapons.” Her joking tone gave way to a little worry. “Got a plan?”
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kdxnvers · 5 years
“You can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly.”
— Unknown
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