kedrovpurin · 4 years
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My Headcanon is that Rainbow Dash is always the one that invites Applejack to hangout and relax, so she doesn´t get overworked with farm job or when dealing with magic.
Dashin´ Around was also the way of Applejack to say “thank you” to Rainbow Dash for being so caring for her.
(The background for the collage comes from @zap-apple-cookbook​ blog, check it out!)
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
quick sketches
gud nigt😪
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
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I got a little confused about the dates, i was in a big hurry and I don't like what I did, but anyway-
my goddess smiles on her birthday and drinks expensive cider because she's too old for this shit
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
appledash is the ideal butch4butch relationship
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
uhhhh hppy birthday bby
I can't believe it's been so many years..⚘
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✨🌈Happy birthday Rainbowdash!!🌈✨
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
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Holding your injured girlfriend in your arms
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
It's honestly hilarious to me how people think Appledash is toxic or unhealthy. Y'all see them compete for fun in few episodes and base your opinion on that only.
If y'all made your effort and looked deeper into their relationship (platonic and romantic) you'll see that appledash is one of the healthiest relationships I've personally seen on TV.
They balance each other perfectly. Rainbow Dash would help Applejack relax when she is stressing over work and Applejack would help Rainbow Dash break from her lazy habit, which Dashie needs a lot. Remember that one episode where Applejack ran away from home? And her friends chased after her? Yea, Rainbow Dash was the one who pushed her to the limit until Applejack finally confessed the truth (If you payed attention you would know that Applejack has this bad habit of keeping things to herself.) In a relationship, they will literally help each other become a better person- pony. These are just few examples by the way, there are many more.
The two episodes where the main focus is Applejack and Rainbow Dash don't give us the best impression of the ship, but their background moments are honestly very sweet.
I could talk about Appledash for hours because it's my all time comfort ship from my comfort show, but I wrote all of this in few minutes as a rant because I saw uneducated people on Twitter calling it toxic, while in reality they're perfect.
Cmon who doesn't love the 2 butches together?
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
in addition, I would like that in eqg (if it doesn't finished) this shit with canon and ships is over (I'm REALLY VERY tired of arguing about what the creators of this show did) and the possible appledash relationship has come to a reasonable conclusion (I really want to believe that in Equestrian girls appledash will be at least indirectly said by canon, as in mlp:fim (*μ_u) )
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RD: How come nopony bothered to invite me? AJ: I came to invite you personally.
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
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I love them
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
Today is a holiday for Appledashers…
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It´s the ninth anniversary of the release of Fall Weather Friends, the episode that put Appledash on the map
Even though they had some moments on the 12 episodes prior, this was the one episode that sky rocket it.
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
wll yah
rlly cul god jub
MLP.FIM Birthdays🎉
The Mane 7
Rarity: Friday 16th August 1996 (23) (Leo)
Applejack: Wednesday 30th October 1996 (23) (Scorpio)
Fluttershy: Thursday 20th March 1997 (22) (Pisces)
Rainbow Dash: Wednesday 1st April 1998 (21) (Aries)
Twilight Sparkle: Tuesday 8th September 1998 (21) (Virgo)
Pinkie Pie: Sunday 22nd November 1998 (21) (Sagittarius)
Spike: Friday 9th June 2006 (13) (Gemini)
Only three of the Mane 7’s birthdays were displayed in the MLP.FIM series: Rainbow Dash’s, Pinkie Pie’s and Spike’s. However, we still never knew their exact birthdays.
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We know from “Pinkie Pride” that Rainbow Dash’s birthday is on the same day that she moved to Ponyville, which is now formally known as her “birthiversary”.
I decided to set Rainbow’s Birthiversary on the 1st April due to her mischievous nature (April fools day), but I mainly decided on it due to how much of an Aries she is.
Aries are described as being eager, dynamic, quick and competitive, and if that’s not RD the I don’t know what is!
I also wanted to make her one of the younger members of the group due to her immature nature. Don’t get me wrong, I love Rainbow with all my heart, but you can’t deny that she can be a little immature from time to time.
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I also made her younger than Fluttershy by just over a year, and I did this because I believe RD looks smaller than Fluttershy in “Cutie Mark Chronicles”.
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And now we have Pinkie’s birthday. “Party of one” was set on and around Pinkie Pie’s birthday on a casual looking day in Ponyville, but that’s about the only piece of information we get about her birthdate.
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Although, in “Griffon the brush off”, Fluttershy mentions that she’s one year older than Pinkie Pie, rendering her canonically younger than the element of kindness.
Also, Pinkie is the DEFINITION of a Sagittarius! Extroverted, optimistic, funny and generous are the exact words used to describe a Sagittarius. Dats Pinkie, y’all!
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Baby boi Spike is a blessing😭
Anywho, we all know that Spike was canonically hatched on (what I like to call) Cutie Mark Day, so he’s obviously the youngest of the group by a fair margin.
I made Cutie Mark Day/Spike’s birthday the 9th June 2006, and I did this because “Cutie Mark Chronicles” appeared to be based in a rather summery setting, and Spike is also a HUGE Gemini. Versatile, expressive, curious and kind.
Also, the 9th June 2006 was a Friday, which is important. Twilight had her final test in order to attend Celestia’s School on Cutie Mark Day, so it would’ve taken place on a weekday aka a school day.
I’ve always thought that Rarity and Applejack were the oldest of the group, so I gave them the same birth year of 1996 which would make them 23 now.
I imagine Rarity to be that little bit older than AJ, so I gave her the birthday of the 16th August 1996, making her a Leo.
Leo’s are known to be dramatic, outgoing, fiery and self-assured, and that fits Rarity to a T!
I’ve also mentioned this before, but I headcanon that Rarity and Applejack grew up together in Ponyville. So, I needed their birthdays to be within the same year so their friendship would blossom from a very young age.
I wanted to give Applejack a birthday around harvest time because of how funny and hectic the day would’ve been for the Apples.
I can imagine Bright Mac frantically running from the orchard to help Buttercup to the bedroom, Big Macintosh crying in his crib next door, Granny Smith spouting nonsense about being behind on the apple bucking, but everything working out just fine in the end.
So, 30th October 1996 is what I came up with for AJ’s birthday, making her a Scorpio. I’ve never seen a better description of Applejack’s character than what a Scorpio’s traits are. Passionate, stubborn, resourceful and brave. That’s Apple Pone summed up tbh.
And now we come to Fluttershy’s birthday. Going off of what I said about Fluttershy being a year older than Pinkie, I needed her birth year to be 1997, one year before Pinkie’s.
Making Fluttershy a Pisces was the easiest decision I’ve ever made. Affectionate, empathetic, wise and artistic are traits of a Pisces, and that’s Fluttershy all over!
I also wanted her birthday to be around springtime because of her affinity for animals, and she just seems as though she’d be a little spring foal.
And finally, we come to Twilight’s birthday.
For some reason, I imagine Twilight being one of the younger members of the group, despite her vast knowledge of pretty much eveehthing. So, I gave her the same birth year as Rainbow and Pinkie (1998), and I gave her the 8th September for her birthday.
Twilight is therefore a Virgo. Practical, loyal, gentle and analytical are Virgo’s main traits.
I wanted to give her a birthday at the start of September because it would pretty much always have taken place on a school day. I can imagine Twi’s old friends at the School of Magic trying to throw her a party for her birthday, only for it to be shot down because of Twilight’s “study schedule”.
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
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1st: The fact that Ashleigh posted this was a HUGE shocker for all of us, I never thought she or anyone else would’ve post any shipping. I’m sure SketchyJackie is sooo proud :D <3
2nd: You remember Castle Mane-ia (S4EP3) don’t you? The thing about Dash thinking it was AJ’s hoof around her, THEY WERE TEASING US WITH SOME SHIPPING *3* <3<3<3<3<3
3rd: M. A. fricking LARSON EVEN SHIPS IT :3 Man I feel like everything is getting better for us AppleDashers <3<3<3<3
4th: ASHLEIGH CONFIRMED IT AND TALKED ABOUT THE FANART, i’m not sure if she CONFIRMED confirmed it though :/ (check out my previous video)
Coincidence? I think NOT! Okay, let’s have a moment to talk. There are now 4 teasing posts for us. Are these supposed to be……………clues/hints? IS IT ACTUALLY GONNA BECOME A THING, OR ARE THEY JUST DOING IT FOR ENTERTAINMENT? It’s so obvious! :3 I SERIOUSLY hope it becomes CANON <3<3<3<3<3 i’m gonna cry a river if it doesn’t :( 
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
Someone pointed out to me that the mane six are walking, talking pride flags.
And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.
They’re literally living embodiments of their own pride flags!
Applejack: Lesbian flag
• Both have orange and red colours.
• Is the most obvious lesbian you could ever encounter.
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Rainbow Dash: Gay flag
• I mean, this one’s obvious, right? They’re both rainbows.
• Is gay. Very gay. We know this.
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Pinkie Pie: Pansexual flag
• Pinkie has pink fur, a yellow and blue cutie mark, and she also has blue eyes. The same colour as the flag!
• Loves absolutely everypony, no matter what gender, orientation etc. A pan queen!!!
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Rarity: Asexual flag
• Again, has the same colour scheme. Blue, purple, white and black.
• For some reason, it makes complete sense in my head for Rarity be asexual. She’s had countless romantic attractions before, but nothing “more” than that. I stan her👏
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Twilight Sparkle: Bisexual flag
• THEY ARE THE EXACT SAME COLOUR!!! How did I not notice this?!
• We all know Twi’s bi, right? Right. I mean, the whole flag thing makes it pretty obvious, huh?
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Fluttershy: Pansexual flag
• Like Pinkie, she has the same colour scheme as the pan flag. Yellow fur, a pink mane, and she has blue on her cutie mark.
• Being attracted to Discord is probably one of the most pansexual things someone could do tbh. Plus, like Pinkie, she loves and accepts everyone. A pan panic mood.
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Also, feel free to use my edits for any mood boards, gif boards etc. I think they’re super cute😁💫
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
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“It’s just a little rain. I’m sure our friends are fine” ~ Rainbow Dash 🌈
“Spring Breakdown” | My Little Pony: Equestria Girls 🌊
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kedrovpurin · 4 years
Dashin´ Around: How It Re-Imagines the AppleDash Formula
Dashin´ Around might be a short story (only 10 pages long), but, it has so much to unpack, giving us new insides about Rainbow Dash´s and her connection with both Applejack and the Apple family.
Let´s start with one of the first panels…
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From the get go is revealed that Rainbow Dash used to visit Sweet Apple Acres quite often and help with the chores, and it´s been so long since the last time she stopped by, so that´s why Applejack invited her for a chores day.
Keep in mind that Applejack invited her for a “chores day” and that´s been so long since the last time she came to the farm, that becomes important later.
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Once Rainbow Dash arrives, Applejack doesn´t just go outside and greet her like one would do with a friend, she pretty much shouts at the entire family to announce them that Rainbow Dash just came, shortly after she greets Rainbow Dash with a hug, not any hug, she´s pretty much squishing her and even lifting her from the ground (you would expect this kind of warm from Pinkie Pie, but Applejack, that´s a a bit rare).
Now, I get why Applejack and Big Mac are so happy to see Rainbow Dash, all of them are on the same age group and go to Canterlot High together, the one that really catches my attention is Granny Smith, read these panels right here:
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Applejack first mentioned that Granny Smith was worried that Rainbow Dash forgot that the chores day was today, later Granny Smith mentioned that when she heard Rainbow Dash was coming, she knew that she had to make something special for her, in this case, Apple Cider (this is Rainbow Dash we are talking about, she LOVES cider) and shows quite a lot of interest knowing about how Rainbow Dash´s life and her parent´s has been going lately.
With all of this I think that 2 things might be going on:
1. Applejack talks about Rainbow Dash quite often at home, and Granny Smith picked up from what she said that Rainbow Dash is very special for her.
2. Granny Smith has her own kind of appreciation for Rainbow Dash (keep in mind Rainbow Dash came before to help with chores years ago, it plays into that).
After Rainbow Dash suggested that they started working on the chores, we started to see Applejack´s plan unfolding…
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Shortly after they raked up the leaves, the first thing Applejack and Big Mac did was grab Rainbow Dash and jump with her on the leaves (something a bit counter productive, if you want to get a job done), to which Applejack later states that it was a long time since they did a “leaf dive”.
What I get from this is that back when Rainbow Dash came to help with the chores all those years ago, they used to mix those chores with some playing so they didn´t felt like… well, a chore, and Applejack wanted to re-live those times with Rainbow Dash:
Personally I like to think that Applejack choosed this one first because it was her´s and Rainbow Dash´s favorite game back when they were kids, and would spend hours and hours playing on the leaves until Rainbow Dash´s parents came to pick her up.
Soon after when Apple Bloom arrives, when she mentions that A.K Yearling was at the Book Shop signing her new book, Applejack knowing how much Rainbow Dash loves the Daring Do books, she decides to take the lead and knock off the chores and go straight into town to get that book for Rainbow Dash (this is Applejack we are talking about, someone who holds work as a high priority, it would take something very important to get her off from it).
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This is the moment that partially revealed to Applejack why Rainbow Dash was so much in a hurry to get the chores done, and here´s also where Applejack reveals why she made up and entire chores day…
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The thing with the chores day was that the chores didn´t matter. It wasn´t about Applejack getting the chores done, it was WHO she was doing the chores with, and that would be Rainbow Dash.
Say, if Applejack wanted to get the chores done, and she has 6 best friends to choose from, why even choose? the more the merrier and there´s more helping hands, the entire purpose of it was to spend the day with Rainbow Dash without the pressure of school work or some monster attacking the town, literally, just hang out.
To say that reveal stroke Rainbow Dash like a kick would be an understatement, Applejack and her family were trying to pour out her heart all day long and Rainbow Dash was too focused on something else to noticed it at first glance, and after this small adventure together, and with some luck Rainbow Dash getting her book signed by her idol, this story closes with this line…
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(I´d like to see what happen through the rest of the evening to be honest)
so after analysing the entire comic, here´s the question…
How this story single-handedly re-imagines the Appledash duo?
When someone says the word “Appledash”, some of the words that pop up on people´s mind is “competition”, “challenges” and “rivalry”. Instead, this comic takes all 3 words, and toss them away.
Dashin´ Around gives us a look of how Applejack and the rest of her family sees Rainbow Dash, from Rainbow Dash´s perspective.
By stablishing that Rainbow Dash used to help very often at Sweet Apple Acres with the chores and her interactions with the rest of the Apple family, we get the idea that ever since Applejack and Rainbow Dash became friends, she´s been really kind and friendly not only with Applejack, but also with Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith…
- Big Mac despite being some years older than her, seems to really enjoy spending time with Rainbow Dash and his sister.
- Granny Smith took the time and effort to prepare a batch of cider for Rainbow Dash and was very invested on knowing if she was doing ok.
- Apple Bloom, despite not taking that much part on this story, probably has a special appreciation towards Dash since she took it upon herself to be Scootaloo´s Big sis.
Rainbow Dash by just being herself and being there with the family, became more than just a friend of theirs, she became a part and an extension of the Apple family itself.
And Applejack, the simple gesture of her saying that she just wanted to spend time with Rainbow Dash is precious, because out of all things they could have done:
- Going to the Arcade
- Playing a 1-on-1 Basketball Match
Going out for a Smoothie
She choosed the least exciting of all, chores, because for her, any time with Rainbow Dash, is a golden time.
Keep reading
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