keiralennoxra · 10 years
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
~secretly refreshing yessss. ;DDD (Keira would love to know this, haha) But anyway, she def thinks that Steph is awesome and tough and cool and teach me yours ways. And basically she'd be more than happy to be Steph's student when Steph tells them all they should learn self defense. (Although, I think that Keira is probs a complete fail at this until she gets the hang of it,  but she's a determined and dedicated student, so that's something.) 
Also, I feel like Keira is this weird mix of all them and she'd def be there to go eat cheeseburgers with Steph and watch action flicks and like, go paintballing at some big chain location and basically things that the others wouldn't want to do with her, haha. 
ooc | Keira & Steph
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
Ommmggg! Keira would totally do that for him. And she'd actually be really excited that she gets to be one of the first people to read the script and will try (and fail) to read the characters in different voices and generally be sad that he can't get Liam and/or Rick to do the male voices b/c their's are so awesome.
(ngl, would totally want Brian's tv show to be an RP if it wasn't so complicated, haha)
ooc | Keira & Brian
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
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KEIRA LENNOX || Sometimes I think "I need to think before I speak" and then other times I think "I shouldn't leave the house or interact with people ever."
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
Everywhere to Be | Keira & Libby
"I am both excited and extremely impressed by all of this!" Keira exclaimed, looking round at the assortment of baked goods Libby was dropping off, "Does your flatmate have little elves that help her bake at night? Because, I'm not sure how she does all of this and holds down a fulltime job. Not that I'm complaining," She added, quickly, "Nor am I going to point out that I have been here three weeks, or is it customary for Americans to continue to send welcome gifts? Or does she just do this all the time? Either way, I like it here." She finished, grinning. 
"Are you busy this week end?" She asked taking a bit out of chocolate chip cookie that was still warm (how?? Didn't she say these were baked this morning? Were they actually made with magic?). She pushed the plate across the kitchen island, offering some to Libby. "It's my last before I start uni and I thought maybe I'd take a drive somewhere, if anyone wanted to go somewhere -- anywhere, really."
She hasn't seen much of the east coast, despite her elaborate plans to see all the big stops before classes started. She had a bad habit of making lots of plans and seeing only about half of them through (though not for a lack of trying. Life and, most frequently, money -- or rather, lack of it -- often got in the way). But this weekend she was actually going to leave Baltimore (perhaps be something of an adventurer and leave Maryland). 
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
Young Blood | Keira & Chloe
Day: 19, Number of Attempts to Bring Flatmates Together: 6, Number of Success Stories: 0 (not good)
If something could be said for the four of them, they were all incredibly stubborn and determined. And Keira was determined to be the most determined: before she returned to Scotland she would get the four of them together for something they all enjoyed (although, this still left her with the pressing question of how these three girls had become friends in the first place, and what did they do together?) 
After last night's fiasco (she didn't think it would be so incredibly hard to select a movie at the cinema, but it was. Romance for Sophie, Superheroes for Steph, and the new foreign film down at the indie theater for Chloe), in which there was much debating that ended with the four of them staying in because nothing could be settled on, Keira decided to take a slight break from her constant efforts to do something with all four of them. (No, not discouraged, merely regrouping).
It was early for anyone to be up, especially on a Sunday, but Keira could hear someone in the kitchen. She wasn't surprised to see that it was Chloe, who was looking through the pantries.
"Morning!" She said, brightly, "You going to the Market today?" She asked, "Mind if I come with you, if you do? I thought I might try replacing chocolate muffins with oatmeal for breakfast this week. It was actually quite good when you made it with strawberries."
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
ooc | Keira & Steph
So, I know that Steph was a little ~hesitant about Keira moving in w/ them since they hadn't met her before + it was all Sophie's idea, but do you think she would have come around by now? 
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
ooc | Keira & Rick
So, I know we decided that these two would become friends? Do you think they'd be friends atp?? Keira's probably only been here for about three weeks to a month, tbh, and like that's no time at all for her to make friends, but idk about Rick??
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
ooc | Keira & Brian
I feel like Keira would really, really like Brian, honestly. Also, she's definitely the ~nerdest of my characters and would probably be actually super excited to hear what he's working on and listen to his three hour plot explantations and ask questions and basically be like THIS IS THE GREATEST THING TELL ME MORE. 
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
ooc | Keira & Chloe
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keiralennoxra · 10 years
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KEIRA LENNOX, college student, 25 - TAKEN BY LIZZY APARTMENT 302 (the college girls) Relationships: Chloe Bryant, Stephanie “Steph” Doyle, Sophie Taylor (apartment mates/best friends) portrayed by karen gillian
BACKGROUND: Keira and her older brother, Finn, grew up in Scotland. They had a happy childhood, even though they never had much. They lived with their grandparents, in the country, and spent all of their time playing on their farm and generally being holy terrors to the poor people who worked there. There wasn’t much money, however, to put them through University, so Keira worked to put Finn through, and now he’s working to help pay her way. 
Keira is spending a year abroad in America. 
She loves traveling and seeing new places and things. 
She intends to make the most of her year here and wants to make sure she gets to go up to New York, down to Florida, and over to California before she has to go home. 
She enjoys downtime as much as the next person, but her apartment mates joke that she’s secretly taking energy drinkings through an IV. 
She admits that she might be a tad bit overly enthusiastic sometimes. 
But she’s unsure that she will ever be back here again, and doesn’t want to have any regrets. 
She will eagerly go anywhere with you anytime (hell yes she’s up for spontaneous trip to the 24 hour CVS with you at 3AM so you can satisfy your craving for a midnight snakc). 
She is still undecided as to what she wants to study. 
Honestly, she finds so many things fascinating that she doesn’t know if she will ever be able to choose. 
She has a problem with just getting really excited about things she she learns new things. 
Learning is cool.
She looks out for all of her suitemates, but tbh they need to look out for her, too. 
She’s still adjusting to all the cultural differences. 
While her suitemates are all pretty stubborn about everything, Keira is generally a go with the flow type person and she’s often the one who can get them together to do things as a group. 
(Sometimes she can be a bit bossy, too, though). 
"We are going to get ice cream and everyone will enjoy it.” 
Everything can be solved with a hug, a cup of tea, and a group of friends to vent to. 
Chocolate never hurt anything either. 
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