kennettshippersclub · 4 years
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Bridgerton | Behind the Scenes of “An Affair of Honor”
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kennettshippersclub · 5 years
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Arm day vs. leg day
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kennettshippersclub · 6 years
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kennettshippersclub · 8 years
Kennett endgame
I would have Kennett be a thing from season 3 
And there’d be a Cinderella moment where the whole room stops and goes silent momentarily because she looks so beautiful. And Bonnie brings a date but Kol spends the whole evening watching her so much so that he even gets distracted from his plans with Rebekah involving breaking Matt’s throwing arm, which is just as well considering how cosy Matt and Rebekah get once they’re in the parking lot.
Instead of that random doctor, Alaric was mulling around with Kol would spot Bonnie in the bar playing pool (because she didn’t want Caroline to be alone in the bar with Klaus etc). He almost doesn’t recognise her in plain clothes but recognises the eyes immediately. Obviously, Kol starts flirting, Bonnie is having none of it and ignores him until he becomes too irritating to ignore.
Then there’s a lot of back and forth, Kol flirts even harder and Bonnie without meaning to flirts back even just a tiny bit. It becomes quite humorous because every time Kol goes anywhere near Bonnie she moves away in the other direction, so it turns into a slow-motion game of chase around the pool table. (Which is even funnier when you remember that Kol is a vampire)
Kol shocks Bonnie because he can immediately tell she’s a vampire and even confess to knowing a thing or too about Bennett witches and their magic but as soon as Bonnie enquiries further Kol passes out because one of his other siblings is daggered and Alaric rushes Bonnie out of the bar.
I’d have a million moments all through season 3 and 4 like the first eye sex moment they had together. Just subtle little flirtations here and there. Somehow, Bonnie would always end up being the one thwarting Kol’s plans and besting him. Which intrigues him just as much as it frustrates him and he finds himself completely fascinated with Bonnie.
In the second hallway scene instead of trying to attack Bonnie, he finds her and subtly threatens her and she not so subtly threatens him back. He says something along the lines of “I know you’re plotting against me and my family, It won’t work. So I’m giving you the chance love, as I said I have a soft spot for witches especially ones as pretty as you but I only have so much patience, so don’t push me”
And she smiles and asks if he considers this pushing him and releases the spell from hell and paralyses him and runs.
Maybe I’d kill Kol - only not by way other either of the Gilberts because that was just insulting - and I’d have Kol come back and ask Bonnie fro her help at graduation and she’d say yes OR I’d have them team up o something else and Kol would help Bonnie control her magic and might even steal his mother’s grimoire for her to use and to piss Klaus off.
At the end of season 4 when the Originals are leaving I can see Kol seeking out Bonnie who asks him if he’s going to NOLA with Klaus and Kol responding by saying that he’s going as far away from his siblings as possible and the then cheekily asks her to come with him Bonnie, laughs at him, scoffs and declines even though Kol was being serious. He tells he she can’t stay in MF forever she asks why not, ‘lots of people stay in the town they grew up in’ and Kol responds with you’re not most people Bonnie Bennett’
The next time they see each other is when Bonnie agrees to go to New Orleans with Caroline. They become a couple on The Originals and Bonnie becomes stronger than ever as a witch.
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kennettshippersclub · 8 years
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Its been a while since there was a KennettShippersClub post. But I wanted to share this with all of you. There will be a Kol Mikaelson Week starting this Monday, which is great! On Day 6 you can share your love for Kennett. All edits, quotes or videos are welcome. Use the hashtag #KolMikaelsonWeek and share the love!❤ @kolslittlewitch made this happen!
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kennettshippersclub · 8 years
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I haven’t seen this one yet :) 💜💜💜
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kennettshippersclub · 8 years
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Some Kennett love on Twitter
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kennettshippersclub · 9 years
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In case you missed it, our own Kat Graham is in the running for eonline’s “Girl on Top” award this year. Please vote for her here:  
We’ll be gathering to vote together at 5PM ET today, but you can vote as often as you want, and as many times as you want. This round will be over tomorrow evening at 8PM ET though, so better get your votes in soon!
(img source)
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kennettshippersclub · 9 years
Kennett AU | I’ll Seek You Out
dedicated to my lovely friend Sweetha (tropical-wonderlight)
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kennettshippersclub · 10 years
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Kennett AU: Bonnie dies in 1994 and finds herself in another prison world.
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kennettshippersclub · 10 years
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Do you guys have Kennett/Naterina feels already. Look at this: Our favorite people Kat and Nate will be a not just one, but two cons together! How many of you want to see a Kat and Nate panel. We got one last year, which also done by Bloody Night Con (aren’t they awesome!) and we sure want to see one this year! So how about we let BloodyNightCon know, we want to see Kat and Nate together in a panel again!
This is our chance! Make sure you ask @BloodyNightCon on Twitter. You can ask them if they could schedule a Kat Graham and Nathaniel Buzolic panel. Or you can go to their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/klzeventsspain Sidenote: They love it when people are excited and they notice this! (They’ve RT/Fav/answered Nate/Kat related tweets before!)
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kennettshippersclub · 10 years
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In which Kol kindly asks  Professor Shane to stop flirting with Bonnie
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kennettshippersclub · 10 years
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kennettshippersclub · 10 years
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The Vampire Diaries - 4.12 Promo - Kol Mikaelson 
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kennettshippersclub · 10 years
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Deviant Kennett fanart: Bonnie and Kol by Onikiyuurei http://fav.me/d638ob0
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kennettshippersclub · 10 years
why you ship this crakship ?
Hey Leyla-Chan,
To be honest Bonnie was the only girl who didn’t have a Mikaelson storyline, while the others did. Even the guys. Also Bonnie was stuck Jeremy for a long time, if not it was a other guy who wasnt interesting in my opnion. So I thought If they are bringing in two new Mikaelson brothers (3x13: bringing out the dead), why couldnt one of them be for Bonnie :) my choice went to Kol and I noticed other people started shipping them a lot too. Kennett had a fanbase. After many fanart, fanfics, manips created, even Kat and Nate themselves showed interest in Bonnie &Kol as a couple. From that point I started shipping them like crazy :) So the first reason was so that Bonnie could have an interesting guy and have a Mikaelson storyline.
The second one was because Bonnie was on the other side at the same time and in the same place as Kol was. So they were on the other side together. I would’ve really wanted to see some Kennett moments. This was a perfect opportunity.
The third one was because Kol said he liked witches and holds them in high esteem. I think this reason is the most important one for Kennett. Imagine the bonding, the spells, the magic the could’ve had together. I think this side of Kol describes Kennett for me.
On top of that they gave Kol a huge backstory witch related. He travelled with the witches, has spellbooks, created new spells, has a whole study place wehre he keeps them. Kol and Bonnie’s story would’ve flown together naturally, that’s why I ship them.
Thanks for your question darling ❤
Ps, this is my opinion ( tropical-wonderlight ) bonneibennett and Britt, feel free to jump in sweethearts ❤
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kennettshippersclub · 10 years
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