Imagine if Kishimoto was a good writer.
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Someone: Naruto and Sakura are like brother and sister.
Me: Incest is a family matter.
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I don't understand why the romantic relationship between two friends who went through a lot together is a big no-no but a relationship between people who barely got any development, who got nothing but negativity without even HINTS towards subtlety behind the negativity, who got together without any meaningful resolution whatsoever, is considered romantic.
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The whole "Sakura would be a terrible woman if she stopped loving Sasuke" thing is the dumbest shit i have ever heard. She didn't become a terrible woman for breaking her friendship with ino, she didn't become terrible after making fun of Naruto for not having parents, she didn't become terrible pretending that if Sasuke leaves she will be just as lonely, she didn't become terrible after lying to Naruto. No, she'll be terrible if she stops loving Sasuke after loving him for so long. According to that logic, Naruto became a terrible person for no longer loving Sakura after loving her for so long. Ino became a terrible woman for stopping loving Sasuke. Lee became a terrible person because he also apparently stopped loving Sakura. I don't hate Sakura. In fact, I love her character. It's just I think think that the whole "she'll be terrible if she stopped loving Sasuke" thing is a pathetic attempt to justify a toxic and underdeveloped relationship that came to be without any meaningful resolution whatsoever. Especially if you consider the fact that she did worse things(which she fixed and redeemed herself later) that would be a far better reason to label her as a terrible woman.
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