kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
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watching Bangtan eat is one of my weak spots, I can spend hours on youtube watching videos of them eating! So what could be more fun drawing them together with their gf EATING!!! Like a huge family gathering, I imagine it to be loud and messy and fun. I hope you can enjoy and tell me what you would eat with them if you had the chance. Bye dear ARMY Diana
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
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i’m getting evicted for being trans & I need help. 
hey guys. my name’s chris. i was born christina. from the time I was five years old, I knew I was trans. and I spent my high school years being picked on for being too boyish. Art was my escape. Through art, I could draw my body exactly how I wanted it to look.
This year I turned 18, and finally told my mom and dad I’m trans. I wanted to do it before Christmas, so I could spend my first Christmas out of hiding. I knew my parents would be upset, but I didn’t expect them to kick me out.
Sadly, they turned on me. they said they loved me, but that i’d be a bad influence on my five-year-old brother. a big part of me is relieved that I’ll be out of the house, but the other part of me is freaking the fuck out. i’m jobless and broke. i have three more weeks before I have to pay rent and groceries all on my own. I’ll be looking for a job, but in the meantime I'm desperate to have the security of a month’s rent.
Please PLEASE help me. if you can even give $5 … it will help so much. 
PLEASE DONATE HERE and spread the word.
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
This reminds me of the VERY first time and so far only time that I've been to one of those things.
I screamed so loud and hysterical that i actually scared the chainsaw guy. And after i ran past when my friends came to him one of them told me that he was just standing there like '...o.O tf??' And didnt try to scare him
I like haunted houses in theory BUT I have no idea how to react when the actors speak to you. They ask me a question and I just… answer it…
The scariest part of a haunted house is the unscripted social interaction.
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
Idea: BTS competing on hell’s kitchen but Namjoon isnt allowed to translate anything so it just ends up being Gordan Ramsay angrily screaming in English and Seokjin yelling back equally angry in Korean
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
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READ!! THIS IS MY LAST CHANCE!!!! (This is all I have!!)
My health is actually failing. I’m not being dramatic when I say I could die If I don’t get the medical help I need.
I suffer from chronic illnesses (a rare version of MTHFR HOMOZYGOUS, HIT, DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE + more) and I am disabled and trans. I am jobless due to my illnesses and I am currently without any necessary resources to survive, be healthy, stable, or safe..
I have a rare blood clotting disease that causes me to be at the HIGHEST RISK possible to have a heart attack, aneurysm, or stroke. This disease has also resulted in multiple major surgeries, and countless other major procedures that have left me with debilitating chronic pain and other disabilities (limited use of my dominate arm, and even tasks like sweeping leave my arms in immense pain). I have two stints in my chest keeping my main vein open to my right arm so the blood can flow to it. And it still has trouble flowing back which causes swelling and excruciating pain in my arm. The main vein in my chest has been patched and dissected from a vein from my thigh because the veins in my right arm and chest are so damaged they weren’t able to save much. I had to get a rib removed because it was pinching my vein and causing clotting during which damaged a lot of muscles in my chest and shoulder causing even more chronic pain. They also wired my chest shut.
So I NEED to have access to good health care. I’m chronically ill with horrible and scary diseases. I’ve already almost died three times, and have been on my death bed twice.. I’m in and out of hospitals constantly, they don’t have the resources to help. I NEED HELP. I NEED TO LEAVE AND MOVE IN ORDER TO SURVIVE!!! Please fucking help me!! Boost my links, donate whatever! I’m grateful for anything !!
I DON’T WANT TO DIE I’ve been fighting for my life since I was 16. I’m taking my health seriously and using the little bit of energy that I have to get shit done.
I’m honestly only asking for the bare minimum of what I need to move, and for rent…
I’m trying to move to Colorado to escape (my abuser and stalker that I have a really traumatic history with. Violence and including assaults) I’m stuck in my hometown right now in northern MN. Where I’m at right now IS NOT safe for me and I NEED to leave..
My friend in Colorado has a place that I can move into ASAP, I just need first and last months rent. I have to move this month or she has to find a different roommate because of her own financial situation, so this is my ONE and only lucky chance!! I NEED to move to Colorado for access to better health care (to keep me alive), and for my own safety.. This is VITAL for my health (mentally and physically).
NOW IS THE TIME TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT AND BE AN ALLY !! ALSO PLEASE READ AND SHARE MY STORY/LINKS!! REPOST, & REBLOG!! Copy and paste my links & story & share on ALL your social media’s (twitter, Facebook, tumblr and Instagram!!!!) it helps me so much !
If you donate, message me so I can thank you personally !!! Thank you ♥️
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
Today I found out that yarners think crocheting socks is subversive and controversial and I just…on one hand, why the fuck not, I guess yarners are allowed to have their controversies, but on the other, how much time do you have in your FUCKIN DAY??
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
Why JK Rowling Is Not The Perfect Goddess Some Of Y’All Seem To Think She Is
In other words: why you should maybe step away from the internet for a hot sec sweetie, because fandom isn’t supposed to be a mind control cult where we all have to worship the very ground an author walks on. People are allowed to disagree with the author! It’s a free world!
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@creatorofwords uh oh, thanks for playing but try again next time!! I came with the fucking receipts for this. 
1). The Nagini Thing. Making an Asian woman a slit-eyed animal is not at all good, even worse when that animal is a literal object owned by magical Hitler and used as a vessel for his soul. I don’t care what you think it is possible to have people of colour represented without racist storylines. Lots of people are talkng about this from all kinds of angles, it’s fucking bad.
2). The representation of Cho Chang. For a start, her name is actually two Korean surnames for a Chinese character so that tells you all you need to know about JK’s respect for other cultures. You should watch this video all about how hurtful the way Cho is written is for Asian girls. 
3). How many characters are in Harry Potter? About five maybe are people of colour? That’s terrible!!
4). “she literally wrote a book against racism” have you considered that talking over people of colour who try to have a conversation about your white feminism and deciding you know better than them about their own experiences isn’t actually a good thing to do. 
5). In the lore around how magic works, she shows that wand magic is superior to other forms. She also writes on Pottermore that white people had to show Native Americans how to use wands. This just screams of colonialist bullshit about educating the poor savages for their own good. Fuck that.
6). The treatment of the Patil twins, more side characters who are mostly forgotten except when our white heroes want to take them to the Yule Ball and then ignore them the whole time while they moon over white women. Classy.
1). She straight up didn’t write any gay characters then instead of acknowledging that mistake, she retroactively claims Dumbledore is gay like we should all be grateful. But newsflash, that doesn’t count as representation!! And she doesn’t deserve woke ally points. 
2). This has then got worse recently because the next Fantastic Beasts film is supposed to build on Dumbledore and Grindelwald when Grindelwald is coming to power. We know that supposedly Dumbledore was in love with Grindelwald as a kid and that’s why it takes him so long to bring Grindelwald down. So its massively relevant to this film’s plot then right?? And she’s already said he’s gay so it will be made canon now right?? Wrong. She’s stated she’s not doing anything to do with it at all. Because she loves getting fake ally points but hates actually doing anything. 
3). Everytime queer fans tried to bring this up, even very politely, she blocks them and accuses them of bullying. Is that really anyway to treat lifelong fans just because they raise an issue they’re worried about? Especially when its her books that helped teach a lot of us to speak up when we see something wrong.
4). The queerbaiting in Cursed Child. Now she didn’t write this one so she’s not directly involved I guess. I haven’t read Cursed Child so I can’t talk on it much but if you just google queerbaiting in Cursed Child you should be able to find out more.
5). She recently stated that the werewolves are a metaphor for the AIDs crisis. Now a). personally, I think there are certain narratives that belong to the people they happened to and the AIDs crisis would be one of them so she needs to get her dirty straight fingers the hell off of that. b). besides Lupin one of the main werewolves is Fenrir, a guy who literally just goes around biting children to turn them. That sounds massively like the stereotype from that era that gay men were just predators and paedophiles and were out to infect your kids.
1). She liked a bunch of tweets where terfs were saying vile things about trans women. She claims this was an accident but you tell me how easy it is to like multiple tweets on the same topic by accident (especially when they shouldn’t even come up on your feed unless you followed people with those views or searched for them). So yeah make of that one what you will but I’m adding transphobia to the list.
Culturally Appropriative 
1). She uses Native American mythology within her works, things that Native American groups have specifically asked her not to use because it is still an active part of their culture and it’s therefore offensive to portray it as “part of fantasy.”
Abuse Apologism
1). Despite including messages in the HP series about the seriousness of abuse she continues to support having Depp in her films and goes so far as to speak up for him despite the fact he beat his wife. She dares to call herself a feminist despite this.
2). Has the house-elves as stand ins for slaves but it’s okay because they like being slaves! They’re happy! Let’s laugh at Hermione for helping them!
JK Rowling is very much the kind of rich white lady who might have been progressive back in the 90s but then got comfortable and never bothered to learn or grow. Now she’s actively harming minority groups with her constant additions to the story and it’s bullshit. 
I’m not saying you can’t love Harry Potter (I love Harry Potter!). But stop sending these kind of messages to people who don’t love JK, it’s honestly pathetic. You have a brain, think for yourself and stop believing that she can do no wrong. it’s kind of weird… no human being is perfect. 
If you love a series so much that you have to insult people who disagree with the author despite all of the incredibly valid reasons they disagree with the author, then you really need to get a new hobby. it’s not healthy for you, it really isn’t. If you’re genuinely bothered or upset by people criticising an author, you need to take a step back. 
P.S. Google is right there and all of this is a matter of public record so you could y’know, read about this stuff instead of yelling at me about it. 
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
anyways my dad told me to get the hell out of his house if im “going to be a fucking transexual” and told me im mentally fucked. its getting worse every day and he screams at me at lease once a week about it so if anyone wants to donate to my paypal that would be nice because i dont have a car and im currently only working 3 days a week because im in school. if i can get a car i can move out, which is really really important
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
I am relatively young but in final stage renal failure. I have a higher chance of survival IF I can recieve proper medical care AND LIVING ASSISTANCE in a different state. Get me OUT of Mississippi.
The long post w the good explanation is being shared but not inspiring much help. So, I simplified it.
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My illness is straight up fatal. Not gonna beat around thatBush, anymore. I seem desperate for help because I AM desperate for help.
My nephrologist has seen enough improvement in my kidney function, lately, to believe someone my age (early 30s) might have a longer life WITH PROPER AND FREQUENT MEDICAL ATTENTION. Sadly, that just isn’t an option where I live.
Please, if you can help me with moving expenses (even just a couple of bucks) I would be grateful. I’m sinking fast in Mississippi and now my doctors are giving me too much hope to ignore. I wanna get out of this situation and I’m working my fatigued, brain-foggy ass off to make it out of here.
If I can undo the damage my heart failure caused to the rest of my body, I want to. I don’t want to spend another month KNOWING what I should be eating, what medicines I should be taking, what tests and treatments I should be getting… and receiving almost none of it because Mississippi lawmakers think people like me have somehow earned slow, painful deaths.
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
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this is what friendship is about :)
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
[Lyrics] VIXX LR - Beautiful Liar
This is a Beautiful lie My final lie Even if it hurts so much I could die For you, I will Hide myself behind a mask
Again I ask myself reflected In the mirror Will letting you go Make you happy? Free yourself from me You need quiet time to be alone Did you throw out words not even in your heart? I rewind through your expressions As you yelled fuck off I keep trying to tarnish Our beautiful memories I haven’t been able to imagine my life Without you yet, but please be happy So that at least my lie can shine
Though I let go of my tightly gripped hands My heart is the same But I’ll let you go
Though I let go of my hands now My heart is the same I think ending it now is the best thing for you
This is a Beautiful lie My final lie Even if it hurts so much I could die Right now, this moment I keep myself hidden in a mask
It’s okay if you leave me It’s fine as long as you’re happy Oh I’m I’m a beautiful I’m a beautiful liar
You stand before me And endlessly shed tears After our unexpected conversation The next Chapter unfurls You tell me to pick back up The words I spit out You grab my face and stroke it And gradually sink down This isn’t the future I imagined Just looking at at you like a lonely dog tied up on a rope Seems like a crime So I hide my lingering affection And I leave you, I’m letting you go The moment I said let’s promise that You’ll definitely live better than me You turned away from me
There’s no way I’ll cling on, laughably This (yeah this) is me (is me) Don’t hesitate anymore, leave
This is a Beautiful lie My final lie Even if it hurts so much I could die Right now, this moment I keep myself hidden in a mask
It’s okay if you leave me It’s fine as long as you’re happy Oh I’m I’m a beautiful I’m a beautiful liar
The last moments that I’ll Give my heart to you The fact that we loved at all was beautiful
The last moments that I’ll Give my heart to you The fact that we loved at all was beautiful
A me that’s more like me Is clinging onto me like shackles
You turn around and run to me Say not to tell stupid lies And smile in front of me
It’s a beautiful pain Letting you go I kill the me inside And hide my tears By wearing a smiling mask
Right now I’m carefree Please don’t worry about me Oh I’m I’m a beautiful No, a cowardly Liar
Keep reading
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
I owe the Hospital thousands of dollars, my internet has been shut off, and I can’t afford to buy any fresh fruits or vegetables which I’m supposed to be eating a lot of so that I don’t go back to the hospital and I’m so fuckin stressed about money but I’m not supposed to be stressed out either cuz that also increases my risk of needing to be hospitalized again
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
A faerie introduces himself. Then, holding out a hand, asks, “And your name, please?”
And, like a fool, you give it to him.
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
Feed a person vampire blood, you get a ghoul. Feed an animal vampire blood, you get a hellhound. Water a plant in vampire blood, you get a mandrake. Fill up your car with vampire blood? Probably good things, let’s try it.
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kingdomsfall1234 · 6 years
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