kinkcommissions · 1 year
"Cleansed"- Superstore Sickfic
Written by: Pine
Here’s another Superstore fic, hope people enjoy these because I love writing them! The idea of this one is that Jonah is doing a juice cleanse to be trendy. And then nothing goes wrong and no one gets poorly… ;) Of course someone’s going to be poorly and I’m sure you can guess who!
Hope you enjoy! :)
Jonah came bounding up to Garret at the customer service desk. Garret saw him, recognising the look on his face from the time Garret had conceded that Jonah’s vegan brownie recipe was “alright”, and he had only said that to stop him from covering his kitchen in ethically sourced cooking goods more so than he already had. Garret took a deep breath and prepared himself.
“Hey man!” said Jonah, excitedly finding his place next to Garret
“Hey” said Garret
“So, you know this, um, juice cleanse I’ve been trying?”
“You’ve been doing a juice cleanse?”
Jonah took a step back, thrown off.
“Yeah, you know I’ve been doing one, I must have mentioned it, I said “no thanks” when Randy offered me some of the pizza you guys ordered the other night”
“You mean the pizza he offered you because you said, “You guys having pizza?” and then proceeded to linger by the door?”
“Exactly” said Jonah “I must have explained it then”
Garret paused and gave him a look and Jonah realised he was teasing him.
“Yeah dude, you’ve talked about it non-stop. What more insight could you possibly have since ten minutes ago?”
“Well” started Jonah, undeterred “I think I’m finally feeling it working! Sure I nearly passed out in the warehouse a few days ago and I did wake up last night crying a little bit and covered in sweat…”
“Oh that’s what that noise was?” said Garret “I thought we had mice again”
“..but now!” Jonah continued “I feel energised, happy and I really feel like my body is saying “Thank you Jonah for looking after me”. It goes to show if you put in the effort, your body will reward you. You should try it!”
“No thanks man, I’m good with my takis and pizza diet.”
“Hm” said Jonah as he turned to walk away “I guess some people just see their body like a temple”.
Garret smirked and watched him walk away, pleased to be free from his lecturing.
Jonah went about happily stocking the shelves and when he was done, he cleaned aisles 1-5. He’d never understood the whole “If there’s time to lean, there’s time to clean” but feeling this good? He was happy to shoulder some extra work for his poor co-workers who had yet to discover this way of life. He imagined what the future could hold if he felt like this all the time, he could finally start that podcast “Climate change changers” he’d wanted to start for so long, or maybe even write that book about business. He could go back to business school and-
“Oh” he let out as he staggered forward, his hearing gone, head fuzzy and arms feeling slow to respond to his desire to catch himself before he faceplanted. He managed to stagger into the shelf and caught himself, taking a moment to breathe deeply. His hearing started to return along with his balance and ability to stand. He looked around sheepishly though no one had seen.
“Maybe I need some more juice?” he queried aloud, and continued mopping. The next wave of vertigo hit him like a tsunami. Before he even realised what had happened, he was on his knees, a terrible nausea washing over him as his hearing went once more and a clammy sheen of sweat clung to his forehead. He closed his eyes to the unpleasantness, fixing his face into a grimace.
“Jonah?” called Garret “That’s not how you mop the floor buddy”
Jonah didn’t reply because he didn’t hear Garret speak, his hearing was still gone along with his balance and all he could hear was a rushing sound in his ears.
Garret had approached and laid a gentle hand on Jonah’s shoulder. Jonah flinched but in a sluggish way, startled by the contact but too dizzy to reacted quickly. He strained to look round and saw Garret and immediately tried to climb to his feet.
“Oh. Um. Hey. Garret, I saw a quarter and-“ this time Jonah went straight down onto his face. There was no hiding what was happening and even worse, some semi-conscious part of his brain knew Garret would guess why. He felt the cool store floor on his cheek and stifled a retch at the thought of all that had been on the floor he now laid on.
“Dude, ew, get off the floor” Garret reached down and helped Jonah to his feet, which he came to unsteadily, dependant fully on both Garret’s support and the rigid shelf. He held himself up for a moment.
“Garret I-“
“We’re going to the breakroom, we need to get some food in you”
Jonah didn’t protest and propped himself up on Garret’s shoulder as they moved to the breakroom together.
“It’s no wonder you’re passing out, you’ve drank only juice for how long now?”
“4 days”
Garret stifled a smirk. It had seemed much longer than that with the way Jonah had been going on about it. They made it off the shop floor and Jonah relaxed slightly, still using Garret for balance as they reached the breakroom. Garret indicated for Jonah to sit. Cheyenne looked up from her phone from a nearby table
“Hey Garret, hey Jonah, I didn’t think you were on break for a bit”
“We’re not but Jonah passed out”  said Garret. Jonah looked embarrassed as his eyeline dived for his feet and he shuffled uncomfortably
“Oh, bummer” said Cheyenne
“Yeah, he put his face on the floor in aisle 5”
“Ewww NARSTY!” Cheyenne exclaimed. “You know that dude totally barfed there like yesterday?”
Jonah retched and Garret laughed. Garret retrieved a pizza box from the fridge and came to the table that Jonah sat at, placing the box in front of him.
“What’s this?” asked Jonah
“It’s the pizza from last night. I was going to have it for lunch but I’ll grab something from the canteen. You need solid food”
“Garret I’m only-“
“Its non-negotiable dude. You’re eating the pizza.”
Jonah caught a hint of concern in Garret’s tone but then again he always caught hints of everything in Garret’s tone, he obsessively overanalysed him hoping to see a flicker of something that showed he cared and right now, his brain was too muddied to analyse so instead, he opened the box and bit into a slice of pizza. He quickly took another bite, then another. Then he finished the slice and picked up the next one, devouring slice after slice. He hadn’t realised how hungry he was until the pizza passed his lips. Now he could focus on nothing but filling himself and feeling satisfied for the first time in four days. He shovelled slice after slice into his mouth, chewing quickly and swallowing hard. He quickly finished the entire pizza, much more than he would ever eat by himself, and began eating the pizza crusts. All the while, Garret watched pleased and a little smug.
“Pizza beats juice, man”
Jonah didn’t reply, he continued to wolf down the pizza in its entirety and when there was nothing left in the box, he closed the lid and sat back in the chair contentedly, one hand resting idly on his belly, the other drooping down at his side. He almost immediately dropped into a nap.
Cheyenne got up and walked across the room, turning back to Garret once she reached the door. 
“You coming?”
“Nah, I’ll stay with Jonah, I don’t want anyone to draw a penis on his head or something.”
Cheyenne raised an eyebrow and Garret realised he spoke with too much sincerity and rushed to add
“Not before I do at least”
Cheyenne seemed happier with that response and headed out of the breakroom. Even before the door had closed, Garret saw Jonah sit up from the corner of his eye. Jonah reached out, grabbing Garret
“Hey dude, what-“
Jonah vomited extremely forcefully across the length of the breakroom. It was juice like, but with pieces of undigested pizza floating in the mix.
“Oh damn” Garret said “Probably should have started on something plainer than pizza”
Jonah continued in one violent stream of vomiting, straining in his seat and clutching Garret harder, seemingly unaware that he was gripping Garret like this. He let out a pitiful sob and meekly submitted to a final onslaught which covered what little areas remained untouched in the breakroom.
“Missed a bit” said Garret sarcastically, in awe at how thoroughly Jonah had covered the breakroom. Jonah began to climb unsteadily to his feet.
“Woah, woah, woah, sit down”
“I have to clean this up”
“No dude, we’re bailing”
Jonah didn’t protest as Garret led him swiftly from the building and into his car.
“Put one of your podcasts on if it’ll make you feel better”
Jonah weakly shook his head
“Damn dude” said Garret “You must feel bad”
They arrived home and Garret ensured Jonah made it to bed and went to phone Glenn. Jonah lay miserably in bed, though much happier to be home. A few minutes later, Garret arrived at the door again mixing bowl in hand and a plate of burned toast, a phone outstretched in the other.
“He wants to speak to you”
Jonah reluctantly took the phone
“Hey Glenn” he said, not having to fake the rough quality to his voice
“Oh Jonah, I’m sorry, I wish I was there to swaddle you like a mother hen would”
“Um…Ok, yeah, thanks Glenn”
“You know when I’m feeling a little under the weather, I always find that the only thing that helps me is a nice tall glass of juice!”
Jonah paled, then greened, then bulged at the cheeks as he fought to keep the vomit down. Garret thrust the mixing bowl he had collected at Jonah, who positioned it in his lap.
“Jonah? Jonah?” came down the phone
“I think I’m ok Garret” Jonah said
“Have you gone to get yourself some juice?” came Glenn’s voice again and Jonah emptied himself with one silent retch into the bowl.
Garret sighed and took the phone “Thanks Glenn, I’ll see you tomorrow”
“Bye Garret! And tell Jonah he should-“ Garret hung up the phone and carefully took the bowl from Jonah’s lap offering the toast up to him.
“Should be easier than pizza”
“Thanks man” said Jonah
“I’ll tell you what Jonah, the juice cleanse has well and truly cleansed your insides” he gestured to the vomit in the bowl.
“Yeah, not really the kind of “cleanse” I had in mind”. Jonah managed a smile and lay down again, pulling the duvet up and settling down to rest.
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kinkcommissions · 1 year
"A Man's Man"- Superstore Sickfic
Written by: Pine
This fic is based on the short arc where Jonah drinks the ranch dressing to impress the warehouse guys. ‘nough said ;)
There is a very slight reference to my previous Superstore fic “Spillage”. It’s unimportant to the plot of the fic, but if you enjoy this kinda thing, check out “Spillage” first because this one technically follows that one (though the reference is only small)
Hope you enjoy :)
Jonah swaggered toward the breakroom. He practically bounced with excitement. Not only did he get the warehouse guys to join the union without having to partake in endless questionable activities with Marcus, but he did it by connecting to them as men. Jonah had always been insecure about how manly he was. He knew he wasn’t the kind of guy to lift weights and pull girls; he was more the kind of guy to make a cup of coco and tune in to a new podcast, arguing out loud with the speakers with no one else to hear. He had never been “a man’s man”, until today. To chug a gallon of ranch dressing perhaps wasn’t the most intellectual solution to the problem, but it had worked. He was only grateful that he had skipped lunch today, though with nothing else in him, that ranch was sitting heavy…
Even acid reflux couldn’t get him down. A gallon of dressing was definitely not brilliant for his rather sensitive stomach, given that it was mostly used to all organic, locally sourced foods. Though that didn’t matter, he could just swig some pepto when his shift was over and he got home. And though he was stuck on shift for another hour or two with an increasing pain in his middle, he was still high off his success with the guys.
“You look more peppy than usual” came Garret’s voice. Jonah turned to see him also heading to the breakroom. “Let me guess, you served Greta Thunberg at the checkout?”
“No, cool stuff like that never seems to happen to me” Jonah replied. Garret smirked, further amused that Jonah had missed that he was making fun of him.
“No, I chugged a gallon of ranch to impress the warehouse guys into joining the union!” Jonah didn’t wait to see Garret’s reaction before continuing, meaning he missed a flash of concern across his friend’s face.
“Maybe I should chug things more often” Jonah said, half talking to himself, walking through the employee door towards the breakroom. He raised his voice again bringing Garret back into the conversation.
“That’s what us guys do isn’t it? Chug drinks?” Jonah paused for a moment, trying to think of a more macho term for drinks.
“Booze? Hooch? Liquid Courage?” at the last, Jonah nodded, satisfied and Garret stifled a laugh, imagining Jonah calling ‘beer’ ‘liquid courage’ in front of the warehouse guys.
“Can you even chug a gallon of ranch?” Garret asked as they walked together down the hallway.
“Apparently so” Jonah replied, placing a hand for a moment on his stomach, reminded of the heavy feeling settling there.
“I mean, without hurling it all back up again later”
“I don’t think that’ll be an issue” Jonah said “I like to drink probiotics so my digestion…” he patted his stomach twice “It’s got to be fairly well boosted by now”
“Ok buddy, don’t come crying to me when you’re chucking up a gallon of ranch in the employee toilet”.
“Won’t need to man, guys chug all sorts all the time right? And ranch is meant to be eaten anyway!”
They made it to the breakroom and took a well-deserved rest, Garret grateful to take a break from serving customers; Jonah grateful to be off his feet and give his stomach a chance to start working on that ranch. A sore stomach for one evening seemed like a small price to pay for respect and admiration from the guys.
“Oh god”
It was too late for pepto. Jonah gripped his stomach firmly as he hastily made his way from aisle six, where he was stocking the shelves, and towards the employee toilet. Turns out Garret had been right, and its not like he could ask him for help now after what he had said, but more because he had already helped him a while ago when Jonah had eaten that bad yoghurt and subsequently thrown it back up when confronted with a particularly bad spillage. Garret had been so kind to him then and Jonah didn’t want Garret to think of him as this shrinking violet that vomited every time something disgusting happened. Plus, he wanted Garret to believe him about his probiotics and the benefit they had on his digestion. He’d come so far trying to teach Garret about organic, probiotic food and this would make him lose all his earned credibility on that topic. A quick trip to the men’s room was all he needed this time, and he was more than happy to do it by himself.
“Dina!” Jonah was flustered, he quickly removed his hand from his stomach and tried to wipe away the sheen of sweat across his brow.
“You’re already finished in aisle 6? That was quick. Ok, I need you to run a message to Amy, she’s in her office. A shipment came in today, apparently we’re short one item. Those bastards think they can short us one item per shipment like I’m not going to notice? Do you even know how many gallons of ranch they would owe us by the end of the year?”
“Oh god” said Jonah, though they weren’t really words, more spoken through an involuntary and powerful retch that keeled him at the waist. He put a hand instinctively to his mouth.
“Woah, you okay Jonah? You’ve gone a little green there. It’s very noticeable on account of your pale complexion. Was it something I said? Don’t like me talking about ranch shipments?”
Bleruuugh. The retch was short and strong, his body so full of ranch, it didn’t need to come far to escape. The hurling was vicious, a wet noise followed his gagging which was muted by a mouthful of partially digested, warm and stomach-tinged ranch dressing. The vomit was almost pure ranch. It looked white. It smelt tangy. Jonah tasted nothing but ranch and this only served to quicken the process.
Dina took a couple of quick steps back, managing to avoid most of the fluid, getting herself hastily out of the firing line.
“Damn Jonah, youstole the ranch from the shipment?”
Jonah took his opportunity to speak while he had the chance, though his voice was thick.
“No! Well yes, I guess technically? But only to chug it so that the warehouse guys would join the union! I-“ he cut himself off as speaking for so long was bringing on another wave of nausea.
“Ah, a classic dick-swinging contest huh?” Dina nodded understanding “I’ve been where you’ve been, I’ve chugged enough ranch to open a sandwich shop of my own”
Jonah paused for a moment, distracted from his sickness
“What would you sell, ranch sandwiches?” though at the thought of his own comment, Jonah promptly spewed liquid onto the floor again.
“Okay buddy” Dina said, placing a hand on his back to lead him away. She pulled out her walkie talkie.
“Glenn, can you send Sandra over to aisle six, tell her to bring a mop”
“Can do Dina!” came Glenn’s nasally voice from the other side of the walkie talkie.
“How does that man not get laughed out of every room he walks in?” Dina questioned out loud as she strode purposefully, leading Jonah to the employee toilet. She managed to get him there without further mess made out on the floor. Dina threw the door open, and seeing one of the stall doors closed, she started hammering on it with her fist.
“Clear the room now!” she called, her voice booming through the toilet.
Marcus replied from inside “Dina I’ve just started and if I stop now I’ll have to start all over again in another bathroom”
“Save it Marcus. Out. Now.”
Marcus fled from the stall, naked, and bundling his clothes in his arms,
“Jesus Marcus why are you naked?”
“Oh so you guys would rather try and get pee stains out of your clothes?”
“Just don’t pee on yourself?!”
“Yeah” Marcus scoffed “If it were that easy! Good one Dina” and then he left.
“He is a strange guy” Jonah said but started retching again.
“In!” Dina demanded pointing  into the stall and kicking it open.
“Was that really- oh-“ Jonah cut himself off again and made his way to the toilet kneeling down and centring himself just in time for yet another torrent, hailed down into the toilet bowl. The discontented cries of Jonah’s struggle to evacuate the ranch were echoed back into the room. Amidst the sounds of vomit pooling in the toilet came the desperate groans and agonised moans that could only be coming from someone ridding themselves of a gallon of ranch.
Dina reached out but hesitated before touching him. Hearing his struggle, her decision was made. She laid her hand across his back and made comforting circular motions. He instinctively leaned slightly back into her hand, almost forgetting she was there; he only focused on the feeling of comfort. Some distant part of him was embarrassed at her presence, but a very real and immediate threat of another exodus brought any straggling thoughts back to his here and now as he fully emptied himself into the toilet; his hands grasped desperately at the seat. Jonah’s posture was small, his knees together, head bowed and back slightly arched as he retched. Dina stood behind him in contact with his back. She had begun making staccato hushing sounds and realised it was the same noise she used to quiet her birds, but it seemed to helping Jonah so she didn’t stop.
After his vomiting had stopped, Jonah let out a more than exasperated breath and sat back onto his knees. He wiped his brow once more and Dina was already offering toilet paper, which he took gratefully, and used to clear his nose and clean his mouth. He stood.
“You missed a bit” she said softly and with the toilet paper she still held, she dabbed the corner of his mouth. Jonah was very flustered.
“Thank you. And, erm- thank you for- you know”
“Hey” she stopped him “I’ve been there. It’s okay.”
She turned to leave and stopped, turning back to face him.
“I’m gonna have to take the cost of the ranch out of your pay. It’s nothing personal but you did consume stock while on shift.”
Jonah smiled, glad to return to their usual dynamic and quickly leave the vulnerability behind.
“I won’t write you up though, I think you’ve probably suffered enough”.
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kinkcommissions · 1 year
"High Noon"- Shadow and Bone (Six of Crows) Sickfic
Written by: Pine
TW: Emeto
I wrote this one based around the characters of Jesper and Wylan from the TV show "Shadow and Bone" and the book "Six of Crows" by Leigh Bardugo. The Grishaverse is one of my favourite book series of all time and so it only makes sense to write a sickfic for it! More coming for this fandom too! Hope you enjoy!
“Wylan…I need you to patch me up” Jesper lay on the cold, hard Ketterdam cobblestones leaking blood from a hole in his abdomen. “Oh god…oh god…” Wylan flapped around as the blood began to pool around Jesper.
“You didn’t have to duel him you know!” “And he didn’t have to insult you” “Jesper, I don’t need you to defend my honour” “What else is a gunslinging boyfriend for?”
He flashed Wylan his signature cheeky grin though his brow furrowed ever so slightly from the burning around his wound.
“I’d prefer my gunslinging boyfriend significantly less shot” Wylan replied. He didn’t return Jesper’s grin, his face a web of lines, contorting through the strains of concentration. He held the wound, pressing tightly with one hand; he searched every pocket of his coat with the other hand.
“You really didn’t have to duel him” Wylan said, more to bait a response from Jesper as he had stopped talking and that left Wylan feeling uneasy. It was odd not to hear Jesper’s constant rambling.
“Nobody will ever call you THAT word and live to tell the tale” Jesper’s expression grew serious through the pain.
“Fair enough” Wylan replied, finally producing a hankie.
“You’re going to use a hankie on me?” Jesper said, a slight smile across his lips “Like I’m some kind of…nose?”
“You’re usually funnier than this” said Wylan “That’s how I know you’re hurting.
“I got him though didn’t I?” Jesper nodded in the direction of his felled opponent. Wylan glanced only briefly to the dead man. A problem for a little bit later he thought. He knew the stadwatch would be on them shortly and he had to stabilise Jesper before they could retreat to a safe house.  
The handkerchief was soaked through and failing to stop the bleeding so Wylan removed his shirt.
“Not here Wylan!” Jesper smirked
“Shut up Jes, I’m trying to save your life”
Wylan pulled hard at the collar of the shirt and tore it in half. He continued to tear smaller pieces off and wrapped the makeshift bandage around Jesper’s wound. He stashed the other pieces for later and started to pull Jesper to his feet. Jesper struggled and groaned but managed to stand.
“Wylan, take my jacket”
“What? No! You need it!”
“I don’t need it, I’m hot, take it”
Wylan would have refused had he not been shivering against the breeze of the cold night. Not wanting for them both to become incapacitated, he begrudgingly accepted, wrapping Jesper’s leather coat around his bare torso. It was far to big for him and shielded him only partially from the sharp Kerch chill.
“Come on Jes, let’s go”
The sound of pounding boots against the cobbles trailed them as they slipped down an alleyway, Jesper leaning heavily on him for support, though Wylan staggered trying to steady Jesper’s lanky frame under his own petite body. Wylan did notice, as he wrapped an arm across Jesper’s waist to steady him, that he did feel clammy under his shirt as the material stuck to him in places.
“You shouldn’t be this hot, it’s freezing out here”
“I’m fine, you worry about yourself” Jesper replied
“I’m worried about you!”
They kept on down the streets at a brutal pace and finally made it to the nearby safe house: a disused fish mongers. Wylan slid the large door open, allowing Jesper to lean on the wall for just a moment before collecting him and ushering him quickly inside. He took one last look out onto the street before slamming the door shut.
Wylan quickly retrieved the candles and a box of matches from the emergency supply box. “Praise Ghezen for Kaz’s paranoia” he muttered, returning quickly to Jesper. He heard a dull thud. Jesper had started to retrieve the bed rolls but had ended up on the floor in the near darkness before unrolling them. Wylan rushed to his side.
“Jes!” he cried out
“I’m ok” Jesper replied “I just slipped on something”
He rummaged around for a moment on the floor and brought something up to eye level. Wylan lit a candle and brought it up to inspect the object. It was a fish head.
“Oh god why?” Jesper managed before bringing their lovely dinner of waffles up again, all over the hard floor.
“I can still taste the syrup” he said mournfully before his body was racked with another round of heaving. He wiped his mouth with his shirt sleeve and sniffed slightly. Wylan had his hand on Jesper’s back.
“Are you making shushing sounds at me?” Jesper asked, cocking his head
“I thought it would be soothing” Wylan replied, a flush creeping up his cheeks.
“Right well now we only have one bedroll since I’ve…decorated the other one”
“It’s fine Jes, let’s get you patched up and into bed, you need the rest”
Jesper didn’t argue with that. He took the clean bedroll under one arm and shambled across the room, the other hand clutching his wounded side. Wylan looked down at the other bedroll which was swimming in a pool of half-digested waffles and cider. He gagged subtly at the acidic smell of the cider and followed Jesper across the room. Jesper was laying on the floor on top of the unrolled bedroll. Wylan pressed a hand to Jesper’s forehead. It was still slick.
“That blood loss hasn’t done you any favours” Wylan groused. He removed the ‘bandages’ and when his fingers came away wet, he quickened his pace. He made it back over to Kaz’s emergency stash and retrieved a water skin, a bottle of spirit, needle, and gut. Hurrying back to where Jesper lay, his wound now bare. Jesper’s eyes lit up seeing the spirit.
“Is that for me? How kind of you”
“It’s not for you, it’s for my hands”
Wylan uncorked the bottle and poured some of the strong smelling alcohol onto his hands and rubbed them together.
“Are you sure I can’t just have a little?”
Wylan stopped his nursing and looked Jesper straight in the face
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” he asked, gesturing towards the other bedroll.
“My waffles” Jesper said mournfully again “At least I kinda got to enjoy them twice?”
“You didn’t look like you were ‘enjoying them’ the second time around”
Wylan poured a little of the spirit onto Jesper’s wound and though the stinging brought tears to Jesper’s eyes, he didn’t make a sound. Wylan then washed the wound out with the water and threaded the needle.
“When I said “patch me up”, I didn’t mean literally, like some worn sock”
“The wound is too wide to nit itself back together so I’ll have to help it” Wylan arranged the gut and drew the needle close to the wound.
“Hold still”
He ran the needle through the loose flap of skin and brought it across to the other side of the hole. He felt Jesper’s stomach muscles clench and though he was trying to stay quiet, a growl escaped his lips. Wylan paused, not wanting to hurt him.
“Fine” Wylan said, nodding towards the spirit “Just a little”
Jesper snatched up the bottle and took a modest glug.
“Now THAT feels better” he said settling down onto the bedroll. Though he still twitched and cursed every so often, Wylan made good progress. A particularly painful jab caused Jesper to flinch.
“Careful!” Wylan chastised “You’ll tear the stitches!”
“I thought you were supposed to be good with your hands!” Jesper sulked
“The things I tinker with don’t twitch when I prod them”
Wylan finally finished the stitches much to Jesper’s relief.
“I don’t think that spirit hit my stomach right” Jesper complained
“I told you it was a bad idea. Spirits on an empty stomach in your condition!” Wylan shook his head. He placed a hand across Jesper’s stomach, his firm muscles making him feel a little flushed. He began to move his hand in a circular motion, trying to ease the pain. Jesper smiled
“That’s helping” he said. He opened his eyes and shot Wylan a sideways glance.
“Maybe…maybe you could…” he smirked
“No” said Wylan “Absolutely not. You’re not well enough for that, you’ll tear your stitches”
“Spoil sport” Jesper grinned
“Well one of us has to be the sensible one”
“And I will always and forever leave that duty to you.”
Jesper settled down, climbing inside the bedroll and falling asleep quickly. Wylan lay his head on Jesper’s chest, the cold floor chilling his body. He closed his eyes, figuring they were safe and that he best try and get some sleep.
Jesper opened his eyes. He heard a faint noise that sounded like voices and reached for his gun.
“Wylan?” he whispered
“I’m okay” came the faint reply and Jesper realised the noise was Wylan’s soft whimpering. His small form was shaking violently. He was sitting but his posture was slumped; his hands were wrapped around his knees, drawn up to his chest.
“Wylan what’s wrong?” Jesper sat up and started toward him, grimacing at the pull on his fresh stitches.
“I’m fine, I th-th-think I’ve just caught a bit of a ch-ch-chill”
Jesper moved to sit behind him, rubbing his sides fast with his hands, generating heat.
“I’ve never had a boy tear up his clothes for me” Jesper quipped
“I’ve never had a boy duel someone for me” Wylan replied, his voice shaky but his smile evident. Jesper reached for the since extinguished candle and lit it using a match.
“It’s better than nothing” he told Wylan as he held it within the circle of Wylan’s curled up form. Wylan responded to the heat that came from the small candle flame and sank backwards into Jesper’s body behind him. Jesper felt the violent shivering of Wylan’s muscles against him. He felt so small in his arms as he held him tighter and continued generating heat with his hands.
“Look, its getting light. Lets warm you up enough to get you back to the crow club. We can both sit in front of the fire and maybe Kaz will bring us some tea”
Wylan managed a chuckle “If Kaz ever brought anyone tea it would be laced with a horrific poison”
“A horrific poison that he’d probably asked you to make”
“I prefer the thought of Nina warming us up with the small science. She could probably patch you up better too”
Jesper gently pressed two fingers against the bandages and was relieved to feel slightly less pain, though it still ached.
“Don’t touch it Jes!” Wylan protested between shaky breaths
“It’s fine, I can make it to the crow club, let’s just focus on making you warm”
Jesper continued to press his own body close and when he thought he had given Wylan enough heat, he retrieved the clean bedroll and wrapped it around Wylan, ignoring the toll on his own wounds.
“Come on Wylan, let’s get you home”
“No Jes, let’s get you home”
“Alright then, lets both go home”.
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kinkcommissions · 1 year
Written by Ash, originally posted on their blog @feelingpoorly
For You- Part 1
My first fic on this blog!!! And my time posting my writing to Tumblr in more than 5 years...
There will be six parts to this I'll link them to each post once they're up.
This fic is 17k words! Idk how that happened... get ready for a ton of whump, sickfic, emeto, hurt/comfort and more :)
Here we go!
“Yrch!” Legolas hissed, immediately jumping down out of the tree he was crouched in and drawing his bow. 
Tauriel looked up from where she had been sharpening her daggers, secretly almost glad for the interruption to their somewhat awkward patrol. It was just the two of them today, and Legolas didn’t exactly talk much, at least not to her. The other elves from their patrol had been temporarily deployed to help defend the northern border, leaving only their two most competent fighters behind. 
She hadn’t sensed the orcs approaching like he had, too wrapped up in her own thoughts. Now he was next to her, bow still drawn and giving her an icy look. 
“Tauriel!” He snapped, sounding less like the carefree and playful elfling she had grown up with, and more like the cold, distant commander that he’d become. When he wasn’t irritated or even just indifferent, he was always quiet and reserved now. She supposed it was hardly unsurprising given the circumstances. He undoubtedly carried a huge amount of responsibility as the prince of Mirkwood and had bore his burden for centuries, defending his kingdom against the darkness that threatened to overwhelm it.
She quickly leapt to her feet, feeling her face flush as she quickly drew her own bow. She avoided the hard look she could feel he was giving her.
“How many?” 
“Sixty. Maybe more.” He said quickly as he spun round on his heels, concentrating intently as he tried to ascertain a more accurate direction. “They draw close- we don’t have long.” His eyes darted to the horizon and he paced impatiently over to the tree line, his whole body tense and alert. “We’ll have to fight them.” He turned to look at her, taking a deep breath as he steeled himself for what was to come. 
He wasn’t afraid. He was a warrior; he was never afraid, especially of orcs. They were slow and stupid and remarkably easy to kill. But there was only the two of them tonight, and they had not been prepared for, nor expected, to run into such a large party of orcs like this. 
Just before the orcs came crashing through the trees, for a split second Tauriel thought she caught a hint of emotion in his face. Not fear, not even remotely close. It was closer to a fierce, protective kind of determination. Something that showed that maybe deep down, there might still be a part of him not numbed by war, that still cared about her. 
They had not been prepared for a fight like this. They’d been cornered; surrounded from all sides and heavily outnumbered. 
They had already dispatched more than 50 orcs between them and were fighting at close range now. There were only about seven orcs left, which in normal circumstances the two elven warriors would’ve made quick work of, but they’d been fighting too hard for too long and they were both exhausted. 
Legolas unsheathed his twin knives, pulling them deftly from over his shoulders and slicing through another orc’s throat in one single movement, its rancid body falling to the floor with a garbled, bloody scream. He pivoted, panting heavily and saw Tauriel desperately fighting off two more, that had teamed up on her, with a frustrated yell.
Suddenly his eyes widened in horror as his gaze was suddenly drawn to an orc that had emerged unseen from behind a tree; bow drawn and a wicked grin on its face. It was aiming straight at Tauriel.
The orc loosed its arrow. Legolas didn’t even think. One minute he was frozen, helplessly watching the arrow fly through the air towards her, and the next he was throwing himself into its path.
Tauriel had just finished killing the two orcs she was fighting when she heard Legolas cry out behind her followed by the thud of a body hitting the floor. 
His body.
She screamed and started to run towards him, but before she could even take in what exactly had happened, she noticed the orc- the last orc, nocking an another arrow from behind the tree. Before the stupid thing could even think, she fired her last arrow straight through its eye and out the back of its head. 
Immediately she ran over to where Legolas was crumpled on the ground. He was just about conscious and somehow still managed to half smile at her weakly as she approached despite the pain he was so obviously in. It was the first time she had seen him smile at her in years. His face was alarmingly white, but what was far more alarming was the arrow embedded in his blood-soaked side. 
A terrible grief stabbed at her heart as realisation hit her, why he had smiled at her like that. The orc behind the tree. She had her back to it, she hadn’t even seen it coming, but he had. 
She threw down her bow and fell to her knees beside him, tenderly stroking his too pale cheek with her hand. All the weird awkwardness, the distance that had grown between them, it didn’t matter to her anymore. 
“Legolas! Ai valar…“ She let out a choked sob. It didn’t seem real. Somehow she’d always let herself believe that they were invincible. So many battles they’d fought side by side, always victorious with barely a scratch to show for it. It was difficult to believe it was him laying there, badly wounded and collapsed on the ground. 
He wanted to reassure her, hating to see her so distressed at his expense, but his head was reeling and he was unable to stop his face creasing as pain overwhelmed him. He let out a hiss, curling up into himself and instinctively wrapping an arm around himself as white hot pain seared through him.  
She put a hand on his arm reassuringly as his breath came in ragged gasps as he fought to get a hold of himself. When he was no longer fighting for breath, his mind immediately went to her- he hadn’t even checked if Tauriel was hurt. Suddenly he tried to sit up in a panic, groaning as it did nothing but provoke a fresh surge of pain.
Her heart skipped a beat at the pure concern plastered across his face, at the ridiculousness of the fact that he was more concerned about her despite the state he was in.
“I’m unhurt. It’s you we need to worry about.” She tried to give him what she hoped was a reassuring smile, but it faltered when she saw him grimace in pain again, as he clutched his stomach tighter, breathing sharply through clenched teeth.
The hand he’d wrapped around himself was already covered in blood, and it was clear that she needed to do something to stop the bleeding, and fast. 
They didn’t carry much in the way of healing supplies on patrols, but thankfully, they always did carry yarrow exactly for this purpose. She gently helped him lay back and carefully cut through several layers of blood stained clothes with a knife, before applying the leaves as best she could to the skin around the wound. He cried out in pain, but both of them knew it was a necessary evil. 
“Please- take it… out…” he managed to ground out between uneven shallow breaths, as she put as much pressure as she dared on his side to try and slow the bleeding. His head swam and he groaned weakly as he swallowed and shut his eyes tightly as his vision darkened. Somehow he was aware that she was talking to him, her voice increasingly frantic as he failed to respond, but her words were swallowed by a high pitched ringing in his ears. 
The ground felt like it was tipping beneath him- like he might fall any moment. Yet, wasn’t he was lying down? He moaned again and became aware of Tauriel’s hand on his face. One hand cupping his cheek. That was nice. It was funny that he’d spent so many nights out on patrol sitting next to her in the darkness, daydreaming about such a thing, and now it was happening but he felt too ill to properly appreciate it. 
He didn’t enjoy her shaking him as much; consciousness assaulted him once more. His body felt so weak and drained but his senses were restored. As incredible pain crashed through him, he mourned the peaceful darkness. 
“Mm…’m… ok…” he could hear how slurred and incoherent his speech was and felt ashamed. 
“Posto Legolas!” Stop that! “Valar you are not fine!” 
When he’d suddenly become unresponsive, she was worried she was going to lose him there and then. She felt totally helpless as she’d watched, terrified, as he’d turned sheet white and his eyes had rolled back. Even now his lips were still tinged with grey.
She dared to look down at the wound and saw that mercifully, the bleeding seemed to have slowed for now. 
“Thank the Valar…  It’s stopping. We need to get you back to the healing halls…” Urgently. She looked around uselessly, although she already knew they were completely alone. It wasn’t that she couldn’t lift him- but that she didn’t know how she could lift him in this state. It would surely only injure him further and he’d die if he lost much more blood- she could tell by the pallor of his face that the internal bleeding was already too great. 
He watched her closely, unable to do much else, still in his own dreamlike haze of suffering. But he could read the dilemma in his eyes. 
“Take it out. Please…” He begged her. “It’s the only option.”
“Nae! You will bleed to death! I’m sorry ‘Las, we have to leave it in.” She felt a pang of sadness in her heart at her accidental use of his childhood nickname. They’d been so close once, only to have grown so far apart over the last few centuries. It hurt her to think of all that time, wasted. Time with him she might never get back.
“You need proper care…” Care I am not able to give you. 
Legolas suddenly let out an uncharacteristic, involuntary cry and curled in on himself, both arms wrapped around himself clutching at his injured side. His brow was furrowed and it was all he could do to stop a tear from rolling down his too pale cheek. 
“Nîdh…” he said weakly, closing his eyes. It hurts. 
Please, I don’t know how much longer I can bare this. 
“Please… hold on… I will get you something for the pain. But we cannot stay here. I will think of something.” She reassured him, taking off her cloak and laying it over him gently. She didn’t know much about healing. She was already thoroughly out of her depth, but she was confident that if she could find some, she would be able to identify athelas. She didn’t know much about the herb, only what she had learned from the ranger that Legolas often travelled with.
If only it were Estel here with him now and not me… he would know what to do, how to help him. I am afraid whatever I do will not be enough.
She didn’t dare stray far from where he lay, but thankfully she managed to find the herb fairly fast; it grew commonly around these parts of Mirkwood. 
When she returned, his eyes were closed once more and he was only half conscious, yet she pressed on and crushed the athelas leaves into a cup and mixed it with water. 
“We need to get this into you, it will help the pain and stem the bleeding also.” She didn’t know if he was able to understand what she was saying but she hoped somehow her voice could comfort him.
She slid round behind him and tried her best to ease him up into her lap gently so he was somewhat upright. She had to hold his head and tip the cup carefully to his lips, though her own hands were shaking. He was in and out of consciousness, but slowly she managed to get him to take it down. She was thankful that as an elf, his body would hopefully absorb it quickly. 
They just had to wait. She laid him back down into her lap and tried to comfort him as they waited for the herb to take effect. His skin was clammy with sweat, and she absentmindedly brushed aside his silky blonde hair from where it had began to stick to his face. It was still somehow white gold and pristine, even now. He was always immaculate, so perfect. It felt odd having him laying there in her arms like that. There once was a time where this moment was all she had wished for. 
His face screwed up in pain as he moaned softly to himself, barely aware of her presence, but gradually she felt his body become less tense, his moans less agonised. Eventually he gazed up at her with soft blue eyes, confusion written on his face as he clawed his way back from the haze of pain.
“Are you hurt?” He looked horrified at the sudden thought, and shifted to see her better, wincing when his stomach which still had an arrow lodged in it, inevitably protested against the movement. Her eyes met his dazed, questioning gaze and she could barely look away.
You’ve already asked me this before. Do you not remember?
She just shushed him and laid him back down, stroking his hair softly as he relaxed. 
“I must apologise for my weakness.” He cleared his throat slightly. “I know not what came over me.” He said quickly, sounding flustered. She rolled her eyes; he was obviously feeling more himself. She suddenly felt a little awkward at how close they were and moved away slightly. 
“Severe blood loss was ‘what came over you’” She chided, shaking her head incredulously. 
“I am well.” He gritted his teeth and steeled himself for the pain he knew would follow as he struggled up onto one elbow, the other arm still wrapped around his stomach. It felt like hot knives were being driven through him.
“No, you are not.”
She could see his arms shaking and before they collapsed under him, she quickly helped to gently prop him up on the tree he had fallen next to. She went to fetch her waterskin, only turning her back for a second but gasped when she turned back around and saw him about to grab the shaft of the arrow stuck in his side.
“No! Leave it! You cannot remove it!” She sprinted back and slapped his hand away in horror. “Do you want to pass out again? Or die?-” She quickly swallowed her words. Speaking it aloud made it feel real. She immediately regretted her harsh words, but he had terrified her just now when she thought he might never wake up. 
He sighed. He still felt very lightheaded, and rationally he knew they couldn’t risk it. Thankfully the bleeding mostly seemed to have stopped for now, and he had no intention of repeating what had happened earlier. 
“We need to get you out of here. The blood will attract more orcs when night falls. We need to get you to a healer.” He nodded, his breathing measured as he tried to control the pain that lanced through him with every slight movement, and throbbed more with every beat of his heart. 
“I can walk-“ 
“Nae!…” She tried to think of a better alternative but couldn’t come up with anything fast enough.
“I am ok…” he ignored her as she raised her eyebrows. “The pain is not too bad. I feel less unwell than earlier, truly, I will manage.” 
She wanted to argue with him, but if he could walk, she knew it would be the fastest way to get him to help soonest. The only other alternative was dragging him, and she knew that would only delay them massively and cause him a great deal of pain. There was certainly no way she could leave him to fetch help either. She nodded in resignation. 
“We will try.” She frowned as he stifled a moan as he shifted again to gauge his weakness. “Goston achin…” I am worried about you. 
He was frighteningly weak as she tried to help him up, but they immediately realised the arrow sticking out of him was going to be a problem. Every slight disturbance would knock it and jar him, and within moments he was back flat on the floor, breathing heavily through the pain.
“We can’t remove it, but I need to snap the shaft.” Tauriel told him, moving the material of his clothes aside. She hesitated. “Are you ok?…” It seemed a silly question, but his eyes were closed and his breathing was quickening. 
“Aye. Please, just do it.” He ground out, gritting his teeth as she grasped the shaft and snapped it in her fists, as close to his skin as she dared. Orc arrows were never well made and it snapped relatively easily, but she knew the real horrors lay within. 
He cried out in pain as he curled in on himself. Without thinking Tauriel took him into her arms and held him gently as he tried to ride out the assault of pain and nausea that had accompanied the jarring of the arrow embedded in his abdomen. 
She couldn’t bare seeing him in so much pain. She knew that despite everything he was doing his absolute best to hide it, or control it at least- but he was too exhausted to try and convince her anymore. 
He was the strongest, most resilient elf she knew. He never showed weakness. 
She remembered a time where they’d still been close, where he had come home from a particularly eventful patrol where he’d become separated from his scouts, been completely overwhelmed and got bitten by a spider. He’d still come out on top, of course, but she’d been the one who’d rubbed his back and stroked his hair out of his face as he’d retched and heaved all night, and stayed with him as he suffered through the horrendous after effects of the venom. It was the sickest she’d ever seen him, and even then he’d made an admirable effort to hide his illness from her. She’d found him half collapsed and being sick alone in the forest, trying to hide in the dark and clearly hoping to somehow ride it out alone. In reality he’d needed two strong doses of anti venom from the healing halls, so it was a good job she’d found him.
After a moment, he tried to speak again, his voice hoarse. 
“We need to go.” He sighed, already sounding exhausted. “If we wait much longer I fear I won’t be able…” He admitted sadly, looking at the ground with a look of shame. 
Tauriel quickly gathered their things before very carefully helping him up. At least now the shaft was snapped shorter it put less strain on the wound and he could move a little easier. She took his hands in her own to help him, and gasped slightly at their touch.
“Your hands are so cold…” she gave them a squeeze trying to work some life back into them. Legolas nodded mutely in agreement. His hands felt like they were incased in ice, weak and lifeless, much like the rest of him. He shivered and Tauriel frowned. Feeling the cold wasn’t something their kind was familiar with.
“Here…” when they had got him standing, she draped her cloak around him on top of his own. He was hunched over, holding his side and clearly in pain.
He couldn’t so much walk properly as stagger with her help. She pulled the arm he had not wrapped around himself over her shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist, worried at how limp and pliable he was in her grasp. She adjusted her grip as they walked, very slowly, with her taking most of his weight as his legs faltered beneath him, stumbling repeatedly. 
He couldn’t seem to make his legs work properly, he knew he was pitching and swaying all over the place, no doubt making her job of half carrying him all the more difficult. He couldn’t help it though; his head was reeling and he felt hot and shaky all over. Being upright certainly hadn’t agreed with him, and it was all he could do to remain so and not collapse to the floor. 
He’d gone very quiet, and Tauriel just hoped he wasn’t about to pass out again. Elves were surprisingly resilient to even heavy blood loss and as long as the bleeding was controlled in time, their bodies were usually able to replenish what they had lost fairly quickly. However, the way he was still barely able to remain on his feet told her otherwise. She could tell how dizzy he felt as she held him, and she didn’t miss the way he paled several shades as he let out a stifled moan, hanging his head and inhaling sharply for a moment, his face creased with pain.
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kinkcommissions · 2 years
"Quarantined"- The Last Of Us (TLOU) Sick fic
Written by: Pine
This fic comes straight from an idea I've had for a TLOU fanfic for a while. I absolutely love the TV show and the video games and so I hope anyone who reads this feels I did it justice! Thanks for reading :)
Over loud speaker: “Please be advised that sections 6 through 10 are now under full lockdown. The outbreak of a contagious virus must be contained for the safety of the Boston QZ. This is NOT the Cordyceps fungal strain. Anyone afflicted will suffer mild flu-like symptoms for a few days before feeling well again. Fedra personnel will be delivering food, water, and medicine to your homes. Please keep your distance to prevent the further spread of this contagion…”
A knock at the door startled Joel out of his daydreaming.
“Your care package is by the door Mr Miller. Please wait ten minutes before coming to collect it so that we have time to leave the area.”
“I’m not even sick” Joel grumbled under his breath.
“Mr Miller? Did you hear us?”
“Just leave the damn package” he replied
Waiting inside all day for the last week had been hell. Alone with nothing but his thoughts, Joel had relished the time when the sun set and he could sneak out past the patrols and out of the Quarantined sections of the Boston QZ. Work duty had stopped for everyone within the affected sections but smuggling work had been richer than ever with the lack of medicines overtly clear.
Ten minutes passed, or as close as Joel’s best guess as he didn’t bother checking his watch anymore, and he collected the package from the doorstep. Dehydrated meals, bottled water, some questionable meat and vegetables but no medicine. Fedra had run out of that days ago. With nothing more to do, Joel sat back in his chair and closed his eyes, hoping the nightmares would be kinder tonight.
The door opened and Joel was startled out of his sleep.
“They’re low on pills everywhere, even out of the QZ” said Tess. Joel sat up, blinking the sleep from his eyes. “But I managed to get these…” she produced several clear bags full of pills. “Everyone who actually caught this bug will be fighting to get their hands on these”.
“Hm” Joel said. His head was spinning. Perhaps he had sat up too fast.
“What’s up with you?” Tess asked
“Nothing I- I- AAATISSHHH” The sneeze caught Joel off guard and he looked at Tess who looked back at him, startled by the sheer volume of his outburst. They exchanged a significant look. A dark expression came across Joel’s face as realisation dawned upon him.
“I’m sorry I- HAAATCHSSHH” This one carried more behind it. Joel scrambled for something to catch the next one but couldn’t find anything in time and settled for pulling both sleeves of his long top over his mouth and nose to catch the sneeze. Having felt what that sneeze brought with it and not wanting to pull the sleeves away he managed “A little help…”
Tess found a handkerchief and brought it to him. She took a step back as he cleaned himself off. He stood from his chair to change his shirt but immediately found his seat again as the room swirled around him.
“Steady there Tex” Tess said and moved to help him down again. “Looks like you caught the bug too.”
“You should go Tess” Joel said, “I don’t want you to get it too”. Tess ignored this and moved to the kitchen counter and retrieved a bottle of water and a bag of pills.
“Here” she said, offering the water. Joel took it from her and sipped at it. She shook two pills from the bag and offered them too with an outstretched hand.
“I’m fine Tess, There’s no way I’m taking our supply”.
“You’ll get better more quickly if you do”
“We’re gonna sell them Tess, I’m not taking the damn pills. You know how rare they are”
“Ok big guy” she replied as she carefully placed them back into the bag.
“I just need some rest” he said, though Tess didn’t miss the way he brought his hand up and pinched the bridge of his nose. She could see he was tired and stuffy, dizzy too. She knew he’d caught the flu that was going around and from what she’d heard, she knew he wouldn’t enjoy what was to come.
“So rest then, but not here. We’re getting you into bed”.
He looked as though he would protest but when Joel saw the look on Tess’s face, he knew better than to argue. He stood though she saw his expression change and knew he would lose his balance again. She stepped in and he instinctively put an arm around her to steady himself. She braced and once he was steadied, although he looked particularly unimpressed by his own predicament, Joel allowed Tess to lead him to the bed. She made sure he didn’t land too heavily as he sat on the edge and even helped him lay backwards. Pointedly ignoring his repeated grumbles of “I’m fine”, she helped him take off his boots. He found his way under the duvet and fell asleep as soon as he blinked his eyes shut.
Joel woke sometime later to the smell of food. He opened his eyes, but immediately shielded them from the light spilling in from the doorway.
“Oh hell” he muttered as the pounding pain in his head brought him fully out of sleep. Tess appeared at the doorway.
“You’re awake” she said “Good. I’ve made soup”
“Soup?” he managed
“There was some meat in the care package, but don’t ask me what animal it came from” when Joel didn’t offer one of his low chuckles in response, Tess hurried on “With the few vegetables I thought soup was the best choice. It’ll be easier for you to manage too, I’ve heard it comes with a sore throat”.
She was right of course, Joel had already noticed the sandpaper texture at the back of his throat and despite the slight churning in his stomach, warm soup sounded appealing. He carefully made his way out of bed, refusing Tess’s support and walked unsteadily to the kitchen. They sat and Tess served up her soup. Joel took a spoonful into his mouth and immediately spat it back into the bowl “Shit, that’s hot”.
“It’s soup, it’s supposed to be”
“Well how am I supposed to know the damn soup’s too hot?”
Tess shot him a wicked smile and he looked back into the bowl of soup, muttering something under his breath. He took another spoonful, taking care to blow on it this time. Some time passed in near silence, only the sound of spoons scraping bowls broke in subtly. After a long while Joel spoke.
“It’s good soup”
“It’ll do you good too” she replied. Once they had finished, she helped him back to bed.
“I’ll bet it was that stupid neighbour that tried to talk to me a few days back when we were both getting our food package” he said “I didn’t even- HAAASTCHHH” another sneeze that shook his body violently “Damn” he said and didn’t bother continuing his sentence.
“Get some sleep Joel”. He didn’t need to be asked twice. He dropped off easily again, though this time his sleep was feverish and plagued with restlessness. Eventually Joel woke again, but this time he was covered in sweat and shivering uncontrollably. Tess stayed close behind him comforting him by rubbing his side.
“T-T-T-Tess” he managed
“Yes Joel?” she replied, her voice tinged with worry
“The pills”
“You sure? I offered them before but-“
Tess jumped up and half ran to the kitchen, eager for the permission to finally help him. She got two pills from the bag and hurried back to the bedroom where Joel lay, slick with sweat and still shaking.
“Here” she said, a new tenderness touching the edges of her tone. When he didn’t respond, she offered the pills up to his mouth and he took them straight out of her palm. She grabbed the bottle of water that was now by the bed and gently raised his head, slowly pressing the head of the bottle to his lips and tipping it slightly. He drank gratefully and too quickly. He began to cough, arching painfully to choke up the water. She patted his back and when he had finished she climbed in behind him, laying an arm across his body and tried her best to comfort him through his troubled sleep.
By the morning he was feeling better, though not well enough to go out smuggling just yet. Another night and the sweats eased a little and the shivering became less violent. More days of taking the pills and drinking Tess’s soup served to improve Joel’s condition and by the fifth day, he was well enough for Tess to believe him when he said he felt okay to sneak out that night.
“I’m not taking any more of these pills Tess. We need to sell them”
They prepared everything they needed and collected up their modest but slightly diminished stash of pills and made for the door. Tess paused with her hand by the lock.
“One second I- HIIITTTIIISHHH” The sneeze caught Tess off guard and she looked back at Joel.
Joel gave a subtle but warm smile.
“Your turn then Tess, into bed” he gestured behind him and the expression on his face made sure Tess knew he wasn’t going to be argued with so she complied. He followed her into the bedroom a few minutes later.
“The soup is heated up. I’ll bring you a cup when you wake up”
“Joel?” she asked
“Yes Tess?”
“Could I have the pills?”
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kinkcommissions · 2 years
"Spillage"- Superstore fan fic
TW: Emeto
Written by: Pine
This fic was inspired by the show "Superstore" because I always felt that Jonah would be the perfect sickie! Hope you enjoy!
“Spill on Aisle 1, Jonah to Aisle 1 please” came Glen’s voice over intercom. Jonah sighed and started toward the back to collect a mop. His day hadn’t been the best so far. Nobody in the break room had brought up anything that would have allowed Jonah to segway into the latest political updates on climate change. He had watched a documentary the night before and everything! When he finally burst and brought it up himself, everyone had either sighed, rolled their eyes, or told him they didn’t care.
“How can you “not care” about climate change?” he had said. That had received much the same reception. That and he hadn’t been feeling the best. After sleeping through his alarm and two of his emergency alarms, Jonah had grabbed one of his all natural, vegan, probiotic, strawberry flavoured breakfast yoghurts and hadn’t realised it had been a little past its sell-by-date. Usually the thought of that cup filled with pink yoghurt, so many nutrients and so righteously made and sourced would have given Jonah nothing but a sense of happiness and left him feeling only a little smug at contributing to the greater good. No animals had had to suffer for his benefit of course. But today he couldn’t stop thinking of those lumps, the thickness; that too-tangy taste. He started to feel a little-
Jonah shook his head to clear it. He had the mop now and steeled himself for what came next. “Let it be water or juice” he said quietly “Or anything, as long as it didn’t come from inside someone”. He made his way across the store back to aisle one.
“Excuse me” a tall woman with a blonde bob approached. “Could you show me where the humus is?”
“Of course” Jonah said “Just wait right here, I’ll be back.”
 He smelled the “spillage” before he even rounded the head of the aisle and immediately, his stomach soured. “Vomit” he said to himself “My favourite”. He walked down the aisle, letting his nose guide him to the source. When he laid eyes on the pile, he pulled up short. Something about the pinkish hue, curdled texture and off-dairy smell of it reminded him of-
“Oh god” he muttered, cupping a hand over his mouth, and reaching for his stomach without thinking about it as it churned unpleasantly. He looked off to the right at the boxes of cereal, up to the roof of the store, anything as long as he didn’t have to look at the vomit for just a moment until the feeling passed. Is that a pigeon’s nest up there? He thought to himself. Taking a deep breath through his mouth, the sickness passed and he took another deep breath, this one of relief.
“Right” he said. He removed the mop from the bucket and began mopping the spillage.
“Hey!” came Garret’s voice from behind “That looks like those do gooder yoghurts you keep in the fridge!”
Bleruuughhhh. The response wasn’t even a retch, it was so forceful that the offending probiotic yoghurt came up immediately to make a reappearance, joining it’s doppelganger on the floor.
“Oh man” said Garret. Jonah was sure he was about to quip something that would only make him feel worse as saliva dripped from his mouth, though on second thought, was that concern he heard in his tone?
“It’s fine. I’m fine! I feel better, I-“ the new vomit smelled like probiotic yoghurt and the old vomit smelled like old vomit. It was too much. Jonah keeled at the waist again and vomited more forcefully onto the floor. “Oh god” he managed again, though his voice was thick and his words were slurred.
“I’m sorry man, I didn’t realise you were gonna-“
Jonah didn’t reply this time as he fought off another wave of nausea. He just waved a hand backwards, hoping it signalled that he was fine to Garret.
“Dude, let’s get you to the staff toilets. You don’t need to be doing this here”. Jonah nodded and headed towards the staff toilets, surprised that Garret began to follow him, taking extra care not to wheel through the vomit. Jonah wondered whether it would be worse getting vomit on his shoes or if Garret got vomit on his wheels. He retched violently again and decided to discard the thought quickly. They made it to the toilets and just in time too.
Jonah rushed into the stall and didn’t even have time to close the door before he vomited again, though his light breakfast meant his stomach was empty. All that came from his retching was a strangled moan and a measly dribble of bile. Garret came to the stall door.
“I didn’t realise it would be this bad” Jonah said “I’ve been feeling bad all day, I probably should have thrown it up a while ago”
“If it was one of those stupid yoghurts you had for breakfast its too late for that now” Garret replied “I could always-“ he hesitated awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable showing this much affection. He shook his head realising he was being silly and that Jonah’s well-being was more important “I could always take you back to the house?”
“Yes” Jonah managed weakly “Thank you but-“ he turned back to the toilet bowl “Not right now”
“Why not buddy?”
“I won’t make it” his voice was echoed by the bowl and he promptly heaved again though, still, not much was coming up. He gasped and took the opportunity to speak
“You don’t have to be here man” he said. Garret could see he was a little embarrassed as he didn’t look back at him this time. Though maybe he thought he couldn’t risk turning away for so long.
“I got it man, you gonna be okay?”
“Yeah” Jonah struggled. Garret turned around and pushed towards the door. He paused. “You let me know when you wanna leave okay?”. Any reply that Jonah thought to offer was cut short by another strained and painful volley.
Garret opened the door and was met by a tall lady with a blonde bob. She crossed her arms.
“Can I help you?” Garret asked, somewhat reproachfully
“Yes actually, I asked an employee for help about ten minutes ago and he still hasn’t come back”
“I’m sorry about that, which employee was it so I can help you track him down?”
“He-“ she paused for a moment to think “He looked like he probably guilt watched the entirety of “Dear White People”?”
“Oh, Jonah” Garret said “He’s- not well at the moment, I’m sure one of our other floor workers would be happy to assist you”
“Unbelievable” she said and walked off.
Jonah knelt on the tiled floor of the employee toilets. He considered getting up only briefly as a weakness overtook him and a sweat had since broken out across his brow. How old was that yoghurt? He thought and then retched again. He heard the door open and regretted not making the effort to close the stall door.
“Hey buddy” came Garret’s voice “Let’s go home”.
“I can’t” Jonah replied “I won’t make it before I-“ he turned around and Garret saw his complexion pale then green. Jonah, now looking at Garret saw that he had brought a bucket, a bottle of water and a small bottle of Pepto.
“Oh” he said “Thanks…man”
“Let’s get you home Jonah” said Garret “I’ll cover for you”.
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kinkcommissions · 2 years
Hi everyone!
We're Ash and Pine and we write a whole LOAD of whump/ hurt comfort related genres and kinks for a ton of fandoms and also our own OCs
We are also hoping to take commissions! We will make a proper pinned post later on detailing exactly how this will work and the kinda stuff we will and won't write for. We aim to be as open as possible with this but obviously there will have to be a few guidelines and restrictions
Ash also has their own personal blog over at @feeling-poorly and posts a ton of sickfic, emeto and hurt comfort goodness ;)
Please also be aware this is a kink friendly zone! Anon hate will just be deleted and ignored, this is clearly a kink blog, so if that's not your thing, that's fine too! Just scroll past :)
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