sleeping with a knife beside me in bed, not because i’m afraid but because it is like a lover to me
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Wednesday at 10PM
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I was born at a very young age.  I’ve been alive for as long as i can remember, and I hope to continue living until I die.
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one thing the human emotional range is lacking is the predator animal ability to stare at people while holding the limp, bloody corpse of your prey in your mouth
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if you can’t eat a whole meal, eat half. you ate, that’s what is important.
if you can’t get out of bed, try and sit up instead of lying down. it’ll be better for your back and your blood pressure.
if you can’t shower or have a bath today, try and brush your teeth and clean your ears. it’ll keep you a little cleaner, and we often forget those areas. 
if you can’t get dressed today, change underwear and use some deoderant. it’ll leave you a little fresher until you have the strength to change fully.
and remember, i’m very proud of you. your best will look different every day, and that’s okay.
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funniest line/quote you have ever heard or read
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idk if this counts but it stops me in my tracks every time
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A free bird
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Interview: AURORA for Dagbladet Magazine (June 25th, 2019). Translated by fromthespaceamundo.
Anyone who loves Aurora Aksnes (23) will always come in second place.
THE FREEDOM OF FREEDOM: As a child, the record-breaking Aurora Aksnes (23) felt differently from other children. As an adult, she experiences the differentness as her greatest strength.
«It’s art that keeps me up. And hunger. It’s an eternal hunger.» says Aurora Aksnes.
From a red velvet sofa in a secluded corner of the Hotel Bristol, the pop artist has an overview of the buzzing room. Her third album A Different Kind of Human (Step 2) came on June 7, which got a 5 stars rating on Dagbladet and by Aftenposten was characterized as Aurora’s most complete release so far. After the tour in South America, she is ready for festival summer and Norwegian tour. On June 28, she played at the Glastonbury Festival for her warriors & weirdos, the nickname she has given to her fans.
Since her artistic debut in 2014 and international breakthrough with a cover version of the Oasis song «Half the World Away», the 23-year-old has marked herself with self-written pop and distinctive talent for creating her own universe. She is acclaimed by artists like Katy Perry and has 570,000 followers on Instagram. The music press often portrays her as a kind of eccentric child, which is supported by the fact that Aurora appears barefoot in TV interviews, and privately has a fascination for moths and algae balls.
But she does not drink more than one beer, the concentration and strength of her blue gaze in combination with a low-pitched, clear voice, is more striking than her narrow sense of interest. Ever since she, as a 9-year-old, discovered the magic sounds that could be created with an old electronic keyboard she found on her parents’ attic, Aurora has known the meaning of life:
«I could sacrifice all contact with others if I had to. I could sacrifice everything. I don’t need anything else but to make music. Then I understand why I’m here.»
Aurora’s lyrical universe is a lot about exclusion, but even though she writes about everything, from loneliness to suicide, outsiders are made into insiders in her songs, while the insiders appear as outsiders. On the title song, «A Different Kind of Human», she sings:
«We have come here for you, and we’re coming in peace Mothership will take you higher, higher»
Is your own mothership hungry?
«In a way. Because hunger takes me where I am going to be.»
A different kind of human, what is that?
«Many people think that it is me because I have often felt different, but the lyrics have nothing to do with that. I ask people to make a choice and remind them that they can choose to be a different kind of human. If everybody had chosen it, the world would be a good place to live in.»
Have you chosen it yourself?
«Long ago.» Aurora responds calmly.
When did you choose it?
«When I realized I had a choice. I was a smart kid, so I noticed quickly that I am in place with people similar to me, but different. I had other dreams, interests and questions compared to the other kids. I remember thinking, ‘I don’t belong here.’ At that time it felt negative, but I made a choice not to suppress it. I quickly removed the need to be understood and found the peace of mind that being alone is okay.»
At home, in the small town of Drange in the municipality of Os, the parents gave the youngest daughter room to be herself. Older sisters Miranda (32) and Viktoria Aksnes (29) were for some time afraid that the individualistic little sister, who used cut socks as arm warmers and make her own outfits, would be bullied. The problem was rather that the friends wanted more time with Aurora than she managed to give. After school, she was often out in the woods until her parents called her home for dinner with a bell.
«Mom and dad helped me be free. I was introverted as a kid, I was not so interested in people. I could sit alone for hours and thought it was great. I often chose to be alone rather than being with friends.»
When the family was to adopt a kitten from the Animal Protection Agency, Aurora had to choose. High up on a refrigerator, meowing alone, lay an old, a big and gray cat.
«I remember the first day of school. The kittens were like the other kids in the schoolyard with a lot of noise and nonsense. I recognized myself in Tulla.»
For the rest of her cat life, Tulla went to school bus stop daily to wait for Aurora and follow her through the forest towards home. It seemed that cats knew when she would show up, even though the schedule varied. Tulla never missed the moment.
«She didn’t really like to be a tamed cat, but we had a strong connection.»
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WAR OF WOMEN: Aurora Aksnes will give her fans, all the «warriors & weirdos», strength and acceptance to be themselves. Photo: Agnete Brun.
•  Known under the artist name AURORA.  •  Newcomer of the year during the Spellemann Prize of 2015. Won the Spellemann Prize of 2016 in the best pop soloist category and also took the prize for best music video. •  Currently with the album «A Different Kind of Human (Step 2)». Sings on the Frozen 2 trailer. The film will premiere this fall.
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One morning the Easter Bunny glowed from the couch in the living room, the next day it had found its way to the top of the roof. But when the rabbit joined Aurora Aksnes to the school and she entertained her classmates with colorful stories, a sudden sense of concern emerged in the classroom.
«The teachers thought I didn’t understand the difference between reality and imagination,» recalls Aurora.
«They were worried about me. Then mom said, ’No, that’s how she should be. And it’s going to be her strength.’» The sense of alienation was lifted by her.
«It was very defining. It was the first time anyone was really up to me. I stood up for myself a lot, I never asked for help either. But at that time my mother stood up for me, and I have never forgotten that.»
To date, her mother’s words work like a compass. Aurora stretches her flimsy arms out in front of her and slightly twists her wrists. Her glance glides at a beautiful, solid chandelier before returning.
«I knew there was a reason why I should cultivate a friendship with myself. I was going to need it. It is important that anyone who feels out of place gets a chance to see what understanding is for them in the world.»
She is most frightened to find that people do not understand what she means. She often meets a lack of understanding in depth. For Aurora, whose name means «the goddess of dawn», sunset and sunrise are not only a «a nice thing.» They are nature’s short-lived works of art. Beautiful, but perishable, they give her both intense joy and sorrow.
«I think it is scary to perhaps never be fully understood. But maybe there is no real insider. Everyone experiences being an outsider, some just more than others. Acceptance is important in my world. And music… music is a healing instrument.»
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CHILD PICTURE: A young Aurora Aksnes. Photo: Private.
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NEWBORN: Dad Jan Øystein Aksnes with baby Aurora. Photo: Private.
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REMEMBER THE TIME: Mom May Britt Aksnes works as a midwife and has encouraged her daughters to choose what feels right for themselves, rather than listening to others. Aurora herself feels like an alternative health worker: «Music is a healing instrument.» Photo: Private.
Ideally, she would have started rolling over the vacant floor space of the Bristol Library Bar, or asked someone to lift her up to be able to touch the crystals of the huge chandelier, but such impulses Aurora has learned to suppress. Guests are not allowed to put their feet on the tables.
«I have learned that the impulses can be unpleasant for people, but I have also learned when to give in to them. They can escalate if I feel insecure, but if it happens I consciously use them when there is something I do not want to talk about, or when I want to divert.»
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FESTIVAL: A graduation-dressed mom May Britt, sisters Miranda, Aurora and Viktoria, as well as dad Jan Øystein Aksnes. Photo: Private.
This is how the 23-year-old makes twice as old music professionals listen. However, the leap from a natural western upbringing to the demands of an international artist was the toughest part. The NRK documentary Once Aurora (2018) reveals how Aurora has previously felt pressured to release music she does not care for and struggles to find the balance between closeness and distance to fans. She was discovered by chance when a friend posted a school video of a singing Aurora on Facebook.
«I never really wanted to become an artist. It just happened. There was a lot of pressure, a lot of sounds, a lot of work and a too much people for someone like me, who really likes the opposite. Then it helps if I have a meaning greater than myself, to see that I can help others. Making good music gives me a very special feeling. I get a sense of security in myself. I know why I’m here, what to fill the time with, and I have something to run after all the time. Something to look for that is inside me.»
Aurora puts a narrow hand on her chest and pauses a little before she continues with diligence:
«It is absolutely magical to have such a meaning in life. I never get completely unhappy when I have it. Suddenly I have people who listen, and I have a meaning in my lyrics, in who I am on stage, in that I suddenly want to write political stuff, not only emotional stuff.»
Aurora’s message is: Help yourself before helping others. Stand on your own power. Be yourself.
«I learned this the hard way in a period when I was having a hard time. I struggled with panic anxiety when I was like 18-19 years old and saw how little functional I was, how little I was able to create, how little I could help others.»
The fact that she comes from a family where mental illness appears in several parts of the father’s family, while artistic talent exists on both sides of the family, Aurora regards it as a strength. Her sister, Viktoria Aksnes, was diagnosed with bipolarity type 2 in the summer of 2016, and describes Aurora as one of the strongest people she knows and a great supporter.
«I learned early to be strong for others. And then I’ve learned a lot from my own journey in the world. I have traveled alone since I was 16. I have known grief and need, and the importance of being true to yourself,» says Aurora.
How did you get on your feet when you had panic anxiety?
«By giving myself time, not putting pressure on myself. Being kind to myself, I made sure I got what I needed to work on. You can’t do anything for others until you are your perfect self. And this is not when you have many shadows.»
What were your shadows?
«They have been different things. But the biggest shadow was probably the shadow of my own success in 2016, which I didn’t understand and didn’t quite accept. I felt trapped in the reality that this is now a job. You’re not your own secret anymore, you have to share yourself with the world, and that’s the way it is.»
She stretches her arms, which are slightly clad in a cropped top under a mesh top that matches the tulle skirt over green harem pants. Aurora has mastered the art of looking simple and intricate at the same time. All her styling is done in collaboration with her older sisters: Miranda Aksnes — who she lives with in Bergen and who is often on tour with her — takes care of her makeup, while designer-educated Viktoria sews the stage attire.
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i love graffiti. "comics and jazz are the only american art forms" you forgot graffiti. did you remember graffiti? That art form birthed in Philly and NYC in the early 70s by poor Black kids. that art form that spread all over the world and influenced so many. that's used without irony in commercials when they're trying to appeal to a "young urban" customer.
did you forget graffiti? that racism broken windows theory victim? that reach the establishment takes claiming that it's exclusively violent gang members throwing up those full-color pieces and wildstyle tags in the middle of the night outsmarting fifty security cameras because the billboard was ugly anyway. as if, even if it was, it wouldn't be impressive as all hell. risking brutality and fall damage so your art can occupy the space a gentrified condo named something like "Coluumna" took away from you. proving that despite only assholes affording to live here anymore there's still a soul beneath it. an animal with dripping stripes and teeth that go clack-clack tsssss
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Happiness Will Come To You.
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arab.org - clicks generate funds that go to gaza
gazaesims.com - purchase e-sim cards for gazans without internet
gofundme.com/f/careforgaza - sends funds to displaced families in gaza
piousprojects.org/campaign/2712 - provides hygiene kits for women/girls in gaza
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something about substances so strong they can only be cut by that same substance (like diamond) gets to me. the self-fulfilling prophecy of it. you can armor yourself against any and all outside threats, but you're still beholden to your own nature.
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I cannot stop thinking about this tweet I'm sorry
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people are curious with how bruce is doing with clark’s family
part 1: here
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I need to sort my tumblr
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This is the best Asian drama I watched since 2022
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I know that the people who hate city living specifically hate it because of how densely packed you are with strangers, but that's precisely why I like it. I like being in public transport, in communal facilities, public places and just sitting on the benches in the park or the street and watching people that I have nothing else in common with than the space we inhabit.
I like seeing and hearing people, I like hearing the neighbour play the piano through the door in the apartment hallway, I like overhearing strangers' conversations in the library, I like seeing what people are wearing and what they're doing in the places they go. I like sitting at a train station eating a whole 400 gram cold ham straight from the package as a snack, accidentally making an eye contact with a woman currently painting her dog's nails while sitting on the other side, and neither of us had ever considered that someone might do something like that.
And that's what city life is all about. Seeing people you don't know doing some shit that you wouldn't ever have thought of doing, and thinking "oh huh, so that's something that people might do", and now you know. And if it looks cool, you might try it yourself, and if it looks bad, you're glad that you're not living like that. But now you know that there's people out there doing shit like that.
I want to be where the people are. I want to see what they're up to.
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