kitsunewood · 17 days
Naruto fanfiction idea - "Neko to Inu to Kitsune"
Hey, if you remember, I made a help post/suggestion post a while ago regarding my story idea regarding FemNaruto + Kiba in team 7.
I'm finally done with the script and the corresponding translation (that took so damn long 😵‍💫) and you can read it on Wattpad. Because I won't list it point by point again here, otherwise I'll be at the end of it be like this: 🤪
My Story ideas - Naruto Idea 1: Neko to Inu to Kitsune | Cat-Dog-and-Fox #1 - Wattpad
If you have suggestions or additional ideas, please leave them in a comment.
I am always open to constructive criticism
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kitsunewood · 17 days
Naruto fanfiction idea
Hey guys, I just finished writing down and posting one of my idea scripts.
Feel free to check out the link and also leave some suggestions here.
My Story ideas - Naruto idea 2 - Wattpad
Because what you'll notice: I only have a rough idea about it
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kitsunewood · 2 months
Help for a fan fiction idea #Naruto
Hey guys, I had the idea for a Naruto FF floating around in my head for a while.
I've already chewed through Classic and am currently going through the plot of Shippuden. And that's when I came across the episode where Sai gives out his "great" nicknames.
My problem is that except for one person, I can't think of any nicknames of my own that could fit the others and make them angry.
My hadcanon is that:
A) Naruto is female & has the same temperament as Kushina (so be careful if she gets angry),
B) Kiba is on Team 7 instead of Sakura
and C) Sasuke didn't leave the village (I don't want to reveal what exactly happened, but it's definitely something you wouldn't expect)
As I said, I already have a nickname for Kiba (mutt). But unfortunately I can't think of any for Sasuke and Naruto.
And this is where you come into play.
If you have any ideas, write them in the comments and when I have a choice I will either choose the one I like best myself or let you vote.
A little side note: After an incident at the end of Classic, Naruto got some red streaks in her hair. Additionally, her canine teeth and fingernails have also become longer/sharper (similar to Kiba)
I think I'll leave the possibility of leaving a suggestion open until December.
I really hope someone leaves some suggestions. 😅
Untile later,
Kitsune Nee-chan
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kitsunewood · 2 months
One Piece Theory - The Secret of Bink's Sake
I just stumbled across this video by chance and what Ohara comes up with is mind-blowing. 🤯
See it for yourself:
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kitsunewood · 4 months
Total Drama FF Idea - AU for "Noha's Total Drama"
Hey people, A while ago I thought of a little AU for Noha's Total Drama. I haven't planned everything exactly yet, but the headcanon is this:
Alejandro leaves Noha at Vulkan for prize money (All-Star Version) and the Titel is "Total Drama – The Revenge"
Was in a coma for a few months (everyone thinks he was dead) + has scars & lost an arm and a leg (gets roboprotesis (looks like automail))
Wants revenge on Alejandro (saw reportage of her funeral + Alejandro's lie that she wanted him to get her money) -> Makes a deal with Chris (gets chance for revenge without consequences and for that she doesn't sue him)
I've also already made two drawings of what Noha would look like in All Star.
The first shows her after she comes out of the robot (reworked it herself and is a bit annoyed that all the work was now in vain (others didn't recognize her at first until something says -> even Duncan comments on who's hot Girl is before quickly correcting himself when he notices Gwen's glares))
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The second picture is from a situation where after some accident, Noha is not only very pissed but her clothes are also pretty badly damaged, which is why you can see her prosthetics and some of her scars (and yes, the reason why her now visible eye is brighter, is because she went blind on this one)
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What do you think about the idea?
Any suggestions I could do?
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kitsunewood · 4 months
I love Megure's reaction 🤣
Also the Idea of this AU is realy intresting (look at the other post to understand what I mean)
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My take on the ever popular Detective Conan AU where Shinichi and Conan are seperate people.
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kitsunewood · 6 months
Conspiracy Pinboard: Chapter 21-25
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Zora's Den-Den-Mushi (Tigerlily) is cursed [Chap.21]
Zora possesses Haoshoku (conquest) Haki --> knows it by other names (Divine Will of the Kaguya)
o Please use it on Law against him + call him “mortal” -> Why does she call him mortal? (Does it have something to do with her powers or her race?)
Zora learned divine will as a child and was able to use it to make flowers bloom -> Zora's teeth change when she is cursed (become sharp like needles) [Chap.22]
Zora only had basic training regarding her powers -> Left Wano with Sana (was 6/7 years old)
o Sana is her biological father (had little contact with him)
o Sana sold her curses (Zora believed it was a game at the time) -> Reason why he even went to see/take Zora with him?
o Sana took the boy with her on her trip + shortly before Zora brought Blue to East, the boy disappeared -> Did he sell the boy?
o Sana has relatives in the East Blue with whom he left Zora
Zora has feelings for Law (becomes clear when they are about to part ways)
Sana meets with Crocodile (Business) -> Croc is afraid of him (Why does Crocodile seem to fear Sana?)
o Does Sana have fatherly feelings for Zora?
o Why did he never come back to get her like he promised?
Sana was attacked + bullets bounced off him -> Does he have devil fruit powers?
Sana is very cruel/relentless with attackers (seems very bloodthirsty) -> has a certain reputation in the underworld
Because of other pirate crew, Zora's departure is delayed
The cursed can have cursed forms [Chap.23]
Law shares Zora's feelings + confesses them & kisses -> Promise to see each other again on Sabaody
Zora meets others on Drum again (got off course despite Eternal Pose) + can see the ghost of Merry [Chap.24]
Luffy kisses Zora (just wanted to try out if it's really as good as she says)[Chap.25]
Mr. 2 couldn’t copy Zora’s “make-up”.
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kitsunewood · 6 months
Conspiracy Pinboard - Chapter 16-20
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Zora knows how Log Pose works [Chap.16]
Zora talks to Soul of Sandai Kitetsu (knows of the Tsukki no Miko) [Chap.17]
There are only a few Tsukki no Miko (expiring) left in existence
Zora leaves crew due to misunderstanding (Wiskey Peak incident) [Chap.17 & 18]
Zora has log pose with three needles -> becomes difficult/low chance of seeing others again
Zora meets Law when traveling alone + travels with him and his crew for a while
o Your rowing boat was damaged because of their submarine
The whole world assumes that Zora was blackmailed by Luffy to join him
Zora can see the ghost of Corason + tells this to Law
Law can trigger Zora's transformation with room swelling
o Can Zora control/camouflage the transformation herself?
Zora mentions “Kaguya” -> Who or what is Kaguya? [Ch.19]
The world knows about Zora's fight with Mihawk
Zora has two types of blood: her normal “living” + spiritual
o Spiritual blood appears when her normal blood fails -> cannot die from blood loss
o It belongs more to the spiritual world than to being alive
Zora lived in a temple before leaving Wano
o She was told that if she interacts too much with death she will lose the ability to give life (Barren) -> Zora never planned to have children
Zora plans to meet others in Alabasta [Chap.20]
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kitsunewood · 6 months
Conspiracy Pinboard: Chapters 11-15
I noticed another problem: All the "threads" will make it difficult to read some things, so I'm going to start writing down all the information for the current chapters under the pictures. So if you want to read something again one day, you have to look for the relevant post.
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Zora has high pain tolerance (refuses to fall over during fights) [Chap.11]
Zora can turn normal swords into cursed ones + has transformation (eyes change & horns grow from head) -> Reason why she was called a demon? [Ch.12]
o How is this possible? And what triggers transformation?
Zora can see death & talk to him [Chap.13]
Zora is a Tsukki no Miko (Reason why can transform) #Female race + is able to see the spiritual world + “eat” curses
o Confuses spiritual and real world (reason that cannot orientate)
Zora is from Wano
o Was found by Sana when she got lost -> foster father (last seen when he brought her to the East Blue)
o Zora calls Sana a monster (What made her change her attitude? -> Didn't want him to leave her at the time)
Sana is involved in illegal business (e.g. human trafficking)
o Zora only found out when she was older (what she thought she knew as a child was all a lie)
Zora can sense spirits/souls of objects [Chap.15]
Zora has a bounty hunter license (makes her work legal)
Revised version of the pin board:
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kitsunewood · 6 months
Conspiracy Pinboard: Chapters 6-10
You will notice that the information in the first image is missing here. I didn't consider how real it would become and how you can't really tell anymore. But as soon as I have a larger pin board available, that will change.
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kitsunewood · 6 months
Recommendation for One Piece FF + my conspiracy pinboard
Hey guys, here I am again with a new fanfiction recommendation. Today an interesting story about One Piece with Fem. Zoro
In themselves, they are more excerpts from the Straw Hats' adventure, but with interesting ideas and aspects.
So if you would like to read a story where Zoro proves that women can also be feared swordsmen and are also interested in figuring out what the strange events are all about, please take a look here: Fiercer than any man - Chapter 1 - HyperOnCatnip - One Piece [Archive of Our Own]
But now some people are probably wondering: What's the deal with the conspiracy pin board? Let's put it this way.
At first I just skimmed the story and there were so many things that I was just wondering. Wait a minute, what context does this have?
And that's when I came up with the idea of ​​"pinning" every 5 chapters a summary of what you as a reader have learned or found out in the meantime.
So if you are interested in following my train of thought, in theorizing or simply want to see how I become a little like Shoto, you are welcome to stop by every now and then and see where I/we are now. And so that you don't have to wait long, here is the picture for Chapters 1-5:
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kitsunewood · 7 months
Did they really bring it back?! And then also with the original sound/intro speaker (Okay, they probably only took the recording at the time, but I'm celebrating that!)
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kitsunewood · 8 months
Am I the only one who thinks that these lyrics could also fit Luffy (at least after the TimeSkip)?
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kitsunewood · 8 months
New Fanfiction online
Hey guys,
Just wanted to let you know that I posted my first story on ArchiveOfOurOwn.
Later today, it will also be available on Wattpad
Here are the links:
The Daughter of the King - KitsuneNee_chan - One Piece (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own]
Kitsune Wood (@VanessaHorsmann) - Wattpad
Hope you'll stop by.
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kitsunewood · 9 months
A must for all One Piece fans
I was just surfing the internet and stumbled upon this video:
I love this song and I will make it my new ringtone!!!!! 💓
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kitsunewood · 11 months
The last Song "Goodbye from Us"
I'm finally done with the last song. 😄
And I would like to thank courtney-deserved-better (persephones_garden) the author of "Slippery Slopes" for letting me use the idea for the last song. 😘
I hope you like my reprise version and once I start writing/uploading the story, you'll be the first to know. 😉
Now, without wasting any more words, I present to you my version of “Goodbye from us”:
Noha and Gwen
It’s final!
Alejandro and Heath
It’s over!
Noha, Gwen, Alejandro and Heath
It’s final and it’s over!
Goodbye from us!
Bath and Linday
Goodbye from us!
We had a lot of fun, even if some got cuts.
Goodbye from us!
Izzy and Eva
Goodbye from us!
The journey had really its downs and ups.
It's sad that it's over. What if I don't see my Cody again?
Hon, we need to talk, you really make us consent.
As sad that it's over, I'm happy we’re through.
Well said Bridgh-bear, you can count me and the others too.
Cody and Harold
Goodbye from us!
Cody, Harold, Justin and Trent
Goodbye from us!
Katie and Sadie
Wait, what about Ezekiel? He’s not here.
Eh, we can get some footage of him and edit it in later.
Finally I'm not forced to sing anymore,
You were lucky I got out otherwise I would have made you sor!
Gone is the curse. Thanks universe.
You do know it was all just in your head, right?
Katie and Sadie
Goodbye from us!
Everyone (exept Noha, Alejandro, Gwen, Heath, Bridgette and Geoff)
Farewell from us!
Hey everyone, why don’t we have the final four wrap it up? Take it away!
Thank you, Bridgette, let’s finish this show!
Changed lives, that for sure.
You say it, mi amor.
Since it's the last time, I can be nice.
Goodbye from us!
Goodbye from us!
Thanks for watching us!
This suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked!
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kitsunewood · 11 months
Rewrite Version of "Versus"
God, you don't know how long I sat on it and looked at the versions of two fanfictions ("Keep your enemies close" and "Slippery Slopes") to help me with ideas before I thought of something myself.
Original Version (Instrumental):
My Version
My allies,
Please walk straight,
That's it,
You're doing great!
Search through that wood,
I entreat,
Bring me some dainty feet!
Come on girls, Move it fast! Quick, quick, I won't be last!
Grab logs to match his arms,
They muscular and charms.
Alejandro and Noha
I'm gonna win it (Yeah!) And you can't take it (No!) I'm right here in it (Yeah!) But you just fake it! (Oh!)
Is this frame lean enough?
Is this chest broad enough?
Now it's Romeo versus Juliet,
this is a finale that we‘ll never forget and
Mark my words, you'll make her cry,
Explosivo makes sure you really…
That's it now, hurry back, I need legs thin and knack,
Her curves are in the right place,
She has an angelic face.
Get me two shapely knees,
and logs for feet that never freeze!
Bring me a well shaped head,
move quick and we’ll be ahead!
Alejandro and Noha
I'm gonna win it (Yeah!) And you can't take it (No!) I'm right here in it (Yeah!) But you just fake it! (Oh!)
I won't rest until,
I make sure the nerd don’t win the mil!
Don't even think about that,
now give me the Pineapple-head!
Alejandro and Noha
I'm gonna win it (Yeah!) And you can't take it (No!) I'm right here in it (Yeah!) But you just fake it! (Oh!) I'm gonna cash it (Yeah!) You'll never hit it (No!) You should trash it (Yeah!)
Cause I just finished!
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