klsprowl · 10 years
*gets absolutely nothing done* well time for a break
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klsprowl · 10 years
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I will go there And back again
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klsprowl · 10 years
White men make up approximately 36% of the population, but commit 75% of mass shootings. What would be called terrorism by any other skin tone is suddenly some mysterious unnamed disease. We as a society are perfectly happy to further stigmatize mentally ill people, who are far more likely to be victims of violence than commit violence, in the service of protecting white supremacy and male entitlement.
(via shitrichcollegekidssay)
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klsprowl · 10 years
I’ve been holding this in for MONTHS.
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klsprowl · 10 years
Frankly put. I am a FAKE GEEK GUY. I admit it. I like geek stuff, but I don’t love geek stuff. Not the way most geeks do. I’m an interloper on the geek scene. I’ve seen the movies, but I don’t know the canon. I am not a true fan. All those things about not really loving the source material and “just watching the movies” or only reading the one book that everyone has read. That—all of that—applies to me. But here are some things that have never happened to me. I have never been quizzed about who Data’s evil brother is to prove I like Star Trek. I have never had to justify my place in a midnight line to see Spider-man II by knowing who took up the mantle of Spider-man after Peter Parker’s death. (Peter Parker dies? Really? That’s so sad!) I have never had to explain who Nightwing is in order to participate in a conversation about Batman. (Nightwing is like….Robin on steroids, right?) I have never been asked how battle meditation works in order to voice my opinion that Enterprise shields would probably make a fight with Star Wars technology one sided. (Battle meditation is something that was in that Jedi role playing game, wasn’t it?) I have never had to beat everybody in the room (twice) at Mario Kart to prove I liked video games. I have never had my gender “honorarily” changed by having enough geek interests to be accepted (“you’re one of the guys now”). No one has ever insisted I tell them the difference between a tank and DPS in an MMORPG before allowing me to discuss raiding Molten Core. I have never been dismissed as a faker at a prequel screening because I didn’t know which admiral came out of light speed too close to the planet’s surface in The Empire Strikes Back. I have never been quizzed about Armor Class in order to get past someone who was blocking my path to the back of a game store where my friends were waiting at the tables. I have never been told I’m not a real fan. I have never been shamed for coming to a convention despite my lack of esoteric knowledge. And I have never, ever, EVER been invited to leave a fandom because I didn’t like [whatever it was] enough. Every one of the things I have listed, I have personally witnessed happen. To women. That’s not elitism. That’s sexism.
The “Fake Geek” is Not The Problem When It Comes to “Fake Geek Girls” (via brutereason)
I just heard from Ace of Geeks, where this was originally published. Looks like it’s getting reblogged all over the place, but the person who originally wrote it, and the site that originally published it, aren’t getting any credit. That’s not cool, so: http://aceofgeeks.blogspot.com/2014/05/the-fake-geek-is-not-problem-when-it.html
(via wilwheaton)
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klsprowl · 10 years
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klsprowl · 10 years
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klsprowl · 10 years
Husband: What are those?
Me: High-speed photos of ink dropped into water. Aren't they cool?
Husband: I thought they were puppy embryos.
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High-Speed photographs of ink dropped into water.
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klsprowl · 10 years
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klsprowl · 10 years
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klsprowl · 10 years
I almost bought a chocolate crucifix the other day, but I thought that would be in poor taste.
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happy easter here’s a chocolate version of the cross our lord was tortured and killed on
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klsprowl · 11 years
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Men Replace Women in Sexy Motorcycle Ads 
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klsprowl · 11 years
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klsprowl · 11 years
When I was a student at Cambridge I remember an anthropology professor holding up a picture of a bone with 28 incisions carved in it. “This is often considered to be man’s first attempt at a calendar” she explained. She paused as we dutifully wrote this down. ‘My question to you is this – what man needs to mark 28 days? I would suggest to you that this is woman’s first attempt at a calendar.’ It was a moment that changed my life. In that second I stopped to question almost everything I had been taught about the past. How often had I overlooked women’s contributions?
Sandi Toksvig    (via labyrinthofpaper, learninglog) (via pleasedont-eat-me) (via fregglover)
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klsprowl · 11 years
in movies when kids sneak out through their windows and im just like why dont you have screens in your windows who doesnt have screens in their windows what do you just let bees and bugs and birds and shit fly into your room what the fuck
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klsprowl · 11 years
Watch the Sherlock mini-sode ‘Many Happy Returns’ NOW.
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klsprowl · 11 years
The Brain Scoop: Where My Ladies At?
This was an incredibly difficult video for me to write and record. I haven’t been this uncomfortable or nervous about an episode since we decided to launch the Wolf series. I did it because I know my fellow female  creators are with me: these comments are not easy to ignore, and they do have a negative impact on our desire to make videos and blaze trails.
Things can be said about women being more sensitive than men, or that men deal with these comments too, or that we should just accept that they’re going to happen.. but if I do, I’ll quit. If I accept that this is just part of the deal, this is what it is and always has been, it’s a requirement of my job to toughen up and barrel through, I won’t be able to continue. The remarks are enough to make me want to throw my hands up and retreat to a tiny cabin in the middle of nowhere. If the compromise is that I need to become desensitized, I would probably just do something else instead.
Let’s not create that kind of environment for our peers. Let’s be supportive, encouraging. Focus on the content, not the presenter. Ignoring the fact that these comments are uncomfortable is dismissive and counter-productive: let’s have less tolerance for both those comments, and the apathetic attitude attached to how they affect our community.
And, please: check out the women in the video description for more fantastic channels to subscribe t
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