kminkina · 3 years
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Final project: Noah
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kminkina · 3 years
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Final project: Emerson
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kminkina · 3 years
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Final project: Anthony
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kminkina · 3 years
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Final project: Vince
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kminkina · 3 years
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Final project: Ben
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kminkina · 3 years
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Final project: Aiyana
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kminkina · 3 years
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Final Project: Sofia
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kminkina · 3 years
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Final Project: Sarah
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kminkina · 3 years
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Final project: Isha
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kminkina · 3 years
Vimeo Video Horvitz
1. Pick three projects that you think are particularly interesting and write about what you think he did to start the project. I want you to describe what we would call the prompt.
   1. Distance of the Day - Where does the day start and where does it end? - He got a video of a sunset from his mother and got inspired to take a sunset at the same time that led him to a question of the reality of time on our planet.
   2. Nostalgia - The memory of the photograph that will never be brought back - He was taking photos without any idea of what he would do with them, but then he realized that it would be a similar project to Hollis Frampton’s Nostalgia.
  3. Wikipedia Beach Series - All across America - He started taking photos of himself on the beaches with his back turned to the camera as he did not want his face in it - there is such a beauty to the idea of a person you do not know admiring the beauty of the ocean
2. How does Horvitz make use of the pickpocket?
Pickpockets instead of stealing would put little sculptures of seahorses in the bags of people at the fair in New York, and the photos of the action would be taken.
3. How did Horvitz make use of Walmart?
When he found out that Walmart was selling his book, he decided to launch it in the book aisle in Walmart in North Vancouver.
4. How long are the images displayed in Horvitz’s project Nostalgia? What happens after the exhibition of the images? How are the images conveyed in the book version of Nostalgia?
Each photo is projected for one minute, none are projected twice. The exhibition lasted three months and presented to the public for 16710 minutes. After the photographs are presented they are erased from the archives, so it grows smaller with every exhibit. The book consists of single sentences, the image numbers, date and time when the photographs were taken as a description of the images that were deleted from the archive after being presented to the public.
5. Can you identify several favorites from those transformed “images”. Why do you like these and how might they relate to your current assignment?
The leaf in the shape of the heart and an elephant seal asleep. I like these because I saw images like this before and it is not hard for me to imagine what they looked like. I feel like the idea relates to my assignment because instead of taking a photo and then coming up with context. I can create a context first, create my prompt and then take a photo for it. So do the opposite of what Horvitz did.
6. When looking for seaglass for a sculpture project, what did Horvitz find that surprised him?
When he was looking for information on where to find more sea glass, he saw a photograph of his early works used for the website.
7. Which question that was asked at the end was closest to what you would ask him? Pressed to ask your own question, what would it be?
What or who originally inspired your journey as an artist?
Do you ever regret or want to look again at the pieces of art that you deleted after they were presented to the public in your project Nostalgia?
8. What is your favorite work he discusses and why?
His work Nostalgia is my favorite one as it is so shocking for me to see that he would erase the images that were a part of exhibition and that none of the images would be brought back to life, so we can not see them again. This idea indeed creates nostalgia. It also makes me sad to think that each individual except the photographer could never see all of the images presented as they could not spend 3 months looking at them.
9. Write two prompts in the style of Horvitz.
Get a flower from your garden and carry it around with you everywhere you go this day. Take a photo of a flower wherever you are until the end of the day, so the memory of a flower stays with you forever.
Light up the candle and watch the wax melt until it is in a complete liquid form.
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kminkina · 3 years
2nd BBC Genius of Photography
1. What did Berenice Abbott say that the camera made her?
The contemporary being, par excellance
2. Lazlo Moholy-Nagy, what did he say about anyone who fails to understand photography?
Anyone who fails to understand photography will be one of the illiterates of the future
3. What is a typology and was supposedly the first typology?
Systematic and accurate records of places, people, and things. The first typology was the catalogue of Algae.
4. What does Joel Meyerowitz think of Eugene Atget’s importance to the history of photography? How does he often look at his images? Have you ever looked at one of your images in this way?
He produced documents that were very personal. He is the single greatest artist of photography. Atget’s photographs take time to uncover the meaning, so Meyerowitz puts Atget’s photograph’s upside down in order to uncover the picture and the meaning behind. He makes a whole image about something unique and believes that an attentive viewer will uncover and notice its uniqueness.
I’ve looked at some of my images upside down, but it was never a way to uncover a secret behind the photograph.
5. According to Martin Parr, the Film and Foto exhibition in Stuttgart describes what places as the center of photographic activity in the 20s?
Germany, Russia, France
6. The film describes the ways that WWII and totalitarianism impacted the practice of photography. How do you feel as though the difficulties of our time may impact photography?
I feel like photography is affected by the things that happen around us in the world. For example, the photographers are affected by COVID-19 and probably took a lot of photos of empty streets during quarantine and people in masks in public spaces. While we have a great access to different photography tools, people may have not been able to access them during COVID due to a shortage of jobs and reduced income.
7. Why did many people come to August Sander to have their pictures taken?
People came to him to get their passport pictures done for immigration.
8. What does Peter Galassi say is the genius of Walker Evans?
He is pretending to be giving you the facts, however, by the choice of the facts he influenced people to understand the world. He presented each individual of the same size, however, each person is isolated in their own cell in his photograph of democracy.
9. Who helped Walker Evans find his unique voice? How?
Eugene Atget as he started watching his work and began working like Atget as it made him look at the world from a different perspective.
10. Please pay particular attention to the part about Walker Evans. What do you think about the way that Evans straddled the roles of documentarian and artist?
He couldn’t be a propaganda artist, so he documented things that he thought should be paid attention to.
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kminkina · 3 years
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Scene recreated from the tv show
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kminkina · 3 years
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Subject studied
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kminkina · 3 years
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Digital Manipulation
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kminkina · 3 years
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Alter the World
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kminkina · 3 years
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Photo montage
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kminkina · 3 years
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Context needed in the photo
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