“You’ll have to forgive Master Yoda. He’s pushing nine hundred years old and he and most members of the Council are used to the way we’ve done things for generations. We typically get our intiates in young. I was three years old when I was brought in as initiate and I was considered old at that time. Though it seems I have developed a speciality for taking on padawans who the Council considers to be too old.” His first student had been nine years old when he had been initiated into the Order and now Obi-Wan was taking on an adult padawan. “The prophecy stated that you would come to us. It didn’t specify how old you would be.” Now that Obi-Wan thought about it might be easier and less stressful to train an adult padawan. At least Anakin wouldn’t be talking back to him and having teenaged mood swings.
“No rations bars in the cafeteria. There is fresh, cooked food. I’m sure there’s something there that you can eat. Although, I do believe our food may be different than what you are used to. It seems our language has some differences too, but at least we can communicate. I think you said that the language you speak is called English. We call it Basic. It’s the most spoken language in the galaxy, but there are many other languages too. We also tend to write in the universal language Aurebesh. We’ll have to teach you how to read and write it.” He wasn’t going to have his new student be illiterate.
He offered Anakin a slight smile. “I’m glad you liked the similator.  But I think you will be fine so long as you put in the effort to learn. I know you can be a great Jedi, Anakin. All I ask is for you to try and I will teach you as much as I can.” 
He moved towards the door. “Lets go eat. You will see some Jedi wandering around. There are several Jedi here that belong to nocturnal races that will be out soon. Also, the younglings have already been sent to bed. We shall eat and then I suggest you get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow, we have much to do, including getting you measured for your padawan robes and getting your hair styled a bit for the padawan haircut, among other things.”
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“Nine hundred years old? What is he, immortal?” Rolling his eyes about the council, he had to learn to bite his tongue because he was finding things he didn’t like about the rules. Like no attachments or passion. What the fuck were they? Robots? “Three was considered old? What the living fuck? Three is barely starting your life out. What is this a cult? Come on. Like three frickin years old?” Way a go Ani, you stuck your foot in your mouth. Another eye roll came at the mention of the other Anakin. Was he going to be compared to him all the time? He hoped not. “Well, maybe things need to change. Especially since I’m twenty one years old and am a padawan.” Starting to calm down a bit, he raked a hand through his hair. Hard to believe he would become a Jedi. His mother would have rolled in her grave. It was bad enough she died because of his father being greedy. 
“Sorry. I just have a hard time wrapping my mind around all this.” Mouthing off was in his nature, but he would try his best to rise above. Since meeting Obi Wan, the Jedi Master only brought the best out in him. “Fresh food? Thank the gods. I couldn’t hand eating another cardboard bar.” Nodding to him about the language barrier, he just adjusted the robe to be closer. He didn’t need anyone questioning him over his shirt. “Why two different languages?” Asking innocently, he came beside his new master. “In my world, English is universal and with writing. I knew a few others, but not many. Nothing magic couldn’t teach me there, anyway.” Anakin doubted the Force would just grant him the ability to speak basic and write Aurebesh so easily.
Smiling back, he would miss just hanging out hiding in Kenobi’s quarters. Though he wouldn’t miss sleeping on the floor. It was hard without a rug and just a pillow. “The sim was easy.” He shrugged. “I’ll do the best I can.” Skywalker promised. 
Following him, he grinned back. “Now, food. That’s what I need. They have cheeseburgers or somethin’?” Forgetting food here was difference, he would need to learn to like the variety given to him and not be so stuck in his ways. “I would kill for some fries or, better yet, some fruit.” The mercenary liked his plums and oranges. He had kept some stashed in his old apartment. “Do I need to sleep on the floor again?” Wondering when he would get his own room, he waited for the other to lead the way.
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Rishyet fought the urge to look away guiltily or roll her eyes. It wasn’t really stealing, technically, but the head gardener was a crotchety old man who liked to put up a fuss if any pruned material didn’t go directly into the compost. Personally, the padawan suspected that he was afraid that someone else in the Temple might prove to be somehow more skilled at plant-rearing than he.
How petty.
“Yes, I took a few cuttings, Master, but it’s not theft if I’m not depriving anyone of enjoying the plant. Herbs like these need regular pruning to stay healthy. And if a few of these cuttings should just so happen to sprout roots of their own, then it’s just more plants to go around. They grow back, unlike, say, a statue.”
She quirked a hairless eyebrow, perhaps daring even the Grand Master of the Order to dispute her logic, while pulling out the various carefully-stored leaves from her sash to demonstrate how little of each plant had been removed.
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Ani heard the gardeners' complaints. He brushed them off for the most part and filed them away as unimportant. The Grandmaster has better things to worry about, like the training of younglings or council meetings. Not plants or compost.  In fact, he meant little when he asked her about stealing outright. It was more in a playful tone. Skywalker saw nothing wrong here. He was just utterly amused by all this. 
Listening on the padawan, he sighed. “Relax. I have no reason to reprehend you. Nothing has been harmed.” Anakin didn’t know a lick about plants, and he showed no real interest. He did know Earth’s herbs, but nothing that grew here in the temple. The Jedi could list the properties of lavender or basil, but nothing in the garden. “Keep them. You’ll probably have better use to them than the old man tending to them, but don’t tell him I said that or I might have to listen to one of his long lectures.”
Waving his hand, he just glanced around. No one was in here. Good. No one to bother him. Maybe he could even mediate in peace this time. This spot was closest thing he had to a forest. His Druid roots had yearned for some greenery. 
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It had been out of blue, but perhaps it was finally when he had the strength to propose. They were a couple, had been for years now. They ate together, talked together, shared quarters, and even slept in the same bed. They were practically a married couple in all but name. The Holonet was always having a field day over their relationship. Of course, as was to happen, sometimes when they weren’t spotted together there were rumors of them splitting up.
 “Yes, that’s what I’m doing.” Obi-Wan answered. This was a proposal and Anakin was right that he already knew the answer. “I love you, Anakin. Our wedding, it doesn’t have to big. We could make it private. We’ll have to work on details later about it. I…Well…”
He swallowed before presenting Anakin with a simple wooden box. Inside the box was a green Kyber crystal whose last weilder was once considered an unconventional Jedi before but in the reformed and new ways of the Jedi would be seen as a role model.
“I don’t an engagement ring to give you, but I have this. It’s the Kyber crystal that was in my late Master’s lightsaber. You can do what you want with it but I want you to have it.”
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It took him by complete surprise. Anakin guessed it shouldn’t, considering how long they have been together for. Maybe it was time for him to settle down truly. After all, they were the guardians of the Skywalker twins, in case anything happened to Padme and their father. It made sense why Obi Wan would want to finally make it official. They did everything together. Eat, sleep, train, preside over council meetings and more. Marriage just was the one step they did not do. It didn’t cross Ani’s mind to ask him, either. He got too comfortable in his role as his partner. In the eyes of the Republic, the two were celebrities. Leading the Jedi Order into a golden age. It couldn’t really get better than it was. 
“Then it’s yes.” He didn’t need to give it a thought. The Grandmaster blurted it out. “I love you too, Obi Wan. No... please, nothing big. We don’t need a whole media circus surrounding us. It’s bad enough with the news sector stalking our every move.” 
Taking in his hands, the tiny wooden box... Anakin slid the top open carefully. Inside shone a green kyber crystal. One he knew instantly where it originally came from. His old master Qui Jon Jinn.Knowing how much this meant to Kenobi, he took his saber off his belt. Pulling the compartment that held his lilac crystal, he planted the emerald one in its place. Closing the side of the saber, he ignited the blade, and it cast a gentle green glow over him. “I’ll cherish it always and it will be by my side... just as you are.”
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Seeing Hayden Christensen back in Anakin Skywalker’s Jedi robes from ”Revenge of the Sith” has me so happy.
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Had they? With nothing but sand in every direction, it was impossible to tell which way they’d travelled. Blast this place, thought Obi-Wan, and taking note of Anakin’s insistence, he relented.
  “Very well. Have it your way. You do the navigating. Just don’t blame me when we both die of starvation out here.”
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Anakin was going off his feeling in the Force. Which was why he was being so adamant about going his way. He could feel people nearby. His master was frustrated or so he could sense. Squinting at Obi Wan, he huffed. 
“Can you just trust me this once? I know I’m from this galaxy, but it doesn’t mean I don’t know what I am doing. After all, you taught me, Master.”
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Hayden Christensen as James Kelly
American Heist (2014) dir. Sarik Andreasyan
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“Of course. I’m sorry, my love.” He apologized, taking a moment to realize that they were alone. His thoughts had been so preoccupied that he hadn’t realized that the other Council members had left. Also, the meeting ended earlier than usual so it was strange to have such extra time. “I’ll tell them that you will speak to them in time and to just focus on being new parents. If that is the case, perhaps we should grant Anakin a leave of absence from the Order for a bit. I can only assume that being a new father and the responsibilities of being a Jedi must be hard to balance. However, I do believe it is something the Council should discuss regarding our practice of getting initiates. As you know, I was three years old when I was brought to the Order with only flashes of my birth family in my memory. I…uh…I honestly don’t know if my parents were left with any memory of me by the Jedi who found me.”
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Obi-Wan swallowed before standing up from his chair, which was next to Anakin’s. The initiates discussion was for another time. 
He looked out of one of the windows of the chamber. He could see very dark clouds that would no doubt be coming towards them soon.
“A storm is coming. We might have heavy rain tonight and possibly all day tomorrow.” He observed before looking back at his beloved. “Come. Since the meeting ended earlier than expected, we should be able to get dinner before the cafeteria becomes rather crowded. I think one of your favorites is on the menu tonight. I might even grab some snacks for later. It might be fun for the two of us to have a little late night tea party.”
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“Don’t be.” Anakin had gazed out at the main window from where he sat. His chair was added after he became on the council just a few months prior to becoming Grandmaster and was next to Kenobi’s. The role sat heavily on his shoulders and the added responsible seemed to be a bit much at first. He was just learning how to juggle it all. Managing thus far, he came up with his own schedule. Rising with the sun, he went to bed at a decent time too. Making sure Obi Wan was beside him most nights because he slept better with him. “There’s no rush. Give them a week and I’ll come to them.” Thinking silently to himself, he agreed. Anakin did deserve time with his new family. “I can arrange this. He needs time to adjust to his role as father and learn how to juggle being a Jedi. I do believe the rank of Master for him would be fitting, considering Master Windu wouldn’t object.” Ani knew the two butt heads, but Skywalker did help him with Sideous when it came time. “That’s my first priority. I want it so the parents' memory is never wiped and there will be visiting days for the younglings we do get. So they can have a relationship with their families. I think the age limit should be risen to say at least eight or nine, so the child can decide whether to stay or go. Maybe we can even make a wing available for parents to stay here and oversee their education. Just to put their minds at ease.”
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After a moment, he shifted in his chair to look at Obi Wan directly. “For now. All we can do is make sure everyone is comfortable.” Trying his best to reassure him, he knew the issue was close to his lover’s heart. Which was why he was more than willing to change how the youngling were dealt with. 
“Storms make for good sleeping weather. Stars knows I need a good rest.” His eyes never left the Jedi master next to him. “Food sounds good right now. I didn’t have lunch because of all the meetings. Anakin had come to me for advice earlier and we had a chat about his being married. He’s worried the Jedi will go back on what they said. I told him I wouldn’t allow that to happen.” Standing finally, he stretched on his feet. Making sure he had his new saber on his side, the Jedi motioned Obi Wan to follow in step with him. 
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American Heist, Dir. Sarik Andreasyan (2014)
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Merlin could sense that Anakin was pain, it was as if he felt it himself. And in a way, he was feeling his own from the intensity of the spell. He would not be trying a spell like that for some time, he would need to replenish himself first. He leaned over, hands on his knees as he took in a few deep breaths. He was sweating like he had run a marathon. For being one of if not the most powerful warlocks in all of the world and in this time, he sure was out of practice for tough magic like this. The last time he’d used a spell so strong was when he had wiped away his own memory, those spells were not for the faint of heart and Merlin had certainly toughened up over the years, but it seemed he needed some practice still.
Looking over, he flinched a little, surprised by the outburst but also not. Anakin was coming back into his power, he sensed that now too. Merlin’s eyes flickered gold once more, though he shouldn’t and the glass repaired itself as it put itself back in place on the window. Less for Anakin to worry about, he thought, as he knew this was a rental place. And not a good one either. Maybe he could invite the man to stay at one of his places, he could give him free reign of the cabin. Merlin had not been there in some time, being around and waiting around the lake so much made him depressed and he was trying to be better than that.
“It’s a weird feeling, not much to do about it until it calms down, unfortunately. You’ll gain back your senses. Of your current life and of your past one, it just takes time.” Merlin felt like he had a million lifetimes in his head, he still didn’t know how he was meant to go on. But maybe, being here with Anakin now, he had hope. He didn’t have to be alone after all. And he had magic too, which was rare in itself these days. Shaking his head, Merlin sits up again, leaning back against the couch instead to be a bit more comfortable. He wondered if Anakin was still in much pain, but he does catch him looking at him and he flushes a little in response. It has been some time since someone has looked at him like that.
Hearing the upstairs neighbors getting loud again, probably due to the crash from the window, he said, “If you want, you can come stay at my place. I’m not too far from here, actually, but I’ve also got a cabin by the Lake of Avalon I don’t use much anymore. If you want somewhere a little more … quiet, that is. The lake would be perfect for that.” And chances are, Anakin could do with that. His own flat was not as noisy as this, then again they had stronger walls and more expensive clients living in them, so people were generally a little more respectful to others there.
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Clutching his head, he just tried to breathe through the pain. The flood of old memories of the past were overwhelming. He felt everything. His first kiss from someone that looked pretty close to his ex, Padme, the first time he realized his sexuality and his powers... the knighting ceremony. Uther had been similar to his father. Ruthless, but at least he didn’t try to kill his only son. Just like the Palpatine in this era tried to do to him before a wave of luck hit him and his ‘father’ was gunned down in front of him. When the window broke, he jumped out of his skin. He wasn’t expecting that. Groaning from all his powers being freed, he just sat there with his hands on the back of his head. 
Hearing a sound, he did lift his head in time to see the window piece itself back together. Slumping back against the couch, he sunk in and swallowed hard. His neighbors above were in a brawl of some sorts. The couple often did this most nights, and the police showed up almost every night. Glancing around but not moving, the place was in disrepair. At the time, it was all he could afford. He had just gotten into the mercenary business. Now money came in and he could afford some place new. He guessed he grew comfortable there. Skywalker was not one to move a lot. Doing plenty of that in his childhood, he decided to stay put and deal with it. 
Nodding, his eyes trailed back to the other warlock. Gods why was he handsome? He looked similar to his days in Camelot, save for a few differences. “Well, it fucking sucks to know I died by Mordred’s hands. Figures. Thank you for trying to comfort me while I was dying.” He never did tell him how he felt then, now he barely knew the other. Merlin showed him a kindness most people did not give him and that alone meant the world to him. Having to wrap his head around the fact, he was immortal too was daunting. How did he do it all these years. He wandered why he stopped aging when he hit twenty-one. Anakin didn’t even have a wrinkle on his face and did not look his age of thirty. Before he chalked it up to having good genes. Having Druid blood made sense.
Another crash from upstairs had him looking up and then rolling his eyes. It was amazing they were not evicted because of the noise alone. “Loudness doesn’t bug me. It’s being alone all the time when I’m not ‘working’.” He made the quotes with his fingers. What would he think if he knew he took people out for a living? Probably would not be too thrilled. It was dangerous, but it was good money and it was all he knew. Knowing if he lived with him, he would have to tell him. His gun was lying on the coffee table with the safety on. It had flames on the side of it and was a pretty penny, and he loved them. 
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Hayden Christensen as James Kelly
American Heist (2014) dir. Sarik Andreasyan
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He watched as Anakin zoomed out to the galaxy of the Milky Way. He could identify it easily enough as a galaxy, just one that was very different from what he was used to. And if what his lover was saying was true, so much of it was unknown and unexplored.
“Fascinating.” Obi-Wan spoke with genuine interest. “Most systems in this galaxy have satellites we call moons. Quite a few moons are even inhabitated. I don’t suppose Earth has lunar citizens on the Moon, does it?”
He blinked after a moment when Anakin confirmed that Pluto was a dwarf planet. Yes, Pluto looked smaller than some of the others in the Solar System such as Jupiter and Saturn, but did that mean it had to be called a dwarf planet?
“Your scientists, do they explore the Solar System? Don’t take this the wrong way, but it seems like much of your galaxy hasn’t been explored. Yes, we have the Unknown Regions, but plenty of our galaxy has been explored. You said that people of Earth thought that they were the only ones. Are there no other people residing on the planets or moons in the Solar System?” 
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Zooming out, he couldn’t help the feeling of being a little homesick. Anakin did love it here, and he finally had a purpose. One he could be proud of and he knew his mother was smiling down on him. These days, he didn’t hate her for what she did. He knew it was because she wanted to protect him. Looking on at the holo map, he made sure to illuminate where Earth was in comparison to the rest of the galaxy. 
“I know. Master Windu told me. He gave me a rundown of this galaxy. Mine seems outdated compared to here. Humans have a long way to go there before they even come close to our standards.”
Knowing Obi Wan, he had a feeling he would have argued Pluto being a dwarf planet instead of a full-blown one. It was amusing to him how he thought sometimes. 
“No. Nothing has been explored, so no other people have inhabited other planets. We don’t have the technology for it. It takes like eighty years just to get to Pluto. They haven’t found light speed yet. If they did, it would take them longer to build crafts, able to fly and protect the people in it.”
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“Near as I can tell, it’s a fairly recent occurance.” Obi-Wan replied. He could see how much of a headache this was already causing his beloved. “Don’t worry, my love. I will always know which one is you.” He moved then to go behind the other and reached to gently massage Anakin’s shoulders. “Breathe and relax. I know that you are under a lot of pressure and stress as Grandmaster and helping to guide us to find balance. You don’t need to worry about the multiverse. Let me help you. I made an oath to always be at your side and I will keep that.”
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“It's a major headache.” He whined for a moment before composing himself once more. Anakin was sitting at his workstation in his new quarters. They were larger than his as a knight or a padawan. Not something he was expecting. It felt strange being in here. He had been kind enough to allow Yoda to keep his own instead of displacing him. The former grandmaster still had a high ranking. Feeling Obi Wan’s hands on his shoulders, he leaned back and glanced up. Tilting his head up at the other, he just stared. Why did he have to be so bloody handsome? “Pressure? What’s that?” He chucked and just closed his eyes as he sunk into the other’s hands. The massage felt good and did wonders on the tension he was feeling. “Okay. I trust you, but the moment, Ahsoka and that Anakin cause trouble... I’ll put my foot down.”
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