koryuow2 · 5 months
Redesign of Koryu’s spray (After Sport)
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Koryu Spray : After Sport
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Just imagine if Kiriko sees him like that...
what will happen…
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koryuow2 · 5 months
The Porsche Dva skin will be available Tuesday May 14 (Can’t wait) 😆😆😆
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koryuow2 · 5 months
She's finally here!!! 😆😆
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koryuow2 · 5 months
Koryu's new hairstyle the colors have changed it is no longer black but dark brown🙂
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koryuow2 · 5 months
Thank you, thank you to everyone who voted. So Koryu will have this design.🥹😊❤️
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koryuow2 · 5 months
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I'm in the process of modifying Koryu's hair and facial hair so tell me which icon doesn't look like Baptiste (And tell me about his facial hair if he should have a lot of it or not)
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Here he has dreadlocks
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And here curly hair
(the difference may be difficult to see between curly hair and dreadlocks)
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koryuow2 · 5 months
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koryuow2 · 5 months
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koryuow2 · 5 months
For those who are interested I am also on Twitter and Instagram. My name is the same everywhere KoryuOw2. I would really be happy to have some support. By sharing Koryu with as many people as possible so that it can exist in Overwatch.
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Thank you very much for everyone who will support me 🥹😊❤️
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koryuow2 · 5 months
Koryu Spray : After Sport
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Just imagine if Kiriko sees him like that...
what will happen…
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koryuow2 · 5 months
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Koryu Cute Spray and Koryu Pixel Spray
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koryuow2 · 5 months
Someone is angry
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This is the moment he gets his scar. Komainu take control and lets all his rage out
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koryuow2 · 5 months
Komainu takes control
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koryuow2 · 5 months
Koryu and Kiriko Hashimoto
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Koryu and Kiriko Yokaï
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koryuow2 · 5 months
All Koryu Skins
Cyber Tiger
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Summer Kimono
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Moon Knight
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Hashimoto Koryu
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Yokaï Koryu (Mirrorwatch)
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koryuow2 · 5 months
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Lets talk about its gameplay
Passive :
Koryu has a passive that when he jumps, flames project him so that he jumps higher
The Primary Weapon : Karambit (Tiger Claw)
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-Koryu uses a Karambit to strike his enemies in melee range
The Second Weapon : Kusarigama
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-For enemies who stay at a distance he can catch them with his Kusarigama and bring them back to him but if he catches a tank, he will be brought halfway.
The Primary Ability : Flaming Wind
-With each movement except during the jump Koryu can make bursts of fire which allow him to move faster and any enemy near him will be burned. Doing it 3 times in a row makes Koryu burn.
The Second Ability : Rebirth
-He places a fireball on the ground and when he is eliminated he can choose to reappear in the place where he placed his fireball and he can cause damage burn but if he is killed again he will no longer do burning damage until he uses the ability again.
The Third Ability : Hi no kabe
-He projects the fireball onto the ground who forms a wall of flame that causes significant burn damage to those who try to pass through the flames.
The Ultimate : Komainu
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During his ultimate Koryu takes charge of Komainu's energy, the damage taken during the charge is reduced then he releases all his power in an explosion of fire. Survivors will be severely burned. During the explosion a lion's roar can be heard.
(I made changes in its gameplay thanks to someone's help😊)
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koryuow2 · 5 months
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Here are some anecdotes about Koryu :
-Koryu is a Japanese/Jamaican
-He controls Komainu's fire power
-He also has a Tiger tattoo on his back, the Hashimoto symbol.
-Koryu's father is the boss of the Hashimotos.
-Her mother is Jamaican.
-He also has a little sister aged 20.
-When Koryu's mother learned that his father is the leader of the Hashimoto, she decided to go back to Jamaica but she was already pregnant with Koryu's sister.
-Koryu is 26 years old, his birthday is August 8.
-He is 1.80m tall.
-Koryu likes to listen to music during his sports sessions
-The sports are generally bodybuilding, running and boxing.
-He often juggles with his karambit
-What he likes in terms of dessert is the chocolate-mint combo
-He also likes to dances
-Kiriko likes to call Koryu Sunshine or Kory
-Koryu sometimes nicknames Kiriko "Kiri"
-For his mission Koryu changes his surname Hashimoto to Takahashi
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