kottoner · 5 years
Social Media Responsibility Training - SMART
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Social media are omnipresent these days. Most youth have smartphones which allow them to use social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and others continuously. Social media offer a good opportunity to interact with friends and family and also offer the possibility to get into contact with people from other countries and cultures. However, they also pose many dangers. Openly accessible information can be used in so called “Cybercrimes” such as online scams, identity theft and phishing, to name but a few. Furthermore, especially young people are often victims of online solicitation and extortion, according to Europol. Another issue is so-called “fake-news” fictitious news stories which are spread widely on social media channels as well as hateful or racist statements on social media platforms.
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Social media transcend borders and are, therefore, a global topic. The partner organisations have observed that the youth they are working with use social media extensively, yet they often post a lot of personal information and do not understand who can see that information or how other people can use that information. For example, many do not realise that, if they apply for a job, the future employer might look at Facebook profiles and that drunk pictures will not be beneficial then. Also, we have seen many youth being victims of scams because the clicked on links and provided data without checking the source. Similarly, for a lot of the young people in the youth centres in all involved countries, Facebook is the main source of news and information about current political and world events. Although, this in itself is not a bad thing, many news sources on Facebook are not reliable or simply fake which lead to a distorted view on current events. It, therefore, makes sense to tackle the issue transnationally and learn form the experiences and expertise of other countries. It will also help the young people to understand the intercultural and global aspect of social media use. Yet, the topic is not as present in youth work and non-formal learning as it could be. Many youth workers have no experience on the issue and no training tools to use in order to make youth aware of the issues. Neither is it usually not part of curricula for youth worker training.
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The project aims to create a resource for youth workers in order to train young people between 13 and 25 responsible and safe use of social media. Its goal is to show the opportunities social media offer for young people to connect across borders and cultures but at the same time also to show the dangers and how to use social media responsibly. In order to make sure that these tools are tailored to the needs and expectations of the target group, young people will be consulted during the creation of the tool-kit and the methods developed for it will be tested in a youth exchange with young people from all 5 countries. Comprehensive involvement of youth in the project is essential in order to make sure that the training methods and materials developed in this project are closely linked to the needs and expectations of young people. The first step will be to a state of the art analysis of social media behaviour and resources for dealing with these issues. From this, best practice methods are collected and presented in each organisation. These will be exchanged between partners which will lead to the creation of a training design. In order to test the training design and receive feedback on it, a blended mobility with 6 youth from each partner country will be implemented during which the training will be implemented and tested. With the evaluation feedback from the mobility the training will be adjusted and finalised. The results will be disseminated with multiplier events and on-going dissemination of the project.
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The partners involved are: - Internationaler Bund Berlin-Berlin Brandenburg gGmbH Betrieb Brandenburg Nordost (Germany) - MAD for Europe (Spain) - Prios Kompetanse AS (Norway) - ACTIVEYOUTH ASSOCIATION (Lithuania) - ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE JUMPIN (Italy)
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kottoner · 6 years
Eğitim Turu: Bir arazide eşsiz bir fırsat harika
30 Ocak - 4 Şubat tarihleri ​​arasında kendimi harika bir toprak keşfine adadım, bu da Salento. Eğitim Turu projesi sayesinde sadece güzelliklere dokunma fırsatım oldu. Bu toprağın peyzaj ve mimarisi, aynı zamanda birçok yemek mükemmelliği. Onları keşfetmek için evlere girmelisiniz, mutfak geleneklerini canlı tutanların hikayelerini dinlemelisiniz. Antik. Yerel şirketler bile hediye vermek için birçok fikre sahipler. Onları tanıma fırsatı buldu.
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Eğitim Turu sırasında, zamanın ötesinde bir referans yeri olan Poggiardo pazarını ziyaret ettim. Bölgedeki birçok yerel üretici için. Ayrıca bazılarını geçmek için olağanüstü bir olasılık vardı. Şimdi, her gün ve yıllarca peynirin nasıl yapıldığını dinleyerek, onu tutkuyla hazırlar. Salento turu, olağanüstü petrol dünyasına da dokunamadı. Zeytin ağaçları hakkında konuşun Bu toprak, yüzyıllardır rüzgârla okşayan sessiz devleri anlatmak anlamına gelir. Denizi sessizce ararlar. Tüm bunları şirket hakkında daha fazla şey öğrenmek için onur duydum. Şarap ve Petrol Rizzello di Spongano (Lecce ili). Eşsiz güzellikteki bir bölgede, Salento hinterlandında yer alan bu şirket 1989 yılında kuruldu. arzudan, toprakta kökleşmiş eski bir geleneği kaybetmemek. Yerel zeytin kültürünün zenginliğini ve güzelliğini keşfetmek için bir başka özel fırsat da ziyaretti.
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Poggiardo'nun Hypogeum'unda orecchiette'i nasıl yapacağımı da öğrendim! Evet, doğru bir şekilde anladınız: Aynı zamanda yerel bir mükemmeliyetin nasıl hazırlanacağını da öğrenmek zorundayım. orecchiette! Bazı harika yerel insanların değerli yardımlarıyla, kendimi test ettim ve. Ateşe ve soğuğa rağmen çok eğlendim. Seyahat arkadaşları buldum Ben sadece eğitim kahkahalarına ayırdım ve sadece .... Aksi halde olamazdı çünkü yemek hakkında konuşuyoruz, bu benim dünyam, tutkum ve işim.
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Salento orecchiette gerçekten basit ve durum buğday unu ve su ile yapılır, yumurtasız. Ah, tuz sadece suya atılmalıdır! Orecchiette sever misin? Bunları denedin mi? tipik salentine? Sizi temin ederim ki onlar harika!
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kottoner · 6 years
I want to tell you my EVS!
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I’m Sevim, I’m 29 years old and I’m from Turkey.
For 10 months I lived in Poggiardo, a little town in the South of Italy, in an area called Salento.
Salento is a beatufil place where you can learn the italian culture and italian traditions.
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I wanted to write this post because I wanted to let you know what I did during this months and how EVS changed my life!
This project strengthened my social skills and intercultural dialogue by staying with people from different cultures on the daily basis. I have learnt cross-cultural awareness since I was working all time with people. In this way, I’ve developed communication skills and I can cooperate easier with people who are members of different cultures. we have created a really good and efficient team with other volunteers and co-workers. I worked with groups of various people during international programs, both as leader and assistant. I've learnt how to set up good relationships with them and control the group, which means I have also gained leadership skills and team work.
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Daily usage of English language which lead to improving my  language skills both in speaking and understanding to a large extent. The 10-month project process contributed me to start speaking fluent in English and also becoming more self-confident in communication. I've learned many new words, I improved my pronunciation and also my grammar skills, moreover, I’ve learned dealing with difficult situations and improvising in another language when you do not know the specific vocabulary. Contact with people and media enabled me to learn the “real” language and made me really self-confident about my communications skills.
At the end, I really didn’t want to go back home but I had to do! 
So, I hope that I made you more curious to know what is EVS and how it can change the life!
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kottoner · 6 years
Le premier jour à Bari a été marqué d’emblée par une invitation à l’inauguration de la semaine Italo-Pollack organisée par la région des Pouilles en commémoration à l’histoire particulière qui a unit la Pologne à la région des Pouilles et en particulier à Bari. L’inauguration s’est tenue au sein d’une salle de conférence dans le réputé Castello Svevo di Bari autrement dit le Château Souabe du nom de Frédéric II de Souabe qui a entrepris sa restauration au 14e siècle. Nous avons passés quatre jours d’échanges avec un groupe de journalistes/écrivaines polonaises à découvrir Bari et la culture de la région des Pouilles. La première soirée nous l’avons passé ensemble à échanger sur nos voyages autour d’un repas typiquement de la région. Nos provenances de divers coins de l’Europe a été très enrichissant durant tout ce séjour.
La soirée s’est enchainée par une représentation de danse baroque d’une troupe de danse polonaise au Théâtre Kismet OpérA à Bari.
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Jour 2 Cette deuxième journée a été consacrée à la visite même de la ville de Bari. La ville de Bari est assez atypique pour le moins très différent de ce qu’on retrouve en France. Rien qu’à l’ouverture du plan de la ville, l’urbanisme m’a frappé de par son originalité. En effet, il y a une nette différence entre l’apparence du centre historique et de la « ville nouvelle ». L’un s’est construit il y a des siècles par commodités et suit l’architecture du château ; l’autre est le fruit de la modernité avec un arrangement des rues totalement rectilignes et perpendiculaires.
Cette promenade à travers les ruelles de la vieille ville a été enchanteresse. Tel un retour à une époque moyenâgeuse. Une vie d’abord très simple où les habitants se côtoient et se saluent, le linge étendu aux fenêtres et la douce odeur de cuisine qui s’échappe des habitations. Ces habitations à l’architecture très particulière, des petites portes toujours ouvertes qui donnent sur la cuisine. Bari est une ville très chaleureuse et les habitants très accueillants qui n’hésitent pas à vous offrir une dégustation des spécialités de la région.
Les saveurs de la région ne manquent pas pour ravir les gourmets. Les fruits et légumes sont nombreux, les vendeurs de tomates, séchées de façon traditionnelle sur les toits plats des habitations, rendent la visite très authentique.
Le déjeuner au Restaurant San Paolo nous a offert l’opportunité de déguster une succession de petits plats établis à partir d’une cuisine locale et traditionnelle. Du fromage, aux aubergines, poivrons, pâtes, fruits de mer, les plats étaient succulents et appréciés par l’ensemble des convives. Un restaurant traditionnel italien, des plats simples mais qui sauront plaire aux palais les plus diversifiés !  
Pour les amateurs d’arts et d’architecture, les monuments et les édifices religieux recèlent de nombreux trésors. La cathédrale de Bari ou Cattedrale di San Sabino dont l’architecture romande d’origine a été, au fil des restaurations, additionnée de matériaux recyclés d’Eglises et de bâtiments détruits. Construite sur les ruines d’une cathédrale Byzantine conserve aujourd’hui une crypte baroque. Plus célèbre, la Basilique Saint Nicolas, Basilica di San Nicola en italien, est un des lieux les plus visité de Bari. Lieu de pèlerinage, elle possède notamment les reliques de Saint Nicolas. En cette période de fête de l’Immaculée Conception, les évènements aux alentours ne manquaient pas.
Enfin, le Palais Simi, Palazzo Simi en italien, autrefois palais, est aujourd’hui est édifice chargé de la protection du patrimoine archéologique de la région centrale des Pouilles. Espace d’exposition mais également lieu d’évènements culturels, le coup d’œil en vaut la peine lorsque vous vous rendrez à la Cathédrale. Jour 3 Nous terminons la visite de Bari mercredi. Ce dernier jour a été dédié à Bona Sforza. La journée a débuté le matin avec une conférence à l’Université de Bari sur le thème Bona Sforza, reine de Pologne, princesse de Bari. Puis nous nous sommes promenés à travers le centre de Bari. Tout d’abord le quartier moderne établi à la manière de rues perpendiculaires mais la modernité ne fait pas perdre le charme de la ville. Les bâtisses sont entretenues, les rues très propres où arborent de multiples palmiers. Quelques travaux de restauration mais surtout un très beau projet de réhabilitation de l’espace urbain. Deux des principales avenues en direction de la gare centrale sont en cours de piétonisation. Ainsi les passants peuvent se balader très aisément durant leur shopping. Les boutiques de prêt à porter ne manquent pas, la mode italienne peut combler tous les goûts et pour tous les budgets.
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Bari est également une ville portuaire à proximité duquel les vendeurs de poissons frais étalent leur pêche du matin qui représente actuellement le plus grand port de passagers de la mer Adriatique. C’est également le lieu de faire une belle balade sur près de 8km de front de mer, un peu à la manière de notre « promenade des anglais ». Nous clôturons cette semaine culturelle à Bari par un déjeuner pour le peu atypique. Nous avons été invités à l’occasion de la semaine culturelle italiano-pollaque au Château Normand Souabe pour célébrer une reproduction du banquet des noces de la Bona Sforza de la part des élèves d’une école hôtelière. Ce banquet constitué de mets traditionnels et d’époque a été établis pour se rapprocher de celui d’époque. Au menu : foccacia salés, oignons confits, salade mixte, orecchiette à l’encre de seiche pour le salé. En dessert, une pâtisserie typique de l’Italie du sud, les cartellates, une pâte frite en forme de roses, trempée dans un vin chaud. Tout cela dans un décor baroque et des costumes d’époques ! EDUCATIONAL TOUR IN BARI Page 7 Bari est une des villes les plus originales et la plus caractéristique de la région des Pouilles. A la fois élégante et raffinée, elle renferme un lot de diversité à la fois culturelle et historique ainsi qu’un charme qui ne demande qu’à être visité.
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kottoner · 7 years
On the trails of the ancient crafts of the small villages 24- 29 MAY 2017
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If you read my blog you should know yet that i like to travel around Europe, to discover hidden places all along the continent, trying to find unusual places out of the spots of the usual travel guides.
 From 24 to 29 may 2017  I’ve been inSpongano , a fine little town at the south of Lecce, in Puglia, where some friends did a meeting, named “sui sentieri degli antichi mestieri dei piccolo borghi ” about the promotion of this beautiful land, a new kind of promotion based on the wonderful local food and the various historical treasures; because if you are an experienced tourist or an usual reader of media about tourism, for sure you have listen sometimes about Puglia in the last few years, about its wonderful Otranto or Gallipoli, what you don' t know yet is the beauty and the wellness you can find in the countryside!
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The sunny Puglia, remote heel of Italy's boot, combines fairytale landscapes, really good food, Baroque churches and Pagan dances.
 The region is served by two airports in the towns of Bari and Brindisi, but the area is not an obvious destination for foreign visitors: as i sad many tourists come every year in July and August to the half-board hotels, campsites and tourist villages that proliferate the coast, but handsome towns such as Bari or the engaging Lecce see only a handful of visitors each day, lots of tourists miss the opportunity to explore some of the area's more remote Basilica chapels or fascinating prehistoric dolmens!
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The day we spent in Lecce was amazing, the are more than 40 churches and at least as many noble palazzi were built or renovated here between the middle of the 17th century and the end of the 18th to create one of the most unified urban landscapes in Italy. It is a relaxed place; i enjoyed the locals sit outside a bar, sipping iced coffee with almond syrup (latte di mandorla, an eminently southern soft drink), or they window-shop along corso Vittorio Emanuele. 
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Otranto was full of tourist down the beachside but even through its ancient hamlet, which is a jewel, like many historical hamlet all over this region...
This are the most famous places but there are many little villages around such us Giuggianello, San cassiano And Botrugno that are a natural Jewelry
And around Capo d'Otranto, Italy's easternmost point, crumpled red cliffs fall to the sea from an upland plain. If it weren't for the blue-green sea and the view across to Albania, this could be Cornwall.
Drive or bike through the countryside and discover ancient masseries and farm where the local farmers try to keep their traditional jobs improved by the new technologies: they will be happy to let you taste their food and you will sure enjoy that!
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A tour along Puglia is something that i absolutely recommend, everywhere along the region, every time through the year!
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kottoner · 9 years
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kottoner · 9 years
At at midnight at the start of 1st August 2012, Kottoner Radio will no longer available nationally on digital radio. You can still hear its output onl
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kottoner · 9 years
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kottoner · 9 years
Power station demolition to pick up pace
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Works in preparation for the demolition of some of the Marsa power station chimneys and fuel tanks will take place early tomorrow afternoon.
Enemalta said Belt il-Ħażna Road, in Marsa, adjacent to the power station, will be closed between Noon and 3 p.m. for safety reasons.
More information about Enemalta is available on www.enemalta.com.mt.
The works started last week when workers demolished some ventilations hafts.
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kottoner · 9 years
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kottoner · 10 years
Sound of Puglia: zvuk a hudbu
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Pre komunitu mestečka Giurdignano to bol náročný týždeň. Toto mesto, ktore sa tiež nazýva "megalitická záhrada Talianska" zorganizovala stretnutie pre skupinu medzinárodných novinárov a blogerov.Skupinu privítala starostka, pani Monike Gravante, v nedeľu 28. septembra. Po krátkom úvode do života komunity, skupine bola ponúknutá typická miestna špecialita pittule a pohárik vína Prosecco. Po občerstvení sme všetci pokračovali na obhliadku niektorých z 18 menhírov a 8 dolmenov, za doprovodu našich sprievodcov, ktorými boli pani Ludovica Bello a pán Luca Carecci.
Prvá zastávka a skupina miestnych detí nám hrá na typickom bubne zvanom tamburello. Skupina žiadne meno nemá, ale Giorgia, Ivan, Christian, Daniel a Dylan by sa kľudne mohli volat "Tignusi". V dialekte to znamená „tí ktorí sa nikdy neumývajú“, a možno má pravdu, ako sa tak pozeráme na skupinku hudobníkov a ich kamarátov ktorí lezú po prašnom menhíre počas prestávky. Ideme ďalej a počas dvoch hodín vidíme veľa ďalších pamiatok a získavame neuveriteľné množstvo faktov a informácií. Luca Carreci, miestny fotograf je zaneprázdnený fotením našich prekvapených tvárí-niet divu, Giurdignano je prezývaný "Taliansky Stonehenge", a jeho majestátnosť je umocnená krásnou sceneriou olivových hájov a zapadajúceho slnka.
Ďalej nás čaká návšteva "Frantoio Ipogeo Trappitello del Duca" , olejárne objavenej v roku 1518 a stále funkčnej až do druhej svetovej vojny. Ludovica a miestni odhalujú šokujúce fakty o životoch podzemných pracovníkov, zvanych „trappitari“ ktorí žili v podzemí pri teplote 12 ° C, od októbra do mája, a von mohli ísť len počas Vianoc a v nedeľu do kostola."Cripta di S.Salvatore" je ďalši podzemny zázrak Giurdignana. Je to jedna z najdôležitejších pamiatok byzantského dedičstva v celej Apúlii a fresky sú úchvatné.
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Večera sa podáva v "Azienda Agrituristica La Botte". Podáva sa 7 predjedál a najznámejšie jedlo Salenta „cestoviny s cícerom“.
V pondelok sme mali možnosť dozvedieť sa o najvýznamnejšom kultúrnom dedičtve- tanci pizzica. Tanečníci, Alessia Negro a Lucia Panico nám vysvetlili historické pozadie. Nasledoval rýchlokurz a prax, a všetci sme sa dobre zabávali keď sme sledovali naše nešikovné kroky a boje o šatku. Po celkom slušnej rozvicke sme pokračovali do miestnej pizzerie "Da Ucci", kde sme skúsili ďalšie miestne jedlá, ako Frisella con pomodoro a orrechiette.
Náš tretí den sa znova plní kultúrnymi aktivitami a ďalšími jedlami. Spongano je mestečko pár minút južne od Poggiarda, a my sme tam navštívili novozrekonštruovane kultúrne centrum. Prestavovalo ho viac dobrovoľníkov, aby slúžil ako kultúrne a konferenčné centrum nielen pre obyvateľov Spongana. Zástupcovia obce prirovnali celý proces k stavbe mraveniska, so stovkami ľudí, ktorí pomáhajú, pracujú a sú oduševnení za jeden spoločný cieľ.
V popoludňajších hodinách sme navštívili výrobňu oleja Frantoio D'Aurelio Lanzilao v Giurdignano. Táto malá, rodinná firma sa zaoberá výrobou toho najlepšieho oleja v oblasti Giurdignano uz 10 rokov, zatiaľ čo história vyroby olivového oleja siaha v rodine do roku 1960. Privítali nás mama Filomena, ktorá spolu s Enricou, dcérou, boli zaneprázdnene prípravou pittule a inych vyprážaných pochúťok. Otec Toto a syn Mimmo, nám vysvetlil a popísal celý proces od zberu olív až po finálne plnenie do fliaš. Luca a Antonio obaja naši sprievodcovia, pripravili prezentáciu, kým ďalší rodinný priateľ Giuseppe neustále doplňoval naše poháre domácim vínom. Zostali sme dlho, kúpil jedlé suveníry a v dobrej nálade sme prešli do Agriturismo Il Megalite. Táto hacienda sa hrdí potravinami ktore si dopestujú sami, alebo su vyprodukované z tzv. „kilometra 0" teda su miestne a sezónne. Jedli sme špeciality ako vyprážané cuketové kvety a lahodné orecchiette s paradajkami.
Som si istá, že poznáte ten pocit, keď ste vy (vaša mama alebo babička) niečo uvarili alebo upiekli, a mohli by ste odprisahať, ze to bolo to najlepšie jedlo, ktoré ste kedy jedli. Pravdepodobne to nebolo, ale akonáhle pridáte k dielu vlastnú ruku, a čo je dôležitejšie, vaše srdce, to bude ten rozdiel. A to je samozrejme tajomstvo tunajších ľudí. Všetci z nich, zapojených do remeselnej výroby, či uz jedla alebo oblečenia, to robia vynikajúco a to preto, že ich srdce je na správnom mieste. A to bol môj dojem po návšteve malej, rodinnej pekárne s názvom Protopapa. Silvio, ktorí je vlastníkom, nás pozdravil a pozval do svojej malej, teplej a krásne voňajúcej pekárne.
Pochádza z rodiny, kde sa pieklo tri generácie, a vysvetľuje nám malé tajomstvá svojho každodenného života. Akú pec používajú (zloženú z lávového kameňa pre lepšie udržanie tepla); akú múku používajú (pšenicu špaldu, cirok alebo kamut, pohánku, jačmeň ...) alebo čím kúria (olivové drevo ktoré eliminuje množstvo dymu a popola). Silvio a jeho mama, Natalina nas pozývajú na desiatu. No...lepšie povedané je to sviatočný stol. Na stole bolo to najlepšie z "prodotti tipici del Salento e della Puglia", takmer 20 vzoriek z ich pekárne, z celkového množstva 80 typov výrobkov, ktoré pečú... bocconcini s olivami a sušenými paradajkami, focaccia s kaparami a olivami, rustikálnu pizzu, chleby ...
Odchádzame z pekárne, a všetkých nás zaujíma, či existuje priestor, kde sa pokúsime napchať poslednú pochúťku z cukrárne Brisée. Väčšina z nás začína s kávou, a po chvíli sa zdá, že si na slávnom pasticiotto predsalen pochutnáme. Niet divu, že aj George Clooney sa rozhodol mat tuto pochúťku na svadobnom stole. Odchádzame z Giurdignana a užívame si zvyšok slnečného dňa na pláži.
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kottoner · 10 years
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Nous sommes arrivés le soir après de longues et éprouvantes heures de route. Dès mon arrivée j’ai pu remarquer la joie, l’entrain, et la détermination de Cinzia. Au même titre que « Taste Puglia », Jump’in est une des meilleures manières pour vivre des vacances inoubliables. Nous sommes scout et nous nous amusons autant que si nous étions en vacances. Jump’in m’a offert de merveilleux souvenirs et de formidable opportunités. Tel un membre de notre famille nous avons partagé des larmes (lors de la défaite de l’équipe nationale belge) et des joies. Des liens forts se sont créés. Nous avons visité la ville de Lecce, qui est magnifique au niveau architectural. La vie qui émane de ces rues est époustouflante. On se sent pris dans un courant de couleurs et d’odeurs. La région de Salento est une perle dans le trésor des Pouilles, celle-ci est dépaysante et relaxante. Tout est beau avec des nuances de vert. Lors de la balade dans le « Parco dei paduli », nous étions des aventuriers dans les oliviers. L’aspect culinaire du projet m’a beaucoup plu, nous avons appris et fait des Pasta et Pasticciotto (spécialité délicieuse de la région).
Gibbon Lionel
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kottoner · 10 years
Marsa mayor wants industry to pay for inconvenience
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Localities hit hard by industrial development should be able to benefit from special funds to mitigate the negative impact, the Marsa mayor has urged.
Francis Debono said localities like his suffered the brunt of large industrial projects that had a detrimental effect on residents.
Marsa is home to an aged power station, oil recycling facilities and storage and is split in two by a major road artery.
Mr Debono made the call in the presence of Planning Parliamentary Secretary Michael Falzon and top Mepa officials during a short ceremony where several councils were given funds for urban improvement projects.
The funds came from Mepa's urban improvement fund, which is financed by payments from projects that do not make adequate provisions for parking in their plans.
Since inception in 2006 the fund has approved 262 projects, valued at €9 million, in various local councils.
This morning's press conference was held on the pedestrian bridge across December 13 Road in Marsa that was recently refurbished by funds from the UIF.
Mr Debono urged the authorities to consider creating a separate fund that would be premised on the polluter-pays principle so that councils could invest the money to improve residents' quality of life.
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kottoner · 10 years
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kottoner · 10 years
Official results of the elections to the European Parliament held between 22 and 25 May 2014 - European Parliament
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kottoner · 10 years
This website is dedicated to the European elections in 2014. Here you will find everything you need to know about the elections that give you the chance to choose the Europe you want. Discover the latest news, get to know more about the political groups and see how your vote can make a difference.
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kottoner · 10 years
Education, creativity, opportunity = BE ENTRAPREUNERS!
What is today “entrepreunership”? Who is an “entrepreuner”?
Answering to these two questions could be less simple that it seems, as every market and every production cycle is deeply canching everyday, world wide.
Entrepreunership and “being an entrapreuner” are concepts influenced by lots of old issues and new issues.
The new communication technologies and platforms are entities that evolve really fast, requiring new competences and abilities.
There's a big global economic crisis hitting hard on new and old companies, so we see so many intense changes in the world of entrapreunership and we think this is the right time to do a big recap of all this changes and issues.
Between the 1st and 9th of November the cultural association Jump In, in collaboration with PUGLIA PROMOZIONE, will run in Nociglia and others wonderful towns in the countryside of Puglia the international cultural exchange “BE ENTRAPREUNERS – THINK THE UNTHINKABLE”, an international meeting with debates, seminaries, meetings and inteviews about the creative thinking and its use in the world of entrapreunership, about the local culture and traditions and a new global model for a sustainable tourism.
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This cultural exchange have many interesting features, starting from the venue: Nociglia is a little town in the south of Puglia, with a wonderful countryside and close to the sea, its historical centre is an ancient beauty and guests will find a really good food and a comfortable climate.
But obviously what really matters is the good idea about putting in the same “cauldron” three different topics like entrepreunership, creative thinking, sustainability and culture.
Why? Because these different topics have something in common, is from there that the South of Europe could start a new business model, a new winning business model.
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“BE ENTRAPREUNERS – THINK THE UNTHINKABLE” is what the association jump In is saying to the italian youngsters, but is a good advice for twentyfour journalists, bloggers, opinion leaders and young entrapreuners in the fields of tourism, culture, communication and marketing that will be guests in Puglia for these nine days of debates and seminaries. They will come from Poland, Estonia, Romania, Portugal and Turkey. They will share their experiences and good working practices and togheter with local citizens, institutions and entrapreuners they will try to find a common path, working everywhere in the South of Europe to make young people work and be leaders of a european renaissance!
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