kpoppedlovely · 4 years
Yeo One + Aquamarine
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Word count: 474
Type: Fluff
     The ocean was your favorite place. Your comfort place, if you will. The feel of the water, the sound of the waves, the rolling clouds, the cool breeze. You especially loved the ocean at night. That’s why you decided to grab your surfboard and swim out into the water. You passed the waves where the water was calm. Looking up into the dark night sky, seeing the moon and the many stars that couldn’t be seen in the city, your mind was at peace. The ocean moved you and your board gently. As your feet dangled in the water, you felt something swim near them. You instinctively jumped, thinking it was a shark. You must’ve jumped too much because you fell into the water. You froze in fear, looking around in the water. Through the darkness, lit by the moon, you saw a shimmering blue pass you. Your eyes followed what looked like a… tail? Your body flailed in panic but something kept you under. Curiosity? The waves? Your board right above your head? Thinking too much distracts you, keeping you from noticing arms pushing you back to the surface. You breathed heavily before scurrying back onto your board. Looking into the water, your eyes follow the shimmering blue light. It gets closer to your board and you see what’s attached to it. A man? Your eyes must be playing tricks on you, you think. But no. You see a man’s face slowly emerge from the water. First, silver white hair and then honeyed brown eyes and a pale complexion. You could see some silvery blue gills on either side of his neck. The two of you stared at each other for what felt like forever. He finally smiled, swimming closer to you. Having nowhere to go, you froze. Now right at your board, you could see the man down to his chest. Opening his mouth, he spoke. “Hi. I’m Yeo One. Hope I didn’t scare you.” His sweet, deep voice calms your nerves. You said hi back and gave your name. He swam closer to the board, putting his crossed arms on it. Although it was dark out, he seemed to shine overall. The two of you chatted for a while longer, until the sky in the East shone light, signalling dawn was coming. You sighed, looking at the beach and mumbling that you should go. That’s when you felt Yeo One slip a small shell into your hand. He used his weight to balance the surfboard so he could push himself up to whisper into your ear. “Should you ever want to play, come out into the ocean and throw this shell. I’ll come.” And with that, he splashed back into the water below, leaving you to paddle back to the shore with a smile on your face and clutching to the spiral shell.
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kpoppedlovely · 4 years
Taemin + Big Mac
Word count: 686
Type: Fluff
A/N: This was requested but I accidentally deleted it. Hope you like it anyway!!
You were visiting the U.S. with your boyfriend, Taemin, and his group. You, however, were stuck in your hotel room: bored. You watched movies, did yoga, even went to the pool. Nothing was helping your case of boredom. You texted Taemin, hopefully he would come over soon.
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     You leapt out of bed to get ready. It was pretty warm out so you put on some jean shorts, a flowing pastel pink tank top, and your white vans. You were in the bathroom doing your makeup when you heard the front door open and a sweet, sexy voice call out for you. “Y/N! I’m here!” You quickly ran out, with only one of your eyebrows done and gave him a huge bear hug. “J-jagi. Can’t. Breathe.” He let out a sigh of relief and breathed in a big amount of air when you finally let him go.
     “I’m sorry baby. I just missed you so much.” You let your head down to hide your blushing cheeks. Taemin let out a soft giggle and walked over to you, tucking his finger under your chin to make your eyes meet him. He smiled so sweetly, you’d thought you may get a cavity.
     “Never apologize for hugging me, baby. I love your hugs. Even if they do hurt my ribs.” He jokingly held on to his side to get a reaction from you, which he did as you punched his arm and he flinched. You rolled your eyes then reached out your hand to rub his arm, then kissed his cheek. “Before we go get food, I’m going to go take a shower.” He kisses your forehead, walking into the bathroom and starting the shower. 
     You went to go sit on the bed to wait but you remembered you left your phone in the bathroom. You were opening the door slowly, thinking Taemin was already in the shower but, peeking in, he was only in his boxers. Your cheeks developed a rosy tint as you stood there, watching your boyfriend’s toned back. Biting your lip, you didn’t notice Taemin look at you through the mirror. He decided to have some fun by flexing and stretching his back muscles, watching how your face was in awe. After a few more seconds, you saw his face in the mirror and was met with his eyes looking at you. Your eyes widened like a deer in headlights and your mouth fell open. Taemin laughed, turning around and grabbing your phone and handed it to you. He used his finger to place under your jaw, pushing it closed. “Don’t leave your mouth open like that, dear. You might catch flies.” He grinned, winking and flashing you a grin before closing the door, leaving you a blushing mess. After Taemin got out of the shower and got dressed, receiving ogling looks from you, set out to go get food.
     You two had a blast while walking hand in hand. Making jokes, referencing inside jokes, laughing loudly with each other. You happened upon McDonald’s and suggested that. Wanting a burger, Taemin agreed. You stepped inside to see a semi-busy dining room but decided to dine in. You stood in line to order, still giggling, when it was your turn. You placed your order, suppressing giggles making the cashier think you may have been under the influence of something. Taemin stepped forward to order but had a harder time containing his own laughter. He ordered fries and a Coke™ but when he went to order a Big Mac™, he lost control for a moment, snorting when he said “Big Mac”. You stood behind him, chuckling as he paid for your meals.
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     The laughing died down but continued when you got to your chosen table. The two of you shared fries, chicken nuggets, and even some of your drinks even though you had gotten the same thing. You joked more and talked about just whatever. You finished your meals, throwing away your trash, and walked out the door continuing your day with many stolen kisses, shared laughs, and eventually ice cream while watching the sun set.
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kpoppedlovely · 4 years
Who Are You//Optional Bias
Requested: No
Pairing: Optional Bias x Reader
Genre: Barely fluff but also barely angst
Warning: Poorly written (I’ve never done an optional bias writing before and it was lowkey a struggle lol)
Words: 1.4k
Key: (Y/b/n) = Your bias name, (Y/b/s/n) = Your bias’ stage name, (Y/b/g) = Your bias group
(A/N: Idk if I’ll include this in the masterlist, mainly because I’d have to put it for each group, but I also might just because I’d feel unethical not doing it lol)
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kpoppedlovely · 4 years
Summer Days
Type: Drabble
Warnings: none
Word count: 711
Wrote this for @breathingkpopforever​!
     During the summer, you worked at the pool as a lifeguard. Along with watching over all of the swimmers, you watched over kids that would come in and even teach them to swim! Every so often, people would come in to help volunteer. Today was no exception. 
     It was around noon and it was quite hot out. You sat in your lifeguard chair, under an umbrella, scanning the pool. You saw a bunch of kids walk through the pool’s main entrance. Some of them you knew, but a few of them were new faces. You got down from your chair to greet the kids. The ones you knew ran to hug you (well, hug your legs). The new kids, the more extroverted ones, came over too. Somewhat hesitating but calming down from your smiling face and happy nature.
     You escorted the kids to the kiddie pools to go swim. While you were helping some kids with their floaties, you heard a warm voice behind you. “Hello! Are you Y/N? The boss said I would find you here. My name is Changmin.”
     You started to answer as you turned around, but were stopped. The boy in front of you was.. stunning, to say the least. The sun shined perfectly on his face, making it sparkle like the water of the pool. He had short, chestnut hair and a grin reaching from ear to ear with dimples on either side of his grin. He stood tall with a t-shirt, swim trunks and sandals. You stood up tall and introduced yourself. Looking closer at him now, he had sweet brown eyes that made you feel a bit self-conscious in your swimsuit but you quickly shook it off and turned your attention once more towards the kids.
     The rest of the day went without a hitch. The kids played great, especially with Changmin. They seemed to like his playful nature a lot. The two of you continued to care for the kids for a few more hours, until the parents came to pick them up. As the two of you said your goodbyes to the kids, it was suddenly just the two of you left.
     The pool wouldn’t close for another hour or so so Changmin suggested the two of you swim around the pool. You nodded happily and ran to jump into the pool. He smiled and quickly ran after you, jumping in the pool beside you. After the two of you resurfaced, you looked at each other for a moment. Not being able to stand the tension, you splashed water at him. He had such a surprised look on his face, you burst out in laughter. While watching you laugh, Changmin started to laugh too and splashed you with water. You both started having a full on war, splashing water at each other while laughing like children. At one point, he shrieked and it almost sounded like a dolphin, causing you to laugh more.
     You eventually got worn out so you went to sit on the pool edge, feet dangling in the water. You laid back, exhausted and still giggling. You heard the water moving around, sensing Changmin in front of you in the water. He sat beside you on the concrete, his long legs also remaining in the cool water. You sat up, both remaining silent. The sun was almost starting to set, a light pink hue blushing across the sky.
     You were admiring the fluffy clouds when you heard Changmin sigh. You turned to him and asked if something was wrong. He quickly turned his head to you, almost surprised. “Oh, n-no,” he stammered. “Nothing’s wrong. Not at all.” You giggled at how cute he was being. “It’s just that… I’ve had a really good day today.” He smiled slightly at the end of his sentence, looking at the water.
     “If you’ve had such a good day,” you asked, tilting your head. “Then why are you sighing?” You were genuinely confused. If he had fun, why did he seem sad? He turned his head to look at you with a slight smirk on his face, turning into a full grin as he blushed and turned his head towards the pool’s water.
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     “Because I’m sad that I have to leave you.”
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kpoppedlovely · 4 years
Dancer Seonghwa
Requested by: @breathingkpopforever​
Word count: 1130
     You were studying in the library for an upcoming test you had tomorrow morning. You basically knew all of the information but wanted to go over it again to insure a good grade. You were about to flip the page of your textbook when you got a text from your friend Seonghwa.
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     You’ve gotten to know him through your mutual friend, San. You and San used to play volleyball together, and San dances in a group with Seonghwa so you’ve hung out with them a few times and you’ve gotten pretty close with them all. You wouldn’t say you’re super close with Seonghwa, but he does occasionally ask you to watch him dance and get to know what you think before he dances in front of a crowd.
     He had stopped texting you suddenly. You got a little bit worried. You were about to send another text when something touches your shoulder causing you to jump. You whipped your head around, seeing Seonghwa right in front of you, out of breath and slightly sweaty. “You scared me!” You exclaimed, maybe a tad too loud for a library. He laughed at your response, lowering his voice.
     “Well, when you said you were in the library, I came over to talk to you.” He sat down in the chair across from you, glancing at the book work in front of you. He looked sad for a moment but went back to his smiley self. You gave him a look of ‘Well?’
     “Oh! Right!” You rolled your eyes at his forgetfulness. “I wanted to ask you a favor. Could you, uhm, come watch me dance? I have a new routine I’m trying out and I’d like you to see it.” He was playing with his fingers and avoiding your gaze. Both very unusual behaviors for Seonghwa. He was usually very confident around you, especially when he wanted you to watch him dance.
     You were about to respond when an alarm on your phone went off. It was almost noon meaning that you needed to go eat seeing as you’ve been studying for so long. You hesitated to tell him because he seemed so excited. “Sorry, I can’t right now. I need to go eat.” He looked a little shocked by your answer. Seonghwa suggested that if you go with him now, you both can go get lunch. Before you had a chance to respond, he offered to pay. You thought about it for a moment, then sighed in defeat. You could tell he knew the answer by how much his face lit up as he started to put your belongings in your bag and practically started dragging you out of the library.
     Seonghwa practically pulled you across campus to the dance studio, but you finally made it there. Once inside the room he rented out, you dropped your bag on the ground and spun on your heels to look at him. “Alright Hwa, we’re here now. Where’s the dancing?” You asked jokingly. As you looked at him, he seemed more.. confident? You were taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor. He dimmed the lights in the studio, just enough to where you could still see. “What are you doing?” Seonghwa walked towards you, slowly, putting his hands on your hips, guiding you towards a chair in the back of the room.
     “Don’t worry. I’m just setting the mood for the performance.” His smile seemed coy. “The lighting will be like this for the performance.” You nodded your head, almost in a trance with how low his voice was. It was in no way demanding but you still felt compelled to obey his every word. You sat down in the chair as he walked to the mirror, leaning over to press play on his phone.
     Music started playing. You recognized the song but are not sure from where. The melody started off slow but a little upbeat. Seonghwa backed up slowly, removing his jacket. It was only then that you became very aware of his outfit. The jacket was a dark colored denim, his shirt was white and loose but seemed to fit along his slender, but muscular, form. His pants were a dark fabric, you couldn’t tell from what. They hugged his long legs and sat comfortably on his hips. Seonghwa always had good fashion, but today he looked especially good.
     He let his jacket slide down his arms and fall to the floor while looking over his shoulder. His movements started off slow but precise. The dimmed lights seemed to make his movements seem more dramatic; the way his arms trailed along his body, down his chest, hands crawling back up to glide through his dark hair. The way his body moved and reacted to the music was like the ocean to the moon: so natural and hypnotizing, you couldn’t help but stare. When he saw you staring, he bit his lip and winked at you, causing you to turn your head away.
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     Seonghwa had come up to you to grab your hand, pulling you out of your seat. This caused you to crash into his toned chest. This gave you pause. He put his lips near your ear and whispered,“Dance with me.”
     The music had finished and changed into a much slower song. Did he plan this to happen? He gently grabbed your hand with his left, placing his right on the small of your back. Your head rested on his chest as you two slowly swayed back and forth. You could hear his heartbeat going crazy in his chest and yet, he seemed so calm and confident.
     “Your heart is beating so fast,” you said quietly, almost to yourself. “Are you okay?” You felt him chuckle. He used his arms to pull you closer to himself.
     “I am. It’s just that.. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.” He rested his chin on the top of your head. Your heart fluttered in your chest. You couldn’t believe that he’d been wanting to dance with you. You got excited, laying both of your arms around his neck in a hug, but still dancing. You felt his body jump for a moment then relax, curling his arms around your waist.
     The two of you remained dancing for at least the rest of the song. As it faded away, your stomach growled. You pulled away from Seonghwa, grabbing your stomach. You looked at him and started to laugh. He joined you shortly, then took one step towards you using his slender fingers to tuck your hair behind your ear, then caress your cheek with his thumb. “Let’s go get you some lunch, hm?” He tilted his head, smiling sweetly. You nodded and helped him gather his things this time.
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kpoppedlovely · 4 years
Band Sessions: Jae
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Pairing: Jae Park x reader
Genre: best friends to lovers au / band au / fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 2037
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The band’s studio space had become more than just a home for the multitude of cords that attached to equipment and instruments cluttering up two-thirds of the room. It was a designated hang out most days. The five members of Day6 would practice their music, eat meals, share ideas, cram in study sessions and even sleep there.
You were no different, given you had tasked yourself with becoming their manager ever since they won at Band Beats last month. Before that, you had only gone by the title of Jae’s childhood best friend, although to him, usually dubbed the annoying thorn in his side.
“Must you follow me around everywhere I go?” Jae whined as you shut the door to the studio behind him, throwing down his backpack beside one of the couches that resided along the long wall. Ignoring his complaint, you slumped down on the couch and retrieved your phone.
“Someone has to make sure you actually get some practice done.”
“I’m offended, what did you think I was going to do after coming here?”
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kpoppedlovely · 4 years
Pen Pals
Pairing: Bobby (iKON) x YN
1 | 2 | 
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“Dear iKON,
It sounds strange to start a letter like that - ‘Dear Every Member of a Group That Has Made Me Genuinely Laugh and Smile’ seems more appropriate, but that also seemed like a bit of a long title so I guess we’ll wait until we can be on a first name basis.
*Imagine an awkward laugh here*
I don’t know what the catalyst of this letter really was. I’m not even sure I’m going to mail it because this stream of conscious writing is really all over the place. But I’m hoping the sentiment will still come across.
The first time I heard your music was in the car on the way to the movies with my friend C (remember, we’re not on a first-name basis yet so confidentiality boys). The song was ‘Dumb&Dumber’ and I realized later when watching the MV that C and I looked a lot like you all in the car - smiles, craziness, and a lack of coordination. This is something I learned after watching more videos of you all that was all an act, minus the smiles because those are almost always on your faces. Unfortunately for me, I am genuinely not coordinated so I’m stuck with that trait…”
“Guys!” a man yelled, smiling at a piece of paper and starting to wave it around as six other heads popped up to look at him. “Stop whatever it is you are doing because you have got to hear this letter!”
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kpoppedlovely · 4 years
Sf9 reaction to s/o on their period
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Type: fluff uwuwuuwu
A/n: oh god, fun fact, I got my first period on Halloween. I think I laughed too hard and it just- Moving on. I don’t have a lot of cramps, but when I do, they’re bad T-T. I remember rolling around the floor screaming “I don’t want to be a girl anymore” while my mom watched from the kitchen. She then told all my aunts. ahaha actually moving on now. On to the reaction. Don’t be afraid to talk to me or to request - Moon
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Youngbin strikes me as the type of person to make sure he really wants a relationship with someone before confessing, so you’re basically his ride or die and he’d do anything for you. That being said, congratulations, you have this boy wrapped around your finger. Your boyfriend is now your personal maid. He’s the type to make you feel good. Your tummy hurts? He’s trying to make it better by massaging it. You’re suddenly upset with him because of a mood swing? Youngbin will take it like a champ smiling softly at you and crushing you into his arms while wondering how you can be so cute while pouting at him for accidentally leaving your favorite cup too high for you to reach. Youngbin already showers you in compliments, but he always manages to take it up a notch while you’re on your days of the month. Youngbin will surprise you with cute little things like a bath with a bath bomb and rose petals, your favorite flowers, or proposing to bake a cake together and making a mess of the kitchen. 
“Your pants don’t fit because your tummy is bloated babe. It’s normal. Just wear some sweatpants. You look beautiful either way”
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kpoppedlovely · 5 years
[Tales from the Pack] Minghao: Find Our Way (Part Two)
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Characters: Minghao x (blind) female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, slight angst???
Word count: 2,290
Summary: You already knew who you were meant to be with and how your life was supposed to go. The only thing keeping you and the life you were destined to lead apart was the fact you were blind. At least, for now, you could meet him in your dreams.
Tag list: @choiminjae0325​​​​​​​​​​​​ @heolykpop​​​​​​​​​​​​ @fullsun-donghyuck​​​​​​​​​​​​ @yoonbabe-d​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @exuwu​​​​​​​​​​​​ @lets-get-1t​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sooooofrench​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @vintageot5​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sehunnies-hunnie96​​​​​​​​​​​ @luvhannie​​​​​​​​​​​ @childfmoonn​​​​​​​​​​​ @wobwobkpop​​​​​​​​​​​ @henloimawierdobye​​​​​​​​​​​ @dirinast​​​​​​​​​​ @hhhhwww7​​​​​​​​​ @joshwoah​​​​​​​ @wreckedbytae​​​​​ @salty-for-suga​​ @janellxu​ (if you wanna be added please send an ask or a dm!!)
Unable to tag: @uglyratlmao @birthday-prinxess
a/n: paragraphs and stuff in italics are in a dream, sentences in italics and between ‘ are the pack communicating in wolf form, and things in bold are in mandarin
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kpoppedlovely · 5 years
[Tales from the Pack] Minghao: Find Our Way (Part One)
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Characters: Minghao x (blind) female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, fluff
Word count: 1,191
Summary: You already knew who you were meant to be with and how your life was supposed to go. The only thing keeping you and the life you were destined to lead apart was the fact you were blind. At least, for now, you could meet him in your dreams.
Tag list: @choiminjae0325​​​​​​​​​​​ @heolykpop​​​​​​​​​​​ @fullsun-donghyuck​​​​​​​​​​​ @yoonbabe-d​​​​​​​​​​​​ @exuwu​​​​​​​​​​​ @lets-get-1t​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sooooofrench​​​​​​​​​​​​ @vintageot5​​​​​​​​​​​ @sehunnies-hunnie96​​​​​​​​​​ @luvhannie​​​​​​​​​​ @childfmoonn​​​​​​​​​​ @wobwobkpop​​​​​​​​​​ @henloimawierdobye​​​​​​​​​​ @dirinast​​​​​​​​​ @hhhhwww7​​​​​​​​ @joshwoah​​​​​​ @wreckedbytae​​​​ @salty-for-suga​ (if you wanna be added please send an ask or a dm!!)
Unable to tag: @uglyratlmao @birthday-prinxess
a/n: soooo I think I got somewhere between 2-4 parts of Minghao’s story done in the original tftp but a lot of stuff is gonna have to change in this one, probably. also i never got to like the plot of his story and this time i’ll finally be able to!! but i hope y’all like it because everybody seems to love Hao’s mate lol (also when things are in italics, it takes place in their dreams which is why this whole part is in italics. and just assume they’re speaking mandarin and not korean)
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kpoppedlovely · 5 years
137. "You're a vampire, I'm a werewolf" fantasy au with Got7's Mark as the werewolf and reader as the vampire please! For admin 🍑
137. You’re a vampire, I’m a werewolf (or vise versa)
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You’d grown up in the clan, ever since you were little. They were more than friends, more than your family. They were everything. Seattle was a pretty big city, but the underground society of vampires it housed was tightly knit.
There were only a few rules growing up in the clan. Respect your elders; the elders held the utmost power in the clan. Don’t kill a human, unless you absolutely have to. And if you have to kill a human, make sure you get your pragmas to help you clean up the mess thoroughly. And lastly, most importantly, don’t ever go near a werewolf.
The Seattle werewolves usually kept away from the cities, unlike the vampires. You’d heard about the long wars that waged between the two species, and even though they’d come to an unsteady truce, you knew that truce was just a mere hairsbreadth from being broken at any moment.
Because the wolves kept themselves away from the clans in the cities, preferring to spend their times in the woods surrounding big cities, you’d never seen one in person. That is, you never saw one until you stumbled upon one transforming in an alleyway one full moon night.
You’d just left a bar, where your pragmas, Youngjae, had forced you to stay two beers after your limit. He’d decided to stay and keep drinking, but you had to call it quits, or you knew you’d lose the entire contents of your stomach. Alcohol and a diet of blood didn’t really sit well together.
“But we’re joined together for life! Our souls are connected! You have to stay with me!” Youngjae whined, trying to convince the bartender to serve you another drink.
“I’m going home,” You snapped, turning away from him. “We can resume being joined together for life tomorrow.”
“Y/N!” You heard Youngjae call again, but you were already almost to the door.
“And by the way, we don’t have any fucking souls, you idiot!” You called, before barreling into the chilly Seattle night air.
Vampires, when they turn twelve in their blood years, are assigned pragmas. It was an ancient ceremony derived from the old Latin vampires; vampires tended to stick to ancient rules and customs very religiously, much to your chagrin. Vamps never mated or had ‘soulmates’, like the wolves supposedly did, but you did receive a platonic partner for life. The two of you were connected, Youngjae did get that right, through blood and sworn to serve and protect each other for your lives. It was all a very long and boring way to say, simply, Youngjae was your best friend. Your best friend who could, annoyingly, carry his weight it alcohol and therefore left you to walk home by yourself.
You heard him before you saw him. You’d never, ever heard a sound like that. It was the most agonizing thing, like an animal suffering, being slowly and brutally tortured to death.
You were running into the alley before you even knew it; heading towards the horrid sound. He was crumpled in a fetal position, shirtless, shoulder blades and vertebrae protruding from his skin in odd angles.
The whole transformation lasted about ten minutes, from human to wolf. He sprouted deep, chestnut red fur, bones popped in and out of place under his skin, cartilage broke and grew. It was sickening to watch. You’d never wanted to help something and put it out of its misery so badly.
He noticed you when his transformation was complete, turning glowing amber eyes onto you with a hideous snarl. Back off, bloodsucker.
You heard his voice in your head, yet you were too stunned to do anything. “I’ve…I’ve… never… never seen…”
It’s not too pretty, huh? He was almost… laughing? But his wolf’s face was still stuck in a menacing snarl.
“It’s… wow. I’m sorry. I should… I should… go…”
I’ve never seen a vampire before, either. You’re my first.
You stared at each other after that, taking in every single detail of the giant wolf before you. He was frightening, scaring you straight to the bones, like every single story you’d been told about the wolves. And, undeniably, he was absolutely beautiful.
“I’m Y/N,” you whispered.
Mark, he said back, and he was definitely laughing that time. Clearly, Mark wasn’t as scared of you as you were of him. He turned to leave, and you reached out towards him before you realized what you were doing.
“Please, don’t go.”
We’re sworn enemies, right Y/N? We should be tearing each other limb from limb right now.
“I don’t want to tear you limb from limb…” you gasped.
I don’t either, Mark smirked, and this time he did turn and race away.
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kpoppedlovely · 5 years
Astro Reaction to you wanting a quickie before their stage
- Requested -
Jinwoo: *Taken aback by the request and just stares at you, trying to figure out what you’re thinking.*
“Here?” He raised a brow at you, trying to gauge if you were being serious or not. “Like, right now?”
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Myungjun: *Doesn’t have a problem giving you what you want but he’s also not down to get caught.*
“We have to be quiet, you know.” He whispered as he pushed you against the closet door. “Do you think you can do that for me?”
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Dongmin: *Although it’s out of nowhere, he’s not entirely against the idea. Doesn’t miss the chance to call you out on it.*
“You’re getting more and more adventurous.” He chuckled. “But I think I’m kinda into it.”
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Moonbin: *Was more than quick to pull you into an empty closet but doesn’t really care about getting caught. Makes it hard for you.*
“Shh, baby.” He smirked into your ear as he flexed the thigh you were sitting on. “You’re being too loud.”
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Minhyuk: *Playful enough to give into you so it doesn’t take much to convince him.*
“You’re just full of surprises,” He smirked as he closed the door behind you. “Aren’t you?”
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Sanha: *Stares at you in disbelief as he checked his surroundings, not quite sure how serious you’re being.*
“You can’t be serious.” He whispered as he checked to see if anyone else heard. “Right here?”
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kpoppedlovely · 5 years
hi! if you’re okay with it could you do au 18 trop 3 & prompt 8 with changkyun?
hi hun! tysm for your request x)
i didn’t know if you wanted changkyun to be celebrity or the reader or both but i decided to make the reader the celebrity for a little bit of flavour. idk ifthis is what you wanted and idk how i feel about it too but flirty punkbad boy changkyun is hot.
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kpoppedlovely · 5 years
tbz and sunny afternoons ✧・゚:*  
fluff, ot12
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Sangyeon ✧・゚:*  
riding top down in his car, the wind blowing through your hair and fingers, eyes closed in bliss
His music full blast as the sun shines directly on the both of your skin, no destination just wheels on asphalt
his free hand laces with yours, the warmth of the light almost as warm as your cheeks at the gesture
Jacob ✧・゚:*  
sitting on the old, worn out swings at the local park, his fingers stroking soft melodies on the strings of his guitar
the both of your feet swinging in unison to the beat of his impromptu song
popsicles and walks, your hand in his ready to take on the world
Younghoon ✧・゚:*  
naps with the windows open, the air and sunlight bleeding into the room, painting the walls
the warmth of his bare skin warming your soul, feet and legs tangling with yours in the silence
ever so soft giggles as you caress his cheeks, the sensation ticklish 
Hyunjae ✧・゚:*  
Playful games of tag, hiding behind trees, carving your initials into the wood, sealing it with a kiss 
skipping stones, high fives of victory when you break your last record
sunsets on the hood of his car, the view and each other the only thing in existence
Juyeon ✧・゚:*  
climbing trees, competitions as to who can climb the highest
lemonade and snowcones, laughing when the other catches a brainfreeze
stealing kisses, catching you off guard, face flushed red 
Kevin ✧・゚:*  
sightseeing and stopping to listen to street performers, head perched on his shoulder as you admire the music
candid photos of you, only finding out he took them days later when you saw him checking the time on his phone
Bike rides through the park, holding on to the handlebars for dear life
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kpoppedlovely · 5 years
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The soft strains of the radio flowed around you, reminiscent of the breeze that teased you through the kitchen window. The warm wind did little to alleviate the heat of the day as you stood, hands submerged in water while you washed the last of the dinner dishes and watched as twilight prepped the world for night. Crickets chirped and shadows lengthened, heat lightning played amongst the clouds and you hummed quietly along to the music, swaying gently to the rhythm.  Warm hands rested themselves on your hips, a line of heat at your back as lips softly trailed along your neck to your shoulders, bringing a soft smile to your face.  
Twisting in Minseok’s arms, you murmured a soft admonishment at his abandonment of his task; your stern demeanor ruined by the soft buss of your mouth against his to assure him you didn’t really mind his lack of dish drying. Your attempt to turn around and resume your own labours resulted in your body being pulled even closer to Minseok, a low noise of disapproval grumbled from his throat. Allowing yourself to be maneuvered for the moment, you lay your head on his shoulder, one hand clasped tightly in the worn cotton of his shirt, the other held reverently in his own as he lazily rocked you both to the timeless ache of a love song. 
Night was falling, crickets were chirping and a storm was rolling in. There were dishes in the sink, music in the air, and Minseok’s arms holding you tight.  All was well. 
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kpoppedlovely · 5 years
Thoughtful - Astro Reaction
the moment they catch you, their non-dancing significant other, trying to learn one of their choreographies
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When MJ walked into your shared apartment, the last thing he expected was to see you repeating the chorus to All Night’s choreo over and over again. His mischievious instinct kicked in and he immediately began recording you - because he thought you were adorable and honestly, couldn’t wait to show his fellow members the cute video.
It was when you fell on your butt that he let out his signature laugh, and you knew you were caught. You’re already flushed face felt twice as hot when you noticed his phone in hand. Before you could scold him, he hurried over and cooed over how much he loved you. (You never lived that video down, by the way.)
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kpoppedlovely · 5 years
Werewolf!Ateez protecting their mate
*use of the word bitch a lot*
This was requested and I’m so sorry it took forever to come out, like this was at the very bottom of my inbox, but yeah I hope it’s okay love<3 I honestly don’t really know or really fully understand how to write werewolf AUs but I tried my best I hope this is okay anon<3
Hongjoong is an Alpha and we all know it. The two of you were out at a club with some of your other friends and at first it was fun… then Hongjoong started sensing someone else was after you. He kept his eye on the man who was letting his eyes drag down your frame. You were completely unaware at the glares both men were giving you, as you were just trying to dance with your friends. The unknown man stood up from his seat at the bar and started walking towards you. Hongjoong immediately went to grip your waist and pull you against him. Hongjoong turned his head to let his dark eyes glare at the man who had his eyes on you all night. Hongjoong inhaled your scent with a groan, “W-What are you doing?” Hongjoong growled in your head, “I wish you could smell how sweet you are…” you inhaled sharply as Hongjoong leaned down to suck on your neck harshly, “You’re mine. You’re my mate, my bitch- don’t ever forget that.”
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