ktimminsphotography · 4 years
Do I Need a Steam, Ultrasonic Or Evaporative Humidifier?
All humidifiers add water to the atmosphere, either by boiling water to create vapor, releasing very fine jets of moisture that evaporate, or by evaporating water from it. a moist surface through which air is blown.
The choice of humidifier depends on your specific application, your available budget, and your acceptable level of maintenance. Here is a brief description of the three main types of humidifiers used in households:
Spray / ultrasound The cheapest type of humidifier for the home is usually an ultrasonic mist humidifier. These units contain a water tank and a plate. The intense vibrations caused by the rapidly oscillating plate cause the water to atomize into a mist in the air. A fan then blows this mist out of a vent in the room.
These devices are inexpensive to buy and also consume little power when in use. However, the main disadvantage of using an ultrasonic humidifier is the dust it introduces into a room. All particles in the water will pass into the air with the water. When the water evaporates, the particles settle as dust in the room. This can worsen the symptoms in people with breathing difficulties and therefore lessen the beneficial effects of using the humidifier in the first place.
However, some modern ultrasonic humidifiers now include technology that prevents the release of this dust. Some high-quality ultrasonic humidifiers use demineralization cartridges that absorb minerals from the water before it turns to fog. This is very effective as long as the cartridges are replaced occasionally according to the manufacturer's instructions. These types of modern ultrasonic humidifiers cost more, but the performance is much higher than the cheaper ultrasonic humidifier.
Steam Steam humidifiers provide very tight humidity control, as the heat generated by the steam can rise or fall rapidly in response to the actual humidity in the room. To ensure this control, however, they must be used with a humidistat. It does the same job as a thermostat, but instead of controlling a heating or cooling system to maintain a set temperature, it controls a humidifier or dehumidifier to keep the room humid.
Steam humidifiers provide very hygienic humidity control, as heating the water kills all bacteria and the moisture released is sterile. A steam humidifier is the perfect choice for anyone with respiratory illnesses, for increasing humidity in a nursery, or for combating the symptoms of creep. They should be placed out of reach when used in a nursery, as the steam released is apparently hot at the point of discharge.
This type of steam humidifier can be inexpensive compared to other types. Devices that contain a humidistat may cost a bit more, but have the advantage of not over humidifying a room.
One downside to using a steam humidifier is that it uses more energy than an atomizer or evaporative humidifier. A steam humidifier that releases up to 350g of water per hour can consume up to 325W per hour, while one type of evaporator uses only 10-20W.
Servicing a steam humidifier sometimes involves removing lime that builds up in the unit, similar to that that builds up in a boiler. This can be done relatively easily with a descaling powder. When the humidifier is not in use, it should be emptied of water, cleaned and dried to prevent water from stagnating inside the humidifier.
Evaporator An evaporative humidifier introduces water into the air by simply letting the moisture evaporate. This consumes very little energy and is a form of hygienic wetting because no aerosol is released. The particles present in the water remain in the humidifier after the water has evaporated, so that no dust is released into the room.
This type of system is also very quiet and can therefore be used in a bedroom or similar quiet location.
There are two main types of evaporative humidifiers. The more traditional type uses porous filters, which are constantly hydrated and through which air is forced with a fan. When the air circulates through the wet filter, it collects water and is optimally humidified.
The main disadvantage of this type of device is that the filters must be changed periodically. The air in a home can be heavily polluted with dust, skin, hair, and other materials. These particles are collected by the humidifier and remain in the filter during the passage of air. This has the advantage of cleaning the air, but means that the filters need to be changed from time to time, otherwise they might smell.
The second type of evaporative humidifier is an air scrubber. Instead of evaporative filters, an air scrubber includes many spinning discs that spin in a tank of water. A fan draws air into the unit and forces it between the wet spinning discs, where it captures the water and optimally moistens it before being drawn back into the room.
Since the washers are made of hardened plastic, an air washer does not need replacement filters. Discs can simply be removed from the drive and cleaned. Some can even be put in the dishwasher.
Cleaning should be done regularly to maintain hygienic operation, but the frequency depends on the ambient air quality.
Air cleaners have all the benefits of low operating costs and air purification, but without the ongoing obligation to purchase replacement parts. The downside is that a high-quality air filter will cost more to buy than a filtered evaporative humidifier, but when you include savings on replacement parts, the cost difference can soon be offset.
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