kukolnyyvalerian · 2 months
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Dont get me wrong, i love seeing Law as Tra-o: Luffy's Frustrated Ally, but i really wish there was more Law as Captain
He loves his crew as much as Luffy and they adore him back
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kukolnyyvalerian · 3 months
Questions to ask beta readers
Were you confused at any point of the story?
What genre would you say this book is?
When did you put the story down?
Is the ending satisfying?
If you had to cut 3 scenes what would they be?
When did you feel like the story really began?
What was the last book you read before this story?
Do you get any of the characters names confused?
Which character is your favorite?
If you had to remove a character who would you and why? (you don't have to remove the character, just make sure their role is meaningful)
Which character do you relate to the most?
Which character do you relate to the least?
Do the characters feel real?
Are character relationships believable?
Are the goals clear and influence the plot?
Are the characters distinct (voice, motivations, etc)
Which setting was clearest to you?
Which setting was the most memorable?
Am including enough/too much detail?
Plot and conflict:
Are the internal and external conflicts well defined for the main characters?
Are the internal conflicts and the external conflicts organic and believable?
Are there enough stakes?
Are the plot twists believable but still unexpected?
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kukolnyyvalerian · 4 months
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❄️ Kaeya - Diluc 🔥
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kukolnyyvalerian · 4 months
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my fellow sisterwives, brotherhusbands, and nonbinaryspouses (i don't discriminate), let us stare at his beauty indefinitely
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kukolnyyvalerian · 4 months
Listen to me: You get good at things by being bad at them. You learn by failing. You gain competency and a sense of mastery by failing at something many times and in many interesting ways.
The sooner you are able to laugh at your own failures, to enjoy the process of messing up, the easier life will be. Because you'll no longer be afraid of learning.
And once you're no longer afraid of failing, you can learn anything.
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kukolnyyvalerian · 5 months
At some point in your life, you were taught that being slightly annoying is an unforgivable sin. Maybe it was by your parents or a teacher or a friend or a bully or an older sibling. But someone taught you that being slightly annoying is a crime punishable by death.
You must unlearn this.
You must accept that all people will be annoying at some point or another in their lives, maybe all of their lives, and that this is okay. It is okay for strangers on the bus, it is okay for children in the grocery store, it is okay for people on social media, and it is okay for you.
If you ever want to truly love your fellow humans, if you ever want to truly love yourself, you must have forgiveness for being annoying.
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kukolnyyvalerian · 5 months
love the heart pirates. it sounds like an oddly cute name for a pirate crew and then its like "their captain cut out a hundred still-beating hearts and sent them to the world government" and its like oh okay so that's horrifying but the name makes sense now, and then you get a little further and it's like "actually they're named after their captain's kind-of-dad who he loved very much ❤️" and you're like oh so it is actually sappy but for other reasons. and that's just what law is like
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kukolnyyvalerian · 6 months
when you watch the two towers and you get to the part where sam says “there’s some good in this world mr. frodo, and it’s worth fighting for” and you feel that rush of hope and you’re just like. you’re right sam. there is. there really is.
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kukolnyyvalerian · 6 months
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kukolnyyvalerian · 7 months
"Trafalgar law is a very serious character'
Why Law is just a silly little guy:
Despite him being introduced as slightly menacing and mysterious, he slowly falls victim to the Strawhat's shenanigans and eventually reveals his immense hatred of bread.
2. He constantly Bepo as a pillow, even when's trying to be menacing.
3. He has a weakness for cute things. Chopper, Sugar, especially Bepo.
4. He's a big ol nerd. He can pretend all he wants that everyone in the North Blue knows Sora warrior of the sea by heart but the look in his eyes proves otherwise. And he too fell victim to how cool the ninja was.
5. Literally half his screentime is him getting beat up in the most babygirl way ever
6. His crew basically acts like a cheerleading squad while he sulks in the corner like an emo teen as if he isnt a grown man
7. The entirety of his screentime in one piece party
8. The seen in the light novel where he literally compares himself to being a stray kitten being adopted
9. His best idea for a disguise is wearing a mustache, sunglasses and his hood up. With his tattoos very visible. And his hat. And the jacket with "Corazon" on the back, something Doflamingo and the Donquixote family would instantly recognize.
10. in dressrosa when he's being basically carried around like a potato sack and at one point cavendish is just hanging him over his horse.
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kukolnyyvalerian · 7 months
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『War Paint』
A Kankuro Fancomic
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kukolnyyvalerian · 8 months
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Frobin after Enies Lobby
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kukolnyyvalerian · 8 months
Okay, but I absolutely love looking at each individual hobbit's face during the "you bow to no one" moment:
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kukolnyyvalerian · 8 months
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I have a new obsession, and it's sunshine boy and emo doc. Also I left out the hats because their hair is so similar and I love it and their totally cousins or something.
Based on this:
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kukolnyyvalerian · 8 months
no bc franky n iceburg's relationship still makes me crazy, and post ennies lobby while they're working on always sunny only cements that. iceburg was faced with losing franky again (and sailed the entire galley la company out in the middle of agua laguna to see that he survived ennies lobby), and forced to reevaluate what was important to him. while they were working on thousand sunny -- something that franky worried over, because he didn't want the world govt for coming iceburg like they came for tom -- iceburg said "i'm helping a friend achieve his dream. no matter the way you look at it, that's the only reason i'm here" and thought to himself 'you may have changed your name, changed your face and your body.... but you're still the same person i've always known. the same old friend’. and this just drives me nuts because iceburg forgave franky, was the first one to know that franky wanted to go with the ship, was able to convince him to go with the strawhats. he finally accepted franky for what he was -- one of the best shipwrights in the world, and his friend. the way that franky had seen him for years. and together, they build a new beginning
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kukolnyyvalerian · 8 months
the point of art is not to be great but to make it transparently obvious that there is something wrong with you
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kukolnyyvalerian · 9 months
From the bottom of my heart I hope 2024 is a better mental health year for everyone
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