kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 10 years
Niranjan Agnihotri and the Gang
Shlok's flashback and Angali's expressions yesterday were quite baffling. Since when has Anjali done what she pleases? Has she ever done her man maani? If that ever were the case then the Agnihotri Household would surely witness an outbreak from "Sahib". Anjali always consults her pati dev before taking any sort of action. It's very convenient that when Shlok overheard his parents discussing Swati it was only Anjali discussing the reputation of the house. That Niranjan was thinking about "feelings" about "emotions" and "love". Funny how it is this very same Niranjan who gave Anjali the look when Aastha asked if they could take the dying Swati to their home for recovery. Anjali on the other hand has to act like the devil that her husband is and give her heartless lectures. The look in her eyes when Swati was in that bed, the look in her eyes when Swati died, and the look when Shlok questioned her was heartbreaking. It resembled the expression she wore after telling Swati that Shlok doesn't love her. It is the same look she tries to hide when Jyoti begs to come home. This is a woman who is forced to alienate her own children; to alienate one of the happiest and blissful aspects of a woman's life, motherhood. Meanwhile Niranjan sahib dawns a veil of love and empathy. In Shlok's eyes he exemplifies fatherhood. Shlok is a man who used to despise woman. He misunderstood Swati, misunderstood Aastha, and has misunderstood his mother. In fact if you look at the characters it is mostly the men who have been manipulating the situations or taking advantage of others. Niranjan has made Anjali's life colourless. Varud doesn't give the time of day to Sohjal. Abbay mistreats and takes advantage of Jyoti. Does this make the men evil? Does this mean that the underlying themes are patriarchy and feminism vs. inflated male egos? I don't' think so. Look at Shlok right now, have a look at Kakha, think about Aastha's dad, and lastly think about the loveable Sid. This show is about pyaar (love). It's not about males vs. females. It's about getting over yourself and thinking about your loved ones. Remember in one of the earlier episodes Shlok gifted Aastha a miniature house? Just as it was about to fall, Astha caught it and put it back in its place. We have been experiencing that free-fall for the last few weeks. Aastha's dubatta is what made the house fall, and it was Aastha who put it back in its spot. Similarly it is Aastha who nearly left Shlok causing the family to fall apart. She came back. It was Aastha's love that made Aditi enter the Agnihotri house and Aastha's love that brought Shlok out of darkness. It is Aastha's love that will make Shlok fall for her even further. Just watch, it will be Aastha and Shlok's love for each other that will bring happiness into their home. Slowly but surely we will witness Niranjan's downfall. We have been seeing Aastha's love for Shlok taking over her mind, body, and soul. I'm excited to see the same happen to Shlok! For that we might need to experience that free-fall for a little bit longer.
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 10 years
And let the teasing begin!
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 10 years
Teasing the viewers and our Astha =P
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 10 years
who is swati?
Swati is Shlok's ex-girlfriend! Her identity was fully revealed in the last three episodes.
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 10 years
... I'm back!
After months of hibernation I"m back =)) Can't wait to start posting again =))
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
On location of TV Serial 'Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon Ek Baar Phir' Marriage of Aastha and Shlok 4
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
On location of TV Serial 'Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon Ek Baar Phir' Marriage of Aastha and Shlok 3
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
On location of TV Serial 'Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon Ek Baar Phir' Marriage of Aastha and Shlok 2
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
On location of TV Serial 'Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon Ek Baar Phir' Marriage of Aastha and Shlok 1
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
Romantic Meter is about to burst!
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
EBP Nov 4 Episode Run Down
Okay is it just me or is that senior couple that stays in the Ashram Anjali's parents?! I'm really excited to see how that all plays out at the wedding. Finally the story is moving forward on the Anjali front. Anajali's crying scene today was very touching. See at one point Anjali didn't even want set eyes on those pictures and now because of Aastha she is reminiscing. Although Anjali can be cruel at times, deep down I have a soft spot for her. 
Wouldn't you find it odd if your boyfriend/fiancee/husband continuously showered you with gifts? I mean one or two are fine... but Shlok throws a friggin' gifting party every episode. And his reaction over the cell phone Aastha gifted him? The part when he covers Aastha's mouth and tells her "nothing will happen to you! I won't let anything happen to you!" got me thinking. Shlok has so many layers to him as a character. I have already discussed the side of him that seeks revenge vs. the side that is slowly falling for Aastha. However today we got to see the third side of Mr. Agnihotri. It was the same Shlok we saw slapping Aastha at the mandar. It's the man who still hasn't gotten over Swathi.
Firstly, that mysterious room in his house has been left untouched and no one is allowed to enter it. Why does that room still exist? Why hasn't the stuff been cleared away and the room resettled? Yes I understand, he probably faced a painful experience, but still some things definitely do not add up. Secondly, the dream Shlok was having when Aastha accidentally entered his room that time. It's the same flashbacks that Shlok had during the pooja as well (the one with Swathi and her bangles). Shlok grabbed Aastha's arm and told her not to leave him (while in his mind he was talking to Swathi). Then there was the flashback during the slap scene. That's the one where Shlok goes to Swathi's place and is told that she has moved out. He finds her walking with her luggage and she tells him she'll go somewhere really far away. The flashback was accompanied by the slap. Shlok was worried and furious that Aastha had left him like Swathi had done years ago. This is followed by flashback in another episode. In this flashback Shlok is sitting in some kind of press conference and Swathi comes and rips something into pieces. He is left embarrassed. The latest flashback was in today's episode. Aastha's gift for Shlok reminded him of what happened between him and Swathi. He had basically thrown Swathi's phone on the ground and told her that he would finish off anything that was related between the two. He said he would himself separate himself from anything that had to do with her. Then we see Shlok hugging Aastha and telling her the the won't let anything happen to her. 
It seems as if Shlok is making amends with his past mistakes or regrets through Aastha. Aastha has temporarily taken Swathi's spot. That's why he is so protective of her and that's why he expresses his love so passionately. It's as if he is now doing what he was never able to do in the past. But one thing has changed. In the beginning of the Aashlok love story Shlok would always say how no one could separate him from Aastha, no one except for him. This is similar to what he said to Swathi in the recent flashback. The only difference is that this time during his marriage Shlok asked God to make it so that he and Aastha could never be separated. He specifically said "God, please make it so that even if we want to separate from each other we won't be able to". He let go of his need to always be in control.
Shlok's wounds are so deep and they haven't been filled because Shlok has avoided looking at them all these years. Everything has been pushed under the rug, but what will happen will everything comes out in the open? What will Shlok do if Swati comes back? Will he have realized his true love for Aastha by then, or will he pass it over as "nothing much"? And where's the conniving Shlok gone? I wish the CVs would include more internal monologues so we can at least get a glimpse of what is going on in that head of his. 
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
EBP Title Song!
Hey sorry for such a long wait... I got so caught up with my work and with my other blog and totally forgot to post about the title song! Ok so basically all you have to do is download a youtube video converter program (it converts youtube videos into mp3 or mp4 files). Once you have that downloaded simply go to youtube and type in "IPKKND 2 Ek Baar Phir title song". Choose any of the videos that you like. Copy the URL and then paste it into the conversion program. Once the file has been converted it should be saved on your computer. I hope that helps =)
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
EBP Oct 29 Ep
Similar to yesterday’s episode, the CVs are throwing hints at us left right and center. There is so much forshadowing going on right now! Today after Shlok’s parental unit humiliated Aastha Shlok called her to apologize. During that convo Shlok promises Aaatha that it won’t happen again. And Aastha says “that’s what you promised last time Shlok and look what happened”. To this Shlok replies “but THIS TIME, I promise, it won’t happen AGAIN.TRUST me”. This is the second time in two days that we are witnessing a convo centered around second chances and opportunities. It’s the second time we are seeing Shlok say that everything will be real and genuine the second time around. From the way he is talking, it seems as if it’s a given that he will always receive a second chance. Hmmm, very interesting.
Narinjan is such a smart ass! Using his wife to do all the dirty work and then making her out to be the villain. But it looks like Shlok’s smarter than Anjali and capable of more than Niranjan can imagine.  While Niranjan was busy trapping his prey on one side, he let down his own guard on the other side. Without knowing what just hit him, Niranjan had no choice but to bitterly swallow his pride and tell Shlok how proud he was that his son took such a  step. The look of angst from being attacked by his own child was all the more satisfying.
And did you all see how Shlok resembled a young chikd who has been separated from his best friend?! Omg I loved it when he snuck into Aastha’s house with the packed lunch! And as for the promo… I don’t really know what to think of it. The CVs are moving really quick with the story.  But I can’t see Shlok divulge all the details about his past with Swathi.  He will probably make up an excuse to try and avoid the questions or only answer them halfhazzardly and then pull the “my past doesn’t matter Aastha. Do you not have faith in my love?! How many times have I told you to never talk about breaking off this marriage?”. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode.
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
Aacha Mr. Khadoos? So Ek Baar Phir, except this time for real?
"This time it was all pretend; however, next time it won’t be. Next time it will all be real! Don’t you dare me again."
~ Shlok indirectly telling Aastha the "truth".
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
Title Song
I received a message asking where to find the title song for Ek Baar Phir. I accidentally deleted the message =S I will do a post regarding your question tomorrow. Sorry for the wait!
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
IPKKND 2 Oct 25 Episode Gupshup
I loved this episode because it was one of the most revelatory episodes to date. Firstly, it confirmed that Anjali is indeed dancing to Niranjan’s tunes. Every action she takes stems from her fear of being reprimanded, hurt, and most of all being thrown aside by her unappreciated good-for-nothing conniving ass-of-a husband. In Anjali’s mind Aastha is a threat to her security. Little does Mrs. Agnihotri know that Aastha will bring her more security than she has ever thought possible. Aastha hasn’t even entered the home yet and things have already began shifting. This refers back to the model house Shlok gifted to Aastha. Aastha was the one to unknowingly nearly break it into pieces; yet, she knowingly saved it. 
Shlok has been presented as a mystery. The audience has been left to their own interpretations and misgivings. He comes across as a manipulative man all set on revenge. Yet episode after episode we are presented with a Shlok that gets us weak to our knees. We are left wondering “is Shlok taking revenge or not?”,  ”He is!”, “No he isn’t”… “AHHHH I just don’t know”. However, friday’s episode set two things straight. Firstly, Shlok has a tendency to develop an unwavering faith in certain people. He is capable of trusting. Whether this is a positive or negative trait is up for you to decide. I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. Shlok’s trust tends to blind him to the truth, ironic I know! He has an unwavering faith in his father, a man who he can even forsake his life for. Similarily, his trust in Jyoti is so great that anything she says is the be all end all. Shlok takes everything at face value, and this could be his greatest downfall.
 On the other hand Aastha has just won Shlok’s trust for the rest of his life. She has already removed one blindfold- now Shlok will begin seeing things through Aastha’s eyes. Hypothetically speaking this could have one of two consequences. I have a feeling that once Shlok is deeply in love with Aastha she will be forced into a position that requires her  to crush Shlok’s dreams about a happily ever after with Aastha. She will have to lie (it can be anything ex. taking blame for something that to Shlok is unimaginable). The purpose? To push Shlok out of her life, either by hurting him or instigating his hatred towards her. Shlok in turn could react in two ways. Having learned that things aren’t always what they seem he may not believe a single thing that comes out of Aastha’s mouth. However, if he believes that Aastha could never lie to anyone, especially him, then his unfaltering faith will once again cast another shadow. 
OK now the most exciting bit… Shlock is falling for Aastha. Okay obviously he had some “feelings” or attractions for her deep down for a while now, but they were prevalent in Friday’s episode. We the viewers were finally shown subtle hints, hints from which we can assert that “ok. He is starting to like her”.  I’m specifically referring to Aastha’s laughing fit. The last time we saw Shlok laugh was during the mandar scene. At that point when he became aware of his actions he quickly retrieved his Khadoos face. He did not want Aastha to see him laugh and more importantly he did not want himself to laugh because of Aastha. Now compare that scene with friday’s scene. Shlok kept laughing and consciously let go of his inhibitions. Is this the clue? Not completely! When Aastha continued to laugh we saw Shlok pause and closely watch Aastha. In those ten to fifteen seconds Shlok had lost himself in Aastha. He laughed a bit, looked at her with that gaze of his, and then continued laughing with her. Shlok willingly let Aastha have an effect on him. Despite seeing Aastha nearly everyday, it was as if Shlok was looking at her for the first time. That my friends may just be what Shlok would call “the beginning” of his love story.
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kyayehipyaarhai-blog · 11 years
Today's episode was first class! I cant contain my excitement! Post pending, just dead tired. Will be up tomorrow.
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