kyle-broski · 2 years
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Oh, South Park...it’s definitely been awhile.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
Hey Kyle! I just wanted to know when and where you got your hat. It's pretty ancient dude.
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y’know...I don’t remember. I’ve just always had it.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
you smile so much with Stan around and I love it! you have a really nice smile :) keep doin what u do!
Well, he’s not around for much longer, classes start up again this week so he’ll have to head back to Denver. I am gonna miss this dork.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
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S: Ooooh the psycho bitch??
(Shelley’s good. They get along better than they did as kids. But, their family’s not so close these days. Stan definitely had a harder time with his parents in high school.)
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kyle-broski · 5 years
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K: Oh, yeah. We’re together.
S: What? What!
K: Dude we didn’t even get to know!
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kyle-broski · 5 years
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S: These are from the same person.
K: How do you see that?
S: They’re all right next to each other.
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K: No. This one’s from your dad, dude.
S: ...why.
K: Just. Take my word on it.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
Okay you two are adorable together but in a bros kinda way not a romance kinda way
S: Bro.
K: Bro...
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K: We’re adorable in any way.
S: Pick the gay way.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
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S: That’s not what they were asking about.
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S: Well. Yeah. She got a full-ride scholarship for her prelaw program.
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K: It’s not like she didn’t deserve it though.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
Would you ever have cartman on the blog
See the problem with that is. I don’t want to.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
Sorry people keep sending in stupid shippy questions. I honestly applaud you for sticking with your morals and avoiding them. No need to start ship wars. So good job first of all. As for my question, is there a particular childhood memory you have that stands out for you? One with your family that you like or find sweet? That being said, being older now, working towards your future- do they treat you differently because you're turning into the new you? I've just been curious. Have a great day :)
K: …I’m…not really sure what you’re asking. Like- do I get more freedom since I’m not living at home? I guess? I was definitely combative about rules as a little kid, so my parents were good about giving me space as a teenager. Nothing much’s changed besides maybe how I treat them. I definitely call my mom to just talk a lot more than I used to. 
K: And, that’s part of growing up, realizing your parents are just people who probably made mistakes while they raised you, asserting your independence then choosing to come back together on more equal ground.
K: and…I didn’t know I was sticking to my morals by not making up relationships with my friends…the internet does plenty of that on it’s own, but it doesn’t bother me unless it’s the only thing in my inbox or it gets explicit. Most of it’s innocent and harmless. People can be really invested in romantic relationships, and that’s fine if it gives them something to occupy their minds or inspiration to make art.
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K: Honestly, if I could start a ‘ship war’ with my 5 active followers I would wanna watch some people fight.
S: No starting wars.
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S: They applaud you.
K: Dude, we already pretended to be married.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
What are you studying for Stan? Are you in college?
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S: What’m I supposed to tell them? ooh~ Animal Science~
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S: I’m already wearing my internship.
K: They just wanna know your plans.
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S: Community college- future Vet.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
You guys have any ringtones for each other?
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K: Why would we need ringtones?
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kyle-broski · 5 years
Would you ever kiss Stan?
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K: Gross dude!
S: Wait- how much would you pay us?
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kyle-broski · 5 years
Stan how do you feel about cartman? Do you like him?
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Stan: Hate that guy.
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kyle-broski · 5 years
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kyle-broski · 5 years
Does anybody in your friend group smoke weed?
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Nope. nobody at all…
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kyle-broski · 5 years
What's your favorite thing about Stan?
Probably that he’s always there for me no matter what.
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Even when he’s super jet-lagged and loopy.
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