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27.9.17 || 3.45pm || Medical Microbiology || I’ve just spent the last hour and half making notes ahead of my first lecture for medical microbiology.
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Scientists have built a powerful new medicine that could stop a superbug in its tracks
The rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria has scientists and health professionals concerned about what our future could look like if we could no longer rely on antibiotics to fight common infections.
Now a new, super-powered antibiotic aims to fight rising resistance by attacking bacteria in new ways.
A team of scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in California announced Monday they had modified an antibiotic called vancomycin to make it exponentially more effective in fighting bacteria, according to a statement from TSRI.
Vancomycin has been around for 60 years and bacteria have only recently begun developing resistance to it, scientists said.
But with three modifications to the drug, the researchers found they could give the drug “a 1,000-fold increase in activity,” meaning that doctors would need to use less of it to treat infections. Read more (5/30/17)
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Reblog if you ARE a woman in STEM, SUPPORT women in STEM, or ARE STILL BITTER about Rosalind Franklin not getting credit for discovering the structure of DNA and the Nobel prize going to Watson and Crick instead.
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Group projects suck!
I got my Grant proposal marks back today, I was very happy with my grade but not with my partners grade. He didn't do anything throughout the whole project everything was left me to do. We both got firsts ( I got 78.5% and he got 70.5%) despite the fact that I wrote 2450 words of the 2500 word limit and he wrote 50! How is that fair?! I really hate group work!
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My attempt at brush lettering, wonky and not great but the f looks pretty good!
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29.5.17 || 12.46pm || Biological Basis of Disease || Rainy Bank holiday Mondays means lots of revision. I've hurt my back and the only comfortable place I can find is the sofa so currently studying with a lap tray as my desk.
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04.10.17 // hello!1!! first day back from spring break and it’s been pretty gud tbh. these are some pictures of a mind map i did for history and to help prep for a test :))
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As exam season is upon most of us I thought this video would be useful to you all!
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23.5.17 || Histopathology || My Histopathology exam is tomorrow and i'm feeling pretty confident about it (ish). Heading to bed with all my revision summaries and flash cards in the hope that reading before bed will mean I will retain more information. Wish me luck!
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As exam season is upon most of us I thought this video would be useful to you all!
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if you have an exam tomorrow: you will be okay. all you can do is your best, and your best is more than good enough. i believe in you. you are going to make so many people proud of you, including yourself. you can do this !!
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22.5.17 || 11.42am || Histopathology || My Histopathology exam is in 2 days so jumping head first into revision before I go back to uni this afternoon!
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oh my god
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22.5.17 || 6.39pm || Histopathology || Working on flashcards in the sunshine
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This is what happens when the sun comes out and I have studying to do. Picnic blanket out in the garden. #studygram #histopathology #flashcards #studyspo #studyblr #studyspo #studying #studentlife #studentbiomed
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18.5.17 || 11.10am || Genetics and Proteomics || T-minus 2 hours and 40 minutes until the first exam of the season so this is my view while I cram every last little piece of information into my brain as I can manage before I head off. This is the hardest exam of the three I have to do so I need to do good. Wish me luck study buddies!
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