laikodaemon · 2 months
nature (me) is healing (making goobers)
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laikodaemon · 2 months
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sorta stumbled on this little goober style the other day while playing gartic phone, messed around with it a bit
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laikodaemon · 3 months
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I hope I'll have more time for art soon... it is so fun and relaxing when I can get myself to do it...
...that is all. good night ,, ,
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laikodaemon · 4 months
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laikodaemon · 4 months
Art block hit pretty hard for a while but I think I may just be Back On My Shit
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laikodaemon · 4 months
Dragon Rider.
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I'm tempted to do a better background... perhaps in a bit.
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laikodaemon · 5 months
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laikodaemon · 5 months
More doodles.
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Thinking about doing a background for the Galenvai (long eared creature) later... might have to wait until after finals.
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laikodaemon · 5 months
Some doodles from last night.
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Something clicked and I'm back to being happy with my doodles again. :)
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laikodaemon · 5 months
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there's no story or anything behind this one. we just doodlin
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laikodaemon · 5 months
I was given a new sketchbook yesterday. Good enough excuse for me to do a little traditional art.
A little out of practice with pens... losing the ability to erase or undo throws me off every time.
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anyway here are some little friends :)
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laikodaemon · 5 months
Sorting some of my art today for a little college club showcase thingy that's coming up.
Remembered about some little models I made in blockbench :)
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Tiefling chibi model. spinnnn :)
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Instance of Monolith. funny little robot full of hate.
These were fun to make. I should do more with blockbench.
...I suppose I could also use blender, but blockbench's simpler setup tickles my brain in a way blender doesn't. Funny how that works.
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laikodaemon · 5 months
Ok. Wizard. And A Lot Of Things That Aren't Wizards.
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See below for easier viewing of each and some context for the whole project.
A week ago, I saw a meme about wizard orbs being wizard eggs.
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I thought the concept was fascinating. Wizard Lifecycle was born.
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After I shared wizard lifecycle with some friends, one of them asked me what kind of wizard would come from a great rhombic triacontahedron. From this, Thing That Should Not Be was born.
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Emboldened by my willingness to create Thing That Should Not Be, more questions kept coming. What about a coin?
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This one's my personal favorite of the bunch. Ambitious little creature.
What about a teardrop shaped crystal?
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This one is constantly on some type of mission and takes their role very seriously, regardless of what it is.
What about... a table?
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Living tables can't use magic. Still related to wizards, though. Like how a human and a dog are both mammals.
Ok, what about witches? How do you get a witch? Well, witches and wizards, while both magic users, are completely unrelated.
Witches are plants.
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I'm really happy with how the witch came out. That little stump on their heads never goes away, so the witches wear their hats to cover them. They also have to be regularly pruned. Even a big hat can't cover a whole tree.
Lastly, Knights Is Bugs.
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In the flood of questions I got from people on discord and in real life after Wizard Lifecycle, I was forced to come up with Wizard Facts.
Wizards come from enchanted crystal orbs. If you use the wizard egg enchantment on something that's not an orb, it fails... unless it's close to being an orb, in which case you get a wizard that's not quite... right. This is what Thing That Should Not Be is.
Wizards are a type of mage. There's other mages besides wizards, each with different crystal shapes you need and different enchantments required to make them. This is what the coin creature and teardrop creature are.
Living objects use the same crystal as mages do, but the crystal can be in any shape - the living object simply uses it as it is with minor modifications. Living objects are less intelligent than mages.
The first wizard came from an orb enchanted by a time traveling wizard. I refuse to examine the implications of this.
Mages are going extinct because the crystal used to make their orbs is perfect for making bowling balls.
Mages can't talk, but can make weird little noises. Each type of mage has their own way of communicating - Wizards use telepathy (usually communicating with images rather than words), coin creature writes down text, teardrop creature uses magic to parrot the speech of others, and thing that should not be can't communicate at all. Knights also can't talk, as they are bugs. Witches use magic to talk, and by adulthood are quite skilled at it. They're usually a bit quiet, but talk fluently and in their own voices.
Gods exist in this setting. There's gods for pretty much everything, from life and death to chairs and frying pans. Gods are mortal - each time a god dies, their godhood is passed to a random other mortal somewhere in the world. Godhood doesn't really give you any power, just the ability to randomly smite those doing sins against your domain.
Ok I think that's it thank you for reading bye :)
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laikodaemon · 6 months
wizard wednesday is over. thing that should not be thursday
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laikodaemon · 6 months
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Wizard Lifecycle
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laikodaemon · 6 months
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You're supposed to be helping people. You're supposed to be working. You're supposed to be dead.
Why are you here?
Bonus: the guy in the back original version
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These two are characters for Geist: The Sin-Eaters. The little one is Kay, a doctor who worked themselves to death. The tall one is Old Lonely Hate, a geist full of hatred for those it believes abandoned it to die. Kay holds themselves personally responsible for the deaths that might happen if they take a break, and death has been a rather long break.
I'm not sure if I'm really happy with the finished product here but I sure as hell had fun making it and that's what matters.
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laikodaemon · 6 months
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Current map for That Left Behind. This map does not cover the whole world, but does cover most areas where people live. The equator is around the bottom of what's shown here.
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