lalvlo · 17 days
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“One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head too.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche
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lalvlo · 1 month
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"I increasingly want to learn to see what is necessary in things as beautiful. Amor-fati [love of destiny]: be this, from now on, my love! I don't want to wage war on what is ugly. I don't want to accuse, I don't even want to accuse the accusers. May my only denial be to look away! And, all in all, in short: I want to be, someday, just someone who says Yes!” – Nietzsche, Gay Science, §276
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lalvlo · 3 months
you have to be reasonable. have to see it from their perspective. but you can't be a doormat. nobody else will stand up for you but you. count five things you see. let your emotions happen. but only inside. don't fight them. but also don't be impulsive. don't react, plan. listen to wise mind. practice your coping skills. call a friend. but don't trauma dump. ask for help. but make sure you know exactly what you need. use your words. but don't feel entitled. understand that people have a lot going on. don't form expectations those are just premeditated resentments. but also don't go it alone. keep it together. have a cry. but only at the right times. it's okay to break down sometimes. but girl wash your face. take charge of your life. but make peace with the things you can't control. breathe. not that loud, you're making people uncomfortable. don't make other people responsible for how you feel. but don't keep it all stuffed inside. not seeking help will kill you, you know. but if you keep being so self-centered and selfish you'll drive everyone off. cut off people who don't treat you right. show yourself some self-respect. but don't have main character syndrome. understand that the center of the universe is not you. stop thinking about yourself so much. but go to therapy and work on yourself or nobody's gonna love you. overcome your trauma. but know and accept yourself. stop being so infantile. but stop acting like you're too old to change. take responsibility. stop apologizing so much. you have to guard your own peace. but if you're not worried by what's happening right now there must be something wrong with you.
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lalvlo · 3 months
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In stitches, Jessica So Ren Tang
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lalvlo · 3 months
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laundry at sunset
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lalvlo · 3 months
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“Tracks made by atomic particles from a particle accelerator, a device that speeds up the particles. The eye can’t see protons, electrons, and other subatomic particles, but a camera records their frothy wakes in a chamber of liquefied neon and hydrogen at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. Physicists study the tracks to learn about the characteristics of the particles that produced them.” - National Geographic, 1978.
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lalvlo · 3 months
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Art by Brecormark
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lalvlo · 3 months
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lalvlo · 3 months
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No way home, Erin Morris
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lalvlo · 3 months
afuera las corrientes de viento mueven de aquí para allá a los colores vivos de esta tarde. desde adentro huele a fresco y aunque todo está oscuro no hace falta mucho más que escuchar la propia fuerza. esos colores bailando el aire me recuerdan los sueños llenos de luz que viví con usted y que ahora se desvanecen. hoy no puedo ya encontrarla pero se que antes hubo aquí una casa. la propia fuerza. qué curioso. quizá ya lo sabía que no viene de mí sino de muchas voces de seres que amaron la vida. desde adentro pude sentir aún sin casa la calidez de su mano en mi pecho. detuvo por un instante el baile cromático para que mi memoria a tientas encontrara sus bases. es posible que encima de esta casa desaparecida ya no pueda crecer ningún sueño y que la oscuridad aquí adentro tome su lugar definitivo. hoy al menos hubo un recuerdo desvanecido menos.
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lalvlo · 3 months
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free you hair body
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lalvlo · 3 months
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My Love Sings When the Flower is Near (The Philosopher and the Woman), Angelo Filomeno, 2007
Embroidery on silk shantung stretched over linen with crystals 155 x 90 ¼ in. (393.7 x 229.2 cm)
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lalvlo · 4 months
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ISHIMURA Masayuki(石村 雅幸 Japanese, b.1965)
精魄    Japanese painting   via
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lalvlo · 5 months
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dream dolphin love eating alien (1996) artwork
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lalvlo · 6 months
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“spirit of the flowers” tiles manufactured in 1874
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lalvlo · 6 months
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lalvlo · 8 months
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