lamentfulluci · 17 days
Archived Entry: 12/16/15
Dear diary,
I'm losing it...
Grades, tests, friends, my appearance, it's all challenging me right now. My grades have really dropped. It's mostly because i have zeros, but I'm about to fix those. I feel like an idiot. We take a science test every friday, and I keep getting a C or a D. I feel like I'm losing my friends, like they secretly hate me. I hate everything about myself. My weight, skin, legs, eyes, hair, all of it. Christmas is in nine days and I'm not in the spirit at all.
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lamentfulluci · 17 days
I woke up early today because I planned to do my makeup and go grocery shopping. I wound up procrastinating and not having the time to do my makeup, but I still went to the grocery store. After my dumbass forgot the important first step of cooking the noodles when I was making mac and cheese from scratch the other day and completely fucked it up, I went out today and rebought all the ingredients to make it properly. When I got home, I just relaxed the rest of the day. Since I had to get up early and it was hella hot when I got home, I didn't go to the gym today. I still made progress though, because I submitted my application to move forward with scheduling my CNA tests :) Now we wait.
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lamentfulluci · 17 days
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lamentfulluci · 26 days
Feelin' pretty good...for now. Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went to SacAnime. I didn't get to cosplay like I wanted, but I still had fun. Unfortunately, we had to wait in line outside for three hours, because we thought they opened at nine but they actually opened at 12. I got a Loki comic, X-Men comic, Spider-Man comic, a Sailor Moon print, a Wolverine print, a snake ring, and a fancy pair of scissors that look like a dagger. For my my birthday, J got me a Nightmare Before Christmas mini backpack. The Wolverine print is by the same artist that made the Winter Soldier and Ghost Face prints I have, that I got from SacAnime last year. And the ring I bought matches a pair of earrings I already had. Today, I woke up early and went to the gym. It's a little irritating because they completely remodeled so almost everything is moved, and they got a bunch of new upgraded equipment, so I have to learn how to use them all. When I got home, I started some laundry and I cleaned up my room. I need to find frames for the new prints now. I'm about to read a bit and relax until dinner. Tomorrow, I work.
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lamentfulluci · 26 days
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lamentfulluci · 1 month
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lamentfulluci · 1 month
We got a new dryer! Finally, I can do my laundry and not worry. The last one was becoming a fire hazard so we bought a new one a few days ago, but it was finally delivered today. I started yesterday, so I didn't go to the gym this morning. It was nice getting to sleep in. I don't work again until Wednesday. I just spent today watching a movie and writing. I decided to start a new story, it's gonna be a Tom Hiddleston fanfic. I prefer completely original works, but sometimes it's nice to write a little fanfic. People seem to enjoy those more on my Wattpad anyway. After I write a few chapters, I'm probably gonna read a bit. Tomorrow I'm gonna do my laundry and get some cleaning done. I'll also need to study.
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lamentfulluci · 1 month
Archived Entry: 12/18/23
I'm worn out. The original plan was that I'd wake up early, do some laundry, get some cleaning done, then meet up with an old friend. There was a thunderstorm last night, so I didn't sleep well, and didn't wake up early. I woke up at 7 instead of 6. I did some cleaning and got some laundry done. It was still pouring this morning. Since it was raining, I texted my friend and asked if he wanted to reschedule. We were supposed to meet up at a park not far from my house. He said he doesn't mind the rain, and even offered to come to my house. I don't like bringing people to my house, plus I don't feel comfortable in my room with a guy who's not my boyfriend. So, I gave in and we met up despite the weather. I got ready quickly and left at noon. It was fun. We talked and laughed and caught up. After I got home, I finished some chores I needed to get done. Now I'm unwinding in bed. I might work on some art, I haven't done that in a while. Tomorrow I have to get some groceries and run some errands.
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lamentfulluci · 1 month
Today's date is so satisfying 😩 Anyway...today is a rest day, so I didn't go to the gym. I still woke up early though because I couldn't get back to sleep, so I've been up since 6. I made a cup of coffee with pumpkin pie creamer and pumpkin cold foam. That shit slapped. I received my new Cirkul bottle yesterday and I'm so excited. I had one of the basic plastic ones before but had problems with it growing mold constantly, so I got one of the insulated metal ones and got to choose the color, so that's cool. I got some laundry done, but not as much as I needed. Our dryer is having issues and becoming a fire hazard, so we have to get a new one tomorrow. I just want to wash my bedding, man. I did my makeup and wrote a few new chapters of my story. I plan on scheduling the written portion of the CNA test soon, and I'm so nervous. I'm about to study and maybe play Sims. Tomorrow I'm going to the gym but thats about my only plans.
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lamentfulluci · 2 months
Today was productive :) I got up early and went to the gym since I didn't work today. After the gym, I ordered some food and had a banana smoothie with strawberry bursting boba. I played Sims for a bit and I'm about to read. I just finished making some cosplay content and might make more tomorrow. Tomorrow, I heading to walmart to run some errands since I won't be seeing my boyfriend. I also need to study, I plan to take at least the written portion of my CNA test this month. My birthday is the 29th and I'm having an ice cream cake this year :)
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lamentfulluci · 2 months
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lamentfulluci · 2 months
Meme of the day
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lamentfulluci · 2 months
It was too hot after work and I really wanted to hop into the shower, so I didn't go to the gym after work, I just worked out at home. I worked a short shift today, but didn't get my break :/ It's so fucking hot outside. I'm about to eat dinner then take a shower. Afterwards, I need to study, then I'm gonna read a bit. Tomorrow I'm going to the gym for sure, since I don't start work until 12, so I have time to go before then.
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lamentfulluci · 2 months
Feeling kinda meh. Yesterday I wore a new dress I got and I did my makeup and it turned out really good. I finally got around to getting a box so I can ship out my package for my niece and nephew, now I just need to seal it and ship it out. When I got home, I studied Spanish and for my CNA tests. Then I played Sims for a bit. To close off the night, I read a few chapters of Jane Eyre (and cried). woke up at 6 today to go to the gym, but it was already so hot, that I decided to just work out at home. I folded some laundry then played Sims for a bit. I just got off a two hour phone call with my sister and I've changed into my pajamas now. Tomorrow I work, but might go to the gym after.
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lamentfulluci · 2 months
Archived Entry: 3/12/15
Finally! The week is over. Well, the school week, at least. Tomorrow is friday, but I don't have school. Dylan was back today :) I talked to him some in the morning, then more at lunch. It was a pretty good day. Ahkeem was caught falsely accusing Alex and Nick of stealing his phone. And he finally moved back to LA. Good, I can't stand him. I think Dylan knows I like him! Alex told him (although Alex was just guessing...and he's right). He's been so flirty! What's happening?!
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lamentfulluci · 2 months
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lamentfulluci · 2 months
Today was pretty good :) I got up at 6 and went to the gym. Afterwards, I got an Apples and Greens smoothie from Jamba Juice, along with a Belgian waffle. I made scrambled eggs for breakfast and got some laundry done. Im played Sims for a bit and I just got done eating dinner. I'm about to read for a bit then watch some RuPaul's Drag Race
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