lamthanc-blog · 7 years
*whispers from afar* would y’all be adverse to me moving dear Melkor onto a multi-fandom/muse blog?
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
*whispers from afar* would y’all be adverse to me moving dear Melkor onto a multi-fandom/muse blog?
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
*whispers from afar* would y’all be adverse to me moving dear Melkor onto a multi-fandom/muse blog?
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
*whispers from afar* would y’all be adverse to me moving dear Melkor onto a multi-fandom/muse blog?
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
*whispers from afar* would y’all be adverse to me moving dear Melkor onto a multi-fandom/muse blog?
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
I was going to hold off on giving out a link until I had Melkor’s page up, but as per the usual, I am taking my dear sweet time. ( In fairness, I’m also juggling adding two other muses / was working on revamping all the rest of my muse pages and navi so. ) ANYWAY. Regardless of whether I have shit done, if you’re looking for Melkor’s attention, direct yours to @alcuest
*whispers from afar* would y’all be adverse to me moving dear Melkor onto a multi-fandom/muse blog?
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
*whispers from afar* would y’all be adverse to me moving dear Melkor onto a multi-fandom/muse blog?
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
*whispers from afar* would y’all be adverse to me moving dear Melkor onto a multi-fandom/muse blog?
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
im perfectly willing to shatter myself just to cut your throat with the pieces
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
my love is like a candle, if you forget me, i will burn your fucking house down
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
someone: we both said some things we didn't mean
me, thinking about how i was right and absolutely meant everything i said: ......... sure did, pal
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
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anon; can you possibly draw a mix out of a fuzzy dragon and a seismosaurus with small antlers and 6 legs with the phrase “Wait until I am myself, trust me you’ll be sorry.”
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
@wytchkyng​ [cont.]:
"You see, the outcome of the battle is unimportant. What matters is the chaos, and the slaughter."
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                               He raises a brow at the others words, affiliating BLASPHEMY with his babbling. While an assemblage of anarchy and enormity progressed his passions, they were often discarded if his victory fellFLAT. War was filled with WRATH; it was the one time the damned could descend to instill sin in its soldiers. And while he himself had also fallen victim to vice and profited from the pleasures of anothers pain, it was for NAUGHTif he only gained GORE, but not GLORY.                                He thumbs at his canine, poking away at pallid point, hoping the sensation would suppress him from unleashing SAVAGE speech. How ignorant is such an assumption… He is SELFISH, he expects BOTH from his battles. One without the other is WORTHLESS. There must be triumph AND there must be terror… He dares bury that verse from his bible into this new body.                                                 ❛ You must have lost MANY battles if you obey such a philosophy. War is meant to be WON…and THEN we count the bodies… Or have you forgotten, OLD FRIEND? ❜
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      “’Tis not I who has forgotten.” The words spoke of an underlying impishness to it all -- paired marvelously with the wicked smirk pale lips curled into. They two were alike in truth, yet not the same. ( No one was truly the same as the mad god; none could stand reveling in the things he did long term. This he knew, for his dear Mairon had become his best witness on the matter. ) And yet... Position mattered most in this conversation; without it, the hand he so loved to play would mean nothing. Expectations are worthless. Plans may blossom, only to turn and feast upon their master’s entrails. Chaos reigns as the native High King in existence.
   ( These were the highest of verses in his own bible -- though they were things that he imagined Sauron, in her lust for control, had failed to preach in his stead. No... He knew that she hadn’t; much as he longed for her presence, they were as different as fire and ice... Chaos and order... )
   “I never loose. Not when my forces lay bleeding out en masse, not when I am led away in chains -- for one simple reason: I am destruction without purpose and anarchy given form and sentience. No matter what wounds I must bear, those who dare think their world is or may be stable shall never forget the tides of death I raised against them. They plan and organize going forth, but in the back of their mind, they know well that I dog their every step whether my body is present or not, for I have stained this very existence with my imperfection. That is victory absolute.”
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
@fcrestmaiden [cont.]:
"You are aware the cage was never locked, yes?" Blood-coloured eyes peered up briefly from the spear laid long-wise across his lap. For but a brief time, he had been polishing and sharpening the blade, but the past few hours had been spent with a knife to the wood, carving out whatever intricacies caught his mood. "I have far better things to attend to than babysit an elleth I never wished for in the first place."
     Face rested against the bars of the cage and fingers wrapped around them as she took to WATCHING her captor. She knew very well the TRUTH behind his words She certainly wasn’t daft. Having been the Captain of the Guard once, she learned to have a KEEN eye and to keep watch of things closely. She knew very well that her cage had never been locked. But she was smarter than falling into a trap in which she ATTEMPTED escape, only to be greeted by pain. She would not play a game of chase with him. So she REMAINED in captivity. Silent and watching.
     ❝ You must have me MISTAKEN for a fool, ❞ she whispered on exhale. ❝ I don’t understand why I was brought here. But you’re FREE to go any time you wish. I’d much rather listen to the sound of SILENCE and enjoy my alone time than have to be exposed to you any longer. ❞
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     Eyes lock onto the blade being sharpened and a brow PERKED in question. ❝ Is this some INTIMIDATION tactic? To break me? Regardless – if you plan on USING that on me, do get it over with already. ❞
      How people responded to being held against their will was something that had always entertained him greatly and without fail; some offered whatever they could in exchange for their freedom, whether it be jewels, land, the blood of others, or failing that, to draw the blood of their captors, while others merely fell into a pit of despair. Then there were those such as her who took meaning from each and every twitch of movement their captor made, whether it meant much or not. Curiously, she had even created a new category: one so sure that every offer was a trap that they missed the opportunity for freedom.... He just might have to keep her and see what all she had to give.
   “I do now -- though I can say with great surety that I am not mistaken. Each step of the way, I have expressed naught but disinterest in you, yet you insist that you must remain. At every turn, you try to get me to leave as if my absence would not attract some beast genuinely interested in you. No... I am hardly mistaken in thinking you foolish.” Pallid lips twisted into a dark smirk worthy of some great threat -- yet none came from vile tongue; was not the grim truth of the matter threat enough on its own?
   “This?” Held up to be inspected as if the spear in question were some strange artifact, one dark brow quirked as the twist in his expression faded. “Merely amusement for myself. You are rather dull, even for an elf.... Perhaps you ought to work on that, mmm?”
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
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Here’s my boy Rocky, as promised. He’s a big sweetie who doesn’t like having his feeties touched.
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
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lamthanc-blog · 7 years
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