Shiro x Slav or coran x mustache
Both 😩
Slav is genuinely so funny to me and I love his dynamic with Shiro
And Coran and his mustache are ICONIC
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Pairing: Plance (Pidge + Lance) or Humelle (Hunk + Romelle)?
Humelle. They’re both so cute separately they would make a cute couple 🥰 also I head canon Pidge as Ace bc I need my ace representation
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Hello!! I’ve always sorta lurked around your blog, but I just wanted to know how you organized ur fanfics? do u have a favorite app to write them in?
Ummmm I’m a mess. So originally I was posting on fanfiction.net and using their “write in” on the website. Now I post all my stuff on AO3 but don’t write through there really, just copy and paste from somewhere else. That being said in terms of my Langst fics I tend to write them straight on to Tumblr especially since a lot of them tend to come from asks. I just save them as drafts and go back when possible. This can be kinda sketchy tho bc Tumblr likes to freak so just a warning. I’ve also just opened up my notes app and typed there before too. Like straight on my phone. I usually like using the computer, way easier and I’m more used to it, but if I don’t have access or I just need to write it down I open notes up on my phone. I still have a lot of fics sitting there. I really should work on being more organized. But at the end of the day I post my fics just about everywhere. I like to post on many platforms just to be sure, if I lose one its still on another (I learned this the hard way, I have a Quince fic I wrote on here that seems to have disappeared) especially if it’s a longer, more thought out, fic.
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I missed you so much! I love your writing :'3
Not me randomly checking in and seeing y’all still pay attention to me UwU i don’t deserve it
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Not an ask or, anything like that but, I've tried to read the Percy Jackson series a while ago but, sort of just got lost since my goopy brain couldn't handle the mythology in it but, this Leo Valdez guy... I'm extremely willing to try the series out again especially since I understand mythology way more now so, thanks for getting me to try a series again!
Yes!!!! Listen, Percy Jackson and the other series that follows certainly has its downfalls and I have my own critiques. But Leo Valdez is the TEMPLATE. Like Leo Valdez walked so Lance McClain could run. Also the same thing for my fan fictions lmao. You see what y’all get here? It’s as good as it is bc I practiced on Leo first. My original Seventh Wheel. ❤️❤️
Also on that note go check me out on AO3 @ thependragonqueen for my OG fics of Leo. Also available on fanfiction.net and Wattpad under the same username, we just all know AO3 is the superior platform.
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Let’s revive our blogs together ❤️
reg wlwvoltron my beloved mutual reg wlwvoltron...how are you...why are we on here again <3
hiii cherry i’m on here because i thought it would be like, really funny
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Hi! This is your gifter here! Just popping by to ask if you want any specific tropes or themes, and also if there's anything you don't want to see. Have a nice day!
Hey! I always love angst! Especially anything with Lance. I’m good with klance but that’s about the only ship. In terms of triggers and stuff I have none. Pretty much anything is good to go. Can’t wait to see it thanks !!!
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"You taught me the courage of stars before you left.
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist."
Finally! You don't even know for how long I wanted to make art that could match with this song, but nothing was right, utill now ❤
Saturn - Sleeping at Last 💕
Instagram here ⬅
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all y’all saying that langst is stupid and makes no sense because there is no reason lance should be sad, yeah that’s the point.
don’t u think he knows that? don’t u think that every night he tells himself he has no right to be sad when the people around him have struggled so much more? allura and coran lost their planet and families, they are the only ones left. shiro was captured and tortured. keith has had to be alone for so long and lose all his family. pidge lost her family and then when she got them back they had to separate. hunk also lost his family and has struggled. he also knows that he isn’t as good of a fighter, his weapon means he has to fight long range, but does the team ever practice to help lance home his skills? no. does he ever actually get to use and train with his sword? no (although that is more of the writers fault)
he knows he has no right, even if no one takes him seriously or gives him a chance. he died and no one cared. he jumped in front of coran and saved his life without a second thought and no one cared. no one comforted him when he cried. he lost his family and it is so obvious how close they are. he was treated unfairly by shiro/kuron and had to endure it, from the person he looks up to most.
everyone around him has their person. allura and coran. keith and shiro, hunk even left him for pidge. then matt shows up and he is funny and flirty like lance, except he’s better he is actually smart and could replace lance in a heartbeat.
anyway this is all i’ve been able to think about for weeks
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Hey y’all, if you’re like me and love Camp Camp (I know some of you do) and especially love Dadvid (I KNOW SOME OF YOU DO), I just made a new tumblr blog: @dadvid (idk how no one had that name yet ???) and feel free to follow me!
Also send me an ask for a fic! Been really wanting to write max angst/Dadvid recently so any ideas are welcomed!
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Hey y’all, if you’re like me and love Camp Camp (I know some of you do) and especially love Dadvid (I KNOW SOME OF YOU DO), I just made a new tumblr blog: @dadvid (idk how no one had that name yet ???) and feel free to follow me!
Also send me an ask for a fic! Been really wanting to write max angst/Dadvid recently so any ideas are welcomed!
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curly haired lance? You mean a tall Leo valdez?
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All the other characters are good too. For me it wasn’t like the other two where I felt and overwhelming love for just one character especially compared to the rest of the characters. Honestly ATLA just did it right all around. All their characters are so good it’s hard to pick just one. But there is definitely a special place in my heart for Sokka.
Also ATLA is what Voltron tried to be and failed miserably at it. It has to be said sorry
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I have a Type™
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Bro Viria hit it so good back then. Perfect 👌🏼 I was making amv’s w those drawings and everything. Also check out her newest Leo drawing 🥺
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I have a Type™
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If we REALLY wanted to go there 👀
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I have a Type™
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I have a Type™
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