Admission Essay: Orthopedics
As like all other young children of my age growing up in a rural West Virginia community, I was adventurous and in love with any type of sporting activity in this beautiful state of ours. I was quite a tomboy and mixed unabashedly with the boys in all games they played. It is no surprise that I ended up choosing wrestling as my primary area of interest. Wrestling allowed me to stay as fit as a fiddle and also provided me with great mental strength and confidence in my own abilities. I was confident enough not to be bullied or dominated by anyone in my peer group. I was not only good at wrestling, I was quite an achiever as I ended up being included in the top ranking wrestlers at the national level. Wrestling not only allowed me to come to grips with my own strength but also allowed me to develop an inbuilt instinct to measure the strength of my opponents. I mastered the art of using the weak anatomical points of the human body to defeat my opponents which also imparted in me the first knowledge of how the limbs and sinews function, at least in terms of their maneuverability and limits of motion. This knowledge was to come in handy later in my career as a doctor when I studied anatomy and physiology. Getting injured in my frequent wrestling bouts also taught me how to heal the injuries sustained in such activities and the time required to get fighting fit again. This vast experience, I feel empowers me to better understand the finer nuances of orthopedic practice.
I am the daughter of a coal miner, a professional field where strength of the body and limbs is a prerequisite qualification. Such professions require people to be at their peak fitness at all times and there is no room for complacency or any time to rest. The extent to which one strains one’s body in such physically demanding professions exposes them to sustain occasionally insignificant, and sometimes serious injuries which need to be handled professionally with the least possible time available for recuperation. Living with such professionals in my childhood exposed me to the necessity and urgency of expert physicians’’ availability for such communities. As a sportsperson, I felt drawn to the idea of acquiring qualification as an orthopedic surgeon so that I could assist the people in my community, as well people anywhere I meet after acquiring my degree, and in environments wherever circumstances take me in my future life as a practitioner.
Spending one year at the Texas Tech Permian Basin in the general surgery wing after completing my medical school further drew me towards choosing orthopedics as my specialty, although my Program Director was of the opinion that general surgery suited me better. Maybe he evaluated me according to what he observed in me, rather than reading my mind which I feel may not have been visibly obvious due to the camouflage of not communicating my inner feelings frankly to him. I reflected within myself, contemplated and decided to join as a sports medicine research fellow, a position available with an orthopedic specialty group in San Francisco. This decision was motivated by the ever present thought in my mind that I need not compromise with my original desire to be an orthopedic surgeon. Taking on any other specialty would just be a compromise as it would be just a decision to make a living by choosing the obvious available choice of subject. Of course destiny sometimes takes one to entirely to a different place or professional field rather than what one has dreamt for herself, but making a sustained effort always helps one achieve her or his objectives in life. There are numerous stories in this world where people have ended up fulfilling their ambitions against all odds.
Modern orthopedic techniques are highly sophisticated wherein great inroads have been made in diagnosing an orthopedic injury correctly and with great precision. Tomography and magnetic resonance imaging techniques provide detailed visual information of any injury which the orthopedic surgeon can correct and heal with operative as well as physiotherapeutic techniques. Robotic surgical equipment and modern prosthetic materials can assist a surgeon to restore any limbic function to as near normal as possible. I hope to find an orthopedic surgical program that will allow me to continue my development as an orthopedic surgeon, incorporate research into my training, and allow me excellent operative experience where I can add to my orthopedic knowledge. It is also very important to have resident camaraderie where everyone works together for the patient's well-being.
Provided an opportunity, I believe I will be a strong orthopedic surgery resident and practice the work ethics required of me as a professional. I have shown this in the past in my wrestling career as well as in my career so far in surgery. I believe my skills will allow me to develop into a valuable member of the orthopedic surgical community and help patients throughout their lives. 
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