lazytown-is-my-jam · 6 years
Glannie paid for an engagement ring. He saved up what money he stole around the city for years to buy one. It took him almost a week to decide which one he wanted to choose. It might have taken him longer if Robbie hadn't told him to just pick already.
He couldn't believe that he was finally ready to pop the question. It seemed almost Surreal. He was so scared. This was it.
He noticed Íþró being suspicious of him but shrugged it off. He spent most of his free time planning the perfect night. When he wasn't planning he was spending time with Íþró. He was ready to make Íþró's dreams come true.
He should have known that Íþró's suspicious would have lead to a fight, but he never would have thought it would have been the night he was going to propose.
Íþróttaálfurinn came home to Glannie in the kitchen cooking. He walked over and wrapped his arm around him and noticed it was his favorite meal. For a second Íþró was over the moon that Glannie was doing something nice for him all in his own and then he realized that Glannie only does that when he is trying to get something out of him.
Usually information, money, something that has to do with being a criminal. Íþró was livid. He growled and stepped back.
"What do you want?" He hissed.
Glannie jumped and turned to face him, "I don't want anything. Why do you think I want something?"
"Because you've been acting weird for almost a month. Your planning something and now that your doing something nice I think you are trying to get something from me to do whatever you've been planning."
Glannie almost wanted to give in and tell him what he planned but couldnt. He'd just had to wait a little longer.
"I'm not planning anything, I don't want anything, and just so you know I just wanted one night where we just ate something and relaxed."
"There is no way you don't want anything. Just tell me already instead of making me wait," Íþró yelled.
Glannie sighed and ignored Íþró as he kept asking for an answer. Fed up he realized that night is not the night for a proposal. He finished the food and took out a plate and put food on the plate for Íþró and pushed the plate into his chest.
"Do what you want with the rest." He walked into their bedroom and slammed the door. He cried out and kicking their bookshelf.
Glannie threw himself on to their bed and crossed his arms over his face. He tried desperately not to cry, not to.scream, not to just walk out there and drop to one knee and proposed like he had planned to do. He knew he could but it would probably make things worse.
He hid out for hours, he heard the occasional sound that told him that Íþró had stayed in their place. Glannie knew he'd have to go out sometime and he decided right then that it was the time to face him.
He walked out and saw Íþró standing at their window.
"I think our relationship is over."
Glanni stared, his breathing stopped, his jaw dropped, his heart shattered.
"Please don't do this."
"I have to. It's obvious to me now that you're using me. I need this to stop. Maybe if you had realized that if you want something just ask. I guess that was to hard for you so now your all on your own."
"You don't understand!" He begged .
"I understand plenty. Get out."
Glanni stared shocked for a moment realizing that it was over. He messed up. Glanni turned to leave but then he stopped. He dug into his pocket and fished out the ring and threw it at Íþró as hard as he could. As he left he grabbed his car keys and walked out making sure not to slam the door.
He stormed out of the apartment building and straight into his car. He had a hard time getting the key into the hole. He couldn't see through his tears. He blinked hard for a second and finally started the car. He saw Íþró walking out of the door and running for the car. He quickly sped away to his son's place
Maybe part 2 with the kids, Robbie and Sportacus. I usually write Sportacus and Robbie as Glanni and Íþró's cousins or brothers but my friend suggested doing it as their kids for this one.
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lazytown-is-my-jam · 6 years
Stingy steals Robbie from the adults.
Overtime Robbie became closer with all of the kids and only the kids. the adults still made him very uncomfortable. The kids were less judgemental. They didn't flip flop around like Sportacus, they didn't gossip like Ms. Busybody, they weren't as silly as the Mayor. They were his friends.
He eats lunch with the town occasionally, and today was one of those days. The kids were usually the ones that invited him to the parties, the lunches, the town meetings he had no interest in. He didn't want them to get mad and stop being his friend so he said he's as much as possible.
Ziggy had knocked on his hatch and yelled his name. Robbie came up and Ziggy immediately hugged him. Ziggy begged him to go to the lunch today with the town. Robbie was very tempted to say no but he had such a soft spot for Ziggy.
Now he was sat next to Bessie and Sportacus. He was not having a very good time but he couldn't leave. Stephanie noticed and looked Stingy and it grabbed all of their attention.
"Guys, Robbie doesn't look very happy. I think he might leave early." Stephanie said glancing to the adult side of the table.
"He shouldn't be, we are at my brunch," stingy out a hand to his chest.
Ziggy got up and ran up to Robbie and climbed into his lap. Bessie sighed and looked at the two. Sportacus didn't mind he thought it was cute.
Trixie was next. She walked over and pulled up a chair behind Robbie and Bessie and put her foot into his lap. She started to talk to him about getting together one day and pulling a trick on the whole town.
Robbie was very confused. He had no idea what these kids were doing. Ziggy was curled up against his chest to give Trixie room for her foot. Trixie was just talking to him like she always wouldd but it seemed off.
Pixel was the next to come up. He started to talk to Robbie about his newest invention. Stingy groaned getting up.
"Enough of this guys. I'm just going to steal him." He walked over to Robbie and grabbed his wrist and pulled at it. "Robbie come to my side and sit with me."
"Stingy, You can't. You have to share him." Stephanie nearly shouted
"I will not. He is my friend and I will not share him."
"But you have too share." Ziggy said.
"I don't care if you want to share. He's mine now and I will not share him." Robbie laughed and stood up.
"I will go over there but you have to promise one thing." Robbie said.
Stingy grabbed him and pulled Robbie down to his level. "I will do anything."
"You have to share me with the other kids." Stingy groaned and crossed his arms. "Please?"
"Do I have to?" Robbie nodded and he's let out a whine. "Fine."
The kids let out a cheer. And Robbie was dragged as Trixie brought a chair for him.
When he was he was finally seated he looked a lot more comfortable. Stephanie would definitely make sure to have him seated towards the kid table.
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lazytown-is-my-jam · 6 years
“The table is broken. There is icing on the ceiling. The stove is smoking. Explain.”
Sportacus was in his airship doing push-ups. He switched between different types occasionally. He hasn't been needed at all the past two days and he was starting to question why. He hasn't seen the kids outside in three days.
As he reached push-up 137 his crystal beeped, "someone's in trouble." He muttered to himself. He pushed himself up running h to the door. "Door. " the door opened and he stood in it a moment trying to find someone or listen for anything but he couldn't.
Confused he jumped down landing on a wall. He saw the mayor and ran to him. "Mayor, my crystal went off. Where are the kids?" Mayor stiffened.
"With Mr. Rotten," Milford barely got the words out before Sportacus took off towards the villains lair.
He opened the lack and he could hear screaming and laughing. He jumped down when he looked around he was in shock. The room was in chaos.
A table was broken, there was icing EVERYWHERE, and there was a burning smell. He saw the kids laughing nd running around. He looked and saw one of Robbie's legs from behind the chair. He ran over and he saw the villain shaking.
"Why did it take you so long?" He whisper yelled to the hero.
"I couldn't figure out where the trouble was coming from." He admitted.
The hero watched as they threw bits of cake and icing all over each other. Pixel looked like the only one who was relaxed. He was looking at one of his electronics. Stephanie and Trixie were playfully yelling at the other, Stingy was taking things from Ziggy and claiming it was his. He looked back to the overwhelmed villain.
"The brats had way to much sugar. I want them to calm down but I couldn't get them to. The demons are showing no mercy." Sportacus shook his head at the situation.
"I'll see what I can do." He ran and jumped up on the corner between Stingy and Ziggy. "What is going on?" He asked. The kids went silent before all of them tried to tell their story at once. "Woah, guys!"
"Sorry Sportacus. We were making a cake for the Halloween party tomorrow and I guess we got a little distracted." Stephanie admitted.
she looked down at her shoes. She had icing in her hair, on her face, and all over her shirt. She had cake bits all over her too.
Trixie wasn't much better, she had icing smeared all over her face, her hair was a mess. She had pieces of it that bad come out of her little ponytails. She looked like she had cake shoved into her face. It was almost funny.
Before he could ask what had happened Trixie was the first to point the blame.
"Pixel started it! He burnt the first cake and then blamed it on me." Trixie shouted.
"I did not! You turned the knob all the way up. You bribed Ziggy to keep quiet." Pixel shouted back.
Sport got down and walked to Trixie. He crouched down to her level taking her hands, "Trixie, did you accidentally burn the cake?"
She looked down at their hands and dug her foot into the floor. She stayed silent but her guilty face have it all away. She wanted to pull her hands away and run but she knew she couldnt. She was only left to tell the truth.
"It was an accident. I don't think the cake would burn. I thought it would cook faster." She definitely wanted to run now.
"Trixie, You must be more careful, you could have hurt someone." She nodded but didn't say anything. "You shouldn't bribe people either."
"I know that. I . . . I just didn't want Robbie to find out and kick me out of his lair for being bad," she whispered. "I want him to be my friend but I knew he wouldn't want to be of I was bad. That's why I blamed Pixel. I knew I was wrong but I was just to scared to tell Robbie that I had done it."
Robbie made his way over to them and sat down at his broken table. He had his head in his hands and sat there for a second. From the way his shoulder shook it was almost like he was crying.
"I wouldn't have kicked you out," He said. He lifted his head up to face all of the kids. "I wouldn't have been happy but I wouldn't throw you out. I don't mind having you guys around but when stuff like this happens," he nodded his head at the broken table, " I'm not so sure. I know that it was probably an accident but it makes me mad because you broke something of mine."
It was silent as they looked around at the mess they had made, they were all guilty and they knew they had to fix it.
"I'm sorry Robbie. We can clean up and we can use our money to buy you a new table." Trixie said.
"Don't. Just clean up the kitchen. I'll just order a new one." He got up and walked out of the room silently.
"We really messed up Sportacus." Pixel sighed. " He will never help me with any of my gadgets. "
Robbie came back with cleaning supplies and set it on the table.
"Welp, let's get cleaning."
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lazytown-is-my-jam · 6 years
Sportacus was doing push-ups when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He pushed himself up and turned to see Stephanie. She didn't look at him, she was playing with her fingers.
"Hello, Stephanie. Do you want to talk?" She nodded and sat on the nearby bench. He followed and he patiently waiting for her to start talking.
He noticed Stephanie looked nervous and it looked like she couldn't decide what she wanted to say. She sat up suddenly and grabbed his hand.
He squeezed her hand and ducked her head to look at her face, "take your time, I won't rush you."
"Do you like Robbie." He was caught off guard. "You look at him all the time. You always have a sweet smile when you watch him." She watched him closely
"Was it that obvious?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck with his other hand.
"It took me a while to come to this conclusion so probably not." She said.
It was getting darker. he relaxed know that the kids were probably at home or on their way there. He looked around for anyone who could be listening but found no one.
"You aren't going to say anything?" He asked.
She squeezed his hand and nodded.They stayed silent while he reflected. She watched him carefully. She saw her front door open and the mayor came over.
"Stephanie, it's time to come inside." Stephanie sighed and stood up. Sport pulled her into a tight hug.
When Stephanie left he stood up and started running laps around the small town as fast as he could. He was jumping over walls, jumping over sports equipment and left out toys.
When he ran towards the billboard Robbie walked into his path. He skidded into a stop barely missing him. Robbie was glaring at him. He took a step back.
"What on earth are you doing?" He grabbed Sportacus' vest and pulled him closer.
"I haven't slept in 4 days and I am so tired and your jumping and running definitely is not helping." Sportacus relaxed and rubbed his arm. Robbie was on the verge of tears.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?" S was looking into his desperate eyes.
He sighed and his grip on Sportacus loosened and a wrapped him in a tight hug. He buried his head into Sportacus' chest and a held him tight. "I am so tired. I can't do this anymore." He cried.
"It might feel like that but stay hopeful. Let's get you inside." He picked him up and lead Robbie through his billboard door and he opened the latch and let Robbie go down first. He waited a few seconds and went down.
"Can't you sleep without eating the cake?" Sportacus asked.
He had been there for half an hour trying to stop the man from eating a large cake. He took a big bite of frosting and starting shouting at Sportacus. Sportacus remained calm and he had an idea. The last time he could sleep and he fell out of the tree he fell asleep in his arms.
He sat down in the man's chair, "come here." Robbie nodded and sat in his lap. The taller man curled into his lap and they were still. Robbie talked first.
"My cousin is coming tomorrow and if I'm not well slept i don't think I can make it through the week with him." He admitted.
"I'll do my best to help you," sport said.
They were silent for a few more minutes before Robbie cuddles closer and his thumb went into his mouth. He smiled and started down at the sleeping man and finally relaxes. He looked at the nearby clock. 8:05 he leaned his head back and he soon fell asleep.
He had never been happier. He had the man he loves in his arms. Even if it was temporary he was going to enjoy it.
I have a lot of LazyTown Fanfics planned out over the next few weeks. They will be better than this one! I rushed this one because I realized it's been a while since I posted one.
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lazytown-is-my-jam · 6 years
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when someone tells u aerobics isnt a real sport
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lazytown-is-my-jam · 6 years
"I thought you guys didn't want me around anymore."
It was about almost two weeks after Ziggy's 8th birthday that they noticed Robbie hadn't been out of his lair since the party. Nobody could figure out why. They were beyond frustrated when they realized Robbie hadn't been spying on them either. They must do something.  
"Okay, guys." Stephanie jogged up to her friend who were eating ice cream " I'm going to go down there and check on him. I might be a while. Have fun!"
She left without listening to their replies. She ran to the billboard and pushed the door open. She knocked loud on the latch hoping he'd hear her so she wouldn't have to surprise him. She knocked louder as the latch opened and Robbie poked his head out.
"What do you want, kid?" He asked
"Can I come in?" She bounced on her feet anxiously waiting.
He nodded and went back down. She climbed in after and closed the lid behind her.
When she got there he was cleaning up leftover plates there were a lot. He was rushing around so She looked at his lair. she hadn't been there before and it looked really nice. She noticed a cake nearby.
She walked over to a the counter looking at the large cake. It was pretty. It was a tall purple cake with white icing. She knew he liked sugary sweets and cake but she has no idea he could make such a pretty cake. Maybe she could make a cake with him one day.
"You can have a piece of you'd like." He walked up and joined her. She nodded and he grabbed two plates and forks. He cut two pieces and handed her the plate. He lead her to a counter and the sat down across from each other.
"Why have you been hiding in here?" She said taking a bite of cake.  
"You guys noticed?" He had a slight smile.
"Of course. We missed you and we were worried for you." She said.
His head dropped into his hands. She got up and moved into the seat beside him. He looked over at her an sighed.
"Are you trying to trick me?" She shook her head and smiled at hm. "I guess I thought wrong."
" what were you thinking? "
"I thought that you guys didn't want me around anymore. Now that you are are older and less gullible I can't really play with you now."
"You know we still play dress up games, we may know it's you but we could have a lot of fun. Maybe we could all bake a cake together, we could swimming, we can dance, we can take walks, we go camping. We can do all kinds of things with you."
They were silent for a minute. She held his hand tight and waited for him too say something.
"Can we really do all of that?" He asked. She saw his eyes were watery.
She nodded and jumped off the seat, "all that and more! When we finish our cake you want to come and play hopscotch with us? If not you can watch or something."
He didn't say a word. He leaned over and pulled her into a hug. He held her tight and she hugged him back. She felt him shake and she started to run his back sending him into a fit of tears.
"We all love you, robbie. Some of us don't say it but you should know everyone does."
"I love all of you brats, too." He pulled back and smiled his tears in a nearby rag. "Actually, I only love you all when you are quiet." She laughed with him and he realized just how needed he was.
They ate their cake while talking about the possible things they could do today. He had never been happier.
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lazytown-is-my-jam · 6 years
"Sometimes you just have to dance."
"So what did you guys think?" Stephanie asked the two villains on the bench in front of her.
She had just completed a dance she was going to show off tomorrow a Sportacus' party. Robbie and Glanni were sitting across watching her with a big smile. She pushed herself up off the ground and nervously waited for their reply.
"That was amazing! Did you come up with that yourself?" Glanni asked.
"Yeah." She had a big smile and she turned to Robbie who had a very large grin on his face.
"You did great, pink girl." She squealed and turn the music back on.
"I'm gonna practice all night and get this perfect." She announced.
true to her word she practiced for two hours with small breaks. Her smile never left her face. She occasionally joined them on the bench during water breaks and had a small conversation before jumping right back into her practices. Robbie couldn't believe her dedicated.
"I don't get why she has to practice for hours. Why can't she just relax and be lazy?" Robbie muttered to Glanni.
Glanni stood up walking up to Stephanie and quickly joined her. He made sure to be extra with all his moves. When Stephanie dropped down to her splits he dropped to the ground an struck a pose with his leg straight up in the air. He had a smirk on his face.
Robbie groaned hiding his face in his hands. "How on earth am I even related to you." Glanni laughed at his younger brother.
"You got incredibly lucky." Glanni stood up helping Stephanie to her feet.
"I wouldn't call it luck." When Robbie looked at the two Glanni was whispering so egging in her ear and she nodded. They both walked over grabbing his hands and pulling him up.
"Sometimes you just have to dance." Robbie sighed and joined in.
At first he wasn't very into it, he barely watching the two. He quickly got more confident and then he was almost as good as them except he couldn't strike a proper pose like the other two.
He would never admit it but all of them knew this was a good day. His first in a while.
I'm new to writing but I've always wanted to write for Lazytown. I know I'm not good but hopefully with feedback I can get better. Please tell me if I made mistakes.
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