ldcu-12humss1a · 3 years
The Good and the Bad: What can the future media provide to the next generation?
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The world in this present time is full of innovations and upgrades, most especially in our technologies as well as our media. As various trends arise and how the new media has skyrocketed over the past few years, some information now can easily be manipulated and changed just for the sake of entertainment or if not, just to mislead the public. The escalation of media and technology is truly helpful, mainly because we get our source of information and entertainment just with one click. However, we cannot deny the fact that there are some good and bad sides that are attached within its inevitability to provide news and enjoyment to other people. As present media literates, what do you think would the future media provide to the next generation?
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If we would visualize how the media would be like many years from now, there is a big possibility that we are going to have a paperless and all-digital media world. Entertainment, engagement, and communication will be more effective as it provides us with endless ways to connect with other people. Everything will be accessed online, and perhaps there would be artificial intelligence that could coexist with us. When you think about it, our jobs will be easier and faster and at the same time, every single piece of information that would pop up on our screens will be just like a snap of a finger. The future media will probably give us less hassle when it comes to working, and this is a good thing, but that is just the outer layer of what media will look like in the near future. We have lots of advantages with what the future media will provide since everything would surely elevate in the next generation. On the other hand, we have the inner layer that consists of the different pieces of information that will be going around the online world in the future. Will the quality of information still lead the way in the next generation or will it deteriorate the reliability of information?
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Media is created to inform and educate at the same time to give us a sense of leisure. However, the rise of media and digital platforms along with their associated risks have been acknowledged by academic and research institutions and they are warning about the potential effects of the internet on people's mental health. This is where the inner layer would surface and how the information would negatively impact the public if not carried well. The downside would begin if the media in the next generation will be full of toxicity, chaos, and lies. Where the spread of information cannot be easily relied on, where every bit of information is just for the trend, and where news, stories, and articles are not real and precise. Of course, we would not want to come to the point wherein news and other credible information are going to be overwhelmed with disinformation. The future media, if we would let it be, will be alarming since there would be a lot of misunderstandings that would occur if the spread of false information continues. Hence, we should know how our actions today define what the next generation’s future media will look like.
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The media is arguably the most convenient, influential and the largest tool as means of spreading information that should be maintained and not replaced with untrue and inaccurate information as it might result in issues that could lead harm to people. Misinformation has long been existing but is always called out by other people who are literate enough to know the real and false information. It might not be diminished completely in the future, but it can always be improved if we would only better ourselves when it comes to information and media literacy. In this kind of way, a literate society will be able to judge the content of information that is shared with the public and may eventually do something to raise awareness about this adversity that is happening in the media. The information environment should be a safe space for all of us to be informed and to believe in what it has to offer.
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In general, the future media might be good because of the change of media and technologies and everything will be easier than usual, but it has a bad side also wherein citizens will begin to question the information that is being spread online considering that the current generation has now started to identify false information yet not every one of us possesses having the skill of a media and information literate person. The quality and veracity of information online should not be behind the spread of unreliable information. As media and information literates in this generation, we should be instrumental in partaking in factual information and letting it prevail in the overall digital world. The information, entertainment, education, and social media websites that we involve ourselves in today’s generation, play a massive role in determining if the media is good or bad. As George Bernard Shaw said, “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” After all, we are the only ones that could change the future.
Why not change it for the better?
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ldcu-12humss1a · 3 years
Copy Right and Intellectual Property: How do I protect it as a Young Individual?
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Thoughts may be a dime a dozen, but a good idea can be worth so much more. This is why the copyright system, though a little flawed at times, can be so useful to many people around the world. Mostly for profit reasons, of course, but it’s nice to have a fairly famous work to be recognized as yours (so long as it is in fact, your creation and not plagiarized).
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Many people can benefit from adding copyrights to their work. Artists can call out tracers, game developers may spot blatant plagiarism trying to profit off their work, and so much more. And though it may sound quite intimidating and difficult at first, making your own copyrighted material is easy, so long as your ideas and concepts are original, and do not ‘take inspiration’ or appear as such to any established and famous works in circulation.
The Mouse, especially. But other companies do so as well, trying to shut down independent studios or even fan-works and parodies. Copyright isn’t perfect, but so is life, and you could still make do regardless.
So, to make your own copyrighted material, you may simply add watermarks or other such distinct methods of marking your work as property of yours truly. It may not stop the most determined thieves, but, provided your original work becomes famous enough, other people may come to help call out any plagiarisms that may come up now and then. And even if that wasn’t the case, you have evidence of your own to use against them—provided you have the proper records.
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Now that you’ve made your own distinct identity, it’s time to make your presence known. Find a fairly popular social media site, and advertise your work from there. It’s common for artists to do so on social media sites like Twitter, and plenty have made their claim to fame in such sites, and you’re no exception. It’s not going to be easy getting attention in such sites, however—many others have made their name in such places, and even narrowing your subject matter to specific genres may still warrant some competition for recognition. Competition is tough out there, but you could get lucky and strike gold, but that will not happen if you simply sit and twiddle your thumbs all day.
It is mentioned earlier, but do keep records. It will be painfully obvious to anyone that your work has been plagiarized simply by looking at the dates. The original will always be posted before its plagiarism, after all.
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Now that you’ve made your identity, and a brand. You’ve made your very own Copyrighted Material™! Now you’re well equipped to make your mark in the world, and hopefully, make a profit in the meanwhile. Good luck out there, you’ll need it!
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ldcu-12humss1a · 3 years
Unfolding the Bitter Truth: The Dark Side of Media and Technology
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Over the years, both media and technology have changed the standards of innovation that we as netizens are benefitting from. This allowed us to use, organize and spread information easily.  Many studies have generally found advances in media and technology through global television, video coding, film, technological advances, and entertainment, the media is the most powerful in amplifying globalization, promoting cross-cultural understanding, and spreading the flow of information between locations. However, regardless of these advances, there are also drawbacks that people are experiencing. Former Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya recently stated that he regrets that some of the tools he helped create "are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works." (Wong, 2017). This statement demonstrates how such characteristics that underpin media platforms` significant presence are now attempting to undermine the freedoms and well-being of the individuals in the community people utilize.
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Regardless of the benefits that social media offers, it is undeniable that social media has a "dark side" that poses a serious threat to people, communities, businesses, and even civilization as a whole. Concerns about cyberbullying, trolling, privacy, hoaxes, and addictive usage have been the major concerns. As a result, the significant harmful effects of social media, despite their many benefits, need to be investigated more closely and the most common drawback of the media is a health risk. In general, media use can be addictive. Therefore, excessive use of electronic devices and the Internet can lead to health problems. Constant viewing of television and internet binging can cause eye problems, and constant exposure to loud noises from the use of headphones and earphones can cause hearing loss and even hours of prolonged use of any technological products in fixed posture can cause musculoskeletal problems (World Health Organization, 2O14). Innovations have increased the use of the Internet and the technology of the Internet via desktops, mobile phones, and tablets. With the spread of social media, awareness of the associated health risks is increasing. The use of social media in adolescence continues to grow, and they may be unaware of what it conveys to them or its impact on their self-esteem.
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Excessive use of media and technology is associated with many negative thoughts, including loneliness, anxiety, and exacerbation of depression. The study “The impact of social media on young web users’ psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic progression” has focused on the negative impact of social media on teenagers’ emotional and mental responses and social media during this pandemic (Alisar Hudimova et. al 2021). Raising awareness about how to use media safely can help reduce this problem. But how can you overcome them and avoid them? How can you limit the use of the media platform to avoid these negative effects?
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Keep an eye out for your social media habits. Being conscious means being more aware of your habits. Many of our social media usages involve useless scrolling, so the best way to stay in control is to first recognize how to need of using social media. By understanding our patterns and the emotions associated with them, we can be more sensitive to counteract the negative effects. Ultimately, it is important to embody responsibility and self-discipline to combat possible risks and dangers online. They can simulate cases, seek advice on overcoming obstacles, and explain possible consequences of improper behavior and device abuse.
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ldcu-12humss1a · 3 years
Delivering News in the Present Age
As time progresses, innovations have been rapidly approaching. We cannot deny the fact that the things we were so accustomed to will eventually change as time passes by. News in the past only involved newspapers wherein if you have not had the chance to buy the printed media copy you then may not straight away have the privilege to access the latest news. In the present age, we now have the privilege of conveniently accessing news, which enables us to be more updated.
Being in the era where the internet is present, it has given people a chance to easily acquire answers to their questions by just a click on the search tab and visit credible news online outlets. Delivering news nowadays could be in form of oral or via the use of written works.
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There are distinct and numerous ways of conveying news to the people such as through the use of Television news, which enables the individual to relate to the news they are watching and have somewhat a connection, it enables the person to right away recognize the facts and necessary information he/she learned. Another way of delivering news is through the usage of the most prevalent outlet which is through online news publication for instance the utilizing of websites in disseminating information.
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Affirmative that in the present it has been also an advantage to most individuals to have access to news in a faster way, however, it cannot be denied that having many news outlets could lead to inaccuracy of information. Having the freedom of directly relating to news is also alarming since people could instantly publish the news on different platforms even if the news context isn’t that thoroughly examined. Upon the encounter with a certain article, the reader or audience should also be extra careful because if not, he will not be able to distinguish between fake news and real news. He then will be blinded by the misleading introductions and may be led to sharing news that is not reliable and valid. Therefore, despite being either the publisher or reader, we should be responsible and literate individuals.
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ldcu-12humss1a · 3 years
"Media Evolution and the Changing World"
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Have you ever wondered what your life would be like 10 years from now? Will the person you are today even matter tomorrow? Or have you ever taken a step back and reminisce about the old version of yourself?
We can all agree that at some point of our lives, we’ve witnessed ourselves evolved, sometimes for better, and hopefully not for worse. So, it is easy to say that we are surrounded by change. Nothing in this world is ever stagnant, therefore, just like the continuous change of the seasons, we are never really standing still in our lifetime. The people around us will change, circumstances, ideals, and even norms will be different in a blink of an eye. So, the challenge we are facing now is how media evolves in an everchanging world. How does this evolution affect the way we communicate and transfer information, is it more effective than the means of media before? How are we sure that the path we are taking now in terms of media will help us build a better future?
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I know these questions may seem confusing and even stressful, so it’s likely that most of us would avoid certain confrontations and assure to ourselves that we don’t have a say with the changing world, that whatever happens, happens. But remember, a question opens the mind, while a statement closes it. Hence, media evolution is a major component in this changing world, and YOU are, too.
We have to ask ourselves these important questions in order for us to make sense of the world around us. Even if we are aware of it or not, we are constantly faced with information, and that began even since we were little, from simple deeds like fetching the newspaper in the morning or turning on the radio, we were exposed to these experiences that help shape us. And not to mention with the rise of technology, media now comes in all forms and sizes. We now have access to the internet and different technology such as mobile phones, television, computers, and many more. So, whether that is with print or electronic means, information is just one click and read away. We can see just how much we’ve grown, from primitive times to our current generation, from going to the library to look for an article to simply typing it onto the internet, we are confident to say that we have advanced with the media, worldwide.
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We are now able to connect with one another and to have information be available to us in the palm of our hands. When getting information used to be so limited, to now it becoming limitless. Therefore, it is important to trace back its roots because we would have never had what we have today if we cannot appreciate what it had to go through yesterday. Even more so, we are responsible for our future, that’s why its extremely important to be well versed with our origins so that we can make tomorrow a better place.
We are part of tomorrow’s evolution. So, make today worthwhile. Yesterday was what shaped us, so let’s shape tomorrow.
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ldcu-12humss1a · 3 years
"On Becoming a Medium: Gen-Z Individuals as Modern Communicators"
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Generation Z are those who were born between the years 1997 and 2012.
On the rise of technological advancements, communication has been made the easiest over the past decades and similarly, media has also been the gateway to all means of information circling in the internet. Hence, generation Z kids have grown up living with these tremendous amounts of ubiquity spoon-fed to them. In order to fully understand how Gen-Z individuals represent the modern communication. We need to know the 3 co-existing elements that these individuals have.
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The Absurd
Philosopher Albert Camus defined The Absurd as the metaphysical tension between the consistent curiosity to find meaning in life and the realization that life could be or is meaningless. Gen-Z's are inquisitive, they have thirst to question authority, hence why Gen-z's are far more progressive compared to other generations.
Humor is by far the most obvious and most prominent element that Gen-Z's have. The absurdity of their humor makes everything funny, even the most nonsensical, no proper context and weirdest things.
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Language is different among Gen-Z's, it consists with colloquial and slangy terms. Talking to them may seem puzzling at first but in the long run you will get used to having conversations that sometimes only requires intuition.
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Perception is how we organize ideas from our sensory impressions that give meaning in our reality, according to Stephen Robbins (2004). Gen-Z's perception of reality is frankly arbitrary but also sensible, this does not discredit their viewpoints in life nor invalidate how they feel about it. Furthermore, when there are particular issues that circle around them, they are quick to find what side they should pick, how to scrutinize them and when to react to them.
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Humor, language and perception are what Gen-Z individuals possess. On becoming modern communicators in 21st century is a pain for pleasure a paradoxical reality that they live in, something to be proud of and something to be ashamed about. But it all comes down to making sense and utilizing all of it.
“From the moment absurdity is recognized, it becomes a passion, the most harrowing of all. But whether or not one can live with one's passions, whether or not one can accept their law, which is to burn the heart they simultaneously exalt - that is the whole question.” ― Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus (1942)
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