The Good and the Bad: What can the future media provide to the next generation?
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How does technology affect us in the future? Every generation is influenced by the technological advancements that occurred during their lifetime. The era of digital media will change, as tools develop, users express new expectations, and technology quality and accessibility increase. Technology is evolving at a rapid speed these days, and given the last century or so, it's not difficult to predict what the near future holds. People may now engage with their favorite companies, access new professional tools, and remain up to date on global happenings thanks to social media, which has developed from a platform to connect people. The rapid advancement of media has had a huge impact on our daily lives, affecting how we interact with one other, as well as getting more benefits and opportunities. It cannot be denied that social media has grown in popularity in today's society, but its impact on the next generation is particularly obvious. The next generation are much more exposed to current events and topics that influence their everyday life. As a result, they may be more motivated to get involved in their communities and make a difference. It can aid political transformation by disseminating information and mobilizing groups of like-minded individuals. They can improve relationships and strengthen lines of communication by being able to communicate instantly with friends not just in their immediate neighborhood but also those all over the world. They can even meet new people from different countries and cultures, broadening their understanding of other cultures. Even networking and job advancement can benefit from the future media. With all the great opportunities the media has offered us, there are also its negative effects on people. People's desire for attention on social media has grown as they portray themselves as a constructed version of themselves rather than their true selves. This results in receiving a lot of attention while also feeling lonelier and more isolated than before, resulting in a number of negative social media effects in their life. There are a lot of cases of cyberbullying that are going on right now and the future media that it will provide to the next generation will make it even worse. As media becomes more accessible, others will have easier access to personal information, which is extremely dangerous and could lead to cyberbullying. According to recent studies, the more people use social media, the more negative emotions, like depression, they experience. It has been suggested that increased social comparisons and a lack of social interaction caused by spending more time on social media are to blame for these unpleasant feelings and depression symptoms. As the world evolves, so does the generation. As time goes on, the media has become a medium for newer generations to communicate, socialize, find information, and so on. Future media may be able to provide much better opportunities and socialization to the next generation. The good news is that future media will be able to help the next generation's daily lives because, as we have seen in this generation, media is becoming a medium and a necessity in today's time, particularly in terms of communication. The disadvantage is that the next generation will be so self-sufficient in their use of future media that they will forget to do things practically. Online teens can improve friendships and strengthen channels of communication by being able to communicate instantaneously with pals not just in their immediate neighborhood but also those all over the world. They can even meet new people from different countries and cultures, broadening their cultural horizons.
References: https://www.be-utd.org/social_media_influence.html https://online.maryville.edu/blog/future-media/ h ttps://www.brainspire.com/blog/future-of-technology-how-its-shaping-our-next-generation https://www.be-utd.org/social_media_influence.html
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Copy Right and Intellectual Property: How do I protect it as a Young Individual?
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Do you share photos, play music online, or upload videos via social media platforms?
If that's the case, learn about copyright and intellectual property, as well as how and why it is important to protect this in this digital age.
A copyright is a legal property right that protects creative, original works that are fixed in a tangible medium of expression that may be viewed, reproduced, or communicated in any other way. Copyright is one of the many intellectual property rights and it is intended to prevent others from benefiting from your idea or creation unless you give them permission. Intellectual property refers to a set of intangible assets or any creation of the mind that is used in commerce. This includes inventions, literary or artistic works, names, and any visual elements such as images. Issues involving copyright really cause tons of pain to creative types. Lots of people who actually make original content have to go through lots of uneasiness when posting their original content on the internet. Here are some examples of copyright issues that people have to go through:
1. Plagiarism Plagiarism is one of the worst things that can happen to a content creator. Plagiarism happens when someone steals your ideas, writing, music, or other intellectual property and pretends that it’s theirs. This does mean that people can’t use your work but they are supposed to give full credit to you. This copyright issue happens to everyone and gladly actions can be done to prevent this from happening.
2. Ownership When creating content with multiple people, the question of who owns the content and how much of the content can they use may arise. Under the law of some countries, it is stated that the owner, manufacturer, or creator (which may not be the same person) can copy the work, create derivatives, rent, sell, lease, and publicly perform these works. Now, how owns the copyright of the work? If you are employed in a company, your employer usually owns the copyright. If you are a freelancer that works on commissions, you keep the copyright. However, the copyright can still be passed unto the purchaser depending on the legal agreement, which is why once agreeing to such contracts, you should always check and read closely over the clauses assigning copyright. 3. Website Copyright A website's fundamental design, as well as its contents, such as text, images, any audio or video, HTML and other markup code, lists of websites and connections, and any other creative material, are all copyrighted. Some websites strictly forbid deep linking on their homepage. So before linking sites, make sure to check their website if they have any problem when it comes to linking their website.
4. Creative Commons If you are a type of creator that wants to share their work on the internet, does not worry about payment, and wants to stay within the boundaries of the copyright law and get credit for your work, you might be interested in creative commons licenses. To decide the type of license you require, the Creative Commons website asks a few simple questions, such as whether you want to enable commercial usage or derivative works. The creator's credit is an important aspect of this style. 5. Length of Copyright People who use work and immediately use it since the work is old and was created about ten years or over, think it’s okay to do so. However, according to the law, this is not the case. There are different lengths of copyright for different media. Photographs usually go for 25 years and 50 years for film. This just means that if an older piece of work will be used without permission from the owner, that person can still be sued for breach of copyright. 6. Breach of Copyright Abroad Different countries have different laws when it comes to copyright. However, agreements are made such as the Universal Copyright Convention, or the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty, and the Berne convention which helps in enforcing a number of copyright laws.
7. Exceptions Very short items such as names, titles, brief phrases, or lists are not covered by copyright. However, if you want to copyright such items, you can use trademarks or patents.
The protection of the intellectual property is essential for supporting innovation. Businesses and young individuals would not realize the full benefits of their discoveries if ideas were not protected, and they would spend less time on research and development. Copyrights must also be safeguarded because they provide a minimal level of protection for authors' rights to their works. Because innovation is the key to progress, no civilized society can afford to disregard the fundamental need to foster it.
So how do I protect my intellectual property?
Companies can use intellectual property rights and registrations to secure their core management and R&D operations, as well as improve their bargaining position for cross-licensing and counterclaims. Intellectual property rights and registrations also allow a company to block competitive goods, discourage new entrants, and prepare the road for future market dominance through technological developments.
Here are the different ways to ensure security:
Make sure to apply trademarks, Patents, and copyrights. They are a form of intellectual property that safeguards creative artistic expressions or authorship works. A corporation's copyrights can be licensed for literature, artwork, drawings, or combinations of these objects.
Never stop innovating!
Plagiarism will be an issue in almost every industry. To some extent, this explains why creativity evolves at such a quick pace. If you have perpetual innovation loops, your competitors will never be able to catch up to you. That would necessitate your company sprinting like an Olympic athlete, lean and swift.
Arrange evidence while innovating
Rivals have also been known to hear about an idea through leaks and apply for a patent claiming it as their own. As a result, you'll have to show that you're the rightful owner right now. Maintaining a log of evidence that documents the evolution of intellectual property rights can help with this (for example, dated and signed copies of drawings and drafts).
Get the intellectual property infringers punished
Maintain patent and trademark security and enforce your rights by reporting infringement and punishing offenders as needed.
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"Unfolding the Bitter Truth: The Dark Side of Media and Technology"
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The world has changed because of digital technology. It is neither helpful nor dangerous by nature. The true consequences of technology are determined by how it is used. It has the ability to both inspire and catalyze change, as well as be utilized in ways that are harmful to society. In fact, technology has already become a fundamental part of our existence, and there is nothing we can do to eliminate it because it provides humanity with so much convenience. Today, we can observe a new relationship growing between humans and electronics. Without our trusty phones, computers, or tablets, it appears that most of us would be adrift in the world. The fundamental cause of this link is the progress of technology itself. The more technology advancements are created, the more we, as humans, are drawn to using them to make our lives easier. As a result, we are responsible for how much technology we are exposed to every day.
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As the internet has grown in popularity, it has become an integral part of most people's everyday lives, and they would be unable to function or conduct their daily business or activities without it. It's incredible that we can now communicate and even see someone across the nation with only a few mouse clicks or a tap on our phone. People will always discover methods to exploit technology and utilize it with the goal of committing crimes, converting a positive instrument into a negative one, as technology advances and progresses seemingly for the better… But It also has some drawbacks in terms of the parallel advancement of negative technology usage. Malware is a set of instructions that has the capability of causing harm to any computer system or network. As a result, detecting malware, particularly novel malware, is a critical problem in today’s software security field. Traditional signature-based detection works effectively against known harmful programs but fails to detect new ones that lack signatures. Furthermore, techniques like code polymorphism and metamorphism, which malware writers use to obscure code, are typically seen as ineffectual using this approach.
Another kind of danger on the internet is something we tend to look over and underestimate. It is usually everywhere and takes the form of something enticing. This danger is what we call information, or more specifically, misinformation, disinformation, and “Fake news”. These dangers usually take the form of something very attention-grabbing such as stories about celebrities or more recently, news about the current pandemic and vaccines. These dangers not only implant lies and confusion among the masses, but also gives the people distrust to the media and could also harm a person because of the false information such as discredited sciences, implanted in their minds. These dangers are very vast and are all over the place, which is why scholars are still currently understanding it- such as how and how much it moves and also why people do believe these things. A lot of actions are currently being made to lessen and hopefully eliminate these dangers on the internet. Schools are currently teaching their students about media information literacy to help the students to look out for these kinds of dangers on the internet. Webinars and seminars are held to spread awareness about these dangers on the internet. However, despite all of these actions made, a number of people all over the world still need to be taught about how to have awareness of these kinds of dangers on the internet.
So is the internet bad for humanity?
The internet is a gift to humanity, however, coming along with its rise was the dangers that came along with it. The internet was made to help us, but dangers rose along within it. That is why we should all be careful about whatever we see and click on the internet. These dangers come in different forms and they all are mostly very enticing and convincing. These dangers presented may not be completely eliminated but they can be avoided. Researches are still ongoing to eliminate these types of dangers on the internet. Despite all the wondrous things that the internet has given us, we are not safe- which is why our current best weapon to defend ourselves is to be cautious and be literate of these ongoing problems.
Digital technology has provided us with comforts and conveniences that were nearly impossible merely a generation ago. People have taken advantage of the vast opportunities and freedom that the media has offered everyone, resulting in misuse and misinformation. The influence of social media platforms has shaped public opinion which concerns people with the issues arising in the media. There were concerned issues about Cyberbulling and Internet pornography. There are also others who are concerned about their privacy when digital trails like phone calls, email messages, and other data they have inputted on the internet can be exploited.
References: https://epthinktank.eu/2019/02/18/how-the-internet-can-harm-us-and-what-can-we-do-about-it/
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"Delivering news in the present age"
Have you ever wondered how much greater it is that the delivery of news in the present age has been revolutionized? Before we go any further into the present age of news delivery, let us first understand the distinction between the past and the present in terms of news delivery. In the past, the news was delivered through word of mouth, which was later replaced by a written medium known as a newspaper. Using a newspaper allows the news to travel a much longer distance. On the other hand, news delivery in the present has been modernized, which simply means that news is now distributed through mass media.
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In the present age, the use of modern technologies and mass media has revolutionized the delivery of news. Because the old method of delivering news, such as the newspaper, is becoming obsolete and is being replaced in the modern age by articles on the internet, the emergence of modern technology makes the delivery of news much easier. Mass media can be print, radio, television, or Internet news, which makes finding news much easier than it used to be because their focus is much broader, though there are still some that are limited but sufficient to satisfy your interest. Some people still use printed media, such as newspapers, but only a small percentage of the population reads the news in newspapers. The majority of the population now listens to, watches and reads national and international news via radio, television, and the internet. However, in today's age of news delivery, accusations of mind control, bias, and poor quality have been leveled at the media on a regular basis. Fake news or accusations spread quickly on the internet, leaving the audience with uncertain information. This spread of misinformation can then cause chaos. Which is why in this modern age, people are thought to be aware and should be quick to spot misinformation or uncertain information when encountered. Gladly, with just one google search, sites can be found on how you can avoid these kinds of news.
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Overall, this rise of the media has been really great when it comes to the spread of information.What makes it great is that thanks to rapid technological developments, delivering news to the masses has become faster and more accessible. Nevertheless, despite all these good things that the rise of the media brings, it still poses great threats that could lead to quite some chaos. However, since the internet is still full of people with the full intention to help, a lot of sites can be accessed that could help us avoid being tricked by misinformation.
How did news get around the world before the invention of newspapers and other media? (n.d.). Quora. Retrieved September 23, 2021, from https://www.quora.com/How-did-news-get-around-the-world-before-the-invention-of-newspapers-and-other-media
Molly Campbell, Bay College. (n.d.). The evolution of the media | american government. Lumen Learning. Retrieved September 25, 2021, from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/atd-baycollege-americangovernment/chapter/the-evolution-of-the-media/
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The succession of vast innovations from the various human intellects has led us to this current situation. We live in this digital era, in which media is constantly developing where new technological advancements are all now made. It is where media is a means for us to communicate, and that it has served as a platform for people to express themselves, share information, raise awareness, and demand social change. The evolution of media has widely influenced the world as it is changing over time. The human mind is always on the lookout for ways to make life easier and more convenient for all. The evolution of media alters the world by assisting people in coping with modern societal needs as well as individual needs for our daily lives. Let’s take a trip down history and see how the media has progressed throughout the years and how it has affected us. The earliest form of information for the masses has been carved on stones, caves, and pillars. By then, it has always been required to pass important information down through generations as well as disseminate it to the general public. As time passed, people discovered the use of steam power, invented machine tools, established iron production, and began manufacturing a variety of products throughout the industrial age (including books through the printing press). Later then, the transistor was invented this period, ushering in the electronic era. The transistor radio, electronic circuits, and early computers were all created because of people harnessing the potential of transistors. During this time, long-distance communication has become more efficient. In the long run, the internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of social networks. With the invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and wearable technologies, people advanced the uses of microelectronics. Moreover, voice, image, sound, and data have been digitized. The information era is now upon us. The necessity for people to be informed and connected in a way that was beyond our capacity has led to the formation of mass media and its evolution. As time goes on, media will more likely improve and become more complex to manage. With the modernization of the world, we began to experience more adequate interventions to our difficulties in which society becomes increasingly reliant on various forms of media in certain aspects.
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📷 On becoming a Medium: Gen-Z Individuals as Modern Communicators.
Throughout the years, media took many different forms in catering to the need of humanity to express themselves and to inform others as a form of prevention of ignorance of the recent happenings amongst the masses. Along with the progression of media throughout the years, the generations that were progressing at those times as will become the ambassadors of their current medium of media. These people utilized their medium of communication to bring out their ideas and point of view to the issues and affairs surrounding them.
In today’s digital world, the internet is now our medium of communication and currently playing a huge part in our daily lives. We can welcome diversity in our community, including languages and culture, through media. It is advantageous to us since it connects us to people from many walks of life and this bridges the gap between all other individuals around the world. Also, with the advent of social media, the z-generation now has access to new and innovative ways of communicating and expressing their ideas and opinions. As a result, we must be more cautious because each individual has their own point of view.
As a part of Generation Z, we can say that we will be the ones to lead everyone in modern communication. We have a distinct communication style and are more social media experts than previous generations. The existing technological advancements enable us to adapt to diverse developments in our society. Since we are widely exposed to digital media and also have various preferences from the internet, this generation has easy access to ways of communicating. With this, we can be able to fully recognize each other's thoughts and ideas and it may also help us find great opportunities in various pathways we take. Overall, the evolution of media has a significant influence on how we (the Gen-Z) communicate with those around us.
Image Source: https://www.crushpixel.com/stock-vector/gen-z-communication-flat-concept-2235396.html
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