ldcu-12stem1g3mil · 3 years
The Good And The Bad: What Can The Future Media Provide To The Next Generation?
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The Influence Of Media On The Future Generation
Media shapes our ever-evolving generations, continuously. Through the course of years, it is evident that most people find it useful in different areas of their concern. Media covers all means of communication, which people exchange, share and receive information for education, leisure, and exploration. Have you observed the difference between our current generation to those younger than us? These changes are proof of how influential the media can be. The new generation that was once inactive is now in the limelight of adapting and learning quickly. The advancing technology has helped people live in a connected world where communication and interaction from long distances and different time zones are possible. Young individuals are more exposed, aware, and informed of the issues that affect society, relevant events, and happenings across the globe. Innovation will be the constant equation considering the future of media. The future generation will wholly rely on media, making an immense impact on their lifestyles.
The Digital-Driven Development: Impact Of Pros And Cons
Nearly every element of modern life has been altered by digital technology. Travel, work, retail, entertainment, and communications are just a few of the domains that have seen a significant transformation in recent decades. It's becoming increasingly difficult to come across an electronic device or piece of machinery that doesn't use digital technology in some way. But what does it take to have a Digital-Driven Development
Society enjoys the benefits of digital transformation:
Social connectivity. Even if you are on the other side of the planet, digital technology allows you to stay in touch with friends, family, and work remotely.
Versatile working. The nature of work has changed as a result of technological advancements. As remote working grows more widespread, increased connectivity possibilities mean that many people now have significantly more opportunities to work from home.
Learning opportunities. Anyone with an internet connection now has access to a large percentage of the world's knowledge. Virtually delivered lessons and courses are now possible.
Automation. Machines are becoming increasingly intelligent as a result of digital technology. In some circumstances, people are no longer required to operate the machines, freeing staff to focus on more fascinating duties. In other circumstances, smarter machines imply higher safety standards or a better user experience.
Transportation. Many trains and planes already use digital technology to some extent. In the not-too-distant future, road vehicles such as cars and trucks will be totally automated.
Of course, a Digital-driven Development also has its downsides:
Data security. It is a major worry in today's digital environment. Because of digital technology, a massive amount of data (text, photos, and videos) is captured and stored. This information could belong to people or businesses who are at risk of identity theft.
Work overload. Daily, a considerable amount of data must be captured and processed, necessitating increased attention and concentration, resulting in distress and isolation.
Plagiarism and Copyright. The enforcement of copyright laws is difficult to achieve since the amount of information available on the internet is large, and tracking every piece of data is growing more difficult.
Diminishing job opportunities. Certain forms of work are now done by automated machines, but they were previously done by humans. More digital technology is being used in the workplace, which is lowering the chances of landing a job.
Social Isolation. They sometimes experience ambiguity and doubt as a result of their internet interactions. According to studies, many people suffer from depression and other mental illnesses as a result of a lack of real-life contact.
The Generation Alpha: Into The Ubiquitous Universe
The advances in technology that humanity has made throughout the twenty-first century are reshaping the earth and its inhabitants in both social and economic dimensions. New technologies define our pace of life and, to a certain extent, affect our personalities. Generation Alpha, the generation that will succeed Generation Z, is the ambition of this trend, as seen by the fact that they live through screens. Generation Alpha defines those who were born in 2010 who have fully developed in the digital world. The birth of Gen Alphas is just like the first iPad by Apple. Generation Alpha individuals rely on technology to help them discover the world. As a result, unlike past generations, they are less reliant on physical interaction with their peers. According to the Wired Consulting study Understanding Generation Alpha, "as technology advances, artificial intelligence or voice will become increasingly common methods of communication between humans and machines, as keyboards and screens give way to gesture-based interfaces and conversations between devices and humans."
Some factors shape the future of this generation:
Mobile devices. Smartphones and tablets directly shape Generation Alpha. According to studies, the population of young children owning devices is steadily growing among other different devices like tablets, ipads, computers, etc.
Virtual assistance. Data processing algorithms are a highly targeted habit market of this generation. Virtual assistants will not only be their guide but also be their literal caregivers of work. Since this generation is technological-driven, everything they do will be done with virtual help. The rise of such assistants like Alexa and Siri enables users to
Toys and other accessories. Toys with artificial intelligence that are perceived as pleasant and dependable broaden children's perceptions of what technology can achieve for them. As a result, wearables such as smartwatches or smart bands will become a part of their daily life in the future.
Digital transformation benefits businesses and other developments across industries by allowing them to upgrade legacy processes, expedite efficient workflows, boost security, and increase profitability.
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ldcu-12stem1g3mil · 3 years
Copyright And Intellectual Property: How Do I Protect It As A Young Individual?
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What Are Copyright And Intellectual Property?
Whether he or she is a new YouTube vlogger or a local musician who composes their own music, all artists should be aware of how copyright, public domain, and fair use affect their work. Intellectual Property, or IP, is a term that refers to something that a person has either conceived about or created. Designs, methods, songs, logos, discoveries, and even symbols are all instances of intellectual property. Intellectual property is a legal technique of safeguarding them. It has sparked creativity in people from all walks of life. After all, what good is having a good concept if it can be taken by anyone? This affects everyone, not just huge firms like McDonald’s, Pepsi, and other well-known brands around the world. If one has a great idea or produces something, they'll undoubtedly want to protect it. Unfortunately, rather than relying on a single, simple law, IP protection is divided into four distinct rights. One of them is Copyright. Copyright is a built-in right that does not require registration. It exists whenever someone makes an original work that requires some level of talent or judgment. Copyright, to put it another way, is the right to prevent others from copying, performing, using, or selling one's creative work. It can be found in a wide range of work products. Copyrighted software, in one's code, is unquestionably possible. Music, movies, literature, and works of art, for example, can all be copyrighted.
Current Issues On The Copyright Law
People constantly yearn to express our views and opinions to the world, as they adhere to the basic human right to free expression. It has become a habit to share a piece of ourselves with the world thanks to social media and the internet. It is a human virtual persona that is always looking to create, cultivate, and collect. The Philippines' Copyright Law establishes guidelines and standards for content creation, production, and distribution. The government has passed the Freedom of Information Act in order to demonstrate their transparency and accountability in their responsibilities to the public. The private sector is increasingly relying on new digital technologies like the internet to connect and communicate their knowledge and ideas to a larger audience. Although there are many advantages to media and information, there are also some disadvantages. The ease with which original content can be uploaded to the internet and how easily it can be accessed to culprits. Plagiarism and piracy are some few known examples that current copyright laws put to the test. Plagiarism and piracy are two different types of copyright infringement. Plagiarism is defined as the use of another person's words or ideas without their permission or acknowledgement, whereas piracy is defined as the large-scale reproduction of entire books, whether in print or electronic form, to replace legitimate copies. Plagiarism is a term with a long history, and it is still used to describe copyright infringement in today's world. Piracy, on the other hand, takes precedence over copyright and moral rights, and it can be applied as broadly or as narrowly as the situation requires.
Ways To Protect One’s Intellectual Property
Intellectual property (IP) is a classified representation of intangible objects including copyrights, patents, trademarks, and ideas. According to intellectual property law, these intangible services should be afforded the same legal protection as tangible property. In a summary, it refers to the simple ownership of one's ideas. Intellectual property rights are the rights to everything you make as an outcome of your original ideas. If your ideas and inventions have monetary worth, you should secure your intellectual property. Intellectual property protection is intended to prohibit others from benefiting from your idea or product unless they first get your consent.
The 4 primary methods for protecting intellectual property are:
Copyrights: Copyright is accessible for both written and creative creations. This includes fiction and nonfiction literary works, paintings and drawings, sculptures, musical scores and recordings, video recordings, computer code, emails you send, and dance choreography. Copyright prohibits people from copying or duplicating your work without your permission. If someone uses your work unlawfully, you can file a lawsuit against the infringing party. The term of copyright protection is the creator's lifetime plus 70 years.
Trademarks: A trademark is a term, phrase, picture, logo, or combination of these that identifies the source of products. In short, it is the mark that distinguishes a corporation. A service mark is used when services are sold instead of commodities. Trademarks and service marks are also referred to as trade names at times. A trademark, like copyright, is not necessary to be registered. To enforce your trademark in court, however, you must demonstrate that you were the first to use it and that you have used it publicly and regularly in marketing your goods or services.
Patents: Inventions can be protected by a patent. The most obvious example is the new machine, but patents can also exist for new materials, new processes, or novel combinations or changes of existing inventions.
Trade Secrets: Keeping a trade secret is the least secure method of preserving intellectual property, yet it does work occasionally. The key concept here is the word "secret." It simply means that your creation cannot be easily figured out by others, and you can retain control over its economic value as long as you don't tell anyone the details. If you file for a patent, you will be required to disclose the details of your invention during the application process, and it will no longer be a secret. Similarly, if you register computer code as copyright, you will also be required to publicly disclose it.
Final Remarks:
It is an individual's right to have free speech, finding, receiving, and transmitting information, beliefs, ideas, and opinions in which everyone goes through every day. Technology bridges the gap in making the delivery and spread of people's ideas easy and possible. As one of its perks also comes with drawbacks, as issues involving plagiarism and piracy are taking a toll on the original creators. Copyright laws provide the benefit of protection safeguarding the value of the creator's original works from unlicensed and uncredited use, allowing them to work freely, gain acknowledgment, and save their living.
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ldcu-12stem1g3mil · 3 years
Unfolding The Bitter Truth: The Dark Side Of Media And Technology
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The Media, Persuasion, And Propaganda
Media is saturated with persuasive advertising and egocentric ideologies delivering confusions and distractions to readers or audiences. Commonly used tool, to begin, as a medium for propaganda. Propaganda is a technique of persuasion that is commonly adopted in the media to promote a particular agenda, such as a personal, political, or business purpose, by inducing an emotional or psychological response from the viewers. Propaganda approach persuasion intentionally misleads or exploits people's beliefs, values, and attitudes for self-profit. But why the media? Mass media is public and is reliable for spreading information, entertaining the public, and building social interaction. Beyond what is persuasion, communication is vital in delivering a message. Media is a tool that is effective in delivering information (1) great communication leads to mass attraction and (2) great communication educates, or controls. The era of information plays a crucial game for the media to become the medium of propaganda. Social media shares a fact because of its wild utilization throughout the world. A simple short inspiring quote moves a person to become inspired, while the abomination of humans affects the views of a person to their society. This is where different organizations utilize the media. Facilities for news collecting, publishing, broadcasting, holding meetings, and delivering speeches all over the world. Almost everyone's mind is blasted with far more media symbols and messages on a daily basis than the ordinary human can properly process. The modern world is overrun with all kinds of symbols, a variety of activities, news and publishing, and religious works that may become the bridge for propaganda and persuasive outlines spread in the media. Every tool becomes a source, every tool is meant for propaganda.
The Option Of Partisan And Independent Media
Are the news media politically biased? The question is simple to pose but surprisingly difficult to answer. Scholars, journalists, and individuals have long been concerned about Partisan bias in the news and media platforms. Study shows that audiences who consume Partisan media have less accurate beliefs about a wide range of politically charged topics than those who consume Independent media. Positive feelings toward members of the political ingroup and negative feelings toward members of the outgroup are promoted by Partisan media exposure. Thus, leading people to believe falsehoods that benefit the party.
Independence is a central normative principle in media policy and journalism. Independent media allows governments to be more accountable, especially when it comes to social accountability in service delivery. It does so by examining the impact of independent media production and use on healthcare and education service delivery, as well as democracy, in developing countries. It is also a controversial term that carries different meanings and connotations. Safety is a challenge every journalist conquers in the journey of their profession. Independent media became a center for partisan attacks when reality and truth hurt. Threatening censorship for its alleged biased delivery. However, no media outlet can truly claim to be completely independent, it's easy to dismiss the concept of media independence as unattainable. Media independence isn't a concept with a universal definition. Instead, it can denote a wide range of ideals, many of which are incompatible. Ideals that truth and accountability are never neutral but to be asserted. The ability of Partisan media to polarize is well documented, and there are numerous ways in which conflict toward political opponents can encourage the acceptance of false beliefs. It's crucial to make good decisions if you have accurate beliefs about important issues. There is plenty of evidence that the news media influences people's perceptions of political reality. Individuals' ability to gather accurate evidence and use it to form well-informed beliefs is a crucial step in political learning and learning because it tends to increase awareness and understanding. Critical Media Literacy is not an option but an essential skill everyone should possess.
Media Education And Literacy
There is no doubt that people, particularly children, learn from everything they see, hear, and experience in the media. When talking about media, this refers to how people communicate all around the globe. Whether it is done through televisions, apps, the internet, video games, magazines, news sites, radios, social media, and much more. The public's trust in the media has eroded dramatically in recent years, considering the fact that the media plays an important role in democracy. But, do digital users fully understand the impact of the media they engage with on everyone in society? The key is Media Education and Literacy! They are practices that enable individuals to access, critically assess, produce or influence media. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to Media Literacy. Media Literacy and Education aim to raise awareness of media influence and encourage people to take an active role in both consuming and producing media. To keep up with the flood of information in our lives, users must learn to analyze media sources; users must become media literate. It is not difficult, but it is our obligation as individuals to examine the information audiences consume and disseminate with a critical eye. After all, inadequate information has the potential to wreck people's lives, and everyone has a responsibility to combat it where users see it.
The twenty-first century is a difficult period to become media and digitally educated. Inadequate information has the potential to damage lives, and we all have a responsibility to combat it whenever we see it. The majority of research has focused on the "positive side" of media and technology, with the goal of understanding and assisting in exploiting the numerous possibilities given by its use. As the world's primary means of communication is an inseparable combination of media and technology, it also has a dark side. The current global misinformation and "information overload" as well as waves of cyberbullying, addictive use, trolling, online witch hunts, fake news, and privacy violations, indicated the need for a fresh solution to this problem. An influential function of what media possesses is how it effectively brings information across the globe rapidly. Media usage is broadly visible in this new era which would also cause harm and take advantage of people's ignorance. Media becomes an instrument in employing misleading content, information, and misconceptions that target the audiences for self-interest. Education and media provide great opportunities as a catalyst for change in society. It paves the way for developing critical thinking, an underpinning philosophy, which enables people to be wise, raise awareness, and be responsible media users. Truth sides no one. Thus, being a media literate individual is a key step towards unfolding and knowing the better and only truth.
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ldcu-12stem1g3mil · 3 years
Delivering News In The Present Age
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Information Literacy Is Critical Thinking
You awoke today to your sister's deep exaggerated lament, declaring that the Philippines and Venezuela are the only countries that have yet to start face-to-face classes. Humans are naturally intrigued about any knowledge or news they receive. As a result, some people conduct further research by viewing news reports on television or listening to radio broadcasts, as well as reading news articles about the topic. Why delve deep into these news reports when you might ask a neighbor or a friend who is active on social media? The aforementioned is because reporting news involves locating all essential information, selecting and presenting the most critical data, and weaving a comprehensible story. News reporting takes a significant amount of effort, which involves professionalism that requires knowledge, energy, and patience; therefore, the result is far more accurate and truthful information. News reporting in the changing of time has something to do with the evolution of technology. Journalists can now communicate with their audience 24 hours a day thanks to the internet. This accessibility also allows audiences to provide feedback or contribute to media material at any moment during the day, allowing information to flow freely. Other than those, the internet has also caused numerous news reporting to become faster, sloppier, and more blow-by-blow-oriented than it used to be. News information has relatively changed over the years, such as how people gain and share information. From getting daily morning newspapers to using social media for looking into the news, people spend hours each day browsing and receiving various information online.
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Malinformation, Misinformation, And Disinformation
Malinformation, Misinformation, and Disinformation are the three forms of information disorder. Malinformation refers to the dissemination of personal information that was intended to cause harm and trouble. They have not fabricated information but instead are based on reality or factual information. Examples of malinformation are blackmailing, leaking out personal photos, and ransomware. Misinformation, on the other hand, refers to unexpected mistakes like inaccuracy of the photo captions, dates, statistics, translations, or when lampoons are taken seriously. Although it is unintentional mistakes, they could cause harm if passed on to other people. Disinformation refers to the contents and messages that are purposely altered and interpreted. This form of information disorder is made deliberately and maliciously to disrupt an individual, social group, or country. Particular examples of disinformation are fake news, propaganda, tampering with evidence, and historical revisionism. Is it really the end of the world when we encounter or experience this altering of factual information? If not then what should we do? Reading is very essential especially in this generation when fake news is deliberately created. Readers should look for reliable sources of information like legitimate and credible news outlets and read this information comprehensively. But sometimes, a reader's bias can often make it difficult to distinguish high-quality news from bad news. News should not be dismissed just because we do not want to believe it. Readers should disregard news after conducting their own fact-checking. If you feel like it sounds wrong, then fact-check it. If there are no sources mentioned, then find sources to back it up or to debunk it. Do not disregard your curiosity because even if it was shared a couple of times doesn’t mean that it is true and factual.
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The Future Of Truth And False Information
May it be the truth or false truth, the future of delivering news plays a crucial factor online. Experts are now looking ahead to the possibilities of reducing false or misleading narrative news online. The spread of misinformation news challenges publishers to produce the right information due also to the presence of bots that violently scheming the systems. Amidst these, experts are trying to improve the information environment in delivering news. Citing an example by digits like 10 years, the balancing of the information environment will be improved by changing and reducing the spread of lies online. But considering the nature of humans, the chance to improve information is still at the edge.
An Ecosystem That Roots The Deepest Human Instincts:
The tool advantage of humans is their instincts of survival--- will progress to degrade the online information environment. Through manipulation, people may use this to decode truth to lie taking advantage of the weakness of the same species.
Fast Pacing Technology Along With Fake Information:
The manipulation of false information to vulnerable audiences may not be the only source that spread immediately, the pace of technology adds to the widespread of false information. The more technology becomes, the falser information also becomes. These mountains of false information result in people relying on scams and manipulation. This may also force them to give up their personal information.
Technology Is Not The Answer To Fix The Problem Of False Information
Even though the rising speed efficiency of the internet, apps, and platforms, it cannot be denied the fact that it cannot solve the spread of false information and scam data. Rather, these things also contribute to the problem.
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News reporting in the changing of time is seen determined as the advent of technology progresses exponentially. As methods and style of communication of news evolve, a critical mindset of each individual should be as well. In the period of the Information age, communication has become accessible for everyone; information is at the grasp of every fingertip. While it is crucial and significant to be well-informed about the happenings in our society, validating the news is necessary whether it provides correct and reliable information or manipulated and fabricated disinformation. It is crucial and wise to fact-check, debunk, and validate sources before sharing. Combating and distinguishing false information is crucial not only to determine the factual information but the truth. While the objective of journalism is to disseminate factual, truthful, and credible content, it is also the objective of the audience to be critical in understanding, analyzing, and interpreting the given report. The existence of social media means everyone can report and discuss content; it is to note that everyone can be a journalist, but not everyone suits to be a journalist. Journalism isn't only limited to academic professionalism but to affirms ethical and morally acceptable practices. As the generation continues to progress forward, combating false information continues. As more news continues to soar, the battle for truth and justice never expires.
Kavanagh, K. et al. (2019). News in a digital age comparing the presentation of news information over time and across media platforms. Retrieved from https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2960.html
Staats, B. (2021). Misinformation, disinformation, malinformation: What's the difference?. Retrieved from https://minitex.umn.edu/news/elibrary-minnesota/2021-02/misinformation-disinformation-malinformation-whats-difference
Kujawski, M. (2019). Misinformation vs. disinformation vs. malinformation. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@mikekujawski/misinformation-vs-disinformation-vs-mal-information-a2b741410736
Pew Research Center. (2017). The future of truth and misinformation online. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2017/10/19/the-future-of-truth-and-misinformation-online/
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ldcu-12stem1g3mil · 3 years
Media Evolution And The Changing World
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Media Is Changing The World Through Technology
Technology connects people's abilities, knowledge, processes, techniques, and tools to solve issues and make their lives safer and more manageable. Technology is necessary today because it is propelling the world forward and improving it. In the 21st century, people are bound with technology in their daily lives. The ever-growing capability of different countries in their businesses and industries depends on technology for innovation that facilitates production and works for them. Technology has certainly given everyone ease, reducing a large equivalent amount of work to a minute easy task. Roombas, a robotic vacuum cleaner that cleans a whole level of one home in one cleaning, serving households who have no time to multitask. 
The development of the internet has granted people innumerable access to information and more ways to make our modern lifestyle convenient. As an essential medium for interaction and communication, it connects people from across the globe with just one click away. It has made possibilities for easy and immediate processes, transactions, or further innovations. Progressive as it is, the changes brought today would help the current generation advance towards the future. 
The evolution of technology is a stepping stone of society towards progress. It is through development that humanity can move quicker, speak louder, and see farther. Making it easier to meet our basic survival needs: construction technology, manufacturing technology, medical technology, agricultural technology, and transportation technology; everything has improved people's lives, they employ technologies as instruments to assist us in attaining a goal.
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The Innovation Of Technologies
In the early 2000s, humanity used cans with strings attached to each to transmit sound that converts to a conversation, making it their form of communication. The evolution of technology enables the world to wirelessly connect with somebody using innovative new technological devices such as phones and computers. For several centuries, humanity’s form of communication developed through different mediums. Technology directly affects the source of delivery and information for the past decades. Changing primitive painting, write down a paper in the Pre-industrial Period to digital data sending. The digitized concept allows multiple branches to gain information using just a tap on a finger. That makes the present generation become the media and information literate as part of the competence separates from other ages.
Different ages ago contributed to the long run of the evolution of traditional media to modern media. Cave painting was a way of telling whether a cave was safe to shelter or plant, or animals were fit for hunting and consumption in the first age. Until the progressing evolution of humanity, the Pre-Industrial age discovered papyrus paper as a form of writing log. After that discovery, many countries have started applying the invention on their own and made different versions.
The start of paper signals the next step of evolution by binding and stacking papers resulting in multiple information data stored in one matter. The Industrial age is the era of the printing press that provides the mass production of books, newspapers, and other printed materials. Along with the invention of telegraphs and telephones as a way of distant communication medium, the printing press took away people’s confusions in analyzing and understanding handwritten text to print clean forward communication for a faster and efficient manner. Transistors started the era of electronic computing. The invention from the Electronic age allows electronic components to create the early computer, the radio, and television. The Electronic age enables plenty of audiences to receive bundles of data in just a singular source medium. 
The Modern age is characterized as the age of internet babies, the Information age. How the Information age is different from other ages is the ability to pass information and quick response to communication. Everyone has the capabilities to gain and transfer information in just a second. The traditional media performs the same objectives as the new age media; however, the ability of this age to convert large amounts of data transferred is much easier. Electronic devices such as phones and computers are improved to advance interfaces. The use of social media is the foremost trend of this age as it allows people to connect with people. 
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The Role Of Media In The Changing World
Media has been part of everyone’s lives, and it directly affects the lifestyle of anyone who is engaging in it. The growth of mainstream media allows the sharing of information to shape different areas in society. The importance of media is not only limited to communication. Furthermore, to be the platform to spread the truth and advocate for change. It gives people the ability to receive information, analyze data, and draw conclusions. Some points expressed the power of media:;
Allows People To Be Aware Of Reality
When used appropriately, the media will be an eye-opener to the people, real-time awareness of what's happening in the world. But, be careful of what is read and seen in the media. Not all information shown on the internet and TV screens is the 'reality.' Some stories are twisted, fabricated, and manipulated. So, it is imperative to do proper research about the information received from, for instance, mere posts on social media to (1) not be ignorant, (2) not be deceived, (3) know where to stand, (4) seek only for the truth.
Raises Awareness
The media is used as a platform to raise awareness as its capacity to disseminate information can reach people globally. Numbers of people are given a chance to raise awareness and an opportunity to be aware, allowing a different perspective to enter and a whole new social and cultural change to adapt and explore.
Educate People
One of the most important roles of media is to educate people in society. It allows people to know their rights and duties. Through different shared thoughts and opinions, both in social and cultural contexts, the ideas will enable others to understand, educate, and use the advantage to further present ideas.
Allows People To Voice Out Issues In Society
Media shapes society. It informs people of the events happening across the globe. Issues such as discrimination, gender inequality, political scandals, and war have been raised in social media. When these issues are in place, it allows people to share their thoughts and necessary steps to break down and discuss these issues and possible solutions.
Promotes Change
Media is an instrument for change in society. The power of the media holds a prominent influence on the masses, the capability to change people’s perspective on certainties which concern the public. Through media, people of all groups can obtain information, engage and seek more knowledge for better understanding, allowing them to act and make better decisions for the growth of society. It serves a significant role in different fields that allows each to explore opportunities and truth for improvement.
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Years and years have passed, yet technology never vanished. Instead, it grew. The evolution of technology also affects the media, affecting the lives of humanity as time goes by. Its advancement has changed people's way of living, from the Tribal age up to the current era, in which humanity has been gaining an advantage. Innovations shaped the media into much easier access, building a more advanced society and a changing world.
The spread of mainstream media has allowed information to shape several aspects of society. The role of the media is not just to communicate but also to serve as a platform for change. It enables humans to take in information, analyze facts, and draw conclusions. It allows people to be part of something they can make into action. Evolution has been part of the cycle, in civilization or the course of technological and mechanical innovation. The innovation of technologies shapes the present age to its exceptional stage of media, technology that foresees future innovations in information. In the forthcoming years, people may expect to experience communication via eyeglasses, phone calls, or sharable knowledge through microdevices. The media's relevance to society is persisting to grow more as time continues to move forward. It brings connection to people from various backgrounds, from different places, and the availability of resources on the web is prevalent. Simple it may seem, as a member of the digital community, individuals are liable for everything they share online. Thus, disseminating credible information is a responsibility that people should uphold.
Slidingmotion. (N.D.) Why technology is important?. Retrieved from https://slidingmotion.com/why-technology-is-important/
Impoff. (2020). Importance of media in different aspects of life. Retrieved from https://impoff.com/importance-of-media/
Almerja. (2018). Importance of Media. Retrieved from https://almerja.com/en/more.php?pid=525
Quipper. (2018). Unit 2: The evolution of traditional to new media. Retrieved from https://d14fikpiqfsi71.cloudfront.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTgvMDUvMzAvMTkvNDcvNTIvZTQ4Y2FmZmItMjBlYi00NDA4LTkxZGEtZjExN2Y5NDZmNzkxL1VuaXQlMjAyX1RoZSUyMEV2b2x1dGlvbiUyMG9mJTIwVHJhZGl0aW9uYWwlMjB0byUyME5ldyUyME1lZGlhLnBkZiJdXQ.pdf?sha=b9b84f16dbd7bae7
Peace and Democratic Society. (N.D.) The role of the media and communication. Retrieved from https://books.openbookpublishers.com/10.11647/obp.0014/chap06.html
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ldcu-12stem1g3mil · 3 years
On Becoming A Medium: Gen-Z Individuals As Modern Communicators
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Greater Communication Leads To A Greater Generation
Communication establishes relationships that make organized possibilities. Throughout different ages, communication in their unique ways is used to pass down information, both verbal and non-verbal means. Of the cave paintings of the Prehistoric Era, down to Classical arts of the Renaissance. The works of messenger and the impact of gossip of the Medieval Era. The establishment of postal networks and telephones of the Early Modern Era, until now to the Present Modern period of Internet and Online technology, the introduction of the Modernized Communication Era. The generation, also known as digital natives or digitally literate, can grow up and adapt to the internet and portable digital technologies at a young age. The evolution of communication depicts how messages and ideas were undertone or significantly conveyed. Every thought uttered has purposes or objectives to reach. There is always a reason when communicating a message to another. It may be to inform, entertain, or persuade them. Whether your purpose is intended to be good, misunderstandings happen too, so it is wise to deliver the message with utmost clarity and precision.
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The Power Of Communication
Activism is one way to fight for a more equitable social system that can benefit everyone. It gives the voice from the voiceless and amplifies the voice from the suppressed. Activism is a movement that gives the power to communicate the struggles over life and helps overcome feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Evident reports show substantial and manifest studies on how Gen-Z has changed activism: from political towards environmental. Without the power of communication, none of the calls of people will be heard and addressed. In democratic countries, freedom of expression and speech is inscribed to seek and adhere to the needs of the people in these dynamic societies.
Generations and generations have passed, yet, taboos and social issues are nevertheless at the bottom focus. Philippine culture obliges their children to follow their parents or any elderly advice because they believe voicing out is a form of disrespect and stepping out before them, fearing the youth turning against them. These are one of the reasons why Gen-Zers are more vocal about their opinions and asserting their rights. They seek social justice amidst the repercussions, subjects preventing the youth from voicing them out as they are still young to seek a voice.
While activism requires collective communication, the aspect of leadership requires another greater responsibility. While a good leader holds the vision of the group, a more prominent leader empowers individuals through effective and accurate communication by building together their strongholds to efficiently perform the group's objective. Achieving success and target objectives requires a powerful and convincing communicator. Communication enables leaders and members to share what they have and what they expect from others.
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Social Media: Rethinking Communication Works
While every new generation had its share of technological, economic, political, and social differences, no other period in human history could connect people around the planet, allowing individuals to be fully engaged in various relevant topics. As modern communicators, social media is a commonly used and helpful medium of communication and information library. These are advantageous in functionalities that let everyone be able to connect, learn, and communicate with others globally with limited to no difficulties. However, using Social media weighs huge responsibilities and accountabilities as such expression on a large platform like social media should be assessed first. As defined, communication is a two-way transmission: One speaks, then the other listens, and vice versa. Encountering opposing and similar ideas is part of human difference; thus, it is wise to respect those varieties and learn from each other. Learn how to take and give constructive criticisms. 
However, what is not meant to be harmful will become toxic if used inappropriately. Social media means bridging the gap of ignorance and satisfies what the generation wants and needs. There are tons of web pages that publish misleading information that is intended to be lampoon or satirical. Even if the purpose is comical, false and twisted stories will always produce confusion, misunderstanding, and turmoil between readers. Some people of Gen-Z use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to express their emotions, particularly hatred. Crying personal and public opinions and problems are often thought not to be bothered. However, in truth, audiences that engages the hatred sentiments online would impact them subtly or significantly. Although everyone has the right to think and act the way they want, always remember that freedom has limitations. A misguided idea could lead to dangerous ideas. Before putting thoughts and words online, consider the following: Will it have a beneficial outcome? Will it be sensitive and might offend anyone? Is it even appropriate for me to share such thoughts? Is it necessary?
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It is not enough to know and navigate technology; practice awareness and be responsible enough to put it to good use. As modern communicators, effective spotting and dissemination of factual and truthful information is the objective that will help generations to grow and prosper forward. If disinformation can spread in a matter of seconds, then so can the truth, justice, and factual information. Let Gen-Z be the role model of today's medium to a better and truthful society.
Greater communication leads to a greater generation. In the age of Information, ignorance became a choice. Let not history blind the upcoming generation. Practicing self-research and critical thinking is worthwhile and let knowledge be your weapon. While the world is still progressing forward, the present technologies and trained knowledge will evolve and multiply its degree to a more comprehensive cost. Moreover, the transmission of communication may develop into more complexities. Thus, learning to be responsible users must be practiced now for future generations to succeed. The more communication is used in the right way, the better the result reflects its present period; thus, affecting the future positively. The significant goal of communication is to cultivate truth, justice, and facts, and a sense of connections in the medium of communication.
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