ldcu-12stem2group5 · 3 years
The Good and The Bad: What can future media provide to the next generation?
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According to studies, Media is not going anywhere, knowing that communication has been more diverse than ever, whether it’s personal discussions from friends, family to large brands discussions and many more. The mainstream introduction of Media back in the 1990s brought new and exciting features, including digital media that allows users to share messages more quickly and across greater distances. These advancements in the world of media paved the way for digital media to have a greater impact and major influence when it comes to businesses, relationships, and even traditional communication professions.
As we continue to grow with the world of media and its innovations, so does the next generation's vulnerability to opportunities and danger.
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 Knowing that media in this present age is open, and by open means easy access and fewer limitations, this then results in the bad and good things that the future media could provide to the next generation. Misinformation in media during this present age is very rampant, once media advances, sooner or later the future generation could be in harm, without traditional gatekeepers of knowledge such as editors and publishing houses, there is no one in control every time a piece of information is disseminated. In media, online freedom of expression is also being tolerated, this is when and where you express yourselves freely on the net, which is why cyberbullying is present, every time you share and post, some people tend to comment on it, since that is what media is, it is free and limitless, these comments from others could either higher or lower your self-esteem. If we talk about freeness in the world of media, this could also mean the vulnerability of young people to such content and information. Another big change that happened in the media, especially new media, is that we are never alone. It is a thing now where you update your status, share what you are doing, watching, or even where you are right now. According to studies, stalking is about power and control, the more active you are in the media the more prone you are to stalking. Because the media has taken a huge part in our lives it is very hard to not have and use this platform, too much of this could lead to individualism, lack of socialization. Rather than spending your time with your friends and family, you are busy scrolling through social media. If we put it in thought, not everything is bad, the future media could also offer tons of opportunities especially for the next generation. First is Engagement, gone are the days wherein people will push out content and cross their fingers hoping that it reached a lot of audiences, in this present age, media helps you with connections, people from minority groups or platforms that were traditionally excluded in old mass media platforms, this can be a great help when it comes to supporting your contents. Second is knowledge, back then, information was really limited, people only had tiny data and sources to rely on, luckily media has evolved and has led to vast information found that could help one to know about the things they want to research about without going to the library and taking hours of reading. The third is, people can find their tribe, with the help of media and its advancements, people can connect to people with their interests from around the world. Lastly is opportunities in the job market, media dominates how people share and receive information, as such this is the key to marketing tools, and consumers. It can be challenging to predict the future of media as it’s a fast-changing environment but hopefully, it will move to a safer and healthier road for the next generation.
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ldcu-12stem2group5 · 3 years
“Copyright and Intellectual Property: How do I Protect It as A Young Individual”
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Young individuals interact with digital media in many ways every day whether for educational purposes or simply for entertainment hence, understanding the fundamentals of copyright and Intellectual property is an important part of modern digital literacy. In the online world, surely you’ve heard of both terms before but for the sake of clarification let’s first define it: Intellectual property is an umbrella term for a set of intangible assets or assets that are not physical in nature, as defined by Investopedia, it lludes to manifestations of the psyche like creations, scholarly and imaginative works plans and images names and pictures utilized in business intellectual property is ensured in law by copyright licenses and reserves which empower individuals to acquire acknowledgment or then again monetary advantage from what they design or make. Copyright is a form of Intellectual Property, which basically refers to the legal rights given to the creator/s of the material. In spite of the fact that copyright doesn't really secure a thought itself, it can ensure the manner in which the thought has been addressed.
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Now why do we need to protect this? 
Intellectual property can contain business ideas, management practices to logos, layouts and components that could make up the entirety of your business related creativity-projects or simply like, physical properties, and protects it from being stolen or used improperly. If you are wondering why market economies are so successful, that is because they unlock human potential, the freedom to invent new things and progress society forward. Its purpose is to promote more creativity. The idea is that by allowing each of us to decide what happens to our own creations, we will be encouraged to continue creating.  As both consumers and creators, it is important that we know how to protect our Intellectual property. As much as protecting tangible assets like houses or other physical properties, products of the human mind should be given the same protective rights. With widely available technologies that make it easy to download and copy creative content, or you could potentially lose all of it and with online piracy on the rise, we must educate ourselves on these topics and the full implications of illegal copying as well as how to avoid infringing creators’ rights and interests. With that being said, there are ways in which young people can help reduce the growing prevalence of copyright piracy and protect their Intellectual property. .
1. Learning the basics
The fundamentals uphold everything in a given discipline. Knowledge of intellectual property — what it is, who owns it, how it is protected, and how it should be protected in various settings — is one of the keys to successfully protecting intellectual property.  Learning about intellectual property (IP) rights and spreading the word to respect other people’s creations should be in everyone’s interest. You may encounter other terms like fair use, patent, trademark, etc. on the way which will help you understand more of how Intellectual Property and Copyright really works. The internet provides great materials to get you started with your journey in learning as part of the modern digital world.
Under the basics are
Consulting a trademark lawyer to clear the mark
Since a lot of people launch their brands before first clearing it, it is highly recommended to get a trademark lawyer to make sure that no one else is taking a part of using it or have registered for it.
Use the registration symbol only after your trademark has been registered with the USTPO
You don’t have rights when it comes to ideas, simply intending to use a mark won’t give you rights, however it is also recommended to apply registration for your intent to use a trademark. A lawyer can help and take you through the steps, like the clearance, base of the clearance and preparing application details.  Individuals or Businesses that has any word, name, symbol or design that they want to use in connection or as a brand, would need a trademark or copyright.
2. Honor Codes and Intellectual Property
It is not enough to only learn about it, we should also put it to practice. Honor Codes encourages us to police ourselves and our peers. As a student, simple gestures such as citing sources in papers go a long way. It shows how much respect we have for the creator of the original work. Building respect for an intellectual property entails creating an environment in which the IP protection system provides equitable benefits to both IP owners and users. It also helps us create an environment in which IP can fulfill its role of stimulating innovation and creation, As a life of a common man is very closely connected to papers and goods that are under human property protected by statute. Without the owner’s consent, the copying, the duplication, alteration, and illegal duplications of these objects constitutes a serious offence, Therefore, a common man, knowledge and practice of Intellectual property rights is needed.
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ldcu-12stem2group5 · 3 years
“Unfolding The Bitter Truth: The Dark Side of Media & Technology”
The way people live their lives &  interact with each other has taken the biggest shift. Having immediate access to information, instant connectivity and globalized voices is a great advantage in the world of media. Knowing that social media has already taken its part in our daily lives, resulting in much easier and convenient access, at first it would seem as if there is nothing to be worried about, that media itself helps us too until it’s not. Social media is not inherently bad, however, it can also ruin one’s life, and you don't even know it.
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 Think about the first travel, first date, the first day of college, first shopping, these are the moments we want to remember and to remember those, reminiscing the past is not enough so we make a physical reminder and these are the pictures, videos, and blogs we post on social media, but once we start sharing these to social media then the focus diverts, we tend not to focus on the moment itself rather, the thought of what we can change, take for example a photo you took during your first travel and deleting it because you don’t look your best in it even if that photo holds a memorable moment, you start documenting and sharing your experience at that moment so that others will see how perfect and powerful your life is, and because some people are so focused in displaying perfection their real-life gets lost. If people start editing their life, they stop appreciating how imperfect it can be, people tend to stop appreciating these moments or experiences for what they are. 
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In the world of media, positive reinforcement is also present, things like, views, hearts, likes, and virtual compliments, each one makes you feel good about yourself, it reminds you that someone in the world likes you, admires you, or even envies you. It gives you a boost of self-worth that pushes you to keep going, you post a pic and another and another till you do it every single day because you become dependent on the feedback they give you, you start relying on these platforms to make you feel good about yourself and that could be dangerous. If you don’t start appreciating yourself for who you are it tends to get harder and harder every day especially doing it on your own, you forget how to value yourself. Being confident about yourself never hurts anybody but if you're fishing for compliments on those platforms it can be a menacing thought. When talking about social media, it is also known for being a notorious time-waster, without even realizing it, you already spent tons of hours with it, browsing through different platforms instead of spending time with your work, hobbies, friends, and family. Not only does it waste your time but it also twists the way you think, knowing that the media is open to everyone, such things like fake news exist, the media is also known for being the motivation killer.
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 Social media and motivation are social enemies social media is one of the common ways why people procrastinate, it offers you to get lost in other people’s lives, for example, video games and television distract your brain from what it is supposed to be doing. Social media is increasingly omnipresent today but this doesn't mean you’ll automatically develop an addiction, by taking breaks and setting clear boundaries for yourself, you will be more safe and healthy.
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ldcu-12stem2group5 · 3 years
“Delivering News In The Present Age”
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Going back to the early ages, before the printing press was invented, the primary source of news was the word of mouth, returning merchants, sailors or even travelers brought news back from the mainland and was passed on to pedlars and traveling merchants and is spread then by town to town. During the 700’s, it was the age that was known as the rise of newspapers, those newspapers are an important part of civil society providing information to the citizens, convening groups around events and issues with the society and government, and most especially, serving as watchdogs against abuses by those in power. Although this then resulted in a shut down because the government did not like how their plans were exposed to the public, as time goes by,  There was a key breakthrough in the way in which news was delivered to one place from another by the introduction of the telephone.
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The telephone transformed how we communicate and played a vital role in the evolution of the newspaper as a way of distributing news. In this present age, technology is widely used as it is a source of easier and faster access to information, due to the improvement of network it has gained more attention and admiration, Although there are some factors to consider when looking for credible news on the internet, knowing and being media literate will help you find a reliable source. While having so much information at our fingertips is wonderful, it’s important to double-check sources and not take headlines at face value. It is up to us to be the new media fact-checkers, using social media as our new news managers. As we look in this present age, social media has surpassed traditional news sources as the primary source of information. People have access to all of the information and news they require at the touch of a button, and the majority of people get their news information online, specifically through social media. As a result of easy access to new information on issues and events, people, particularly the younger generation, have become more politically conscious and active in human rights discussions. The Internet has enabled the formal and informal publication of news stories via mainstream media outlets, blogs, and other self-published news stories.
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 Some of these can be real or fake, this then the time wherein we should be careful of what we believe and share, this age are more likely to judge and give honest opinions on such topics or issues being discussed, it is a vocal generation that could result to a good or bad effect to the admin or the people involved in the news. In conclusion, news back then mostly focused on economical and political news while in today’s age there are a lot of topic branches given, it can be about showbiz, music, politics, economics tips, education, and entertainment. As responsible media users, make sure to be careful of what you believe and share.
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ldcu-12stem2group5 · 3 years
“Media Evolution and the Changing World.”
Ever since the dawn of time, people have always found a way to share information whether by grunting or by painting on cave walls. Homo sapiens were busy inventing different words all the time that eventually led to the development of languages. We have evolved from linking sounds too simple objects to being able to communicate complex ideas verbally and through symbols (writing). Not much has changed since then. Communication has been around for a very long time but as the times are changing so are the medium in which we communicate change. In the present, our methods may be different from that of the primitive ways of our predecessors, the main idea of why we communicate remains-- to connect and share ideas with the world.
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  From the tribal age that uses senses for visualizing their surroundings, in the pre-industrial age that uses paintings, symbols of what they observed and also wherein the rise of newspapers occurred, the industrial age where machines were fully created, to be followed by the electronic age where televisions and radios were invented and lastly the present age wish is the information age.
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These media are used for entertainment, business, and education-related purposes. Society has changed and accepting the cultures, traditions, and thoughts of everyone.  People’s behavior nowadays can be easily influenced by the media. Controversial stories are written and printed without regard for whether or not they are true and the general populace is supposed to believe everything they are told without questioning it. Because it's so simple to express an opinion with only a few taps in social media, then it may lead to the most searches and front-page headlines. Unlike the early ages of media it was more on educational and sharing purposes this is why social media is a good change globally but it also depends on which hands it is. In conclusion, it is a blessing to us, and the people who make it a boon are out of the concepts of good change. Do good, for a better version 
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ldcu-12stem2group5 · 3 years
On becoming a Medium : Gen-Z Individuals as Modern Communicators
Generation z, known as the first generation to grow up and live as digital natives, influenced by the internet and modern information technologies. born in the 20th century and several years before, for instance, are creations with great depths of knowledge and curiosity, so great that they could go on an exploration due to their impatient hunger for interest.  They are born with incalculable ideas on their mind referring to how to make this World to be better than ever. A generation blessed with immense talent and aptitudes for higher efficiency of life is highly praised as they are capable than those who are on the average hierarchy. They’re capable to think outside the box better than their ancestors, leveling up as always. We understand that we have our limits in acquiring knowledge to ourselves and thus we turn to others who have access to the information we want. The difference between other generations and gen z’s way of communicating is very much evident with the presence of technology. In modern times, new forms of electronic communication have emerged as a result of technological advancements.
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 As opposed to their preceding generation, who either grew up without or entered adulthood during the rise of social media, smartphones, and unrestricted information access, generation Z, the first generation to be born as digital natives have spent much of their lives on a screen which led to specific communication preferences. With technology at their fingertips — and a regular tool in their growing hands. Because of this gen z is always updated with new topics, issues, and trends.  According to Cristoph Kastenhol, Generation z shows strong interest align with the things they are interested but the opposite of this would always be present, that is why the cancel culture is very rampant during this generation, which means "unsubscribing" to brands or celebrities whose practices are inconsistent with their opinions. This is where the cons of social media come in
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Even though the media is where they find their interest, too much use could expose them and lead to anxiety and depression. This generation is quick to judge so media mistakes are a big issue.
Being accepted in the media is a must and this is why when one is not included they feel stressed and pressured, questioning one’s worth.
Even if media is where you meet new friends, there is still no guarantee that they are who they show and tell the media too.
Exposure to inappropriate content.
To conclude,  the media has evolved over these years that has helped us a lot in our daily lives, it plays an important role when it comes to sharing information,  updates and many more everyday life doings, Different kinds of media are now present which means we can access almost everything in one click, as a result, media has its drawbacks, people’s opinion and thoughts are very limited in media, And as cliché may it sound, we should “think before we click” 
since most of us are not media literate we should always remember the purpose of media and that is created to inform and educate. As a member of generation z who uses media not only as her learning world but also for her interest and many more, I am reminding you to be mindful of what you post and share.  Stay safe in both the physical world especially the digital one.
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