le-devoir · 2 years
Sorry I haven't been around much! Early December's a rough time for me and then holidays happened, and my attempts to try to stay around despite that didn't really pan out. So, figured it'd be better to just wait until things steadied out.
But I'm basically back now. Sup!
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le-devoir · 2 years
I'm very fortunate, there are fe-W- trolls -W-ho can say they have all the opportunities I've been provided with.
It's absolutely a pleasure to meet you, Holly. My name is Savana.
-W-hat do you do for a living?
Oh, thank you! -W-hat a lovely compliment. Normally -W-hen they’re flirting -W-ith me, people just say I have great tits.
And I do, but it’s nice to hear other things, too.
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le-devoir · 2 years
da-M-M-it you guys now i-M- hungry
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le-devoir · 2 years
Dare I ask -W-hat a blooming onion is?
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le-devoir · 2 years
Terribly sorry, excuse me, I think I need to go lie do-W-n for a minute.
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le-devoir · 2 years
I'm afraid I still don't quite understand.
If I'm in a different universe from you, ho-W- are -W-e talking?
D --> You’re in another universe probably
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le-devoir · 2 years
I someho-W- understand even less than I did a fe-W- minutes ago.
If the Vast Glub killed everyone, -W-hy am I still here?
D --> Ok so my friends basically brought about doomsday by opening portals that brought in thousands of meteors down on Alternia, and also Gl’bgolyb set off the vast glub e%terminating most of troll kind e%cept for us and the Empress D --> But in doing so we gained the ability to create an entirely new universe after killing a king and doing some other stuff D --> And so we did that but my friends sort of messed up and there was some problems and a lot of us died D --> Anyway I came back to life and now I live on Earth and I am a god also
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le-devoir · 2 years
Apologies to YOU, Equius.
I am... very, very confused right now.
D --> My apologies D --> If it helps there is a good chance it does not happen in your time
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le-devoir · 2 years
calling the-M- earth real-M-s just -M-akes -M-e think of -M-ortal ko-M-bat
do kids still play -M-ortal ko-M-bat or did that -M-ake -M-e sound old too?
it's been 10,000 years since I've seen a CD.
I don't spend much time in modern earth realms what a callback.
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le-devoir · 2 years
you could say that!
just a little so-M-ething to stand out fro-M- the crowd
skip or burn? i al-M-ost want to -M-ake a joke about cds but that would definitely -M-ake -M-e sound old wouldnt it?
you can call me skip, or burn. I'm not particular.
making a splash huh?
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le-devoir · 2 years
thanks its nice to feel appreciated
i-M- savana
whats your na-M-e?
Yes you are Fucking Noticed gahdamn
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le-devoir · 2 years
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i think it -M-ight be working
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le-devoir · 2 years
I... think I need to sit down.
D --> I don’t know precisely, a couple of sweeps now I suppose D --> I was 6 when it happened but I’m not act001y sure how chronologically old I am now
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le-devoir · 2 years
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ive heard its traditional to post cute selfies as bait for 'thirst followers'
well who a-M- i to argue with tradition?
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le-devoir · 2 years
Ho-W- long ago -W-as this?
D --> What do you mean what
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le-devoir · 2 years
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alright, there we go, fucking finally got this bitch set up
yo whos up? s-M-ash that lususfuckin like button!
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le-devoir · 2 years
I'm afraid I don't kno-W- -W-hat you mean, but I -W-on't bore you by prying any further.
That's a lovely thought, though. The best me -W-ho's doing -W-hat I do. I -W-ould certainly like to hope so! I put quite a lot of effort into making sure I'm the most gorgeous possible version of myself.
I think we might not be from the same universal circles. Just a hunch. Those are ideas I'm specifically aware of at all.
Good! It is nice to enjoy what you do after all! It helps the drive to be the best at it! Even if you aren't, you're the best you that is doing that one job!
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