leoxflammarum · 6 years
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
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{  pretty late but i’m on hiatus until mid-feb.  hopefully sooner.  sorry for all the wait and see you guys soon.  }
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
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{  pretty late but i’m on hiatus until mid-feb.  hopefully sooner.  sorry for all the wait and see you guys soon.  }
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
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{  pretty late but i’m on hiatus until mid-feb.  hopefully sooner.  sorry for all the wait and see you guys soon.  }
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
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{  pretty late but i’m on hiatus until mid-feb.  hopefully sooner.  sorry for all the wait and see you guys soon.  }
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
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{  pretty late but i’m on hiatus until mid-feb.  hopefully sooner.  sorry for all the wait and see you guys soon.  }
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
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❝ W-well...  This is unexpected. ❞
tagged by:  @delleal​ tagging:  hmm @legendarymasterthief and @gracebreathed if they haven’t done it ??
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
gracebreathed :
She blinked, giving a soft hum. How did she handle stressful times? Through many ways; tho the most common one she handled it was worrying and fretting. Not the ideal way of handling it, and not a way she wanted to pass onto Roy. Yet… nonetheless Ninian felt it would be dishonest if she were to lie to him about it; to make it sound noble and grand. 
“To be honest, I worry and I fret.” She finally said, fiddling with her fingers for a moment. “I worry for those who are in the field, and fret over those whom are not. Of course, I dance. It helps ease my mind to feel the rhythm and the motions as I try to think of how I can help aid those who need me.” Ninian gave a soft smile, “Sometimes I sing, but… I don’t think I’m very good at it.” 
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“Sometimes though, all you can do is worry and fret.” Ninian reached over and fixed a part of Roy’s hair, giving a small chuckle, “Sometimes you have to pace, sometimes you have to find something to distract yourself. I know Lord Eliw– … your father loved to train and train until he was exhausted. Sometimes I would have to go check on him to make sure he didn’t simply collapse from exhaustion. If you were to find something that you found appealing, it would help deal with the stress when it becomes too much. It could range from training, to dancing, to even working on those little puzzle pieces they have set up in the castle.” 
∆ ~  He tilted his head as he listened, letting a gentle hand adjust the strands of his hair with only a quiet bounce when he tilted again.  The honesty Ninian displayed was certainly admirable, but not something Roy could often do.  The roles they filled had something to do with it, and while it was normal for a dancer of Ninian’s status to worry openly about others, Roy was often the leader or the strategist of a small group in the Askr army, so his demeanour could affect the morale of the other heroes.
As for distractions, he sometimes found it hard to do--- not to mention the proper free time he needed when he wasn’t searching for ways to improve the next battles.
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❝ For you, it’s dancing...  But it’s something you like to do, right ?  Fighting isn’t exactly something I’m fond of, but it's necessary for me to become stronger, so I practise as much as I can. ❞
To develop the strength he could use to save others.
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
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testing clip studio paint ,, i like it alott!!!
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
What Kind of Fruit Are You?
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You are serious, sociable and contemplative. Though you enjoy socializing, you are particular about the company you keep. You try to surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, and are quick to ditch those who bring you down. You are quick-witted and often find yourself one step ahead of the game.
Tagged by:  @delleal ( y u do dis ) Tagging:  @legendarymasterthief, @gracebreathed
0 notes
leoxflammarum · 7 years
wanderingmercenary :
Autumn was always one of her favorite seasons, the colors, the cold weather, and of course the festivals celebrating the end of the harvest. Traditions tended to vary from place to place but one thing that never changed was the abundance of food available to festival attendees. In her eyes food was the best part of any social gathering, largely the main reason why she went at all, but on this occasion she had someone accompanying, someone who could be a potential future employer, which to her seemed like an added bonus. He seemed nice enough, thus far. She return the smile but her expression seemed to be slightly less impassive, almost perceptively pleased even.
The mercenary followed suit and sheathed her own blade, a simple but sturdy looking longsword with runes carved into the blade. In Northlandic script, they spelled “B-R-Y-N-H-I-L-D-R”, the name of a legendary shield maiden from her homelands. Through all her years of wandering, the blade had been her only constant companion and was never far from her side.
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“ Aye,” she answered, “Sailed in from the west, but I wandered a long while before that.”
She couldn’t tell if he was trying to make conversation or he just hadn’t noticed her  accent and foreign looking appearance. Hopefully it was the former of those two. As they walked she could smell food being cooked and dried spices in the air. Garlands of leaves showing the full colors of autumn hung on doors and decorated houses. From the corner of her eye she could see a bonfire being built in the village center. Her gaze lingered on it for a few moments before she looked back to the young lord. 
“ An’ yer from Lycia, yes? Tell me, what is it like there?” 
∆ ~  It wasn’t uncommon for Roy to meet those with more unique appearances and different ways of speech pattern, something he had no trouble adapting to.  He had spent a great deal of his childhood reading books of other landscape and people as well.  But even so, he sometimes approached subjects with inexperience and oblivious views.  There was nothing alarming about being different though, and Kai’s accent was similar to those from the Western Isles.
❝ Lycia is covered in beautiful green landscape, but it’s not breezy like it is here...  In Pherae in particular, it doesn’t rain often either. ❞
He began to lead them back to an inn nearby.  Soon he stopped at the entrance as he turned to Kai once again with a friendly smile.  He could already hear the sounds of music and spirited people inside.  Perhaps they were celebrating more due to the pirates being driven away from the village.  Not to mention, there was a celebration out in the open as well.
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❝ Will this be your first festival ?  Maybe you had something similar in your homeland. ❞
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
@gracebreathed : [ ask response ]
∆ ~  He hesitated at the question, his gaze focused on his mother’s sickly appearance as his mind ran with alarm.  With his unoccupied hand, he reached over to place it above his mother’s hand, squeezing it gently.  Ninian’s smile was always so kind and beautiful, but Roy couldn’t help but keep a frown on his face.  His true emotions were more apparent in the presence of his dear mother.
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❝ It’s been quiet these days, and I haven't been on mission duties for a while...  But that means I have time for you, and I won’t leave your side--- not like this. ❞
A slight turn of his head and he noticed a vase full of flowers, but they weren’t just any flowers.  Somehow, they were the beauties that bloomed in his mother’s homeland, just as he been told when he was younger.  It was a rare occasion to see them like this, especially in a foreign land.  While he questioned their whereabouts, he knew a certain someone had come by to place them here.
❝ It’s seems like Father had come to see you earlier. ❞
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
@delleal : [ starter ]
∆ ~ He hadn't met an ally quite like Ike before.  The way the mercenary treated others, whether they were of high class or low class, he treated them all the same.  But what really impressed the young Pheraen was the mercenary's skill with the sword, the way blue flames follow a trail as he swung the Ragnell with swift and unshakeable movements.  Roy wanted to test those skills in a certain way.  What would happen if they combined their strength, their flames ?  There was only one way to find out.
It wasn't hard to find his comrade, oftentimes accompanying a young man in dark robes, someone that he had found interesting as well but difficult to approach.  For now he waited patiently for the proper time, and soon took the opportunity to approach the older hero without a second thought.
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❝ Ike, do you have time to spare ?  I'd like to try something with you. ❞
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
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m o o d
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
of-invisible-ties :
@leoxflammarum II { Tellius } Starter Call
“Ah, Roy! can’t help but notice that blade you wield. It’s rather potent, isn’t it? Am I right in guessing it’s among the regalia in your world?”
Elincia did not routinely comment on weapons or their origins. Peaceful by nature, she preferred that matters were settled without combat. She had prayed many a day in asking the gods to end all the need for violence and its like. However, it was impossible to ignore all the strange and exotic things she glimpsed in the whimsical world of Askr. She’d already seen magic that allowed one to strike twice in quick succession; spells that buffered allies and weakened foes upon contact; and many a strange item – the likes of which had no parallel in her world. Who could blame her for wanting to learn more of the history behind these weapons?
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“Oh, where are my manners? Perhaps I should tell you about my sword, Amiti. It’s a symbol of my royal heritage. I suppose that’s why I ought not to relinquish it to anyone else. Is your sword like that, as well?”
∆ ~  Elincia had a good eye--- or perhaps the Sword of Seals stood out a bit too much.  Even so, Roy had seen heroes with weapons that appeared to be legends in their own world and they stood out just as much as his sword did.  He glanced down at the divine weapon, momentarily distracted by the memories he felt when he had used the sword during war.
Upon being called once again, he gave Elincia his full attention, tilting his head up and watching as the kind princess introduced her own weapon, perhaps much more personal as it was part of her royal heritage.  It was then that Roy realised that each hero had a weapon with a story to tell, the mysteries behind them were intriguing to hear whenever the fellow heroes spoke about them with such enthusiastic flare.  The Amiti, Elincia’s sword, was special in its own way.
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❝ Somewhat, ❞  Roy replied with a thoughtful look,  ❝ Well, the Sword of Seals is no symbol to my heritage, but it’s a divine sword that was once kept hidden within a shrine until the right moment.  It’s the strongest weapon from my world, and for it to choose someone like me...  Well, it’s truly an honour. ❞
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
-heroes lilina voice- YEAAAAAAS???????????
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❝ Lilina ?  Are you all right ? ❞
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leoxflammarum · 7 years
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drew him a matching Lilina
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