Meditating As Part of Your Game Plan
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"Don't get so caught up in the Game that you don't have time for meditation and prayer." Karen St. Hilaire
A popular answer to 'how's work' or 'how's life' is usually something in the area of- "I'm in the game or I'm in the fight." In the song 'Upgrade You', Beyonce' sings "... Focus on your focus I can keep you." In this verse she is telling her guy to do what you need to do to be successful and I will take care of you. We all know that it's a good thing to be on an intense grind in order to attain the life/style that we want. We read magazines like Robb Report, Town & Country, The Economist and we thumb through the pages of Uptown, Vogue and Essence in order stay informed of 'what's going on' in our world and the one that we are working towards. Some of these magazines keep us current and others keep us moving fiercely forward.
At what time do you stop and meditate on the journey. And this does not include being on a date where you are discussing your life with that potential partner. It does not include movie night at your home or hanging with the fellas talking about your winnings and losses from then to now. I mean, being alone in a space where it's just you and your thoughts. A space where you become one with the universe so much so that you transition to that ultra level where you are at total peace and in prayer.
Your prayers should echo every aspect of your journey from the day you decided on your goal and starting on the journey to achieving it, up to your current position. You want to express gratitude for what you have encountered, endured and will experience as your move onward and upward.
You want your meditative time to reflect that you are thankful, humbled and speaking in earnest.
This act does not have to take a day, an afternoon, an hour or any set amount of time. It can be one minute in length, you will know the right amount of time that you need to converse with God gratitude meditation music.
Five tips on how to make this happen at your home or outdoors.
You have some free time to yourself which may be just when you get up (or wake up 15 minutes earlier) or it may be at the end of your day.
1) Turn off communication devices, television and radio
2) Find an area that has no clutter (you can light a candle and add nature sounds)
3) Sit in a comfortable chair (u may choose to kneel, lay down or sit in lotus position)
4) Sit still with your eyes closed. Take 3 deep breaths and then find your breathing pattern.
5) Recite your prayer of meditation in your head
Let's say that you are out on a morning/evening jog or you may even been on the treadmill at the gym or in your home. You can use that time to get centered and meditate.
1) Find your 'rhythm' as you run
2) Feel the breeze on your body and around you
3) Listen to the wind as it blows past your ears
4) Listen to your breathing pattern, become aware of your pace and how it cuts through the wind.
5) Recite your prayer of meditation in your head
When you are finished with the prayer, begin to notice the elements around you. If any idle thoughts come into the forefront, simply recite the prayer again and find your breathing pattern.
This morning I decided to start my morning run a bit earlier than usual because it is so hot in NYC, I didn't want the sun to pre-empt my attempt to get the miles in. I found myself getting into a steady pace a lot quicker than usual and my breathing was in sync with my pace. I felt the breeze blow against my skin and listened as it echoed a slight 'swoosh' against my ears. I said my short prayer, kept my pace, noticed my breathing and then I saw the birds. I saw two birds flittering around the track right along with me and they stayed with me until my session was over. I also noticed something that I had not seen in my neck of the woods in a long time, the sunrise. Yes, it rises every morning - but this morning was different, nature was responding to my prayer, allowing me to see the beauty in that moment.
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10 Ways To Step Into Your Feminine Power
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It's not easy for a woman in India to be powerful in what is still, in many ways, a man's world. Every day we encounter negativity from those who are threatened by the strides that women have made.
It's reached the point where we feel that we either have to be a bimbo or a bitch to succeed. But we don't have to be either. We just need to be human beings with the ability to express our unique gifts and talents.
Here I list 10 ways that have helped me live a bigger life and make choices that can have brought me the self-awareness, freedom and contentment I now enjoy.
1. Cultivate Self-Love and Self-Esteem
One of the most important things a woman must cultivate is her self-esteem and the ability to love herself. If your self-love and self-esteem are strong, you can bounce back from almost anything.
Having a healthy self-esteem gives you a positive outlook in life and this is reflected in your performance on the job, in your relationships and in the way you live your life.
2. Know that you ALWAYS have a choice
Most Indian women have this sense of hopelessness because we feel we have to make everyone happy, but ourselves. But remember that you ALWAYS have a choice - even if it is one that the people in your life do not agree with or believe is selfish.
As one of my teachers, Abraham- Hicks, says, "If you're not selfish enough to connect to Source Energy (your Divine nature), you don't have anything to give anybody anyway."
Which brings me to the next point...
3. Nurture your Divine connection
As women we are definitely more intuitive and have the ability to easily connect to our Divine source of wisdom and well-being.
The ones who gave the most, like Mother Theresa, were also the ones who were most connected to their Divine wisdom. You have the same potential to share your unique gifts with the world - all you need to do is to start cultivating your spiritual life and listen to your inner guidance abraham hicks law of attraction - youtube.
4. Cultivate empowering beliefs
Your life is a reflection of the beliefs you hold. Even if you say that you want to succeed, if your subconscious beliefs don't match your desires, it will not happen. You need to become conscious of which beliefs are holding you back and clear them from your system.
As geek-speak goes, "Garbage In, Garbage Out". What you put into your mind, you get out. If you fill your mind with endless negativity from soap operas, commercials and the mass media, your life will become a replica of what you see there.
If you want to have empowering beliefs, only expose yourself to inspiring thoughts. Read inspiring books, subscribe to inspiring newsletters, stop watching TV (yes, it can be done) or watch less of it.
5. Be mindful of the company you keep.
I read somewhere that you are the average of the 5 people closest to you in every area of your life. If you want to be more successful, hang out with people you admire and want to emulate, not with those who are in the same boat.
Success can be scary and the journey to the top can be lonely. Find a mentor and ask them to coach you. Spend your time with people who elevate you, not those who pull you down.
A very good quote I read recently is that "Your companions are like the buttons on an elevator. They will either take you up or they will take you down."
6. Never apologise for your success
Your family and friends might not support your goals and plans. Learn to draw strong boundaries with those who you cannot avoid. Explain to those who offer "well-meaning" advice that, while you appreciate their input, you would like the freedom to make your own mistakes.
Never put yourself down or underplay your achievements just to make the other person feel better. As Marianne Williamson said, "when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
7. Take care of your body
Many Indian women stop caring for themselves after they have kids and reach middle-age. But the way you look tells the world a lot about your self-esteem.
You don't have to go overboard and spend thousands on beauty treatments, because looking good is an inside job. If you feel good about yourself, you will naturally take pride in your appearance.
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The Magic of Reiki
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For the sake of information, Reiki is a kind of holistic therapy that was based on the concept of Eastern energy flow with the conglomeration of seven chakras. Chakras are the energy centers in the human body. According to some of the therapy experts, the human body has a focal point. The therapy of Reiki concentrates on those points.
Reiki was invented and formulated by some of the Japanese healing teachers. But the most influential among them is Mikao Usui. Around the year of 1980, Usui incorporated the basic Reiki meditation techniques, beliefs, and symbols. Most of the techniques in this meditation therapy are considerably older.
The processes of this therapy are very much distinctive compared to other forms of alternative meditation. Reiki meditation normally concentrates on self-healing, concentration, the five spiritual principles, and the accreditation the healers through a process of initiation.
What are the primary principles of Reiki?
The main purpose of this therapy is to be able to heal emotional and spiritual flow. The other sub-purpose of this therapy is to gain physical stamina and resistance from the pain. This therapy can also transmit the flow of universal life energy called "ki" in Japanese reiki meditation for beginners reiki guided meditation .
Most of the Reiki therapy teachers believe that "ki" flows through the universe, and the therapy connects the energy to the human body. Reiki can be used in healing of animals as well as people.
The practice of self-healing is being practiced by the Reiki healers, in which they place their hand in a traditional position, stimulating their own body energy.
Reiki can also be practiced through group and distance healing. In group healing, there are two or more Reiki practitioners placing their hand over the body of the patient.
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Before You Ascend, Own The Power of Your Words
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The Throat Chakra
According to the Old Testament, and this is not an exact quote, God spoke... and all that we know - the universe, galaxies, stars, planets,... everything came into existence. God is said to have said, "Let there be LIGHT" or it's equivalent in whatever language, if there even was such a thing as language.
According to this story, Sound came before Light. What is Sound? It is a type of vibration. According to the most recent theoretical physics, vibration is the most subtle energy pattern that we can discern. Hmmm.
Out of Sound came what? Divine Light. And what is Divine Light?
Divine Light is an aspect of Divine Love.
From the Sound expression of Divine Light and Divine Love, specific patterns and forms took shape. Thus was manifested All That Is.
The old children's rhyme, "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" is a false statement. The power of the words we think and speak is the power of MANIFESTATION.
When we shout angry words at someone, that is energy we are putting out of our body. Whoever and whatever is present is being affected by that energy -- not just the emotional part, but the words, too. People who are more psychically aware can actually feel the energy of a space when they walk into it. If anger has been expressed there, they feel the anger. If sadness and grief have filled the space, they can feel the sadness and grief.
I once visited a Tibetan temple in upstate Vermont. I was attending a class inside the room where people came to meditate and pray. We began the class by becoming silent, becoming grounded, and just sitting quietly. As I moved into that quiet inner space, I heard a mantra being chanted, not by the people in the room, but coming out of the walls. It was not the mantra I use to meditate, so I knew it wasn't coming from within me. "Om mani padme hum" is the chant I heard resonating from everything in that room.
The words you choose to speak and the words you allow to flow out of your mouth without giving them a second thought all create your reality. Every sound you utter is a vibrational pattern. We know that certain trained opera singers can literally break a glass with their voice. That is only a very tiny example of the power of sound to vibrationally disorganize and destroy. But sound also has the power to create. SPEAK ONLY WORDS OF LOVE
I used to pray that I would speak only words of love.
What does this prayer mean? What would I do with the other feelings I was experiencing? How would I transform my speech so that only Love poured forth - naturally, automatically, and in every moment?
Truthfully, I am still working on it. But here is what I have come to understand.
If you want to speak only words of Love, your Heart Centers and your Throat Centers must be open, cleared of all lower vibrational patterns, spinning correctly, balanced, integrated, and aligned within themselves. Then and only then can be they fully in alignment with each other. Then, when the flow of energy between your heart and your throat centers is fully aligned, you can choose to speak only words of Love. Imagine - a world where only LOVE is spoken.
Can you imagine what your life and the lives of everyone else would be like if you and everyone else spoke lovingly?
What would it feel like?
How would it affect the choices you make?
How would it affect your relationships?
How would it change your perceptions of reality?
Getting Started
If you are already working on Living From Your Heart, then you are already doing the clearing work that will strengthen and align your Heart Center.
Now, focus on your Throat Center. Identify what needs to be cleared by breathing into your Throat Center and noticing blockages of any kind. You probably have some, as most people do. Many of us have been living a life where we speak less than our own personal Truth, and that, in itself, creates blockages. When we hold back expressing our energy, our energy becomes jammed up  om mani padme hum in hindi.
So if you want to being speaking Only Words of Love, you will have to also begin to speak words of Truth - YOUR Truth. That doesn't mean attacking or blaming others. It does mean being able to say what is true for you WITHOUT accusing others.
Another way to work on your throat chakra is to gently bring DIVINE LOVE from your Heart Center into your Throat Center. Allow the Love to surround anything and everything that is creating a blockage for the purpose of dissolving it.
Clearing the Throat Chakra - or any chakra - is not a five minute process. If you are interested in clearing out your chakra system, and healing and aligning it, find a healer that knows how to support this process and can teach you how to work with it on your own as well.
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Instructions to Meditate - The 6 Biggest Obstacles to Meditation
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I've battled with contemplation the vast majority of my life. Over a range of 15 years, I bought reflection CD's, went to contemplation classes and read books on contemplation, yet was as yet unfit to consolidate it into my day by day life. The reflection CD's normally taken care of me and the classes and books caused me to feel like a disappointment! Truth be told, my first contemplation was very difficult and I generally felt like I was too occupied to even consider meditating!
The pitiful truth is that while a large portion of us know about the advantages of contemplation, not very many of us really have an ordinary reflection practice. There are a ton of deterrents to defeat so as to consolidate reflection into our day by day lives. I defeated those impediments and have been thinking day by day for a long time just as contemplating intermittently for the duration of the day! Through contemplation I have encountered more harmony and satisfaction in my life, I've become less responsive and less pushed and I have more vitality and innovativeness! What's more, I realize you can encounter these advantages too!
Above all, I believe it's critical to characterize what contemplation is? Huge numbers of us have misguided judgments about contemplation. The most well-known misinterpretation is that contemplation is tied in with disposing of thought! That would set anybody up for disappointment! Contemplation, rather, is tied in with turning into the spectator of thought as opposed to the reactor to thought.
Reflection, straightforward as can be, is by and large completely present at the time! In this thoughtful state you know about reality of who you are past your body and your brain.
Have you at any point been in amazement at an excellent dusk? To such an extent that you disregarded what happened 5 minutes prior, and you weren't considering what's to come? You were totally at the time and had this feeling of aliveness inside? All things considered, that is reflection!
So since we know what reflection is, how would we join it in to our day by day lives? I knew the reasons why I had battled for a considerable length of time before I built up a standard contemplation practice, however I was interested to check whether others had similar reasons, so I led a global study on the greatest impediments to reflection and got more than 400 reactions from individuals in 46 distinct nations. The following are the TOP SIX greatest snags to contemplation, and how you can conquer them!
Impediment #1: Not having sufficient opportunity
The greatest impediment individuals face in building up a normal reflection practice is TIME. We need more an ideal opportunity to ponder! (Curiously enough this wasn't only an "American" marvel. Individuals from all over the globe referenced they needed more an ideal opportunity to contemplate).
However there are 4 basic approaches to fuse contemplation into your existence without removing ANY time from your present calendar!
To begin with, I welcome you to change over your holding up time into contemplating time.
The normal individual holds up 45-an hour daily. We hang tight for arrangements, we hold up in rush hour gridlock, we hold up in line at the market and we look out for hang on the telephone. However those valuable "holding up times" can be changed over into ruminating times.
So next time you are hanging tight for an arrangement, pause for a minute to see your breath. Or then again next time you are holding up in line at the market, pause for a minute to grin from within.
Second, have a day by day action be your contemplation. You can join contemplation into any of these day by day exercises:
*brushing your teeth
*emptying the dishwasher
*folding clothing, pressing
As you brush your teeth, notice your breath. Or then again notice the aliveness in your grasp and mouth. As you void the dishwasher, feel the aliveness in your grasp as you set each dish aside.
Third, have your pooch or feline be your reflection! Have you at any point seen when strolling your canine how your pooch is totally at the time, taking in its environmental factors? Well you can join your pooch in this merry state. When strolling the pooch notice the aliveness in your feet with each progression. Notice the aliveness of the trees, flying creatures, your environmental factors. While petting the feline, notice the non-abrasiveness of the hide. Be totally present with your pooch or feline!
Four, ponder while driving! Presently, obviously, don't close your eyes and ruminate while driving. In any case, you can be totally present while driving, with your eyes open. While driving, notice the aliveness in your grasp as you contact the directing wheel. Or then again at a stop sign or in rush hour gridlock, notice your breath.
These are straightforward ways you can join reflection into your every day existence without removing ANY time from your present calendar. On the off chance that we as a whole did these straightforward things, we'd have a day by day contemplation practice!
Impediment #2: Lack of Self-Discipline
The second greatest obstruction individuals face in consolidating reflection into their day by day life is absence of self-restraint! Reflection takes discipline. I know a significant number of us begin with extraordinary expectations to think every day or to practice day by day and we may do it for a little while, however then we come up short on the order important to proceed.
That is the reason life mentors, fitness coaches and different callings have been made! To consider us responsible and to keep us centered!
So in the event that you need self-restraint, discover a reflection accomplice! Ask your mate, accomplice, companion, associate to go along with you in joining reflection into your day by day life. Consider each other responsible.
Or on the other hand regardless of whether you can't discover somebody that needs to contemplate with you, tell your mate/companion/accomplice/associate of your aim to reflect day by day and ask him/her to check in with you and ask you how you are getting along.
Similarly as an activity accomplice is useful and gainful, a reflection accomplice can be as well!
Deterrent #3: Not having the correct spot or space to reflect
The third greatest snag individuals referenced isn't having the correct spot or space to ponder! This is an "apparent snag." You can truly ponder anyplace; while driving a vehicle or strolling through a packed shopping center.
Individuals regularly use not having a unique spot or explicit region as a reason to NOT ruminate. On the off chance that we consistently trust that the correct conditions will ruminate, we'll never contemplate.
I give individuals a contemplation task: to ruminate in an open spot! They can stroll through the divider and notice individuals and spots, while watching their breath or seeing the aliveness in their feet.
Hindrance #4: Falling Asleep
The fourth most normal snag to reflection is nodding off. But then numerous contemplation CD's state that it's alright on the off chance that you nod off on the grounds that you are as yet accepting the advantages of meditation...The just advantage you're getting is a serene rest! But, that is an advantage as well! Reflection is mindfulness. It's by and large completely present at the time. At the point when you're sleeping, you're snoozing, not ruminating.
Here are a few hints on the off chance that you nod off while contemplating:
*Don't contemplate around evening time before bed. So frequently a significant number of us need to ruminate day by day however don't consider it until we are sleeping or preparing for bed and afterward we attempt to reflect. Obviously we'll nod off.
*Try reflecting toward the beginning of the day or late morning when you are alert.
*Meditate in little additions for the duration of the day. Once more, notice your breath for two or three minutes while brushing your teeth or showering.
Impediment #5: Too numerous interruptions
The fifth most normal grumbling from individuals is that there are such a large number of interruptions to ruminate. However interruptions don't need to be interruptions.
For instance, during one of my contemplations, my feline Vinnie came up to me and began whimpering. He wouldn't stop either. He needed my consideration. Presently to a great many people, this would be an interruption and motivation to quit contemplating. Rather, I opened my eyes, plunked down on the floor with him and petted him while seeing my breath. I fused my feline into my contemplation. Rather than permitting him to turn into an interruption, he turned into my reflection!
On the off chance that you are ruminating and an interruption occurs. Simply notice it. Permit it to be. On the off chance that it's something that needs your consideration, keep an eye on whatever should be done, while as yet watching your breath!
Deterrent #6: Not realizing how to reflect
Such a large number of individuals feel that they don't have the foggiest idea how to ruminate. We make contemplation more muddled than it truly is! Once more, reflection is tied in with being available at the time. It's extremely about finding what works for you!
Once more, you can fuse reflection into your existence without removing time from your timetable. Your life can turn into a contemplation. It is those minutes for the duration of the day that we are completely present at the time that issue. What's more, through reflection, we find the euphoria of being that we are!
Lisa Hepner is a creator, speaker and reflection facilitator. She is the maker of the universal "Don't Wait-Meditate" battle which gets individuals to promise to change over their holding up time into thinking time. She is the maker of Project Meditate whose objective is to assist individuals with building up an every day propensity for contemplation.
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3 Benefits of Chakra Meditation
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Reflection is an old custom of persistence guided by appropriate strategy once utilized solely by clerics and men of strict support of accomplish profound edification. These days, anybody is free to utilize the workmanship so as to fortify their psyche body association. Chakra reflection is one of the numerous types of contemplation that anybody can learn and rehearse, and the prizes for doing so are numerous for both the body and the soul.
Chakra contemplation is a procedure of initiating the seven chakras present in the body. These chakras are otherworldly focuses containing the spirit's vitality, which you can open to discharge the vitality when you ponder. It very well may be performed whether you're lying or plunking down even without folding your legs, contingent upon where you're generally OK with.
An advantage of chakra contemplation is that it enables the body to accomplish parity and authority over your body's vitality stream. This contemplation utilizes thought and reflection forms concentrating on the seven chakras, animating them to discharge vitality that will flow the focuses to guarantee that they all get enough capacity to work ideally.
This prompts the second advantage of this reflection, which is accomplishing physical and otherworldly prosperity. Poor vitality stream in a certain chakra focuses can prompt both physical and passionate appearances, similar to drowsiness, wretchedness and body torments. Chakra reflection can guarantee satisfactory vitality stream to your chakras, yet additionally help dispose of otherworldly "poisons" that could cause the drowsy stream in the framework. Disposing of these bars will bring about reestablished force and a simple, carefree inclination, liberated from pressure and nervousness.
Lastly, chakra reflection, just as different types of the workmanship, is a decent method for helping you receive a progressively inspirational standpoint throughout everyday life! The entire procedure of reflection, including the breathing systems, pose and even the correct sort of music, is tied in with causing your body to feel loose. Constant act of contemplation will in the long run assist you with figuring out how to manage tension better, keep you peaceful and cause you to feel genuinely and profoundly positive. You'll before long feel like you can confront anything!
Chakra reflection is a decent method to improve your physical, otherworldly and enthusiastic wellbeing. It is a training worth investing some energy into, as you will before long observe for a remedial craftsmanship that has no symptoms, it sure has a lot of advantages!
On the off chance that you are searching for more data on how brainwave entrainment, binaural beats, monaural beats or isochronic tones can enable you to unwind, get the opportunity to rest, have better dreams or simply feel less focused on then please view this incredible asset. There is a free example download on the website too highlighting an amazing brainwave entrainment, contemplation music and recordings.
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The Symbolic Meaning of the 'Lotus Buddha' Or 'Contemplation Buddha'
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A Buddha sculpture is frequently utilized as an instrument for contemplation. Buddha sculptures are images of Buddhism's author Siddhartha Gautama, who instructed us that by dispensing with all wants from our lives we can arrive at Nirvana. This is where enduring doesn't exist. At the point when one has accomplished Nirvana the pattern of resurrection and demise closes. The way to accomplishing that Nirvana is mental order and the capacity to fathom and follow the eightfold way.
Buddha sculptures arrive in an assortment of postures and styles from the more old style Tibetan and Nepali Buddha sculptures to the unconventional giggling Buddha otherwise called the cheerful Buddha. Contemplation, dispersing dread, showing present, leaning back Buddha, and earth contacting present are only a couple of the mainstream Buddha sculpture positions. Frequently the Buddha is seen sitting on a lotus blossom symbolizing immaculateness and celestial birth. One Buddhist statement proposes, "the soul of the best of men is flawless, similar to the new Lotus in the sloppy water which doesn't hold fast to it."
The sculpture is regularly alluded to as the reflection Buddha or a Lotus Buddha as Buddha in this position takes after a lotus blossom. The sculptures are normally set on a base that takes after the stem of a lotus blossom. Notwithstanding the lotus image of immaculateness it was additionally the emblematic vehicle that conveyed the Buddha up to Nirvana thus has importance along these lines too. The lotus bloom has its foundations in the garbage and mud however emerges with lovely blooms.
This is again emblematic of the Buddha's ascent from humble roots to accomplish Nirvana. In the Lotus Buddha sculpture the hand positions or mudra place the fingers of the correct hand laying on those of the left. While the hands rested delicately in the lab the legs are crossed. Left foot is put on the privilege by with the ball and impact point of the foot uncovered and right foot is set on the left in a similar stance. This position is regularly utilized for reflection and unwinding and is known as the lotus position.
The lotus bloom is rich with emblematic importance in Buddhism. It is an image of Bodhi, a condition of profound flawlessness and complete mental virtue, the appeasement of our base nature. Depicted in Buddhist craftsmanship it by and large has eight petals which symbolize the eightfold way of the Good Law. It is the white or pink lotus that is most firmly connected with Buddha. At the point when the lotus is seen in changing shades of shading this for the most part has a particular significance. The red lotus is an image of the first idea of the heart love empathy and energy. The blue Lotus is an image of insight, insight and information.
Whenever you experience a Buddha sculpture whether in an Asian café or in somebody's home give cautious consideration to the situation of the Buddha's hands and his stance. Each position has a unique importance and message and normally reveals to you something about the sculpture's proprietor.
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5 Meditation Techniques For Beginners
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Want to enhance your life through daily meditation practise? You can achieve a perfect life, full of joy, true love and happiness by implementing a daily meditation habit into your life. Try these five meditation tips presented in this article and enjoy the benefits.
1. Find The Right Pose
The classic position for meditation with legs crossed and palms open is not the only one you can use. Being comfortable while you meditate is a key factor of success. If the classic meditation pose doesn't feel comfortable for you, it is alright to choose another one. There are many meditation positions that you can try. You may sit on a cushion with your legs crossed or you may sit on a cushion while kneeling. If you suffer from back pain it is fine to just lie down while meditation. You may experiment with different positions and find the one you are most comfortable with.
2. Breath From The Belly
There are more ways you can breathe, the main variations being the belly breath and the shallow breath. People who are overwhelmed and stressed generally have a shallow breath, barely enough to notice. The way we breathe affects our mental and physical health. A shallow breath is not the correct way to breathe and has unhealthy effects on our mind and body.
When meditating, always start by breathing from your belly. This is called belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing. Place your hand on your belly and observe how it contracts and expands. Then close your eyes and focus on breathing through your nose, while keeping your body relaxed and your back straight. You can start meditating after several minutes of breathing from your belly.
3. Meditate In Your Lunch Hour
Nowadays, people have become more busy than ever, with tight work schedules. Traditionally, meditation was performed at the sunrise, a perfect way to start your day. It is fine if you do not find time to meditate in the morning, before work. You can do it instead at work, in your lunch hour. All equipment you need for meditating is just your mind. So it is no reason why you couldn't meditate at your workplace. Center and focus inwards during your lunch hour, whether you do it in a nearby park, or just in your car.
4. Intention Meditation
To achieve even more benefits from meditation you can meditate with purpose and intention. Before taking the first breath focus on what you want to accomplish. You may be wanting peace of mind, you may need to get rid of anxiety, or you may just need to turn off the internal chatter. Ask for what you want during your meditation and you will experience how powerful your intentions can be.
5. Mantra Meditation
Mantra meditation helps beginners to avoid distraction and focus on a positive thought, as well as connecting with their true self.
Sit in your favorite position and breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Observe how your breath flows in and out. After a few breaths, start incorporating a mantra in your meditation. You can choose a positive word or phrase that brings harmony, purpose, and self-acceptance.
By starting to have a regular habit to meditate daily you will be surprised how different you will begin to feel. With commitment and consistent practice, you will literally change your life.
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Guided Meditations for Opening the Third Eye
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The third eye, otherwise called the 6th or Agya chakra, is said to be the chakra for higher profound instinct and the one answerable for improvement of mystic powers, for example, clairvoyance and astral travel. Guided intervention third educational are accessible in books and on the web, however you will require assurance and tolerance to genuinely have the option to open your 6th chakra.
Before beginning any means in guided contemplation third enlightening, there are some fundamental pointers you ought to recollect. As a matter of first importance, you have to save some time for the guided contemplation third enlightening, five to ten minutes in any event. An agreeable calm area where you can unwind and feel grounded is likewise significant with the goal that you can without much of a stretch enter the more elevated level of profound awareness. Additionally, ensure that you are not very worn out, eager or full, and that every one of your needs have been gone to preceding the contemplation, as to keep any pointless interruptions from the meeting. Like in all contemplations, don't strain or power your chakras to give you your ideal impacts.
Any guided reflection third enlightening beginning with you sitting easily, either in across legged situation on the floor or with on seat with feet level on the floor with your spine straight and loose. Take five full breaths to open and top off your lungs. Make sure to breathe in and breathe out gradually and profoundly with every breath. Lay your hands on one another before you to encourage vitality stream. At that point, close your eyes and spotlight on the point between your temples on your brow, which is the place the third eye is. Your eyes ought to normally climb without you opening them. Save that position for around two minutes. Utilizing a mantra to state om can likewise help all the while. Keep up this state in any event, when your brain begins floating off or when you're beginning to feel awkward. In the event that you do get diverted, simply put forth a valiant effort to come back to your past condition of focus.
Doing any guided reflections third enlightening will initiate your 6th chakra and in the end present to you the little changes, as extended recognition and advancement of the "intuition" to tell you that you have in reality opened your third eye. For whatever length of time that you keep doing your picked contemplation in a similar spot and time reliably, you will get fruitful in accomplishing this progression in otherworldly edification in time.
On the off chance that you are searching for more data on how brainwave entrainment, binaural beats, monaural beats or isochronic tones can enable you to unwind, get the chance to rest, have better dreams or simply feel less focused on then please examine this incredible asset. There is a free example download on the website too highlighting an amazing brainwave entrainment, reflection music and recordings.
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Guided Meditations for Opening the Third Eye
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The third eye, otherwise called the 6th or Agya chakra, is said to be the chakra for higher profound instinct and the one answerable for advancement of clairvoyant powers, for example, clairvoyance and astral travel. Guided intervention third enlightening are accessible in books and on the web, however you will require assurance and tolerance to genuinely have the option to open your 6th chakra.
Before beginning any means in guided contemplation third educational, there are some essential pointers you ought to recall. As a matter of first importance, you have to save some time for the guided contemplation third educational, five to ten minutes at any rate. An agreeable calm area where you can unwind and feel grounded is likewise significant with the goal that you can without much of a stretch enter the more elevated level of otherworldly cognizance. Additionally, ensure that you are not very drained, ravenous or full, and that every one of your needs have been gone to preceding the contemplation, as to keep any pointless interruptions from the meeting. Like in all contemplations, don't strain or power your chakras to give you your ideal impacts.
Any guided reflection third enlightening beginning with you sitting serenely, either in across legged situation on the floor or with on seat with feet level on the floor with your spine straight and loose. Take five full breaths to open and top off your lungs. Make sure to breathe in and breathe out gradually and profoundly with every breath. Lay your hands on one another before you to encourage vitality stream. At that point, close your eyes and spotlight on the point between your temples on your brow, which is the place the third eye is. Your eyes ought to normally climb without you opening them. Save that position for around two minutes. Utilizing a mantra to state om can likewise help all the while. Keep up this state in any event, when your psyche begins floating off or when you're beginning to feel awkward. In the event that you do get diverted, simply put forth a valiant effort to come back to your past condition of fixation.
Doing any guided reflections third educational will enact your 6th chakra and in the end present to you the little changes, as extended recognition and advancement of the "intuition" to tell you that you have in reality opened your third eye. For whatever length of time that you keep doing your picked reflection in a similar spot and time reliably, you will get effective in accomplishing this progression in otherworldly edification in time.
On the off chance that you are searching for more data on how brainwave entrainment, binaural beats, monaural beats or isochronic tones can enable you to unwind, get the chance to rest, have better dreams or simply feel less focused on then please view this incredible asset. There is a free example download on the webpage too including an amazing brainwave entrainment, contemplation music and recordings.
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What Is Visualization Meditation and How You Can Benefit From It?
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Have you caught wind of representation reflection? This type of contemplation is an incredibly ground-breaking approach to utilize symbolism to calm pressure, take care of issues and develop fearlessness. That may seem like a great deal for only one type of contemplation to have the option to do, yet it is valid. What's more, you can realize this ground-breaking procedure whether you are new to reflection or are an accomplished genius.
Symbolism Profoundly Powerful To The Human Soul
Albert Einstein thought in pictures. In spite of the fact that under 30% of the American populace thinks a similar way, we are for the most part despite everything influenced both by what we look in actuality and what we see with our third eye, or inner consciousness. Try not to trust it? Consider a huge, shaggy creepy crawly arriving on your head and being caught in your hair. Really envision it occurring, and observe how your body responds and what emotions ascend within you. Dread? Sicken? You may have truly felt a chill run down your spine.
That is the intensity of our inner being. Our bodies don't have a clue about the contrast among the real world and an amazing representation. Numerous expert competitors use representation to help learn and ace another procedure. What they are doing is a type of self-spellbinding, which is fundamentally the same as contemplation with perception. Indeed, a few specialists state they are something very similar.
Whatever you call it, representation reflection is genuine and immensely viable. Do this. Think about the individual or individuals you love most in this world. Envision being with them in a placated circumstance. Perhaps it's a huge family assembling at a lake, your parent's home, or your own lawn. Earnestly envision this and note how you are feeling. Would you be able to feel the affection? Bliss? It is safe to say that you are grinning? That is the intensity of the brain.
Representation Meditation Is A Powerful Tool
You can utilize representation reflection to take a shot at issues, contact your soul guides or essentially diminish yourself of irritation and torment. Start by sitting in your preferred reflection present. You can even rests on the off chance that you need. Focus on breathing profoundly. Unwind and ensure your eyes are shut. Presently envision a lovely house, lit up with stunning daylight.
Go into the house. Notice the furniture as you descend the corridor. Take a gander at the photographs that are held tight the divider. The photographs are of the considerable number of individuals, spots and creatures you have ever adored. Hold strolling down the lobby until you get to your room. Presently open the entryway and enter.
You may see your soul manage, or a form of your past or future self. Or on the other hand there may be a message composed on a scratch pad or a PC screen. Maybe there is no message by any stretch of the imagination. Whatever is there, experience it. Plunk down on the off chance that you need. Unwind in this room. It's your room, and it has been sitting tight for you.
Remain As Long As You Want
At the point when you are prepared, leave the room and shut the entryway. Stroll down the corridor and out of the house. Let yourself come back to where you are doing the visual reflection. At the point when you are prepared, open your eyes and perceive how you feel.
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Develop Your Brain Power
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Human brain is a mysterious being. It is the most powerful thing in this world. Our brain is much stronger and potent than any computer ever to be invented. Hence, it is able to store unlimited amount of data in a very compact space.
The brain is responsible for all the functioning of our system. It even controls our heart and emotions, not to say all the decisions and thoughts. Yet, very little is known about this precious little body part. A number of scientists work day and night to unravel the various mysteries of the brains, yet they have been successful only to a small extent. There are lots of more hidden secrets which are yet to be discovered. Scientists around the world are nowhere near solving this riddle.
A finding has shown that people use very small part of their brain. Geniuses generally use only 30% of their brain power and still tower over us. Hence, it pays to develop your brain for it is the most effective way to help you survive in this highly competitive and volatile era.
One advantage of developing your brain power is that it gives you a definite edge over your competitors. People with high brain power are highly successful and influential people. These people prove to be strong leaders and dangerous enemies. They know what they want from the world and work accordingly. Hence, we must develop and expand our brain power if we want to be really successful in our lives.
Another advantage of developing your brain is that it keeps at bay all the memory related diseases. People with weaker brains are more prone to forgetfulness in their later lives. They may even be susceptible to diseases like Alzheimer. Therefore, if you constantly make an effort in developing your brain then you will have a very good memory even in your mature age. And even if your family has a history of the Alzheimer disease, still you will be able to keep it at bay and always have an alert and active mind.
Yet, another benefit of developing your brain power is that it gives you an inner satisfaction. You build up your confidence level. You can even develop a photographic memory. You will be a very interesting person to converse as you will know about a variety of subjects. And lastly, you will find yourself surrounded by positive energy. Hence, developing your brain is highly necessary.
The first step towards developing your brain is developing your body. By developing your body we do not mean that you literally go to a gym and start building up your body muscles. What we mean is that you should keep your body healthy with the right combination of food and exercise. Try to eat healthy and complete food that gives your body all the nutrition that it requires. Exercise properly to keep your body fit and active. Hence, your body becomes healthy to support your dynamic mind.
Secondly, you could include some food items in your diet that gives your brain a special boost. These food items include ingredients like olive oil and almonds. Almonds are known to be memory boosters and they work best when soaked overnight and consumed the next day.
Thirdly, you should make your brain activated with the help of puzzles. Many mind games like Sudoku and word puzzles invigorate your mind by challenging its powers. The greater the challenge the stronger your grey matter becomes. Hence, take out time from your daily routine to indulge in these activities.
Fourthly, enhance your knowledge by going through good and informative books. A well read person is a very knowledgeable person and it is very difficult to fool him. So, do take the help of the books if you really want to enhance your intelligence.
Fifthly, avoid tensions. Tension slows down a person and affects his decisive power. Constant tensions also start affecting adversely on the intellect. So, try to avoid tension filled situations. If you are in a job that gives you daily dose of huge tensions then think seriously of switching jobs. You will be highly thankful in the long run.
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Binaural Sleep Meditation - A Powerful Technique For Achieving Restful Sleep and Deep Relaxation
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Do you experience difficulty getting a decent night's rest? Is an absence of rest adding to weariness and worry during the day? Do you experience difficulty unwinding? Provided that this is true, binaural rest reflection is a profoundly compelling approach to push you to reliably accomplish an incredible night's rest while additionally helping you to appreciate a casual, calm perspective during your waking hours.
What is Binaural Sleep Meditation?
Binaural rest contemplation is a basic system that joins binaural beats and loosening up sounds to assist you with encountering an extraordinary night's rest. Many years of logical research have indicated that binaural beats can be utilized to tune our brainwave recurrence into an incredibly loosened up express that effectively permits us to accomplish a sound, tranquil night's rest.
How are Binaural Beats Used in Binaural Sleep Meditation?
Binaural rest reflection system utilizes a sound track of quieting unwinding music that is tuned in to through a lot of earphones. Underneath the layer of unwinding music are binaural beats of two unique frequencies, one for every ear. These two frequencies cause the mind to tune into a recurrence related the with profound, reflective condition of unwinding and normal pre-rest sluggishness that we need so as to nod off and remain sound sleeping.
Advantages of Binaural Beat Meditation
Binaural rest treatment encourages you to accomplish peaceful rest, yet in addition has various side advantages that can improve your condition of prosperity during your waking hours too. These extra advantages include:
- Increased degrees of vitality
- Improved focus and mental clearness
- The capacity to stay progressively quiet even with distressing circumstances
- Heightened innovativeness
New clients of binaural beat contemplation are frequently charmingly astounded to encounter profound unwinding and reflective states close to tuning in to a track, joined by a welcome, soothing night of rest.
As far as I can tell, I have discovered that utilizing these binaural rest methods for half a month really conditions my psyche to accomplish the condition of pre-rest tiredness and unwinding I need all alone. Nonetheless, I keep on tuning in to binaural tracks all the time in the first part of the day just as around evening time essentially as a result of how compelling they are in helping me to accomplish conditions of profound unwinding and readiness during the day.
I realize that binaural beats have had an enormous effect in my own life, so in the event that you are experiencing difficulty dozing or unwinding, or are managing worry in your day by day life, I truly urge you to give binaural rest reflection an attempt to find exactly how successful it very well may be in helping you get the rest you need.
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About Guided Meditation Techniques
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Usually, the mind is an obstacle to meditation. There are various techniques to render it speechless or methods of observing the constant stream of noise it likes to generate. Sometimes the mind seems like an entity all to itself, an enemy that dwells within one's own skin.
However, let us not forget that the true purpose of the mind is to serve its master, the true self. The mind is a tool that can be used to achieve many tasks. The mind may even be used as a pathway for meditation. One of the many meditation methods is called guided meditation. Guided meditation sessions often take place at the end of a Yoga class.
The power of the human imagination is vast and harnessing this powerful force is what makes guided meditation so effective. The individual envisions predefined scenarios as instructed and these mental images produce a deeply meditative state. Since the eyes are closed, the prescribed visualizations must either be recalled from memory or heard either through an instructor or a recording; reading is not an option.
One may record themselves beforehand and listen to the recording or they may ask a friend to recite it for them since some people find the sound of their own voice distracting during guided meditation. Whatever method works best for an individual is the best path for them.
It has been stated that the non-conscious mind cannot distinguish between fact, or fiction; everything it is presented with is accepted as fact. This is why we are afraid during a scary movie or why we cry at the end of a tearjerker. The conscious mind knows that a movie is not real, but to the non-conscious mind it is. For that level of the mind, it did happen. The same can be said for our imaginings. The things we dream up in the realms of the mind often have a physiological impact on our systems. When we worry our the heart rate goes up, the palms start to sweat, and the breathing grows shallow, fast, or both.
This powerful aspect of the mind is typically used passively and never intentionally, which is a great waste of potential. With guided meditation, the non-conscious mind becomes a great tool for profound inner transformation.
Before entering the guided meditation, comfort should be considered. Wear loose fitting clothing and get the body into a position that will remain comfortable for the long haul. Get settled in the chosen position and then wait a minute or two. If further shifting around is needed, do so now. Once the body is taken care of, the meditation can begin.
There are a variety of different guided meditations out there to choose from and each has its own benefits. Pure light guided meditation involves vividly imagining light surrounding and being absorbed into the body; this is cleansing and purifying as it dissolves all impurities and emotional hurts found within. Another example of a guided meditation is imagining becoming one with a tree, right down to the roughness of the bark and the feel of the earth around the roots of the tree. This is a grounding meditation.
There are a myriad of guided meditation scenarios to choose from, each yielding different effects. The key is to choose what you as an individual are drawn to based on your own unique needs.
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How To Meditate Properly Techniques
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So you want to learn how to meditate properly? Well you have come to the right place. Before I get into how to meditate, I want to talk a little about what meditation is.
What is Meditation?
If you are not familiar with meditation, you may be confused about what it really is. Meditation is simply "awareness". What is awareness? It is a state where you are completely present in the moment. Being present means you are not thinking about the past and not thinking about the future. All that exists is this very moment, right now. In this state, you can reach higher levels of consciousness and an increase in clarity of mind.
You are not your thoughts. We believe we are what we think, because we associated who we are with what we are thinking. But to meditate is to separate yourself from your thoughts. You simply become "the watcher". During meditation, you are observing your thoughts. This is how you will reach a state of "no mind", that is, you are in a state of thoughtless awareness.
Why Meditate? What are the Benefits?
Meditation has many benefits. Your mind, body, and soul are connected. A change in one will affect the other. Meditation will help clear your mind of useless thoughts and clutter. You will find you will have a more sense of clarity as you go about your daily activities. You will also find you will feel more grounded in this world and more calm. Meditation also helps you become happier and loving. All the negative emotions you attach to things that have happened in the past and all the negative emotions you attach to potential things that could happen in the future are decreased, and sometimes completely eliminated. Meditation teaches you to detach from your thoughts, so naturally you will detach from stressful thoughts. A decrease in stress will help with stress related illness such as heart disease and high blood pressure.
Beyond all the benefits listed above, meditation is a time for your to relax simply just be. It is time for you to appreciate yourself, life, and embrace a higher being.
Anyone can do and benefit from meditation. You do not have to be religious or have a god to benefit from meditation. Meditation is for anyone who wants to live a better and more stress free life.
How To Meditate Properly?
Easy steps for how to meditate properly.
You will want to find a quiet and comfortable place to sit down. You can sit down anywhere, on the floor or on the chair. Your back must be straight. People say you shouldn't lie down because it's an easy way to fall asleep. If you can get away with it then you can lie down if you wish.
Breath normally. In and out. Pay attention to your breath. Focus on the air coming in through your nose, into your lungs, and back out. Focusing on your breath keeps your mind away from focusing on all the thoughts swirling in your mind.
You will notice many many thoughts coming in and out. The key here is to let them be. Do not push them away or hold on to them. Do not try and interpret them or make sense of them. Simply allow them to arise and go away as they do. You are the watcher. You are simply watching these thoughts. As time goes by, these thoughts will subside slowly...... and eventually, you will have reached a state of "no mind", where you have no thoughts. This is the blissful meditative state.
That's it! Easy and simple meditation.
Tips on How To Meditate Properly
Meditate for at least 20 minutes a day. It can take 10 minutes or more to quiet your mind.
Do it daily. Be consistent with it.
Meditation is not a pill to band-aid your issues. It is a way of life. Embrace the full power of meditation.
You may not successfully meditate right off the bat, but it's okay. Understand it can take some time to "get it". Keep at it. If you can only sit for 5 minutes that's okay too. It's a start.
Meditative music, like binaural beats or guided meditation can be excellent for beginners or those with experience. Basically, they help put you in a meditative state faster and more efficiently, so you can benefit with longer sessions in a meditative state and deeper meditative states as well.
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Yoga Poses For Weight Loss: The Healthy Way Of Losing Weight
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One of the most effective stress busters is yoga! This is also one of the world's widely preferred workouts that could fight stubborn extra fats. According to studies, yoga poses for weight loss are really reliable. These poses can be used to achieve firm arms, butt, legs, as well as abs. It could be your greatest ally in preventing weight gain. By doing such activities, you can successfully achieve your desired weight in just three 3 weeks!
What do you need? You just need to prepare your yoga mat. You can do this routine within three consecutive weeks or nearly a month or so, unless you're advised to do so. Begin from the 'main move' in every exercise, but if you find it too difficult for you, then you can start with the 'make it easier' variation.
However, if it's effortless or too easy for you to follow then you better try the 'make it harder' way. In order for you to achieve successful results, you can hold each and every pose for minimum of 5 breaths or maximum of 8 breaths, then later on you can increase the number of times that you'll repeat the pose. Do not as well forget the 5 One Minute Weight Loss Secrets, in order for you to come up with much better results.
Let's discuss each of the moves.
1. What is the Main Move?
Main move (Crescent) includes the thighs, hips, and the abs. Relax and then stand with your both legs, with your feet together, while your toes is pointing forward. Once you are on that position, bend forward starting from your hips, and then bring your both hands unto floor. And then, you inhale. If you exhale you should step your one leg back into the lunge. Make sure that your knee is gently bent, like about 90 degrees. Also, it would be knee over ankle. Inhale with your arms raised overhead.
2. What is the 'make it harder move'?
From your end position, inhale then arch torso with your head backward, looking at the fingertips.
3. What is the 'make it easier' move?
Lower your knee so as to touch the floor and as you step back to a lunge, rest your hands on your left thigh.
Why Yoga is better for losing weight?
One of the best reasons is the fact that it activates internal heat. Many people are doing yoga because they believe that this is one of the most well known methods for losing weight, but this is far from what the truth is. Ancient yogis were creating heat inside their body instead of heating their caves. This is why yoga is very special because it has the power to create warmth. With the use of proper yoga poses, you can lose weight in a matter of 3 weeks or month, depending on how committed you are.
The heat created can burn fats and later on can be the best answer for losing weight. The yoga poses for weight loss can be done by anyone. It requires you to have focus and discipline. This is the reason why successful yogis have lean muscles and has the excellent balancing capability.
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Achieve Deep States of Meditation By Using Powerful Sound Waves - The New Way To Meditate!
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It is a scientific fact that sound stimulates our mind, it has the power to change our moods, trigger emotions and imagination and even go so far as to alter our states of perception.
Our mind responds to our brainwave frequencies - the electrical pulses in our brain determine which brain wave state we are presently working in.
The most commonly categorized frequencies are;Beta, Alpha, Theta & Delta.
The Rooms of our Mind
An easy way to understand this is to imagine you are stood in the center of a circular room, there are several different colored open doorways around this room. Each doorway leads to a hall set with its own ambiance and powers.
The Alpha Hall...
Imagine we walk through the green doorway, you notice above the doorway is the sign; 'Alpha Hall'. In the Alpha hall there is a lovely relaxing atmosphere, you can hear soft bells ringing and birds singing all around you, the air is fresh and clean. There are many things to look at that remind you of the different parts of your life. All around there are comfortable sofas, cushions and chairs inviting you to sit in them and rest. In this room you can focus on everything very deeply and you feel a sense of understanding.You are very relaxed and soothed and can't help but settle into one of the soft, plush sofas and allow yourself to soak up the atmosphere. You find you are able to sort though the thoughts in your mind and make better judgments and decisions.
The Beta Hall...
After a while and feeling wonderfully refreshed you leave the alpha hallway and return to the circular room, you then enter through the red doorway and see the sign above 'Beta Hall'. This room has an electric, vibrant atmosphere and you instantly feel an energy rush. There are clocks ticking, office desks, computers, phones ringing, gym equipment and lots of interesting activities ready for you to work with. You feel alive and ready to take on the world. Ideas begin to form in your mind and you decide which activity you are going to perform first.
The Theta Hall...
When you leave the Beta hall and return to the circular room you decide to go though the purple colored doorway. Above is the sign; 'Theta Hall'. When you enter the Theta hall your body starts to feel weightless. You begin to forget the immediate things on your mind and your present circumstances, instead you see yourself in a more meaningful way, as though you have taken a step back and have reached the control center of your being. You feel you can conjure up various situations and surroundings, almost as though you are in a dream state. It's a magical room where anything is possible. In this hall you can study your life and behavior from a new perspective and understand and decide on the things you need in your life back in the circular room.
The Delta Hall...
Back in the circular room you enter though the blue doorway, above is the sign; 'Delta Hall'. Inside the Delta hall it is as though it were night with a bright moon and sparkling stars in the sky. There is a distant singing that sounds like angels are serenading you. You immediately feel drowsy and notice there are beds and resting places all around. The atmosphere feels safe and healing, any pain you have seems to melt away. You rest in a soft, downy bed and allow the warmth to soak into you and feel a wonderful healing energy enter your body. You drift away into a rejuvenating deep sleep.
Brainwave entrainment music attempts to guide the brain toward planned frequencies and combinations to produce the target response in our brain such as deep relaxation, meditation, pain relief.
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