What flavor is your favorite?
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"Of the tea? I like the Raspberry dragon fruit one."
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Have you ever tried boba tea yet?
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"Yeah, Darwin wanted to try one at some cafe place or whatever a while back, so we spent our allowance on that. It's pretty good."
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Kill God
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"Meh, I've got better things to do."
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What if Darwin was allergic to cat fur?
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"I'd.. Prefer not to think about it."
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Who do you love more, Darwin or Anais? And don't say "I love them both equally".
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"I'm not pitting my siblings against each other like that. Mom already does that enough with us even if she tries not to show it."
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Hey Gumball, do you hate Mondays and really like lasagna?
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"Who doesn't hate Monday? It means having to go back to school and deal with Miss Simian screeching into your face all day! As for lasagna.... I don't love it, but I like when mom makes it."
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I got it from the internet.
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"Dagnabbit Sarah! Of course she would've seen and uploaded that!"
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"..Where did you get that."
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Because you are cat.
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"Hey just because I'm a cat doesn't mean that I'm gonna instantly bend to your will, I'm not doing squat."
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Would you like to be treated like a pet cat?
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"Why would I want to do that??"
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Hi! Gumball
I want to see you in pajamas.
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"Sarah is that you? Get out of my blog."
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Hi! Gumball
Why do you love Saturday?
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"Because it's the best day to sit back, relax, eat cereal, and watch cartoons without someone in your ear telling you to get up and go to school. Why wouldn't I love Saturday?"
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"Heh, that was fun."
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Hi, Penny here. Just wanted to say I'm breaking up with you cause you suck.
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"Nice try anon, Penny would never break up with me over text. She has decency."
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Happy birthday!
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"Thank you? My birthday isn't until like July though."
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What kinds of mischief have u been up to?
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"Eh, just the typical stuff. Nothing too noteworthy besides almost falling off that unfinished bridge....again."
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I have scientific proof that you are the center of the universe.
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"I knew it!"
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